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Нижний Новгород 2 страница

Читайте также:
  1. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 1 страница
  2. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 2 страница
  3. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 3 страница
  4. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 4 страница
  5. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 5 страница
  6. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens 6 страница
  7. A Flyer, A Guilt 1 страница

7. I think it’s________________to take a little_______________


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. the moning sun on the_______________________

2. ______________and soaking up the warm_____________________

3. the orange juice they had____________________

4. managed to save____________________

5. across their lazy____________________

6. ____________nothing-especially___________________

7. ____________to take a little_______________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. Where were the Carruthers?

2. Who interrupted their reverie?

3. How long had they been saving for the vacation?

4. What did they want to think about?


Episode 10


Jim Norton bought a motor-cycle last week and yesterday suggested to his wife Judy that she take her first ride on one. She agreed although she was a little apprehensive. She finally decided that today was as good as any day, and now finds herself speeding along, seated behind Jim with her long hair blowing in the wind, holding fast to Jim’s waist with both hands. She’s beginning to feel the exhilaration that he has talked about so often. Jim used to be a race car driver, and his driving skill is a great reassurance for Judy. The sense of freedom that she feels is exciting. In fact, she is beginning to think that she should have her own “Set of wheels” and resolves to bring the matter up as soon as they get home. Jim starts to slow down and turns off the highway. “Time to have that snack we brought”, he shouts to her over his shoulder. “We can eat in a little broad side-park up ahead”, Judy agrees. She is suddenly feeling absolutely famished.





1. Judy’s taking her fist motorcycle ride.

2. Judy is sitting behind Jim.

3. Jim has long hair.

4. Judy feels exhilarated.

5. She has confidence in Jim’s driving skill.

6. She begins to feel a little fearful and wants to go home.

7. Jim turns off the highway.

8. They plan to eat in a restaurant.

9. Judy is very hungry.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Jim Norton bought a _________________last week.

2. She finally decided that_______________is as good as any______________

3. Jim used to be a race car_______________

4. She revolves to bring the________________up as soon as they get___________

5. “Time to have that______________we brought”, he shouts to her over his_____________

6. She is suddenly______________absolutely________________


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.

1. that she take her first_______________

2. she was a little____________________

3. ________________along seated behind

4. ________________blowing in the____________

5. has talked about so_______________

6. sense of________________________

7. ________________________to think that

8. her own “set of_____________________”

9. starts to slow____________________

IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. What did Jim Norton buy last week?

2. Where is Judy sitting?

3. Why does Judy feel assured about Jim’s driving skill?

4. What does Judy think that she should have?

5. Where are they going to eat?


Episode 11

Jamesport, August, 15. The police reported that yesterday at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon Bobby Lane, age 12, was struck by a car near the intersection of Poplar and Chestnut streets. Ralf Osborne, the driver of the car, said that Bobby suddenly ran in front of his car and he didn’t have time to stop. Witnesses of the accident said that young Lane was chasing a ball, darted out into the street and ran into the left front fender of the Osborne station wagon. Officer Mihaus who investigated the accident found the boy lying in the street in front of the car and Osborne anxiously standing by waited for the police and ambulance to arrive. Officer Milhaus said that the boy was still conscious, but dazed. He did not think that the boy was seriously injured. The boy was taken by ambulance to the Mercy Hospital where his condition was reported as good. Osborne was not charged by the police.





1. Bobby Lane was struck by a car.

2. The accident happened in the morning.

3. The driver of the car didn’t stop.

4. Bobby ran in front of the car.

5. Witnesses saw the accident.

6. Bobby was riding his bicycle.

7. The police found Bobby lying in the street.

8. Mr. Osborne waited for the police and ambulance to arrive.

9. Bobby was taken home in an ambulance.

10. The police did not charge Osborne.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Bobby Lane, age 12, was struck by a _____________near the____________ of Poplar and Chestnut Streets.

2. The driver of the car said that _____________suddenly ran in_____________of his car.

3. Witnesses of the____________said that young Lane was chasing a _____________, darted out into the____________, and ran into the left front____________of the Osborne station_______________

4. Officer Milhaus said that the ____________________was still conscious, but ______________

5. He did not think that the boy was seriously__________________________

6. Osborne was not________________by the police.

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. _________________that yesterday about

2. the driver of the____________________

3. ____________________________to stop

4. who investigated the_________________

5. _______________in the street in front of

6. _________________standing by, waiting

7. was taken by_______________________

8. ________________was reported as good


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. When was Bobby Lane struck by car?

2. Why didn’t Ralph Osborne have time to stop?

3. How did witnesses describe the accident?

4. Where did Officer Milhaus find Bobby?

5. What was Bobby’s condition?

6. Where was Bobby taken?


Episode 12

Phyllis knew that she would have to hurry to finish on time. She didn’t like to rush, but time was very short. She knew exactly what she needed to do to complete the experiment. She had learned through experience that “haste makes waste”. She could hear the insistent tick of the clock, a reminder not to waste any more time. She picked up her instruments and began to make the necessary measurements, writing the figures down on a chart. She worked quickly and efficiently. Everything was proceeding at a good pace. Her confidence grew, and she was pleased with the work that she was doing. She knew that the results of the experiment would benefit many people. “It’s exciting”, she thought, “to be working on the frontier of new scientific discoveries that will help man live better lives”. She was proud and happy to be a research scientist.





1. Phylis liked to rush.

2. She had learned about haste from experience.

3. The clock reminded her about not wasting time.

4. She picked up her instrument and played a lovely song.

5. She forgot to write down the figures.

6. The work was proceeding efficiently.

7. The results of the experiment would benefit people.

8. Phyllis found her work exciting.

9. She is proud of her profession.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Circle the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Phyllis knew that she had to (stop, hurry, hope) to finish on (time, turn tense).

2. She didn’t like to (rapid, rush, read).

3. She knew (where, how, what) she needed to do.

4. She (had, should, was) learned though experience that “haste (makes, marks, shows) waste”.

5. She began to make the necessary (means, measurements, movements) with her instrument.

6. She worked quickly and (efficiently, expectantly, effectively).

7. Her (conscience, concern, confidence) grew.

8. The results indicated that (animals, people, children) would benefit.

9. It is exciting to work on the (frontier, forefront, foremost) of scientific discoveries.

10. Phyllis was (sad, energetic, proud) to be a research scientist.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. would have to____________

2. ______________she needed

3. ______________learned through

4. ______________of the clock

5. the necessary______________

6. qwickly and_______________

7. she was___________________

8. results of the_______________

9. new scientific_______________

10. __________________help men


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. What had Phyllis learned through experience?

2. What could she hear?

3. How did she work?

4. How did she feel about the experiment?

5. Why was her work exciting?


Episode 13



From the moment she got off the plane, Janet felt that something was wrong. But she could not decide what it was. She proceeded through the airport to the baggage pickup. As she waited for her bags to appear, she began to think once again that something was wrong, something was missing. Her bags arrived, and a skycap took them to a waiting taxi. As she rode into the city, she turned over in her mind the events of the day. The flight from Denver had been uneventful, her hotel reservation was confirmed, and her business appointments for the week had been scheduled a month ago. Everything appeared to be in order. Yet, she still felt that something was missing. She glanced down at the seat. There were her purse, her small bag of make-up and suddenly she knew what was wrong – her briefcase with all the important documents and plans was missing. She almost screamed.






1. Janet has come by bus.

2. She thought that something was wrong.

3. She carried her own bags to the train.

4. Janet had come from Denver.

5. She had business appointments for a week.

6. Everything seemed to be in order.

7. Her bags were on the car seat beside her.

8. Janet discovered that her briefcase was missing.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Janet felt that something was_________________

2. She proceeded through the ____________to the baggage_____________

3. As she waited for her______________to appear, she began to think once again___________that____________was wrong.

4. A skycap took them to a waiting _______________________

5. She turned over in her mind the ____________of the day.

6. Her hotel ________________was confirmed, and her business ___________for the week had been ____________________a month ago.

7. There were her ______________, her small____________of make-up and suddenly she knew_____________was wrong.

8. Her briefcase, with all the important_____________and ________________was missing.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. _______________of the plane

2. could not__________________

3. ______________pickup

4. think over once_____________

5. ______________into the City

6. _______________from Denver

7. to be in __________________

8. something was_____________

9. ____________of make-up

10. ____________and plans

IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. When did Janet begin to feel that something was wrong?

2. Who carried her bags?

3. Where was she going?

4. What was on the seat beside her?

5. What was missing?

Episode 14


It had been a long hard day for Frank. He’d begun work early at 6 a.m. and had worked steadily all day for nearly 12 hours without stopping except for ten minutes to eat a sandwich. Long hours were not unusual in his kind of work, but tonight for some reason he felt more exhausted, than usual. He noticed, too, that his vision seemed more impaired. He hope that he wasn’t going to faint. Frank took a lot of pride in being strong and able to endure a lot of hard work. He suddenly realized that he would have to sit down. He was beginning to feel a little dizzy and heart seemed to be beating much faster than normal. He noticed, too, a cold sweat had broken out all over his body. He was glad to sit down on a nearly chair. He closed his eyes for a moment and some of the dizziness seemed to diminish. He tried to breathe deeply to get more sir into his lungs. Suddenly, he felt afraid, “Am I having a heart attack?” he wondered. “I am going to have to call somebody to help me, I am very weak”. He looked around and saw that Joe Brainard was still working in the next room. “Hey, Joe”, he called weakly. “I need help”. “I’ll be right there”, Joe answered.







1. Frank only worked six hours.

2. He stopped frequently to rest.

3. Long hours were not unusual for him.

4. He couldn’t see very well.

5. Frank was proud of being strong.

6. His heart stopped beating.

7. He finally sat down on the floor.

8. He couldn’t breathe so he closed his eyes.

9. He wondered if he were having a heart attack.

10. He called someone to help him.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Circle the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Frank began work at (five, six, seven)A.M.

2. He stopped to (rest, sleep, eat) for ten minutes.

3. He hoped that he wasn’t going to (fall, faint, fret).

4. He began to (try, have, feel) a little (dizzy, dumb, devoted).

5. A cold (chill, sensation, sweat) had broken out all (over, under, through) his body.

6. Some of the dizziness (stopped, seemed, left) to diminish.

7. He (started, implied, tried) to breathe deeply to (get, force, inhale) more air into his (mouth, throat, lungs).

8. He looked (up, over, around) and saw that Joe Brainerd was (quickly, still, late) working.

9. “I’ll be (soon, rapidly, right)there!”

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. had worked______________

2. ____________for ten minutes

3. _____________of work

4. exhausted than____________

5. ___________impaired

6. able to__________________

7. ____________than normal

8. for a________________

9. ________________he felt

10. called_________________

IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. How long had Frank worked?

2. Why did he sit down?

3. Where did he sit down?

4. Why did he try to breathe deeply?

5. Whom did he call?



Episode 15

In the back of his mind, lee Mason had an idea about the best way to ask his boss, Mr. Rossiter, for a raise in salary. He had never had courage, enough but now, with the pressing needs of his family and the increasing inflation, he needed more money, just to take care of the minimum necessities. His wife had spoken to him that morning about the problem she was having with the washing machine. It looked as if he would have to buy a new one. The children all needed new clothes and his wife Anna certainly deserved to have a new dress or two. Fuel bills had been high during the winter months, and the prince of food seemed to go up every day. He had to act. He could no longer wait for a raise in salary whenever Mr. Rossiter decided to give him one. He had made up his mind, the plan he had formulated seemed perfect to him. He took a deep breath, raised his hand and knocked firmly on Mr. Rossiter’s office door. A deep male voice said, “Come in!”





1. Lee Mason had an idea about his boss.

2. He needed more money.

3. He has a family.

4. His wife wanted to buy a new car.

5. Their washing machine is not working well.

6. They had had low fuel bills.

7. Lee needed new clothes.

8. He had made up his mind to act.

9. He knocked on. Mr.Rossiter’door.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Circle the words that best complete the sentence.


1. In the (front, back, top) of his mind, Lee Mason had an idea.

2. He had never (wanted, thought, had) courage enough before.

3. With the (pressing, pleasing, passing) needs of his family and the increasing (institution, inflation, insulation), he needed more money.

4. His wife had (talked, mentioned, spoken) to him that morning about the (time, problem, perplexity) she was having with the washing machine.

5. His wife certainly (demanded, decided, deserved) to have a new dress or (two, so, for).

6. The price of food (soared, sensed, seemed) to go up everyday.

7. He could no longer wait for a (upper, start, raise) in safary (if, whenever, however) Mr. Rossiter decided to give him (some, any, one).

8. The plan he (did, has, had) formulated seemed perfect (to, by, for) him.

9. He took a deep (sing, breath, air), raised his hand, and (knocked, beat, rapped) firmly on Mr. Rossiter’s (outer, inner, office) door.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. about the best_____________

2. a raice in_________________

3. but now__________________

4. _______________to take care

5. him that__________________

6. ___________with the washing

7. looked as_________________

8. ________________needed new

9. ________________bills

10. ________________winter

11. could no_________________

12. had made________________

13. __________________said

IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. Who is Mr. Rossiter?

2. What is increasing?

3. What problem was Mrs. Mason having?

4. What did the children need?

5. What seened to go up everyday?

6. What had Lee formulated?




Episode 16


Donna decided that she would do a little shopping before going home from wook. There was something she needed at the drugstore, and she also wanted to pick up some dresses from the cleaners. She left her car in the office parking lot and walked the 3 blocks to the shopping mall nearby. “It felt good to walk in the fresh air”, she thought after a day spent at a typewriter in the office. She breathed deeply as she walked and thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of freedom that the outdoors can give. After she had completed her purchases at the drugstore and picked up her cleaning, she started back to where her car was parked. On the way she stopped long enough to pick up some food for her dinner that evening. She arrived back at the office parking lot as the sun was sinking low in the West. As she approached her car, she look at the tyres on the rear wheels and let out a little gasp. One of the tyres was flat. “Now, what will I do”, she thought, “I’ve never changed a flat tyre before”. Suddenly, a familiar cheery voice rang out across the parking lot. “Hey, Donna, can you give me a ride home?” It was her older brother Dan. She was overjoyed, her flat tyre problem was solved.






1. Donna wanted to pick up some dresses at the drugstore.

2. She left her car in the office.

3. She walked to the shopping mall.

4. She enjoyed the feeling of the freedom as she walked.

5. She forgot to go to the drugstore.

6. She stopped to get some food.

7. The sun was just setting when she arrived at the parking lot.

8. She looked at the tires.

9. Donna had changed many flat tires.

10. Her brother was waiting for her.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Circle the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Donna decided to (go, do, make) a little shopping before going home (from, after, for) work.

2. She wanted to pick (out, off, up) some dresses from the cleaners.

3. She walked the tree (blocks, books, brooks) to the shopping mall (nearby, nearly, near to).

4. It felt good to walk (on, through, on) the fresh air.

5. She breathed deeply (when, as, like) she walked and (thoroughly, thoughtfully, thankfully) enjoyed the feeling of freedom.

6. She started back to (there, when, where) her car was parked.

7. On the (way, walk, wait) she stopped long enough to pick (out, over, up) some food for her dinner (what, this, that) evening.

8. The sun was (thinking, singing, sinking) low in the west.

9. She let (off, up, out) a little (gasp, guess, jest).

10. A familiar, (chilly, cheery, chary) voice rang out (across, about, though) the parking lot.

11. Her flat tire problem was (saved, solved, sold).

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. ________________she needed

2. _________________her car

3. office parking______________

4. _______________a day

5. _______________deeply

6. _______________can give

7. completed her______________

8. car was___________________

9. on the rear_________________

10. of the tires_________________

11. give me a_________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. What did Donna want to pick up at the cleaners?

2. Where did she leave her car?

3. What did she do as she walked?

4. When did she arrive back at the parking lot?

5. Why did she let out a gasp?

6. Who is Dan?


Episode 17


“My mind is made up, Felix”, Roberta said.

“I am not going to the concert tonight. I have too much yet to do on that report to the committee, and, besides, you can get Austin to go with you. You know how he enjoys getting out now and then. Besides, he is an excellent music critic with a fine ear, even though he’s gotten a little deaf in the past year or so…” – “I had really counted on your going with me”, Felix replied. “That’s why I made a special effort to get such good seats”. You know how I hate to wait in line, and I waited in line for nearly two hours, just to get these tickets”. – “I am sorry to be such a drag”, Roberta said. – “And I really intended to go. But you know how Mr. Petters is, when he is chairman of a committee to be just as dedicated and hardworking as he is. And he has asked for this report by noon tomorrow. I just have to do it tonight without fail”. – “Oh, all right”, - Felix replied. “If you must – you must. I guess, I’ll call Austin then. At last, I know he is not busy tonight”.






1. Roberta is not going to concert.

2. She has to write some letters to friends.

3. Austin is a good music critic.

4. Austin doesn’t hear very well.

5. Felix made a special effort to get good seats.

6. He had to wait in line almost a whole day.

7. Roberta never intended to go to the concert.

8. The chairman of the committee is Austin.

9. Mr. Peters expects people on the committee to be dedicated and hardworking.

10. Felix is going to call Mr. Peters.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. My mind is made________________

2. I have too much____________to do on flat report.

3. You can______________ Austin to go with you.

4. He enjoys getting out now and________________

5. I___________________

6. I had realy_______________on your going with me.

7. You know_____________I hate to wait in___________

8. I’m sorry to be_______________a drag.

9. You know how Mr. Peters______________

10. He has asked for this ________________by noon tomorrow.

11. If you___________________, you must.

12. At_________________I know he’s not busy tonight.

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. not going_____________

2. report to the____________

3. _____________getting out

4. _____________though he’s

5. past year or____________

6. that’s_________________

7. ______________two hours

8. _____________to get these

9. ____________intended to go

10. ____________of a committee

11. just as_________________

12. without________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.



1. Why isn’t Roberta going to the concert?

2. Who’s an excellent mucic critic?

3. How long did Felix wait in line?

4. Who is Mr. Peters?

5. What does he expect of committee?

6. When is the report due?


Episode 18

The latest news from overseas was not good. Philip’s investments in some of the foreign markets that had appeared so promising last year, were looking less and less profitable. In fact, Philip was afraid that if matters did not improve soon he would be forced to sell at a considerable loss. And then, there was the problem with the documents for the house he thought he had bought recently. The bank had failed to notify him of certain discrepancies in the wording of the contract. His lawyer was out of town for two weeks and couldn’t be reached. And now it looked as if the deal was going to fall through because the seller might decide not to sell. Besides all this, his daughter had called him from the university the night before and told him that she had fallen madly in love and wanted to leave school to get married. “But Cynthia”, he’d argued, “you are only 19 years old. Finish school first and then you can get married”. Cynthia did not want to discuss the matter at all and in spite of his pleading had told him that her mind was made up. Philip could do nothing but acquiesce. “Luckily”, - he thought, - “I know the boy she loves and he is a fine young man. That’s one bright spot in all the mess of the past few days”.

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