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Нижний Новгород 1 страница

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Министерство культуры Российской Федерации

Нижегородская государственная консерватория (академия)

Им. М.И. Глинки




Учебное пособие по английскому языку


Рекомендовано Приволжским региональным учебно-методическим центром Учебно-методического объединения по образованию в области лингвистики для студентов музыкальных вузов и факультетов






Нижний Новгород


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ННГК им М. И. Глинки


УДК 781.6

ББК 81.2 Англ.


Everyday Topics: Учебное пособие по английскому языку - Н.Новгород: ННГК

им. М. И. Глинки, 2012. – 81 с.



Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов первого и второго уровня обучения и представляет собой последовательность лексико-грамматических упражнений интерактивного характера, направленных на формирование и развитие речевых навыков студента, а также на снятие трудностей в межкультурной коммуникации в процессе профессиональной деятельности в иноязычной среде.


Составитель: преподаватель TOEFL Jared Paul Hefti


Под редакцией кандидата филологических наук, доц. В.А.Калмыкова


Рецензенты: кандидат филологических, профессор И.М.Деева

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент А.А.Фролов



©Издательство ННГК им. М. И. Глинки, 2012




Episode 1. 5

Episode 2. 6

Episode 3. 8

Episode 4. 10

Episode 5. 11

Episode 6. 13

Episode 7. 15

Episode 8. 17

Episode 9. 19

Episode 10. 20

Episode 11. 22

Episode 12. 24

Episode 13. 26

Episode 14. 28

Episode 15. 30

Episode 16. 32

Episode 17. 34

Episode 18. 36

Episode 19. 38

Episode 20. 40

Episode 21. 42

Episode 22. 44

Episode 23. 46

Episode 24. 48

Episode 25. 50

Episode 26. 52

Episode 27. 54

Episode 28. 56

Episode 29. 58

Episode 30. 60

Episode 31. 62

Episode 32. 64

Episode 33. 66

Supplemental Material


Observations from a Lifetime, by Marvin Strunk……………………………………………....69


От автора

Episode 1


The Warren family has gathered around the piano tonight to sing songs and enjoy an evening of family fun. Their family sing along nearly every month. They enjoy singing. Usually Mr.Warren plays the piano, Mrs.Warren sings soprano and the children: Carrie and Kenneth-join in enthusiastically. Kenneth hopes to study music as a career. He is twelve years old now. But he alredy plays the piano and the clarinet quite well. Carrie who is ten wants to be an airplane pilot. She also knows how to play the piano. But she doesn’t like to practice every day as her mother insists. Mr.Warren is an engineer and music is his hobby. The Warren family is happy one. They enjoy doing things together.






1. The Warren family enjoys singing.

2. They have gathered around the fireplace.

3. Mr.Warren plays the piano.

4. Mrs. Warren hopes to study to be a music teacher.

5. Kenneth knows to play the clarinet.

6. Carrie is already an airplane pilot.

7. Mr.Warren doesn’t like to practice playing the piano.

8. The Warren family likes to do things together.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. They have a family_______________ nearly every______________

2. Mr.Warren sings_________________and the____________ Kenneth and Carrie, join in___________________

3. Kenneth hopes to study _______________as a career.

4. Carrie, who is______________, wants to be an airplane_____________

5. She doesn’t like to practice every_____________, as her____________ insists.

6. Mr.Warren is an_____________ and music is his_______________

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. around the piano___________________

2. an evening of family_________________

3. __________________years old

4. ___________________plays the piano

5. ___________________how to play the piano

6. doing things__________________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. Why is the Warren family gathered around the piano?

2. Who sings soprano?

3. What does Kenneth hope to study?

4. How old Carrie?

5. What is Mr.Warren’s profession?



Episode 2

Roger sat in doctor’s office waiting his turn. He’d been there nearly 45 minutes, and he was beginning to get impatient. Besides, his leg hurt. He tried to think about something else, but the pain was very intense, and it was hard to concentrate. He looked at the other patients for a while. There were two old men, a small girl and her mother, and three young mothers holding babies. He tried to read a magazine, but his leg began to ache and he stopped reading. He wanted to yell or scream. Suddenly the nurse called his name, and said, “The doctor will see you now!” He got up and hobbled out of the waiting room and into the doctor’s office.






1. Roger has been waiting for two hours. F

2. The dentist is busy. T

3. Roger’s leg feels better. F

4. The nurse looks at Roger’s leg. F

5. One woman has brought her daughter. T

6. The old men are holding bacies. F

7. Roger can’t concentrate very well on reading. T

8. Roger yells. T

9. Roger gets impatient. T

10. The doctor comes into the room. F

11. Roger has difficulty walking. T


II. QUICK REVIEW: Circle the words that best complete the sentence.


1. In the doctor’s office Roger was waiting his (turn, time, call).

2. He had been there (45, 25, 35) minutes.

3. His leg (hobbled, hold, hurt).

4. It was hard to (see, concentrate, hurt) because the pain was (intense, long, waiting).

5. The other patients were two old men, a small (boy, dog, girl) and her (father, mother, sister) and three young (men, students, mothers).

6. Roger tried to read a (book, newspaper, magazine) but he stopped because his leg (began, tried, waited) to ache.

7. The (nurse, doctor, women) called his name.

8. Roger hobbled out of the (waiting, nurse’s, doctor’s) room and into the (doctor’s, dentist’s, nurse’s) office.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. _____________in the doctor’s office

2. to get_________________________

3. ______________to think about

4. ______________patients for a while

5. ______________babies

6. ______________to yell

7. ______________see you


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. Who are holding babies?

2. Why was it hard to concentrate?

3. Besides Roger, how many people were in the doctor’s office?

4. What did Roger try to read?

5. Who called Roger’s name?

Episode 3


“We need some milk and bread,” Carl’s wife said. “Can you go to the story for me?” Carl replied, “Sure thing, I am on my way”. He left the house, got into his car and started down the street, when he suddenly remembered that he had left his billfold at home. He didn’t have any money. So he turned around and went back. His wife met him at the door and silently handed him his billfold. She had seen it lying on the table. When he got to the store, Carl got out of the car and tried the door. It was locked. At first Carl was a little annoyed, then he saw the sing “Closed temporarily due to death in the family”/ He got back in the car and went to find a story that was open.





1. Carl’s wife needs some food items.

2. Carl forget his car keys.

3. Carl’s wife brings money to the car.

4. Carl got to the store without any money.

5. Carl got ten dollars from his wife.

6. There was a sing at the store.

7. The store was closed for a holiday.

8. Carl decided to look for another store.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Carl’s wife said that they needed some_____________and___________

2. Carl got into his_____________and started down the_______________

3. He________________________his billfold at home.

4. He didn’t have any___________________________

5. His______________met him at the______________

6. She handed him his___________________________

7. Carl got out of the car and ___________the door of the store.

8. It was____________________________

9. The sing said: Closed temporarily due to______________in the family.

10. Carl went to ________________a store that was open.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. __________________you go

2. on my__________________

3. _______________remembered that he

4. _______________money

5. turned_______________

6. _______________handed him

7. had seen_________________

8. _______________to the store

9. _______________ annoyed

10. saw the__________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. Who wanted Carl to go to the store?

2. What had Carl left at home?

3. Where had he left his billfold?

4. Why was Carl a little annoyed?

5. Why has the store closed?


Episode 4


The telephone rang three times before Barry answered it. When he picked up the receiver there was a click. And then the receiver went dead. He waited a moment somewhat puzzled and hung up. He’d barely put the receiver back when the telephone began to ring again. He let it ring four times before picking up the receiver. This time an impatient male voice said, “What took you so long? I need to talk to you tonight”.

“What seems to be the problem?”, Barry queried.

“We can discuss that when you get here”, said the voice.

“OK”, Barry sighed. “I’ll be right over”.






1. The phone stopped ringing before Barry answered it.

2. Barry said “Hello” and hung up.

3. The phone rang twice again then stopped.

4. The voice on the other end was that of woman.

5. Barry let the phone ring four times.

6. The telephone caller was impatient.

7. Barry had to leave the next day.

8. The caller and Barry discussed the problem.

9. The caller was coming over to Barry’s to talk to Barry.

10. The scene takes place at night.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. The telephone________________________three times.

2. Barry picked up the_____________________________

3. He waited and_______________________________up.

4. The___________________________began to ring again.

5. Before picking up the receiver, Barry____________it ring______times.

6. A voice said: “What__________________you so long?”

7. Barry said: “What______________to be the problem?”

8. “We can discuss_____________when you get___________”, the voice said.

9. Barry said: “I’ll be right______________”


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. answered___________________

2. _______________________dead

3. _____________________puzzled

4. _____________________put the receiver_____________________

5. before picking_______________

6. ________________________time

7. ______________________male voice

8. I’ll__________________________

9. can discuss___________________

IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. What happened when Barry picked up the receiver?

2. How long did the phone ring the second time?

3. What kind of voice spoke?

4. When does he need Barry?

5. How soon does Barry go?



Episode 5

The Webbs and the Prescotts are on their way home. They have just finished a marvelous two weeks vacation in Hawaii. As they stand waving good-bye from the deck of the ship, they remember finely the happy 14 days spent in the sun and on the beaches of Havaii. The leis around their necks remind them of the many beautiful days and lovely nights. Luaus and beach parties, singing and dancing – all we call joyful hours now past. “We are coming again next year”, Mary Webb remarks, “I’ve never had a more satisfactory vacation”.

“It certainly has been fun”, agrees June Prescott. “John and I hope we can come back next year too, but we’ll have to wait and see. It will depend on John’s work schedule”. Cries of Aloha, drifted across the water as the ship slowly began to pull away from the pier.





1. The Webbs and the Prescotts live in Hawaii.

2. They are standing near the airplane.

3. They’ve had 14 days of fun.

4. They have leis around their necks.

5. Beach parties were part of the fun.

6. The Webbs plan to return the following year.

7. The Prescotts don’t want to come back.

8. The ship is named Aloha.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. They have just_______________a marvelous two weeks____________in Hawaii.

2. They remember_____________the happy 14 days spent in___________________

3. In the sun and on the _____________________of Hawaii.

4. Luaus and beach parties___________and ________________all recall joyful______________ now past.

5. I’ve never had a more ______________vacation.

6. It will depend on Jonn’s work_________________.

7. The ship slowly began to pull away from the_________________.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. on their way______________________

2. ______________good-bye from the deck

3. around their_______________________

4. have to wait and____________________

5. drifted across the____________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

1. How long have the Webbs and Prescotts been in Hawaii?

2. What are they wearing around their necks?

3. Who plans to return next year?

4. Why do the Prescotts have to wait and see?


Episode 6


Over against the wall of the room Jack could make out a dark shadow. He knew that it must be the desk where the map was supposed to be. He didn’t want to use his flashlight and hoped that the light from the street was sufficient for him to see inside the desk drawers. Quietly he tip-toed across the polished wooden floor and approached the desk. He reached out with his right hand and encountered the cool metal of one of the desk drawer handles. Cautiously he slid it open and peered inside. Nothing, but piles of paper, clips and envelopes. He slid open a middle drawer and the light from the flashlight revealed numerous pencils, pens and documents. In the back of the drawer barely visible was a dirty tightly folded piece of paper. “That’s it”, he whispered to himself. As his eager hands reached out to grasp the prize, the lights of the room suddenly went on and a deep masculine voice spoke menacingly, “What are you doing here?”






1. Jack is looking for a map.

2. He turns on the lights and goes immediately to a table.

3. There is some light from the street.

4. Jack is carrying a lantern.

5. He stumbles as he approaches the desk.

6. The first drawer of the desk didn’t have the map.

7. The map was in middle drawer hidden under some pencils.

8. Jack used his flashlight to find the map.

9. Someone turned on the lights of the room.

10. A policeman came in and caught Jack.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Jack could make out a dark__________________over against the ____________of the room.

2. It must be the ______________where the_____________supposed to be.

3. He hoped that the light from the_______________was sufficient to see_________________the desk drawers.

4. He ______________across the wooden floor.

5. He reached out with his right_______________and encountered one of the desk drawer______________

6. He slid the drawer _________________and peered_________________

7. The light from the flashlight_______________numerous pens, pencils and________________________

8. A dirty piece of paper was barely______________in the______________of the drawer.

9. Suddenly, the lights of the room ________________on.

10. A deep________________voice asked: “What are you doing_____________?”


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. _____________the wall

2. ___________knew that it

3. for him to see__________

4. _____________the polished wooden

5. he riched_____________________

6. ____________drawer handles

7. ____________of paper clips

8. the_____________drawer

9. _____________piece of paper

10. his eager_______________

11. _______________went on

12. voice_______________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. What could Jack make out against the wall?

2. How did he open the desk drawer?

3. What did the light from the flashlight reveal?

4. What did Jack see in the back of the drawer?

5. Who turned on the light?


Episode 7

After Monica left the office, she hurried down to the parking garage where her car was parked. As she searched in her purse for her car keys, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to lock the files where confidential reports were kept. She knew that if her boss Mr. Henry found out that she had not locked the files, she could be fired. She tuned and hurried back inside, waited impatiently for the elevator and was glad that the trip to the seventh floor went without delay. As she hurried down and out of the dimly lit hall, toward the offices of the Henry Company, she noticed that there was a light in Mr. Henry office. “Strange”, she thought to herself, “ I’m sure I turned all the lights out”. Then she saw it: a man’s shadow fell briefly across the glass of the door of the office and the lights went out. “Oh, no”, she murmered to herself, her heat rising in her throat: “It must be a thief. What shall I do?”





1. Monica went to her parked car.

2. She had lost her car keys.

3. She had not locked the files in the office.

4. Her boss’s name is Mr. Henry.

5. She ran up the stairs to the seventh floor.

6. The lights in the hall were very bright.

7. There was a light in Mr. Henry’s office.

8. Monica had left the lights on.

9. She met a strange man in the hall.

10. Monica’s heart stopped beating.

II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


Monica hurried down to the _____________garage where her ______________was parked.

She searched in her ________________for her keys.

She had _______________to lock the confidential files.

She could be ________________if Mr.Henry found out.

She waited_________________for the elevator.

The trip to the seventh floor went without____________

She ______________a light in Mr.Henry’s office.

She was sure that she _____________ all the lights______________


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. ______________rememberd

2. ______________her boss

3. __________confidential reports

4. hurried back_______________

5. _________dimly lit________


6. thought to____________

7. _________________the glass

8. oh____________________

9. shall I____________________

IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. Where was Monica’s car parked?

2. What had she forgotten to lock?

3. Who is Mr. Henry?

4. What did she have to wait for?

5. What did she see in the office?

6. Why was she afraid?


Episode 8

It was announced yesterday by Chester Powers general manager of the Lotus Company, that Dan Garrett has been awarded that company’s annual “Supersales Award” for the third year in a row. Carrett was presented with the cheque for $5.000 just today at a banquet luncheon held in his honour. The “Supersales Award” is given each year to the sales person with a greatest number of sales within a 12 month period. Carrett has been employed by Lotus for more than 15 years. He started with the company as a sales trainee after graduation from college, and he has steadily moved up in the organization. Currently, he is a sales manager for the company’s Great Lakes Regional Sales Office. When asked what he planned to do with the money from the award, Garrett responded: “Take a long vacation”. Garrett is married and has three children. The family lives at 11 673 Lincoln Drive in Duncanville.






1. Dan Garrett received an award of $5,000.

2. His company gave him the award.

3. The award was presented at a breakfast in Dan’s honor.

4. The award is called the Lotus Award.

5. The award is given to all salespersons every year.

6. Garrett started working for the Lotus Company after college.

7. He is now a sales manager.

8. He has worked for the company for 50 years.

9. Garrett has a family.

10. He lives in Chicago.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Circle the words that best complete the sentence.


1. Chester Power is (president, general manager, vice-president) of the Lotus Company.

2. Dan Garrett has won the “Supersales Award” for the past (ten, six, three) years.

3. A banquet (dinner, luncheon, supper) was held in Garrentt’s honor.

4. The salesperson with the greatest number of sales in a (12-year, 12-week, 12-month) period wins the award.

5. Garrett started with the Lotus Company as a (teacher, trainee, technician).

6. Garrett is sales manager for Lotus Company’s Great Lakes (operational, national, regional) sales office.

7. He plans to spend his award money on (a course, a vacation, a car).

8. Garrett has (no, three, two) children.

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.


1. was announced_________________

2. for the third year in a _________________

3. was presented with a _________________

4. _______________in his honor

5. the greatest number of ________________

6. has steadily moved___________________

7. when asked_________________________

8. _________________a long vacation


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.


1. What company does Dan work for?

2. What’s the name of the award?

3. When did Dan receive the award?

4. How long has Dan worked for Lotus?

5. What is his current job?

Episode 9




The Carruthers, Nick and Jan, were enjoying the morning sun on the deck of the cruise ship. It was a lovely morning, bright and clear, with not a cloud in the sky. They were relaxed and soaking up the warm sunshine, hoping to get a good tan before the end of the cruise. A quiet voice interrupted their reverie: “Your juice, sir!” It was the deck steward with the orange juice they had ordered. Nick and Jan had been saving for this Caribbean vacation for more than 2 years. They both worked and had managed to save something each month for their special – “Fun in the Sun Fund”, as they called it. The deck chairs were comfortable. A gentle sea breeze played across their lazy bodies. “I am not going to think about anything”, Jan remarked. “Absolutely nothing, especially work”. “Me, too”, Nick agreed. “Life is too short to think about the humdrum of work. Besides, I think it’s time to take up a little nap”.







1. The day was cloudy.

2. The Carruthers were enjoying a good swim.

3. They wanted to get a good tan..

4. The ship’s capitain interrupted their sleep.

5. Nick went to get some orange juice.

6. Nick and jan had saved money for a vacation.

7. They both had jobs.

8. They had started a special vacation fund.

9. Nick and Jan didn’t want to think about work.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.


1. It was a lovely_______________, bright and clear, with not a _______________in the__________________________

2. They were hoping to get a good_______________before the end of the_______

3. A qwuit________________ interrupted their reverie.

4. They both worked and had ________________ to save something each___________ for their special “________________in the Sun Fund”.

5. A gentle sea______________played across their lazy________________

6. Life is too short to think about the _________________of work.

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