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V. Choose the right answer.

Читайте также:
  1. A dream in the hands of the right person is a winner every time
  2. A Read the text again and choose the correct ending to each sentence.
  3. A) The advertisement in A-column has been mixed and, to arrange them in the right sequence, consult the advertisement in B-coIumn.
  4. A. Starting Off on the Right Foot
  5. According to IAS 16, for accounting of PPE items an entity may choose between
  6. All rights reserved.
  7. And put your foot right in it that night of the party, and now you have got to




Topical Vocabulary

to phone to ring up; to call (up); to make a call; I want to call Kyiv

to give smb. a ring / call / a buzz

to get / to reach smb. on / over the (tele)phone;

to get a connection by telephone (with); I want to get a connection by

telephone with Kyiv.

to get connected with;

to put a call through (to) I had a call to put through.

I want to put a call through to Kyiv

to get in touch with.


to ring / to call back; to ring up again; to repeat the call;

(tele) phone

automatic / dial ~ — call ~

interphone; house / internal ~ — city ~

office ~ — home ~

dial ~ — push-button ~

wall set ~ — desk set ~

~ extension / hand ~ / extension ~ — stationary ~ — mobile ~

public ~ / call box — private ~

card ~ — coin box ~

~ booth / cabin, kiosk / call box / public phone Where is the nearest call box?

Is there a telephone booth anywhere here?

On / over the (tele)phone

- to speak / talk ~; to have smb. ~; to have a talk ~;

- to be wanted on the phone

- to be called to the ~ / to call to the ~

- to make / have an appointment by ~

- to answer the ~ / call

- to fix / repair the ~

- to have a ~ installed / put in


- to dial / have/ get the right / wrong ~ Dial 01 in case of fire / Dial 03 for first aid.

~ directory / book

- to consult / to look up the number in the ~

- to consult / to look up the ~ for the telephone number


(~)call Was there any call for me?

local ~ How many numbers do you have to

dial for a local call in Cherkasy?

trunk / long-distance ~

person-to-person ~ / ~ on the reversed charge / reversed charge ~


- to cancel a ~

- to cut off the ~ / to interrupt the ~ My call to Kyiv was cut off.


(~) message

- to leave / give a ~ for / from smb.

- to take a ~ for / from smb.


- to lift / to take up (off) / to pick up the receiver

- to lift / to take / to pick up the phone

- to press / push the button


buzz / buzzing sound / signal


on the ~ Kyiv is on the line.

Hold the ~ / wire; Hold on; Don’t replace the receiver.

The ~ is clear / free - engaged / busy / crowded The line is always

(constantly) engaged.

- to keep the ~ clear I am expecting a rush call, so I have

to keep the line clear.

- to keep smb. on the ~ / not to cut off Keep me on the line.

- to be engaged on another ~

- to fix the ~


- Enquiry Bureau / office; Information Bureau / office;

- Directory Enquiries

- telephone subscriber / user / customer


Go ahead!

You are through!

Are you there?



This is … speaking.

I’d like to speak to … / Can (may) I speak to …, please?

Is he / she in? / Is Mr. … there, please?

I’d like extension 24.

- Speaking.

- Who is speaking / calling, please?

- Who shall I say is calling?

- Could you spell it?

- Could you speak louder / more slowly, please.

Bad Luck

You gave me the wrong number.

We have been interrupted.

I can’t get through.

Will I have to wait long?

I can’t hear anything you say. Can you talk louder? - Can you hear me any better now?

We have a very bad connection.

I can scarcely hear you.

I keep trying to get through to Kyiv but the line is always busy.

The telephone is out of order / Something is wrong with the telephone.

The telephone is dead.

I think you’ve got the wrong number. There’s no Petrova here.

The line’s engaged, would you mind hanging up?

I’ll let you know when the line is clear.

There’s no answer.

I’ll try to connect you again. There seems to be interruption in our connection with Kyiv.

The number is no longer valid.


He / She’s not there

I am afraid he / she is not in (out) at the moment / right now.

Would you like to leave a message?

I’ll give him the message.

He is in conference / meeting.

He / she seems to be engaged on another line.

Would you mind repeating the call, please?

When will he / she be back?

Could / Will you tell him / her to call me?

Would you take a message, please?

I’ll call again / later.


I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most convenient means of communication?

2. Have you got a telephone at home?

3. What is the number of your telephone?

4. Whom do you usually ring up?

5. Do you often ring your friends up?

6. Are you often called up?

7. How do people ring up if they have no telephone at home?

8. Do you ever book trunk calls?

9. How many telephone calls have you made today?

10. Do you ever make appointments by telephone?

11. Which usually takes more time looking up the number you want in the

telephone book or calling up Directory Enquiries?

II. What do you say (or do), if:

1. the person wanted on telephone is out;

2. someone rings you up by mistake;

3. you get the wrong number;

4. the line is engaged;

5. you can’t hear the person's name on the phone;

6. you are cut off;

7. you want to book a long-distance call;

8. you want to have a technician in;

9. you hear someone answering your telephone call at the other end of the line;

10. the telephone is out of order;

III. When do you say or hear:

1. Hold the line.

2. You're through.

3. Could I leave a message for him?

4. Is there any message?

5. Could he ring back as soon as he returns?

6. Will you call up in some 10 minutes from now, please?

7. You are wanted on the phone.

8. Extension 351

9. I've been cut off.

10. You've got the wrong number.

11. Engaged. Will you hold on?

12. Go ahead, please.

13. Who is that speaking?

14. Who shall I say is calling?

15. Speaking?

16. Hang up and dial again.

IV. Ask your fellow students and let them answer:

- if they can find out by phone what is on at the theatre or cinema;

- when they ring up for the time;

- what other enquiries they can make by phone;

- what number they dial in case of fire;

- what number they have to dial if they want to call an ambulance;

- how they ring up from a public phone;

- when they call the Trunk Exchange;

- what the cost of a long – distance call depend on;

- how they go about finding the telephone number they want to dial;

- which usually takes more time looking up the number in the telephone directory or calling up the Information office of the Telephone Exchange;

- if the usually install house phones or city phones in hotel rooms.

V. Choose the right answer.

1. If you don't remember the number, you can look it up in the telephone.....

a) dictionary b) directory c) index d) register

2. Can you..... Prof. Brown's telephone number?

a) call to mind b) recall c) remember d) remind

3. His phone must be out of order. We've been unable to..... him.

a) arrive at b) meet c) reach d) transmit

4. Would you..... a minute, please. I'll try to connect you-

a) hold on b) keep on c) stay on d) slop on

5. Can I..... London direct from here, or must I ask the operator to get the number

for me?

a) choose b) dial c) reach d) select

6. The human voice often sounds..... on the telephone.

a) deformed b) distorted c) irregular d) twisted

7. My telephone is..... so I shall have to ask my neighbour if I can use his.

a) off duty b) off limits c) out of order d) out of use

8. Where are you calling from? I can hardly hear you. Your voice is terribly......

a) dull b) fade c) faint d) pale

9. I'm sorry. No one called Mimi lives here.You must have..... the wrong number,

a) dialled b) fingered c) pressed d) pushed

10. Mrs Hello works as an operator at the local telephone......

a) centre b) exchange c) headquarters d) office

11. I phoned him this morning but when I said who I was he......

a) hung up b) rang up c) shut down d) shut up

12. The telephone operator said she would put the caller... when the line was free.

a) forward b) in c) through d) up

13. I let the telephone ring several times before I..... the receiver.

a) lifted away b) picked up c) raised up d) took out

14. Jenny! Your boyfriend called and asked me to give you a......

a) greeting b) message c) news d) notice

15. It is very difficult to phone you in London as your number is always......

a) busy b) engaged c) occupied d) taken

16. I was in the middle of phoning Pete when we were......

a) cut down b) cut in c) cut off d) cut up

17. In the middle of the call the line went......

a) dead b) deaf c) dumb d) flat

18. Is there a phone..... anywhere near here, please?

a) box b) compartment c) room d) shop

19. Hello! The University? Could I speak to Prof. Wise on..... 233, please?

a) branch b) exchange c) extension d) system

20. "All the telephone lines are.....," said the operator.

a) detached b) disconnected c) disunited d) severed

21. I've tried ringing four or Five times, but I still can't..... that Warsaw


a) get on to b) get through to c) go along with d) go on to


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