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I. Read the following dialogue and make your own using this vocabulary.

Читайте также:
  1. A clutch centre holding tool can easily be made using two strips of steel bent over at the ends and bolted together in the middle
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  4. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  5. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.
  6. Act as Sally. Answer the questions using the conversational formulas trained.
  7. Act out the dialogues.

A Visit of a Pharmaceutical Firm Representative

Representative: Doctor, I would like to show you some pharmaceuti­cals. May I ask for a few minutes of your attention, please?

Doctor. Certainly. I have finished examining my patients and we can go upstairs to our office.

R.: It's very kind of you. Aren't I bothering you too much?

D.: Not at all. What hypotensive drugs do you have?

R.: We have normatencil which is used in the treatment of hyperten­sion. The preparation regulates the figures of pressure and spares the kidney of a hypertonic patient preventing vascular complica­tions and aggravation of the disease. Such a vascular kidney pro­tection is a real advantage of the drug.

D.: Can it be used in ambulatory practice?

R.: To be sure! The ambulatory treatment is easily controlled as the preparation is not diuretic and does not contain reserpin.

D.: So, what are the doses and how is it used?

R.: 1—2 tablets a day, 3 times a week or 20 days a month.

D.: And what about the contraindications?

R.: They are the same as in all hypotensive drugs.

D.: Leave me the signature, I will read it and call you tomorrow. Thank you for coming and good bye.

R.: Bye.

II. Work with a partner. Here are his answers. Ask him the questions.

Attending doctor: This patient is doing well with the treatment of heart failure but I want your idea on how to treat his hypertension.
Head of the department: ---------------------

A.: He is 53. Six years ago he consulted a physician because of morn­ing headaches. Hypertension was found, and small doses of Phenobarbital were prescribed.

H: ---------------------

A.: No, there's no cardiovascular disease in the family. The heart failure has been corrected but the blood pressure stays round 180/110 mm Hg.

H: ---------------------

III. Speak on the following items:

- drugs which prevent blood clotting;

- drugs which are used to correct an abnormal heart rhythm;

- drugs which increase the amount of urine excreted by reducing the volume of blood and lowering heart pressure;

- drugs which increase the size of blood vessels by relaxing the mus­cles of the vessel walls.

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Порушення роботи ШКТ.

1. Знання будови, функцій та лікування захворювань основних систем людського організму;

2. Засвоєння найуживаніших висловів зі сфери лікування та профілактики хвороб;

3. Вміння робити власні висновки.


І. Read the words, then match them with their prefixes from the list below:

a) secondary or less important sub-;

b) too much over-.

Overpopulation, sub-agent, overcook, sub-class, overweight, subdivi­sion, over-anxious, sub-branch, overdose, sub-paragraph, overeat, sub-heading, overestimate, substructure, overgrowth, subsystem, over­react, sub-species, oversize, subtype, over-worried, sub-group.

ІІ. Learn the following words.

hollow – порожнистий;

particle – частинка;

tumor – пухлина;

lye – луг;

ulcer – виразка;

pernicious – згубний, злоякісний;

adjacent – прилеглий;

sore - рана, виразка;

consumption – споживання;

amebic – амебний.

ІІІ. Guess the meaning of the following words.

Muscular, esophagus, secrete, enzyme, duodenum, neutralize, absorb, resistant, obstruct, iodine, cancer, anemia, atrophy, deficiency, ero­sion, associate

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 86 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Read, translate and discuss the text. | Read and translate the text. | V. Supplement. | Read and translate the following text. Find out a gland definition. Be ready to speak about the importance of the endocrine system. | V. Supplement. | Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Get ready to speak about the urinary system structure. | Read the information about urinary system problems. Try to memorize the meaning of some terms denoting urinary system disorders. | Read the text about of the most widespread urinary system problem. | V. Supplement. | Answer the following questions. |
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I. Complete the dialogue with the words and word combinations from the list below and act it out.| V. Translate into Ukrainian.

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