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Match the beginnings of sentences with their endings.

Читайте также:
  1. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  2. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  3. A) Identify each of the electronic components below and draw their circuit symbol in the space provided.
  4. A) Match the idioms with their definitions.
  5. A) Order the words to make sentences.
  6. A). Look at the calendar which shows his arrangements for the next few months and then make up sentences, as in the example.
  7. A. Match a heading to a letter and to an answer from Daisy
1. Article 49 states that the state creates conditions for a. alcohol poisoning and smoking.
2. All specialized health care in­stitutions are directly managed b. mandatory accreditation of public and private health facilities.
3. The organization of primary care delivery c. effective medical services acces­sible to all citizens.
4. The Ministry of Public Health deals with d. should be given free health care.
5. People who live within definite areas may have e. is based on the territorial-district principle.
6. Mobile teams of physicians or feldshers are responsible for f. but experiences a sharp reduction of budgetary financing.
7. The Ministry of Public Health works on setting up a network of g. and funded by the Ministry of Public Health.
8. Most working-age males dye from preventable causes such as h. providing accident and emergency care.
9. Theoretically all Ukrainian citi­zens and long-term residents if they become ill і. general/family practices.
10. Expansion of health facilities requires financial and economic support j. full diagnostics, examination and appropriate treatment at the dis­trict polyclinic or hospital.

3. Complete the sentences by filling in the gaps with the correct words or expressions.

1. There is an understanding that health care improvement in Ukraine will require overall e... in the country. a. comprise
2. Rural physician ambulatories c... three specialties: in­ternal medicine, pediatrics and dentistry. b. primary health care
3. The health system is still facing many problems, in­cluding how to administer and finance p.... с. responsible
4. Specialists in the Sanitary-Epidemiological Service are r... for maintaining preventive and routine sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. d. occupa­tional dis­eases
5. The reduction of maternal and infant mortality can be achieved e. mandatory
through improved access to reproductive health services and f... information. accredita­tion
6. The main causes of death in Ukraine are diseases of the c... followed by neoplasm, injury and poisoning, and respiratory diseases. f. rates
7. The rapid expansion of the health care system, provid­ing u... to professional health services was very success­ful in improving population health. g. referral
8. The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for the m... of public and private health facilities. h. circulatory system
9. Contributions for mandatory social insurance covering temporal disability, o... are determined by legislation. і. universal access
10. Patients are admitted to hospital either through the emergency department or through a r... by their doctor. j. economic growth
11. Immunization r... for 2007 for children up to one year old were: tuberculosis, 95 %; diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus, 96 %; polio, 97 %; and measles, 97 %. к. family planning


4. Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate prepositions. Trans­late the completed sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The Ukrainian health care system is mainly focused to/on providing medical aid for/to patients and does not fulfill such function as health protection. Under/at modern high cost technologies our health care system cannot provide effective medical aid. There is an urgent need from/to reform the system of/at health care at/in Ukraine with/to meet both the needs from/of population and the possibilities in/of the state.

2.Special attention should be paid at/to low immunity in/of the Ukrainian population, which is witnessed by/on the course with/of most diseases, higher incidence of/on catarrhal diseases, higher preva­lence on/of such dangerous infectious diseases like diphtheria, tu­berculosis.

3. Healthcare in/at Ukraine is funded almost entirely by/with general government revenues. 3.2 percent of/in the fund is made up by/at social insurance contributions from/of the wages of/by the em­ployed and 3.3 percent is funded by/from private clinics and their private patients.

4. Dependant family members are covered by/with the contributions paid by/from employed family members. The unemployed, old age pensioners and people on/at long-term sickness benefit or mater­nity leave have to pay healthcare contributions but not as much as an employed citizen.

5.The medical facilities are of/in a poor standard compared to/for Western standards; the medical equipment and facilities are in/at short supply compared to/for the high demand. All services, in­cluding doctors and nurses cost a lot of/in money which makes health care in/at health centres not always a feasible option for/to the ordinary citizen.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 175 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Education in Ukraine.| Say whether the following statements are true or false. Comment your answer.

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