Vocabulary. II. Give the translation of the phrases and make up sentences with them: to lose mind; a low-down trick; ever and anon; for the sake of; instinct of
II. Give the translation of the phrases and make up sentences with them:
- to lose mind;
- a low-down trick;
- ever and anon;
- for the sake of;
- instinct of self-preservation;
- take interest in;
- to walk up and down;
- on the bum;
- to see the sights;
- an unredeemed pledge.
III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Comment on similes, an oxymoron and a pun:
- Montague Silver, the finest street man and art grafter in the West, says to me once in Little Rock: "If you ever lose your mind, Billy, and get too old to do honest swindling among grown men, go to New York.
- "I've been studying the town," says Silver, "and reading the papers every day, and I know it as well as the cat in the City Hall knows an O'Sullivan.
- They're slugging citizens all over the upper part of the city and I guess, taking the town from end to end, it's a plain case of assault and Battery. "
- "What is the picture like, Mr. Morgan?" asks Silver. "It must be as big as the side of the Flatiron Building. "
- The girls are as natural as paint can make them, all measuring 36 and 25 and 42 skirts, if they had any skirts, and they're doing a buck-and-wing on the bank of a river with the blues.
IV. Match the words with their definitions:
- illiberality
| a. the crime of attacking smb. physically;
- sucker
| b. a disease that causes painful swelling in the joints, especially of the toes, knees and fingers;
- haberdashery
| c. a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal;
- paresis
| d. a person who is easily tricked or persuaded to do so:
- cognizance
| e. selfishness, miserliness;
- clemency
| f. kindness shown to smb. when they are being punished; willingness not to punish smb. so severely;
- displeasure
| g. partial paralysis;
- burglar
| h. (old-fashioned) men’s clothes;
- gout
| i. knowledge or understanding smth;
- assault
| j. the feeling of being upset and annoyed;
V. Fill in the gaps with a necessary word or word-combination and translate the sentences:
meets me at the hotel
to introduce
the next morning
to keep my pride from
a good deal
up and down
- I want some little consideration connected with the transaction … being hurt.
- “I’d be … much better satisfied if the citizens had a straw or more in their hair. They don’t look easy to me.”
- The next morning Silver … and he is all sonorous and stirred with a kind of silent joy.
- “A man I know in the hotel wants … us.”
- Before we could answer, Mr. Morgan hammers on the floor with his cane and began to walk ….
- When the pawnshop opened … me and Silver was standing there as anxious as if we wanted to soak our Sunday suit to buy a drink
VI. Find in the text the sentences with the following word-combinations and translate them into Russian:
- it frightens a foreigner;
- any kind of a building except a skyscraper;
- I take great interest in the West;
- complete without that picture;
- smiles and goes on showing us;
- been in Europe for a month.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 242 | Нарушение авторских прав
Читайте в этой же книге: Contents | Biographical comment on the author | Text 1: The Last Leaf | Text 2: No Story | Text 3: Lost on Dress Parade | Text 4: The Gift of the Magi | Text 5: The Ransom of Red Chief | Vocabulary | Text 9: While the Auto Waits |
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