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Exercise 1. Match the words with their corresponding definitions.
recruiter pool expertise
recruitment vacancy to fill a job
to interview applicant line manager
interview candidate clerical personnel (staff)
human resource department
employment office (agency)
a. the person who holds an interview;
b. the process or the business of recruiting new people;
c. someone who helps companies and organizations to find new people to work for them;
d. someone who is being considered for a job;
e. a group of people who are able to do a particular job, if they are needed;
f. a job that is available for someone to start doing;
g. the department in an organization that deal with employing, training, and helping employees;
h. to find and employ a suitable person to do a job that has been advertised;
i. business that works for organizations to find people when the organizations need them;
j. people who work in offices;
k. a person who applies for a job;
l. to ask someone questions, especially in a formal meeting, in order to find out if they are suitable for a job;
m. a manager who is directly in charge of producing goods or providing services, and who works most closely with ordinary employees;
n. special skills or knowledge in an area of work or study.
Exercise 2.Read and translate the text.
Recruitment involves seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen. Most organizations have a recruitment (or, as it is sometimes called, employment) function. This function is managed by the human resource department. In an era when the focus of most organizations has been on efficiently and effectively running the organization, recruiting the right person for the job is a top priority. The magnitude of an organization's recruiting effort and the methods to be used in that recruiting effort are determined from the personnel planning process and the requirements of the specific jobs to be filled. If the forecast human resource requirements exceed the net human resource requirements, the organization must actively recruit new employees. On the other hand, recruitment should be concerned with seeking and attracting only qualified job candidates. Successful recruiting is difficult if the jobs to be filled are vaguely defined. Regardless of whether the job to be filled has been in existence or is newly created, its requirements must be defined as precisely as possible for recruiting to be effective. Job analysis provides information about the nature and requirements of specific jobs. Job analysis gives the nature and requirements of specific jobs. Human resource planning determines the specific number of jobs to be filled. Recruitment is concerned with providing a pool of people who are qualified to fill these vacancies.
Who Does the Recruiting, and How?
In most large- and middle-sized organizations, the human resource department is responsible for recruiting. These organizations normally have an employment office within the human resource department. The employment office has recruiters, interviewers, and clerical personnel who handle the recruitment activities both at the organization's offices and elsewhere. The role of those in the employment office is crucial. Walk-ins/write-ins respondents to advertising, and present employees responding to job postings develop an impression of the organization through their contacts with the employment office. If the applicant is treated indifferently or rudely, a lasting negative impression can be developed. On the other hand, if the applicant is pleasantly greeted, provided with pertinent information about job openings, and treated with respect, then a lasting positive impression is likely to result. Having employees trained in effective communication and interpersonal skills is essential in the employment office. When recruiting away from the organization's offices, the role of the recruiter equally critical. Job applicants' impressions about the organization are significantly influenced by the knowledge and expertise of the recruiter. In small organizations, the recruitment function, in addition to many other responsibilities, is normally handled by one person - frequently, the office manager. It is also not unusual for line managers in small organizations to recruit and interview job applicants.
Exercise 3. Give the definitions to the words in italics.
Impress the interviewer by expressing your interest in and desire to work for the company.
Recruitment is concerned with a providing a pool of people who are qualified to fill these vacancies.
Advertising recruiter Judy Cunningham used to receive a lot of job orders involving freelance work.
The selection process is concerned with choosing from the pool of qualified candidates the individuals or a group of individuals most likely to succeed in a given job.
Taiwan offered a pool of cheap labor.
When there is a vacancy in a company, it is the job of the Personnel Manager and his department to manage the recruitment of a new employee.
The Human Resources department is responsible for recruiting.
Human resource planning determines the specific number of jobs to be filled.
The personnel department may use commercial and government employment offices and consultants.
Computers are replacing thousands of clerical staff and middle managers.
This information helps management to make a final decision on the number of applicants they can short-list for interview.
She was appointed without any other candidates being interviewed.
We must give more authority to line managers to make operations more responsive to customers.
Job applicants’ impression about the organization are significantly influenced by the knowledge and expertise of the recruiter.
Exercise 4. Complete the passage using the following words and phases:
interview, recruits, recruiters, opportunity, applicant’s resume, placement center, the human resource department, work experience, work part time, be promoted.
Campus recruiting activities are usually coordinated by the university or college 1....... Generally, organizations send one or more recruiters to the campus for initial 2.... The most promising 3... are then invited to visit the office or plant before a final employment decision is made.
If campus recruiting is used, steps should be taken by the 4......... to ensure that recruiters are knowledgeable concerning the organization and the job to be filled and that they understand and use effective interviewing skills. College 5... generally review an 6...... before conducting the interview.
Another method of tapping the products of colleges, universities, technical/vocational schools, and high schools is through cooperative work programs. In these programs, students may 7......... and go to school part time, or they may go to school and work at different times of year. These programs attract people because they offer an 8... for both a formal education and 9....... As an added initiative to finish their formal education and stay with the organization, employees are often 10... when their formal education is completed.
Exercise 5. Match the words and phrases with their corresponding definitions.
a vacancy
be on the staff. to
to seek
to be qualified
to be qualified for
an opening
to handle
a. people
b. to search
a job
c. have the necessary skills, knowledge or experience for
to deal with or have responsibility for
to be a member of
a job
to have an official record that you have completed the necessary training
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the phrases (1-8) from Exercise 5. Change the form of the words where necessary.
1. I hear you’re looking for an... in international sales.
He...... the editorial... of the New York Times.
The... are not very happy about the latest pay increase.
There is a... for a shop assistant on Saturdays.
If you can’t... the job I’ll get someone else to do it.
Most of the posts would be taken by the short-term unemployed, the group that is actively... jobs.
Tim is now a... architect.
Exercise 7. Translate into English.
1. У нас появилась вакансия на складе.
2. Мы испытываем нехватку обслуживающего персонала.
3. В профессорско-преподавательский состав нашего вуза входят только высококвалифицированные специалисты.
4. Он сотрудник газеты «Вечерняя Москва».
5. Он ищет работу. Он ищет место повара.
6. Он получил квалификацию врача.
7. Ее готовили к работе переводчика.
8. Он проходил подготовку для получения звания капитана.
9. У вас есть вакансия в банке?
10. Мы вас вызовем, как только у нас откроется вакансия.
11. Если ты справишься с работой, то вскоре получишь продвижение по службе.
12. Ей приходится обрабатывать документы.
1. Интервьюер – специалист, который проводит собеседование с претендентами на вакантное место.
2. Пул – это форма объединения, соглашения между предпринимателями, обычно носящая временный характер.
3. Вакансия – это рабочее место, которое работодатель намеревается заполнить, если появится приемлемый претендент.
4. Количество рабочих вакансий измерить трудно, так как не существует стандартного способа объявления вакансий и последующего заполнения их.
5. Интервью – это беседа по ранее намеченному плану с претендентом или претендентами на вакантное место.
6. Кандидат – это человек, выдвигаемый для назначения на какую-нибудь должность, или для приема в какую-либо организацию.
7. Бюро по трудоустройству проводит систему мероприятий в целях содействия населению в подыскании, направлении и устройстве на работу, в соответствии с призванием, способностями, профессиональной подготовкой, навыками и образованием.
8. Отдел кадров ведет учет основного состава работников транспортного предприятия.
9. Специальные знания – это совокупность умений, навыков и знаний, полученных в процессе практической деятельности.
10. Наем временных работников производится начальником отдела кадров.
11. Наниматель – это специалист, нанимающий на работу временных и постоянных сотрудников.
12. Заявитель – это человек, претендующий на вакантную должность и направляющий письменную просьбу в отдел кадров.
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