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Section 1. Key vocabulary. Exercise1. Match the words with their corresponding definitions.


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Exercise1.Match the words with their corresponding definitions.


to negotiate sick leave Social Security

to contribute pension plan disability benefits

benefits life insurance employee benefits

dependant(dependent) health insurance unemployment benefits


a. something, especially money that an employer gives to workers in addition to their normal pay, to encourage them to work harder;

b. things that are offered to the employees of the company in addition to their normal pay, such as company cars, loans at low rates of interest, and the possibility of buying shares;

c. time with pay that you are allowed to be absent from work because you are ill;

d. money provided by the government to people who needed extra help or cannot work because they cannot use part of their body properly;

e. money paid regularly by the government to people who do not have a job;

f. a system by which an employer, insurance company etc. provides workers with a pension after they have made regular payments to them over many years;

g. a system of insurance run by US government, into which workers make regular payments, and which provides money when they are unable to work, especially because they are old;

h. insurance that will pay for someone’s medical treatment if they are ill or injured, often taken out by employers for people who work for them, especially in the USA;

i. insurance that pays out an amount when someone dies or when someone reaches a particular age, dies before they reach that age;

j. someone who depends on you for money, food, clothes etc.;

k. to discuss something in order to reach an agreement;

l. to give money, help, ideas etc. to something that a lot of other people are involved in.



Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Employee benefits, sometimes called fringe benefits, are those rewards that or­ganizations provide to employees for being members of the organization. Unlike wages, salaries, and incentives, benefits are usually not related to employee per­formance. Figures compiled by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce show that pay­ments by organisations for employee benefits in 1987 averaged slightly over $10,700 per year per employee.' These same figures indicated that benefit payments varied widely among the reporting companies, ranging from under $3,500 to more than $13,000 per year per employee. The average of slightly over $10,700 represents approximately 39 percent of total compensation received by the average employee. A recent survey conducted by Hewitt Associates reported that over 50 percent expect benefits to increase in the 1990s as a percentage of total compensation. Only 9 percent of this group expect benefits to decrease as a percentage of total compensation.

The War Labor Board coined the term fringe benefits over 40 years ago. Reasoning that employer-provided benefits such as paid vacations, holidays, and pensions were "on the fringe of wages," the agency exempted them from pay controls. It has been argued that this action, more than any single event, led to the dramatic expansion of employee benefits that has since occurred. However, because of the significance of benefits to total compensation, many employers for fear that it has a minimising effect have dropped the world fringe.

The average company spends an amount equal to over one third of its cash payroll on employee benefits. Thus, an average individual who is paid $18,000 per year would get about $6,588 more per year in benefits. Benefits come in several forms, including pay for time not worked, insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and employee services. Pay for time not worked includes sick leave, vacation, holidays, and unemployment compensation. Insurance benefits often include life and health insurance for employees and their dependents. Some organisations pay the entire cost of insurance, others share the cost with employees, and still others negotiate group rates but let employees pay the full cost. Workers' compensation is a legally required insurance benefit that provides medical care and disability income for employees injured onthejob. Social Security is a governmentpension plan to which both employers and employees contribute. Many employers also provide a private pension plan to which they and their employees contribute. Employee service benefits include such things as credit unions, tuition reimbursement, and recreational opportunities.

A good benefits plan may help encourage people to join and stay with an organisation, but it seldom stimulates high performance because benefits are tied to mere membership in the organisation rather than to performance. To get a good return on their benefit dollars, companies should shop carefully, avoid redundant coverage, and provide only those benefits that their employees want. Benefit programs should also be explained to employees in plain English so that they can use the benefits appropriately and appreciate what the company is providing.

Some organisations have instituted "cafeteria benefit plans," whereby some basic coverage is provided for all employees but employees are then allowed to choose which additional benefits they want (up to a cost limit based on salary). An employee with five children might choose medical and dental coverage for dependents; a single employee might prefer more vacation time; and an older employee might elect increased pension benefits. Such a flexible system would be expected to encourage people to stay in the organisation and perhaps to help the company attract new employees.


Exercise 3. Give the definitions to the words in italics.


1. Most companies are experimenting with new kinds of employees benefits in order to attract and retain qualified workers.

2. The company offers an excellent salary and benefits package, including relocation costs.

3. Werner never used a day of sick leave during his first 10 years as a firefighter.

4. How long have you been receiving unemployment benefit?

5. Congress has changed the laws governing private pension plans.

6. I need your name, age, and Social Security number.

7. These measures would protect people with health problems from losing their health insurance if they change jobs.

8. Life insurers will pay a total of $ 20 billion in AIDS death claims under individual life insurance by the year 2005.

9. An employee with five children might choose medical and dental coverage for dependents.

10. Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week.

11. His department contributed £ 2,3 million towards the fund.


Exercise 4. Complete the passages using the following words and phases:


to receive, benefits, vacation, dependents, compensation, life insurance, health insurance, social security, state employment office.


A. Flexible plans must offer a choice between only taxable and statutory nontaxable benefits. Taxable 1... allowed include cash, group term life insurance in excess of $50,000, and group term life insurance for 2.... Statutory nontaxable benefits include group term 3......, group legal services, accident and 4......, dependent care assistance, and certain types of deferred compensation. 5... days are also treated as nontaxable benefits.

B. To 6... unemployment 7..., an individual must submit an application through the 8......... and must meet three eligibility requirements. The individual must: (1) have been covered by 9...... for a minimum number of weeks; (2) have been laid off (in some states, discharged employees may qualify); and (3) be willing to accept any employment offered through the state unemployment compensation commission.



Exercise 5. Match the words and phrases with their corresponding definitions.


1. disability

2. dependant

3. to contribute

4. to negotiate

5. to draw pension

6. membership

7. to take out a year’s membership

8. survey


a. the state of belonging to an organization

b. examination of opinions

c. to receive pension

d. to pay to become a member for one year

e. to give money

f. the state of lacking some physical ability

g. to discuss

h. a person who is financially supported by you


Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the phrases (1-8) from Exercise 5. Change the form of the words where necessary.


1. I am... for a new contract at the moment.

2. I have......... membership.

3. She is deaf, but refuses to let her... prevent her from doing what she wants to do.

4. Between all of us at work, we’re hoping to... £100 m. towards the new wing of the hospital.

5. Jack has four....

6. He won’t be able to... his... until he’s 65.

7. A recent... found that 58% of people did not know where their heart is.

8. You have to apply for... of the sport club.


Exercise 7. Translate into English.


  1. 1. Он получает пенсию по нетрудоспособности, т.к. он инвалид труда.

2. Иждивенец – это неработоспособный человек, которого обеспечивают средствами к существованию.

3. Эта организация ежегодно жертвует в фонд Красного Креста.

4. Если сможете, пожертвуйте продукты питания и одежду в помощь беженцам.

5. Необходимо провести переговоры с противником об условиях мира.

6. Почему вы не получили пенсию за ноябрь?

7. По мнению большинства членов профсоюза необходимо провести сидячую забастовку.

8. Он прибрел право быть членом этой организации в течение двух лет.

9. Докладчик в общих чертах описал положение в мире.

10. Вы должны сделать обзор современной литературы.


B. 1. Страхование на случай болезни может распространяться лишь на отдельных лиц или на их иждивенцев. Системы страхования на случай болезни могут быть обязательными или добровольными.

2. Страхование жизни – это контракт, обеспечивающий средства в случае смерти или при достижении определенного возраста. Полисы страхования жизни могут быть «без прибыли», т.е. на установленную сумму денег, или «с прибылью».

3. В случае страхования жизни с выплатой прибыли по страховому полису выплачиваемая сумма отражает прибыли, которые страховая компания смогла получить в результате инвестирования взносов.

4. Пособие по безработице – это денежные выплаты безработным. Страны различаются по уровню таких платежей.

5. В одних странах это может быть фиксированный уровень. В других странах уровень платежей может зависеть от прежней зарплаты безработных и от продолжительности времени, в течение которого предоставляются пособия.

6. Социальное обеспечение – система обеспечения и обслуживания престарелых и нетрудоспособных граждан, а также семей, в которых есть дети.

7. Система социального обеспечения обычно включает пенсии, пособия работающим, пособия по безработице, пособия малообеспеченным семьям в которых есть дети и т.д.

8. Иждивенец – это человек, который получает постоянную материальную помощь от другого человека.

9. Привилегии для служащих иногда также называют дополнительные льготы. Работодатели обеспечивают служащих дополнительными льготами по разным причинам.

10. Это может быть желание улучшить здоровье и психологическое состояние работников или стремление сформировать у сотрудников чувство преданности фирме.

11. Привилегия – это исключительное право, преимущество, предоставленное кому-либо.

12. Страховое пособие в связи с утратой нетрудоспособности выплачивается людям, утратившим трудоспособность, полностью или частично, вследствие ранения, увечий или болезни.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

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