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Section 1. Key vocabulary. Exercise 1. Match the words with their corresponding definitions.


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Exercise 1. Match the words with their corresponding definitions.


to employ job to hire trait

employer job market salary requirement

employment economic growth fringe benefits qualification

title opportunity


a. the regular paid work that you do for an employer;

b. a person or company that pays people to work for them;

c. something that is needed for a particular activity;

d. to pay someone to work for you;

e. an increase in the value of goods and services produced in a country or area;

f. a skill, personal quality or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job;

g. work that you do to earn money;

h. the number and type of jobs that are available in a particular place;

i. a chance for you to do something successfully;

j. a name that describes a person’s job or position;

k. to employ a person or an organization for a short time to do a particular job for you;

l. money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month;

m. distinguishing quality or characteristic;

n. an additional advantage or service given with a job besides wages.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

The Individual Audit.

It is not selfish for you to think first about yourself when considering your future job. If you know what you want and need in a job, and you can obtain them, then your relationships with your employer, your family, and your friends will probably be satisfying because of your own contentment.

Take a few moments and become familiar with the primary communicator in your job search—you. This self-analysis will aid you in discovering your traits, your strengths, and your weaknesses. Think about what it is that you have to offer the potential employer and what it is you like and what you dis­like in a job. What are you specifically qualified to do? Writing these down, even in the form of lists, will help you inventory yourself.

The specific qualities of people can be placed into three basic trait catego­ries: physical traits, intelligence traits, and personality traits. Different kinds of employment call for people with different traits.

Perhaps like the computer dating analysis, it is necessary for you to match your individual traits with the characteristics that go with a particular job. If your traits do not fit a specific job, it does not mean you are a failure. It just means that you need to select a type of employment that calls for the traits you possess.

It is not necessary to make a value judgment as to whether those traits are good or bad. But it can be helpful to recognize honestly your traits and at­tempt to match them with a job you want.

The individual with the traits cited above is not going to be able to perform or enjoy a job that calls for locating in a smoggy metropolitan area, working odd hours day and night, reading volumes of material, and interacting con­stantly with fellow workers. But the traits listed might match very well with jobs that call for independent work, a steady work day, and intricate types of activities.

Before you ask an employer to hire you—make sure you know yourself and your work-related interests. You should also ask yourself how you feel about:

1. The size of the organization: do you prefer working in a large or in a small organization? Would you prefer being a small fish in a big pond, or would you like to become a big fish in a small pond?

2. What are your salary needs? Now? In the future?

3. How do you feel about the length of the working day? Overtime?

4. How do you feel about evening and weekend assignments?

5. Travel? How frequent?

6. Company dress regulations?

7. Fringe benefits offered?

8. Time spent in commuting?

9. Opportunities for advancement?

10. Types of people you like to work with?

11. Potential for transfer to other cities?

12. Level of job security offered?

Although all these are not involved directly in the job, they are items better thought about first and then discussed at the interview rather than after the job has been accepted. There is no point in locking yourself into a job that you will keep for only a few months... and being unhappy with in the bar­gain.


The Job Audit.

It is good to know yourself; but when considering employment, you do not operate in isolation. It is necessary to know and to understand the job mar­ketplace as well as the requirements of specific jobs.

The job market depends upon many things, such as the nature of the econ­omy, the number of people employed, the number of people in the job you want, the forecast for economic growth, and the changes in technology. With many factors influencing the job market, there are many excuses available to people who cannot find the job they want. But, with careful preparation andplanning, there are no valid excuses for not landing a job. There are many opportunities for matching your qualifications with the wants of a prospec­tive employer.

Again, planning must be emphasized. It is estimated that about 90 percent of college students get jobs. But, almost one-fourth of them do not get the jobs they want. To avoid becoming one of the unhappy 25 percent, it is necessary to look at employment opportunities, your traits, and job requirements as early as possible.

In the initial job search, exactness is necessary. Remember, there are thousands of exact job titles. Your chance of getting the right job is increased if you are very clear in identifying the job you want. When seeking employment and advancement, vagueness is not a virtue.

Exercise 3. Give the definitions to the words in italics.


1. I’ve applied for a job with the BBC.

2. Every employer should spend money on training.

3. Part-time employment was often the only paid employment women could find.

4. The job market has been particularly weak for unskilled workers.

5. It is necessary to understand the job marketplace as well as the requirements of specific jobs.

6. Philips employs 256,400 people all over the world.

7. At 7% economic growth a year, the economy would double in size less than a decade.

8. Isobel has all the right qualifications to become a good manager.

9. This is an excellent career opportunity for a recent graduate.

10. Her official title is Human Resources Manager.

11. Before you ask an employer to hire you - make sure you know yourself and your work-related interests.

12. She’s on a salary of £ 28,000.

13. A competitive salary with fringe benefits will be offered.

14. It is necessary for you to match your individual traits with the characteristics that go with a particular job.


Exercise 4. Complete the passage using the following words and phrases:


employer, employment, hire, job, job title, job market, job requirements, job opportunities, qualifications.


Years ago individuals joined the 1...... in their teens. A specified 2... was identified early and obtained. Or a son or daughter followed in a parent’s footsteps. Today, people are finding full-time 3... at a later age; there are infinitely more fields, and consequently more 4...... available.

Remember, employers rarely 5... just managers, technicians, administrators, or other generalists. The 6... hires a person for an exact job.

Your local newspaper, state employment agency, and private employment firms are places to learn about 7.......When you read the classified ads, examine them with care. Don’t be taken in by the that promises «a minimum of $ 50,000 each year for the right person» but goes on to describe in vague terms the 8.......If you are twenty-one years old, and have only part-time experience, don’t waste your time (and employer’s) replying to an advertisement that calls for «... a minimum of ten years’ experience as a financial officer for a major corporation... salary to $ 60,000 based on 9....»


Exercise 5. Match the words and phrases with their corresponding definitions:


1. a steady job

2. to hold down a job

3. to have a nine-to-five job

4. to be out of job

5. a top job

6. to be self-employed

7. to be in employment

8. to be job hunting


a. to keep a job

b. to have a job

c. a permanent job

d. to work regular hours

e. to look for a job

f. a high-ranking job

g. to be unemployed

h. to work independently



Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the phrases (1-8) from Exercise 5. Change the form of the words where necessary.


1. After 10 years as a freelance journalist, she finally got a...... working for The Sydney Morning Herald.

2. How long have you..........?

3. He has......... since last September.

4. She decided to leave a...... in advertising to do charity work.

5. He’s never managed to...... a regular job.

6. Are you......?

7. I used to have a... in an office, but now I run my own business.

8. Penny became... of a single company after several years on staff.


Exercise 7. Translate into English.


A. 1. Он наконец-то нашел постоянную работу.

2. Он старается не потерять работу, поэтому ему приходится много работать.

3. Ей уже давно не нравится то, что у нее нормированный рабочий день. Она мечтает о гибком графике работы.

4. Когда-то он был инженером на металлургическом заводе, а теперь он безработный.

5. Он занимает высокопоставленное служебное положение, т.к. он глава местной администрации.

6. Он работал на крупном промышленном предприятии, но когда предприятие закрылось, он стал работать на себя.

7. У вас сейчас есть работа? Неужели вы безработный?

8. Он ищет работу уже целый год. Когда-то у него была постоянная работа.


B. 1. Работодатель это частное лицо или компания, которые платят зарплату сотрудникам. Работодатель несет ответственность за безопасность труда рабочих.

2. Занятость это оплачиваемая работа на работодателя. Показатель занятости включает в себя работников, занятых полный рабочий день, и тех, кто работает неполный рабочий день.

3. Работа может быть в течение полного ил неполного рабочего дня, постоянной или временной.

4. Рынок труда является в основном неформальной системой, через которую заполняются рабочие места.

5.Зарплата это преобладающая форма оплаты труда. В силу традиции, работники, получавшие жалование ежемесячно, не имели права на оплату сверхурочных. Таким образом, получали зарплату в основном «белые воротнички».

6. Дополнительные льготы предоставляются своим работникам. Это льготы, отличные от зарплаты и премий. К таким льготам могут относиться пользование автомобилем компании, мед. Обслуживание или страхование.

7. Квалификационные требования это требования, предъявляемые к знаниям, навыкам, умениям, опыту нанимаемых работников.

8. Экономический рост это критерий экономического развития. Он выражается в росте валового внутреннего продукта и валового национального продукта на душу населения.

9. Рынок труда это сфера формирования спроса и предложения на рабочую силу. Через рынок труда осуществляется продажа рабочей силы на определенный срок.

10. Квалификация это степень профессиональной подготовки рабочих и служащих к выполнению конкретного вида работы. Ее составными элементами является теоретические знания работника, его практические навыки и профессиональное мастерство.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 90 | Нарушение авторских прав

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