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Exercise 1.Match the words with their corresponding definitions.
expert red tape to report back
superior flexibility to delegate
authority delegation to carry out
subordinate management
a. someone who has a lower position and less authority than someone else in an organization;
b. someone with a higher position or rank than another person, especially in a job;
c. the power that a person or organization has because of their official or legal position;
d. an ability to change or be changed easily to suit any new situation;
e. official rules that seem complicated and unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily;
f. someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of an area of work or study, usually as a result of many years experience;
g. the activity or skill of directing and controlling the work of a company or organization;
h. the process of giving part of your power or work to someone in a lower position than you;
i. to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you;
j. to find out about something as part of your job, and then to tell your employer about it;
k. to perform or to complete a job or activity.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.
Line and functional organization.
Business activity of every kind requires organization to ensure successful progress. A generally accepted understanding of «organization» is the combination of planning, and defining of, delegation responsibilities in each of the various management functions with the consequential relationships carefully set out and agreed.
The theory of organization assumes that management will use the various methods of organization, viz. «line», «functional», «Line and staff», where appropriate with the aim of establishing the most suitable method for the respective circumstances of the business.
Line Organization. This would be appropriate for a business operated within a very clear separate department with the person in charge of each department having complete authority - subordinates in each department being responsible only to one superior. Each departmental head would thus have the same standing and in general equal remuneration, none having specific authority over another.
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Drivers Maintenance Reps. Clerks Cashier Clerks Registar Clerks
The relevant disadvantages and benefits of line organization can be summarized simply. Disadvantages. Communications between departments are not made easy as everything must, presumably, pass through the respective departmental heads, and thus a degree of «red tape» is caused. Benefits. There is a clear definition of responsibilities and precise duties which, of course, is absolutely essential to maintain efficiency with control and, consequently, discipline is easier to maintain.
Functional Organization. In normal conditions only small firms with limited activity would use line organization and the alternative of functional organization is preferable in larger concerns requiring a greater degree of flexibility. The principle of this type of organization is that functional or specialist work which is common to every department must be in the hands of such specialists who carry out that function or work for all departments. A simple example of this is the now common-place central typing pool. The relevant disadvantages and benefits of this type of organization can be summarized in simple terms. Disadvantages. A danger to discipline because instructions from different sources could conflict unintentionally. Benefits. The «specialists» become experts and are able to pass on their knowledge and experience to subordinates and colleagues.
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Drivers Maintenance Reps. Clerks Cashier Clerks Admin.
Typists Typists Services
etc. etc.
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Some companies, recognizing the respective benefits of both line and functional organization, operate these under the «line and staff» system.
Whatever system is used, there is a fundamental necessity for all concerned to realize that the principal purposes of organization charts are to establish lines of authority, responsibility, delegation, and communications.
In the efficient operation of any kind of business activity, delegation must be the essential factor in good management. It must, however, always be a «two way traffic» system. Whilst it is good and sound practice to delegate responsibility down or along the line, there must always remain the necessity of reporting up or back to the authority which delegated. In this way ultimate authority and responsibility is preserved. To delegate only without providing for any reporting back is the worst possible kind of management and could be described as foolhardy in the extreme.
The authority delegating must also ensure that the work being delegated is well within the capacity and ability of those to whom it is delegated.
Exercise 3. Give the definitions to the words in italics.
1. Superiors are regularly evaluated by their subordinates.
2. Superiors sometimes find it difficult to delegate their authority.
3. I wouldn’t have taken the job unless I had the authority to run the division.
4. The advantage of this system is flexibility.
5. The only way to get this project off the ground is to cut through the red tape.
6. One of the functions of the marketing expert in commerce is to develop a clear idea of the target market.
7. In banking as in every other business, good management is essential.
8. Mr. Horton set out to establish a structure with maximum controls and maximum of delegation responsibility.
9. Authority to make financial decision has been delegated to a special committee.
10. She reported back to management with bold restructuring proposals.
11. The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what’s wrong with her.
Exercise 4. Complete the passage using the following words and phases:
to hire, position, manager, hierarchy, authority, expertise, departments, line managers, staff positions.
A line position is a 1... in the direct chain of command that is responsible for the achievement of an organization’s goals. A staff position is intended to provide 2..., advice, and support for line positions. The president and the vice presidents for production, finance, and marketing are considered 3...... - they occupy a position in the direct chain of command and contribute directly to the firm’s goals. The assistant to the president and the assistant to the vice president of production hold professional 4...... - they assist the individual 5... in a variety of activities. The legal adviser and the vice presidents of research and development (R&D) and human resources are also called professional staff, because they have special skills and because they work with many 6... rather than with just one individual. The Vice president of human resources, for example, would work with all of the other job managers 7... and train employees for their units.
The most obvious difference between line and stuff is purpose. The purpose of line is to work directly towards organizational goals, whereas staff advise and assists. But other distinctions exist as well. One very important difference is 8.... Line authority is generally thought of as the formal or legitimate authority created by the organizational 9.... Staff authority is less concrete and may take a variety of forms.
Exercise 5. Match the words and phrases with their corresponding definitions.
1. to be an expert in something
2. to ensure
3. to be a person in authority
4. to have specialist skills
5. organization
6. to report back to someone
7. to be in charge
8. department
a. to be the person responsible
b. to have skills in a particular subject
c. to bring information to someone
d. to be an important or high ranking person
e. one of the parts of a large organization
f. to make something happen
g. to have studied and know a lot about something
h. a group of people who work together in a structured way for shared purpose
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using the phrases (1-8) from Exercise 4. Change the form of the words where necessary.
1. The role of the police is...... that the law is obeyed.
2. She heads the customer services....
3. We need to get the support of someone.......
4. William......... in early Christian art.
5. The article was about the major international aid....
6. I didn’t get the job because I didn’t have the necessary.......
7. Find out their names and...... to me tomorrow.
8. Who will......... of the department when Sophie leaves?
Exercise 7. Translate into English.
A. 1. Он опытный водитель.
2. Ездить верхом ни тот ни другой как следует не умел.
3. Мы не можем ручаться за успех.
4. Вы должны обеспечить им всем в совокупности права и преимущества.
5. Он очень влиятельный человек.
6. Организация Объединенных Наций выступает в поддержку и укрепление мира, безопасности и развитие сотрудничества между государствами.
7. Студентов попросили сообщить о результатах исследования.
8. Я руковожу этим отделом.
9. Он несет ответственность за это дело.
10. Кто здесь главный? (К кому здесь можно обратиться?)
B. 1. Эксперт – квалифицированный специалист в определенной области, привлекаемый для исследования, консультирования, выработки суждений, заключений, предложений и проведения экспертизы.
2. Начальник – это должностное лицо, руководящее или заведующее отделом.
3. Полномочие – право, предоставленное подчиненному на совершение каких-либо действий.
4. Бюрократизм – иерархически организованная система управления, при которой деятельность руководящих органов направлена преимущественно на обеспечение ведомственных интересов в ущерб интересов общества.
5. Бюрократизм - это формализм в ведении дел, приводящий к медленному, затрудненному прохождению необходимых или очередных решений.
6. Гибкость – это мобильность, приспособляемость организаций и лиц, занимающихся экономической деятельностью, к перемене условий.
7. Гибкость – умение, способность быстро изменить способ действий экономического субъекта.
8. Делегирование полномочий – передача полномочий и задач лицу, которое принимает на себя ответственность за их выполнение.
9. Делегирование полномочий представляет собой средство, при помощи которого руководство распределяет среди сотрудников задачи, которые Должны быть выполнены для достижения целей всей организации.
10. Менеджмент – управление производством; совокупность принципов, методов, средств и форм управления производством, разработанных и применяемых с целью повышения эффективности производства и увеличении прибыли.
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