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Mr. Marshall drives her husband to the airport. He has decided to check in there instead of at the airline’s town terminal, which is much farther from his home. Mrs. Marshall parks the car. She picks up her husband’s cabin bag while Mr. Marshall carries his suitcase. Together they walk over to the airport’s international departures terminal building. They enter through doors that open automatically and glance up at the large clock.

Mrs. Marshall: What time do you have to check in?

Mr. Marshall:8.15..I’m only a few minutes late. Anyway, the flight doesn’t leave until 9.30.

Mrs. Marshall: There are so many airline check – in counters. Where do we have to go?

Mr. Marshall: Over there. See those counters with the International Airlines signs above them?

Mrs. Marshall: Oh, yes. There seems to be a long queue.

Mr. Marshall: Don’t worry. My secretary warned them that I might be a little late.

Mrs. Marshall: Have you got your passport and ticket ready?

Mr. Marshall: Now I told you not to worry. The Passenger Officer has everything laid on. Let’s get on the end of the queue.

Mrs. Marshall: They seem to be getting all these people through very quickly.


Mr. Marshall: It’s very different these days from what it used to be. The computerized check – in system has made everything much more efficient. It was needed, of course. It would have been a little difficult using the old manual system in these days of the jumbo jet.

Mrs. Marshall: Yes, I suppose it would. What’s that thing the girl over there is using? It looks like a TV set with a typewriter keyboard.

Mr. Marshall: That’s just about what it is. They call it a CRT set. The initials stand for cathode ray tube. They use the keyboard to question the computer. You’ll see how it works when it’s my turn to check in.

Check – in girl: Good morning, sir. Have you booked for flight XA 101?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, indeed. The Passenger Officer should have all my documents.

Check – in girl: Oh, you must be Mr. Marshall. I was expecting you. Everything’s been taken care of, sir. The Passenger Officer has given me your documents. Would you please put your baggage on the scales.

Mr. Marshall: I should be well within my baggage allowance.

Check – in girl: Yes, it only weighs 15 kilos. Perhaps you would fix these labels to your cabin bag and briefcase while I tie this label tag on to your suitcase.

Mr. Marshall: You have my passport?

Check – in girl: Yes, sir. Here it is. Now let me check your international health certificates. Yes, all your inoculations and vaccinations are up to date. Your visa for Bahrain is also valid. Here you are, sir.

Mr. Marshall: Thank you. Is there any delay to the flight?

Check – in girl: No, everything is on schedule. Take – off is 09.30.

Mr. Marshall: Good.

Check – in girl: I won’t keep you long now, Mr. Marshall. Your ticket is in order. Now I’ll just check with the computer.

Mr. Marshall: Yes, I did request a window seat. I hope I won’t be disappointed.

Check – in girl: Yes, I see the request here. And a vegetarian meal, too.

Mr. Marshall: That’s right.

Check – in girl: It’s all been entered on the computer. I’ll just check the seating plan. Yes, there are several economy window seats available. Would you prefer a seat towards the back of the aircraft?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, please.

Check – in girl: Row 23, seat A. Here’s your boarding card, Mr. Marshall.

Mr. Marshall: Thanks. Where do we put down on the way to Bahrain.

Check – in girl: Only at Rome. You’ll be in transit there for forty – five minutes. It’s really just a technical stop for refueling. You’ll be landing at Bahrain at 21.30 hours local time.

Mr. Marshall: A nine – hour flight in all?

Check – in girl: That’s right, Mr. Marshall. Now if you would make your way to the final departure lounge, they should be making the boarding announcement for your flight in about twenty minutes time. Do have a good flight, sir.

Mr. Marshall: Thank you. As usual, everything has gone very smoothly.

Check – in girl: Thank you, Mr. Marshall.

Mrs. Marshall: That seems a long time to wait.

Mr. Marshall: What does?

Mrs. Marshall: The girl said twenty minutes. We didn’t have to rush to get here after all.

Mr. Marshall: I still have to go through Passport Control and I want to get some things in the duty – free shop. I’ll need those twenty minutes.

Mrs. Marshall: Yes, darling. I do wish I was coming with you now, but I’ll meet your plane at Rome on Wednesday. Take care of yourself.

Mr. Marshall: Yes, I will. Now remember that my secretary has everything arranged for your flight. She’ll telephone you tomorrow. You’ve seen how simple everything is, so don’t worry.

Mrs. Marshall: No, darling, I won’t. Have a good flight. Good – bye.




1.Translate the following words and word combinations:

Cabin bag; suitcase; briefcase; to carry; departures terminal building; to weigh; check – in counters (desks); manual system; to get visa (ticket, documents) ready; computerized check – in system; to question the computer; to put the baggage on the scales; to be will within the baggage allowance (not to exceed the limits); to fix labels to the cabin bag (briefcase); to tie the label tag on to the suitcase; a delay to the flight; to be valid; to be up – to – date; to be on schedule; to check with the computer; to enter on the computer; to check the seating plan; boarding card (pass); to put down=to land=to stop over; to be in transit; a technical stop for refueling; the final departure lounge; to make the boarding announcement; to go through Passport Control; duty – free shop; jumbo jet.


2.Translate the following words and word combinations into English:

Реактивный самолет большой вместимости; не превышать норм перевоза багажа; чемодан; прикрепить бирку к портфелю; задержка рейса; быть действительным (годным); подготовить документы; посадочный талон; техническая остановка для дозаправки топливом; объявление о посадке; регистрационная стойка; план размещения пассажирских кресел; взвешивать – вес; посадочный талон.

3.Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Have you got your passport and ticket ready?

2. The computerized check – in system has made everything mush more efficient.

3. Are you still using the old manual system in these days of the jumbo jet?

4. Would you please put your baggage on the scales?

5. Am I well within my baggage allowance?

6. Is there any delay to the flight?

7. Everything is on schedule.

8. Here’s your boarding card.

9. Your baggage weighs 15 kilos.

10. Your visa is valid. Here you are.

11. Perhaps you would fix these labels to your cabin bag and brief – case while I tie this label tag on to your suitcase.

12. Your request has been entered on the computer. You did request a window seat. I’ll check the seating plan.

13. You’ll be in transit for 45 minutes.

14. It’s a technical stop for refueling.

15. Make you way to the final departure lounge.

16. They will make the boarding announcement for your flight in 20 min.

17. I have to go through Passport Control.

18. Iwant to get some things in the duty free shop.


4.Answer the following questions:

Where do passengers usually check – in? What check – in system has been introduced lately? Who weighs the baggage, checks health certificates, visas and tickets? What is every passenger given after check – in procedure? What announcements do they make before the flight? What Controls do passengers have to go through? What documents are inspected at check – in? What are the duties of the check – in staff? How long do passengers stay in transit? What information canbe entered on the computer?

5.Act out dialogues on the following situations:

1. A passengers asks the representative about check – in procedures.

2. A passenger wants to know what happens to his baggage at check – in.

3. A passenger has found out that they will be in transit for some time.

He wants to know if it’s possible to go sightseeing when they stay in transit.


6.Test. TranslateintoEnglish:

К какой стойке должен я подойти? Подготовьте паспорт и билет, пожалуйста. Когда мы должны пройти регистрацию? Дежурный по посадке передал мне ваши документы. Поставьте ваш багаж на весы. Я не превышаю норму багажа? Ваш багаж весит 15 кг. Прикрепите бирку на вашу ручную кладь. Ваша виза действительна, вот она. Наш рейс по расписанию или есть задержка? Мой билет в порядке? Вся эта информация будет введена в ЭВМ. Проверьте план размещения пассажирских кресел, пожалуйста. Есть свободные места? Подготовьте посадочный талон, пожалуйста. Будет ли у нас техническая остановка для дозаправки? Система регистрации с помощью ЭВМ очень необходима. Вы слышали объявление о посадке на ваш рейс? Сколько весит мой багаж? Я не превышаю норму? Трудно пользоваться ручной системой в век широкофюзеляжных реактивных самолетов.


Reading and Comprehension

In this era of the jumbo jet and mass air travel, passenger handling must be economic and efficient. To achieve this, the world’s airlines are using computers to aid passengers reservations and check - in procedures. Reservations and check – in staff are able to instruct and question the computer by using a keyboard. Information is obtained almost instantly in visual form on a small TV – type screen, which is known as a CRT display. When a passenger wants to book a seat on a particular flight, the reservations staff check the computer to see if seats are available. When the booking is made, the passenger’s name and any special requests that he may make are recorded by the computer. At check – in, staff are able to retrieve this information and check visually whether the passenger has a confirmed seat and, if not, whether they can allocate one. Instructions for such things as special diets, which have to be arranged well before flight departure, are automatically retrieved from the computer in advance so that the airline staff have sufficient time to carry out the requests. At check – in, the passenger’s baggage is weighed and labeled. Also, his ticket, passport and health documents are inspected to see that they are in order.


Unit 5



Mr. Marshall kisses his wife good-bye. Carrying only his cabin bag and briefcase, he walks through an entrance marked “Passengers Only”. He checks his watch as he hurries towards the Passport Control desk. He has plenty of time to visit the duty-free shop in the departure lounge to buy the perfume he wants as a surprise for his wife, and his duty-free Scotch and cigarettes. At Passport Control he hands over his passport for inspection.

Mr. Marshall: Good morning.

Passport Officer: Morning, sir. Where are you off to this time?

Mr. Marshall: Bahrain.

Passport Officer: Again. Business?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, I have to attend a conference for my company.

Passport Officer: Your passport, sir. Everything is in order.

Mr. Marshall: Thank you.

Mr. Marshall goes to the duty-free shop…

Shop girl: Can I help you, sir?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, I`d like a bottle of White Label, 200 king-size tipped cigarettes and some perfume for my wife.

Shop girl: You can get the cigarettes and whisky, but I`m afraid you`ll have to go to the counter over there for the perfume.

Mr. Marshall: Oh, see. How much do you want for the whisky and cigarettes?

Shop girl: That will be £ 2.75 in all. Could I see your boarding card, please? Thank you.

Mr. Marshall: These formalities seem to be peculiar to this airport. I don`t remember doing this before.

Shop girl: They vary around the world. In some places you`re given a receipt and the purchases are handed to you on the aircraft or after you`ve landed at your destination. Shall I put them in a bag for you?

Mr. Marshall: No, thank you. There`s plenty of room in my cabin bag. There, that`s fine. Now, where is the perfume counter?

Shop girl: Just over there, sir. Go to the far end. There`s no one waiting.

Mr. Marshall: Good, thank you.

Assistant: Is there something you`d like, sir?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, some perfume for my wife.

Assistant: Have you anything in mind?

Mr. Marshall: Not really. It’s to be a surprise. She has lots of Chanel and Dior. I thought I’d get something different.

Assistant: Well, we do have a wide selection. I can recommend Quadrille by Balenciaga, or Ma Griffe by Carven.

Mr. Marshall: I think I’ll take the Ma Griffe.

Assistant: Yes, sir. What size?

Mr. Marshall: Something like than one there.

Assistant: That’s half-ounce bottle.

Mr. Marshall: That will do nicely. How much is that?

Assistant: £ 3.50

Mr. Marshall: They should be calling my flight by now.

Assistant: Which one is that?

Mr. Marshall: The XA101, 9.30 departure.

Assistant: There’s announcement on the public address system, now, sir.

Mr. Marshall: Oh, good.

Assistant: You have plenty of time. If you look over there at that closed-circuit television screen you’ll see they’re boarding at Gate 5. Here’s your package and your change.

Mr. Marshall: I’ll pop it into my cabin bag. Makes things easier to have everything together when you go through Customs. Good-bye, and thanks for your help with the perfume.

Assistant: I’m sure your wife will like it.



I. Translate the following words:

entrance; to mark; to hand over; to vary; to give a receipt; to call one’s flight; the public address system; to board the flight at Gate 5; on arrival; to submit to inspection by Customs and Health officials; to have passport inspected; to pass through Passport Control; to purchase; to depend on regulations; the duty-free allowances; to be alerted for the flight; to commence boarding; to inform of smth; the number of the gate; the amount of dutt check – in, staff are able to retrieve this information and check visually whether the passenger has a confirmed seat and, if not, whether they can allocate one. Instructions for such things as special diets, which have to be arranged well before flight departure, are automatically retrieved from the computer in advance so that the airline staff have sufficient time to carry out the requests. At check – in, the passenger’s baggage is weighed and labeled. Also, his ticket, passport and health documents are inspected to see that they are in order.


Unit 5



Mr. Marshall kisses his wife good-bye. Carrying only his cabin bag and briefcase, he walks through an entrance marked “Passengers Only”. He checks his watch as he hurries towards the Passport Control desk. He has plenty of time to visit the duty-free shop in the departure lounge to buy the perfume he wants as a surprise for his wife, and his duty-free Scotch and cigarettes. At Passport Control he hands over his passport for inspection.

Mr. Marshall: Good morning.

Passport Officer: Morning, sir. Where are you off to this time?

Mr. Marshall: Bahrain.

Passport Officer: Again. Business?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, I have to attend a conference for my company.

Passport Officer: Your passport, sir. Everything is in order.

Mr. Marshall: Thank you.

Mr. Marshall goes to the duty-free shop…

Shop girl: Can I help you, sir?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, I`d like a bottle of White Label, 200 king-size tipped cigarettes and some perfume for my wife.

Shop girl: You can get the cigarettes and whisky, but I`m afraid you`ll have to go to the counter over there for the perfume.

Mr. Marshall: Oh, see. How much do you want for the whisky and cigarettes?

Shop girl: That will be £ 2.75 in all. Could I see your boarding card, please? Thank you.

Mr. Marshall: These form敨愠物牣晡⁴牯愠瑦牥礠畯癠⁥慬摮摥愠⁴潹牵搠獥楴慮楴湯桓污⁉異⁴桴浥椠⁡慢⁧潦⁲潹㽵䴍⹲䴠牡桳污›潎桴湡潹⹵吠敨敲獠瀠敬瑮⁹景爠潯湩洠⁹慣楢慢⹧吠敨敲桴瑡獠映湩⹥丠睯桷牥⁥獩琠敨瀠牥畦敭挠畯瑮牥ി桓灯朠物›畊瑳漠敶⁲桴牥ⱥ猠物潇琠桴⁥慦⁲湥⹤吠敨敲獠渠湯⁥慷瑩湩⹧䴍⹲䴠牡桳污›潇摯桴湡潹⹵䄍獳獩慴瑮›獉琠敨敲猠浯瑥楨杮礠畯摠氠歩ⱥ猠物ി牍慍獲慨汬㨠夠獥潳敭瀠牥畦敭映牯洠⁹楷敦മ獁楳瑳湡㩴䠠癡⁥潹⁵湡瑹楨杮椠業摮ി牍慍獲慨汬㨠丠瑯爠慥汬⹹䤠鉴⁳潴戠⁥⁡畳灲楲敳桓⁥慨⁳潬獴漠⁦桃湡汥愠摮䐠潩⹲䤠琠潨杵瑨䤠撒朠瑥猠浯瑥楨杮搠晩敦敲瑮മ獁楳瑳湡⁴›敗汬敷搠慨敶愠眠摩⁥敳敬瑣潩⹮䤠挠湡爠捥浯敭摮儠慵牤汩敬戠⁹慂敬据慩慧牯䴠⁡片晩敦戠⁹慃癲湥䴍⹲䴠牡桳污›⁉桴湩鉉汬琠歡⁥桴⁥慍䜠楲晦⹥䄍獳獩慴瑮㨠夠獥楳⹲圠慨⁴楳敺ി牍慍獲慨汬㨠匠浯瑥楨杮氠歩⁥桴湡漠敮琠敨敲മ獁楳瑳湡⁴›桔瑡玒栠污ⵦ畯据⁥潢瑴敬മ牍慍獲慨汬㨠吠慨⁴楷汬搠楮散祬潈⁷畭档椠⁳桴瑡ി獁楳瑳湡⁴›₣⸳〵䴍⹲䴠牡桳污›桔祥猠潨汵⁤敢挠污楬杮洠⁹汦杩瑨戠⁹潮⹷䄍獳獩慴瑮㨠圠楨档漠敮椠⁳桴瑡ി牍慍獲慨汬㨠吠敨堠ㅁ㄰⸹〳搠灥牡畴敲മ獁楳瑳湡⁴›桔牥鉥⁳湡潮湵散敭瑮漠桴⁥異汢捩愠摤敲獳猠獹整Ɑ渠睯楳⹲䴍⹲䴠牡桳污›桏潧摯മ獁楳瑳湡⁴›潙⁵慨敶瀠敬瑮⁹景琠浩⹥䤠⁦潹⁵潬歯漠敶⁲桴牥⁥瑡琠慨⁴汣獯摥挭物畣瑩琠汥癥獩潩捳敲湥礠畯沒敳⁥桴祥犒⁥潢牡楤杮愠⁴慇整㔠效敲玒礠畯⁲慰正条⁥湡⁤潹牵挠慨杮⹥䴍⹲䴠牡桳污›鉉汬瀠灯椠⁴湩潴洠⁹慣楢慢⹧䴠歡獥琠楨杮⁳慥楳牥琠慨敶攠敶祲桴湩⁧潴敧桴牥眠敨潹⁵潧琠牨畯桧䌠獵潴獭潇摯戭敹湡⁤桴湡獫映牯礠畯⁲敨灬眠瑩⁨桴⁥数晲浵⹥䄍獳獩慴瑮㨠䤠涒猠牵⁥潹牵眠晩⁥楷汬氠歩⁥瑩മ䔍䕘䍒卉卅䤍牔湡汳瑡⁥桴⁥潦汬睯湩⁧潷摲㩳攍瑮慲据㭥琠慭歲※潴栠湡⁤癯牥※潴瘠牡㭹琠楧敶愠爠捥楥瑰※潴挠污湯鉥⁳汦杩瑨※桴⁥異汢捩愠摤敲獳猠獹整㭭琠潢牡⁤桴⁥汦杩瑨愠⁴慇整㔠※湯愠牲癩污※潴猠扵業⁴潴椠獮数瑣潩祢䌠獵潴獭愠摮䠠慥瑬⁨景楦楣污㭳琠慨敶瀠獡灳牯⁴湩灳捥整㭤琠慰獳琠牨畯桧倠獡灳牯⁴潃瑮潲㭬琠異捲慨敳※潴搠灥湥⁤湯爠来汵瑡潩獮※桴⁥畤祴昭敲⁥污潬慷据獥※潴戠⁥污牥整⁤潦⁲桴⁥汦杩瑨※潴挠浯敭据⁥潢牡楤杮※潴椠普牯景猠瑭㭨琠敨渠浵敢⁲景琠敨朠瑡㭥琠敨愠潭湵⁴景搠瑵чить покупки? Какой рейс объявляют? Вы слышали номер выхода к самолёту? Где производят посадку на наш рейс? Где можно узнать нормы беспошлинных товаров? Как оповещают пассажиров о времени регистрации, о номере рейса и времени вылета? Где будут производить посадку на рейс 101? Когда объявят посадку на наш рейс? Уже объявили посадку на наш рейс? Вы должны пройти через дверь с надписью “Только пассажиры”. Не могли бы вы узнать нормы беспошлинных товаров? Какие нормы провоза багажа? Что я должен предъявить для проверки? Выужепроверилимойпаспорт?

Reading and Comprehension.

On arrival in a foreign country, every passenger has to submit to inspection by Customs, Immigration and Health officials. When leaving a country, passengers usually first have their passports inspected. After passing through Passport Control, passengers who are about to board flights find themselves in the final departure lounge of the airport terminal building. Most airports today provide duty-free shops in the final departure lounges. The choice of articles that can be purchased is very varied, ranging from cigarettes and whisky to watches and cameras. The amount of duty-free goods that a passenger can take into another country depends on that country’s laws or regulations. The duty-free allowances for individual destinations are available from the staff operating the duty-free shops. Passengers waiting in the final departure lounge are alerted for their flights by announcements over the PA system, boards giving details of departing flights, or closed-circuit television sets – or a combination of all there. Apart from being given flight number, time of departure, and instruction as to whether or not the flight is boarding, passengers are also informed of the number of the gate from which boarding will commence.



Unit 6



Mr. Marshall’s flight – XA101 – is boarding at gate 5. Carrying his briefcase and cabin bag, he walks out of the departure lounge and follows the signs pointing the way to Gate 5. One of the airline’s ground hostesses checks his boarding card at the gate. After a security check, he walks down the airbridge to the open door of the aircraft where the cabin crew are waiting to greet their passengers.

Ground hostess: Your boarding card, please, sir.

Mr. Marshall: Just a minute. Oh, here it is in my pocket.

Ground hostess: Thank you. Please look after it. You’ll need it again on the aircraft. Now, will you please join those passengers queuing over there.

Mr. Marshall: Why, what’s wrong? Some delay?

Ground hostess: Oh, nothing to worry about, sir. It’s just our normal security check. We have to do it these days, but it won’t take more than a few minutes.

Mr. Marshall: Oh, very well then.

Security officer: May I see your hand baggage, please?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, but do be careful. I have a bottle of Scotch in the cabin bag and some important papers in my briefcase.

Security officer: They’ll be all right, sir. Now will you walk between these two posts, please?

Mr. Marshall: What is all this?

Security officer: It’s a detection device that shows us if anyone is carrying any metal.

Mr. Marshall: Fascinating. What was that bell?

Security officer: Have you got something in your right pocket?

Mr. Marshall: Er, yes. My bunch of keys.

Security officer: May I have them, please? Now just walk through again, sir.

Mr. Marshall: No bell. It was the keys that made it ring, then?

Security officer: That’s right, sir. Now, please open your cabin bag and briefcase for me. Oh, here are your keys back.

Mr. Marshall: See, nothing but my duty-free purchases and my papers.

Security officer: That’s all, sir. Thank you for your co-operation. Now please walk down there and board the aircraft.

Air hostess: Good morning, sir. I hope you’ll enjoy your flight. May I see your boarding card?

Mr. Marshall: Here you are. Row 23.

Air hostess: Oh, yes. Let me show you to your seat. This way, please.

Mr. Marshall: I have a window seat.

Air hostess: You did say Row 23?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, that’s right. Row 23 seat A.

Air hostess: Something seems to be wrong. All the window seats are occupied. That gentleman must be in the wrong seat. Please wait here, while I sort it out.

Mr. Marshall: Fine.

Air hostess: It’s all right, sir. That gentleman should have been sitting in the window seat on the other side.

Mr. Marshall: That’s a relief. Now I’ll just put my briefcase and cabin bag in the overhead rack.

Air hostess: I’m sorry, sir, but you’ll have to keep them on the cabin floor.

Mr. Marshall: Why’s that?

Air hostess: They’re far too heavy. If we ran into some turbulence, they might easily fall out of the rack and hurt someone.

Mr. Marshall: Yes, indeed. I didn’t think.

Air hostess: May I take your coat and put it in the rack for you?

Mr. Marshall: Yes, that’ll be a great help.

Air hostess: There you are, sir. Can you get both your cabin bag and briefcase under the seat?

I could put one near the galley at the rear of the aircraft. It’ll be quite safe.

Mr. Marshall: Oh, there is no need, thanks. There’s lots of room and they’re not in my way at all.

Air hostess: Now please fasten your seatbelt and do not smoke until you see the “No smoking” sign go off.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-26; просмотров: 92 | Нарушение авторских прав

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