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Тесты по стилистике.

Gradation is | Тесты по истории английского языка. | Тесты по литературе | Stephen Dedalus is the main character of | Intentional treating idioms as if they were word combinations (or single words) used in their primary sense results in the formation of | The stylistic device which is based on the relation between the part and the whole is called | The listening exercises focusing on detailed comprehension of meaning are | A speech pattern is | Exercises in establishing phoneme-grapheme correlation, reading isolated words and word combinations, predicting a word form are | Oral non-translation simulative communicative exercises in vocabulary acquisition prevail at |

Читайте также:
  1. Несмотря на протесты ортодоксальных ученых, продолжают увеличиваться свидетельства в пользу предположений, выдвинутых Шочем и Уэстом
  2. Пиктограмма и рисуночные тесты.
  3. Примерные тесты по курсу
  4. Проверочные тесты для подготовки к экзаменам
  5. Протесты
  6. СТАТЬЯ 21. Жалобы и протесты.
  7. Субъективные тесты или стандартизованные самоотчеты.

The disyllabic foot in which the stress is upon the second syllable is called

a) trochee;

b) amphibrach;

c) iambus.


Metonymy is based on

a) similarity; b) contiguity; c) contrast.


Assonance is the repetition of

a) the same stressed vowel;

b) the same unstressed vowel;

c) the same consonant.

Slang words belong to the bulk of

a) neutral words;

b) common colloquial words;

c) special colloquial words.


Rearranging questions in the direct word order is called

a) secondary inversion;

b) partial inversion;

c) complete inversion.


6. Fill in the gap: ________ is the sequence of ideas where the weakest element is added to one or several strong ones and thus receives prominence due to an interruption inthe pattern of predictability.

a) Climax;

b) Anticlimax;

c) Enumeration.


Asyndeton is

a) the deliberate omission of the pronominal connective creating a blend of the main and the subordinate clauses;

b) the deliberate omission of the connective where it is generally expected to be according to the norms of the literary language;

c) the repeated use of conjunctions.

A stressed vowel is followed by the same sounds in

a) assonance;

b) perfect rhyme;

c) alliteration.


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Pastiche, intertextuality, metafiction, temporal distortion, paranoia, etc. are specific features of| Anaphora is

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