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Учебно-методический комплекс | Распределение часов по темам и видам учебной работы | Раздел 2: квартира, магазин, покупки. | Задания для самостоятельной работы студентов. | Очное отделение | Заочное отделение. 4 страница | Сокращённая форма на базе среднего и высшего профессионального образования. | Очное отделение | Заочное отделение | Приложение: Ролевые игры. |

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If the visitor to the City of Oxford is a stranger, he probably asks someone to direct him to "the University". To this apparently simple question there seems to be no simple answer. Libraries, lecture rooms, museums, the botanical gardens: they are all parts of the university, but they are not exactly its "centre". But if the visitor asks for a particular college, he will he directed (его.направят) at once to a specific group of buildings. Those doorways' and courtyards belong to "colleges" which have an actual, physical existence. The "university" is a more elusive concept.

... The structure of Oxford University (together with Cambridge) is unique in that it preserves the mediaeval university organization. You must imagine a federation of autonomous republics with a common foreign policy (dealings with the government and other universities) and with a common budget (money from the government and from other national and international sources) and a set of common values (the teaching of undergraduates and graduates and the pursuit of scholarly research), which are at the same time fiercely independent "republics" with their own funds, their own students, their own projects and enthusiasms

Despite its venerable age, Oxford is emphatically not a museum Each building is alive Even more important, both the University and its colleges are very democratic institutions

What is it like, being a student at Oxford' Like all British universities, Oxford is a state university, not a private one. The most successful candidates are admitted (поступают) to a specified college of the university: that will be their home for the next three years (the normal period for an undergraduate degree), and for longer if they are admitted (поступают) to study for a postgraduate degree.

Oxford is international, because people all over the world come to study there.

6.Задайте специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым в тексте словам (6 вопросов).

7.Задайте один альтернативный и один разделительный вопрос к следующим предложениям (6 вопросов).

1) Oxford is a state university.

2) People all over the world come to Oxford to study.

3) The structure of Oxford University preserves the mediaeval university organization.

8. Выпишите из текста прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях сравнения со словами, к которым они относятся.

9. Укажите, к какой части речи относятся слова данные ниже. Подчеркните встречающиеся в них суффиксы и дайте исходные формы этих слов:

Organization, stranger, political, visitor, emphatically, building, successful, fiercely, government.

10. На основании следующих вопросов составьте рассказ о себе.

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Are you married or single? 4. Do you live with your parents? 5. Have you got children? 6. What is your job? 7. How long does it take you to get to your work? 8. When do you begin your working day? 9. Who is the head of your office? 10. What do you do during your working hours? What are your duties? 11. What countries does your office do business with? 12. Do you sometimes take part in business talks? 13. Does your office receive a lot of letters, cables and telexes? 14. Who sends answers to these business letters? 15. Do you receive foreign businessmen at your office?


11. Составьте диалог по аналогии со следующим ниже.

Jones: Hello. Is that Machinoexport?

Secretary: Yes, it is.

Jones: This is Jones speaking I'd like to speak to Mr.Somov. Is he in now? Secretary: Yes, he is Just a moment, please.

Somov: How do you do, Mr.Jones?

Jones: How do you do, Mr.Somov. I'd like to meet you and discuss our

enquiry for boilers.

Somov: Very good. Come and see us tomorrow morning, please.




Контрольная работа № 2 должна быть выполнена во 2-ом семестре первого года обучения факультетами всех специальностей.

Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса:

1 The Past Simple Tense.

2 The Future Simple Tense.

3 The Present Continuous Tense (в том числе его употребление в значении будущего).

4 The Present Perfect Tense (в сравнении с Past Simple)

5 Participle I (в функции определения и обстоятельства)

6 Модальные глаголы CAN, MAY, MUST

7 Употребление MUCH, MANY, (A) FEW, (A) LITTLE.

8 Местоимения SOME, ANY, NO

9 The Past Perfect Tense

10The Past Progressive Tense


1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную


1. Не has some new English books.

2. There were some magazines on his table

3. They can speak some foreign languages.

4. He knows some engineers of our office.

5. We sent some letters to foreign firms yesterday.

6. Our director received some businessmen the day before yesterday.

7. They will discuss the terms of delivery with them next week.

8. They are having talks with their partners.

9. They have concluded an agreement lately.

2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no.

1 There are catalogues on the table. 2.Can you give me...magazines to read? 3. There are not..letters on your desk. 4. The other day we sent...inquiries for furniture 5. Are there...price-lists on his desk? Yes, there are... 6. Did your office make contracts with British firms last year?

3. Заполните пропуски словами much, many, few (a few), little (a little)

1 Was there... snow in Kiev last winter? Yes, there was.

2. Do...people watch TV in the evening?

8. I'm sorry we have... ham for breakfast, but we have a lot of cheese.

9....children watch TV after 10 o'clock in the evening.

10. Larin doesn't know English well, but he studies...now.

11. Let me think...before I answer your question.

12. The new jet-liner has made only...flights abroad.

13. I had very... time last night and watched TV for only... minutes.

14. Our flat is not very large and there is.. furniture in it.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, исходя из данных ниже просьб.

a) Pete, write the word "foreign", please.

I. What is Pete doing? 2. What has he done? 3. Who has written the word "foreign"? 4. What did he do a minute ago?

b) Nick, open the window, please.

1. What is Nick doing? 2. What has he done? 3. Who has opened the window? 4. What did he do a minute ago?

5. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Past Simple или Present Perfect), употребив каждое из данных обстоятельств.

1. I (to send) those letters (this week, yesterday, just, a fortnight ago, this morning, last week).

2. We (to go) shopping (today, three days ago, last month, already, the other day. This week).

3. They (to be) in Kiev (last year, lately, 2 years ago, this month, last Sunday).

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме.

Basov: Hello, (to be) that "Lake & Co"? I'd like to speak to Mr. Lake.

Lake: Yes, Lake (to speak).

Basov: Good afternoon, Mr. Lake. This (to speak) Basov of "Avtoexport".

We (to see) your new model of cars lately and we are interested in

your new cars. You (can) send us your offer?

Lake: I (to believe) we (to send) you our offer, Mr. Basov. You (to receive) it?

Basov: Not yet. When you (to send) it?

Lake: We (to send) it a week ago, I (to believe).

Basov: Then we (must) receive it today or tomorrow.

Lake: I (to think) so. How many cars would you like to buy?

Basov: 5 or 6.

Lake: Good. And when you (to require) them?

Basov: In April or in May.

Lake: I (to believe) we (can) ship you the cars in April.

7. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

Используйте предлоги: WITH, FOR, IN, AT (2), OF (2).

1. I work...V/О Machinoexport. A lot...foreign firms are interested in doing

business...us. We have made some contracts...boilers...a new model lately. Our

boilers are...great demand now and we sell them...high prices.

Используйте предлоги: WITH (2), FOR, OF, TO.

2. The other day Mr. Gray... "Roberts & Co" came... Moscow to have talks...us. He phoned our secretary and made an appointment...us...the next day.
Используйте предлоги: ТО, OF (2), PAST, AT.

3. He came to see us...half...nine. We discussed a lot...different questions. Our
terms...payment and delivery were acceptable...him.

8. Составьте диалог на основе данного выше текста.

9. Замените определительные придаточные предложения оборотом с причастием I.


1. When I travel I always reserve accommodation in advance.

2. We are going to contact the firm which is adv ertising the latest modal of the boilers.

3. When the director cam e into the office he saw several people who were waiting for him.

4. When we write a cable we try to use as few words as possible.

15. Поставьте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них.

Ask the representative of a foreign firm

1) what goods they are interested in,

2) for what time he has made an appointment with Mr Bunin,

3) What you can do for him,

4) At what price his company sells power equipment,

5) What models of boilers are in great demand,

6) What goods they can offer you,

7) What terns of shipment arc acceptable to them,

8) What goods they require.

9) Since when they have done business with "Brown & Co"

11. Переведите следующий диалог.

Mr Camp of "Roberts & Co" phones Machinoexport:

Somov: Somov speaking.

Camp: Good afternoon, Mr. Somov. I've received the final reply from our firm. We

accept your offer, but I'd like to clear up some points. When will we meet?

Somov: I'll be glad to see you any time tomorrow.

Camp: Will the contract be ready by that time?

Somov: Yes, certainly it will.

Camp: Very good. You see, I'm leaving for London on the 15th of April.

Somov: I believe that'll be next Sunday.

Camp: Yes, quite so.

Somov: I think we have done good business, Mr. Camp. Will you join me for dinner on Saturday?

Camp: Yes, with pleasure.

Somov: I'll call for you at the hotel at about six then. Camp: Thank you Good bye, Mr Somov. Somov: Good bye.

12. Составьте рассказ на основе диалога, используя Present Simple, Present Perfect and Future Simple Tenses.


13. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужное по смыслу время.

1. We (to go) to school every day.

2 Nick (to do) his homework by 7 o'clock yesterday.

3 You (to help) your mother tomorrow?

4 We (to bring) a lot of berries from the wood Now we'll make jam.
5. Look! Jane (to swim) across the river.

6. What you (to do) at 6 o'clock yesterday?

7. You ever (to see) the Pyramids?

8. I (to go) to the Caucasus two years ago.

9. When Nick (to come) home yesterday, his rrcther (to return) tnd (to cook) dinner in the kitchen.

10.When I (to go) to school yesterday, I suddenly (to remember) that I (to forget) to take my English exercise-book.

11.Yesterday grandfather (to tell) us how he (to work) at the factory during the war.

12.When I (to come) home, I'll ring you up.

13.1 always (to go) for a walk at a quarter to six p.m.

14.Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to the cinema, because he (to go) there yesterday.

15.My sister already (to be) to the theatre this week.

16. look! A little baby (to cry).

17. My friend (to like) apples.

18. What your brother (to do) now?

19. If the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the country. I (to see) Tom tomorrow.



1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. Our customers are from English-speaking countries.

2. There was a confidential document in that safe.

3. She must know a foreign language in order to be a good secretary.

4. The Earth goes round the Sun.

5. Alex is getting married next month.

6. The police stopped me on my way home last night.

7. Yesterday Tom woke up early.

8. Lots of things have happened since 1 last wrote to you.

9. They'll have business talks tomorrow morning.

2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no.

1. There are... schools in this street.

2. Are there... documents in your safe?

3. There were... flowers in the vase yesterday, but now there are.

4. 1 can see... children in the yard. They are playing.

5. There arc... people in the park, because it's cold.

6. Have you got... time to spare? I'd like to ask...questions.

3. Заполните пропуски словами much, many, few (a few), little (a little)

1.I have... time, so I can't go with you.

2. Was there... snow in Kiev last winter? Yes, there was.

3. Do...people watch TV in the evening?

4. I'm sorry we have... ham for breakfast, but we have a lot of cheese

5....children watch TV after 10 o'clock in the evening.

6. Larin doesn't know English well, but he studies...now.

7. Let me think...before I answer your question.

8. The new jet-liner has made only...flights abroad.

9. I had very... time last night and watched TV for only... minutes.


4. Ответьте на вопросы, исходя из данных ниже просьб.


Children, learn this poem by heart.

What are they doing? What have they done?

Who has learnt this poem by heart? What did they do?


Ann, don't eat too much ice-cream.

What isn't she doing? What hasn't she done?

Who hasn't eaten too much ice-cream? What didn't she do?


5. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Past Simple или Present Perfect).

1. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

2. I (to do) my homework yesterday.

3. He just (to come) home.

4 He (to come) home a minute ago.

5. Nick (to play) football yesterday.

6. She already (to come) from school. Now she is doing her homework.

7. I (to read) this book last year.

8. I (to read) this book this year.

9. I never (to be) to Washington
10 You ever (to be) to New York?

11. You ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?

12. I (not yet to eat) today.

13.He (not to eat) yesterday.

14.You (to play) the piano yesterday?

15.You (to play) the piano today?

16.What you (to prepare) for today?

6. Раскроите скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме.

The Hermitage Museum (to be) one of the world's greatest art galleries.

The rich collection of the Hermitage (to attract) very many people every year.

The must (to have) the largest collection of paintings by Impressionist artists. Among the most famous exhibits (to be) two madonnas by Leonardo da Vinci.

I (to be) to this museum and (to call on) the Director of the Hermitage. He (to say): "We (to have) over 2.500.000 exhibits If somebody (to want) to look for a minute at each exhibit in our 400 rooms it (to take) him 12 years to see all the exhibits."

I (to be) to this museum and (to call on) the Director of the Hermitage. He (to say): "We (to have) over 2.500.000 exhibits If somebody (to want) to look for a minute at each exhibit in our 400 rooms it (to take) him 12 years to see all the exhibits."

This is how we (to get) paintings by Rembrandt. Rubens and Van Dyck.

Our French impressionists (to come) from private collections.

After the Revolution part of the collection (to go) to the Pushkin Museum.

7. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо:

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

The building... the Pushkin Museum appeared at the beginning... the 20th century... a small old Moscow street Volkhonka. The museum opened... 1912.

At first the museum exhibited... its halls copies... famous sculptures. Later the museum bought original masterpieces. Now the collection... sculptures... the Pushkin Museum is one... the best... the world. The building itself is an architectural masterpiece. The collection... paintings is not as large as the one... the Hermitage but the Pushkin Museum houses many originals... Italian, Spanish, Dutch and other famous artists. Now it is the second largest museum... art... Russia.

The Russian people are proud... the large collection of paintings... French artists... the end... the 19th and the beginning... the 20th centuries which are... the display... the museum.

8.Составьте диалог на основе данного выше текста (№7).

9.Замените определительные придаточные предложения оборотом с причастием I.

1. When I was studying advertising materials, our manager found out many

interesting things.

2. He was reading the letter, when he was talking to somebody on the phone.

3. We managed to sell more goods after we had reduced the price.

4. Last week my secretary sent you the letter in which she pointed out the prices forour goods.

5. He left after he had discussed the terms of delivery.

10. Поставьте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них.

Ask the representative of a foreign firm.

1) How often he takes pan in fairs and exhibitions.

2) What kind of fairs and exhibitions he took part in last.

3) If he made much progress in that field.

4) What he exhibited on display.

5) If he could negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods there.

6) Under which mottoes he advertised his products.

7) If his goods meet the high world standards

8) If he has possibilities to sec up-to-date models from different manufacturers.

11. Переведите следующий диалог.

Brown: Good afternoon! Nice to see you again, Mr Petrov! You are looking well, I must say. How are things with you?

Petrov: Not bad, thank you And how are you?

Brown: Fine. 1 always feel well in beautiful weather like this. Well, let's get down to business.

Petrov: Yes, certainly. You've come to sign another contract, haven't you?

Brown: That's right. For next year. Petrov, Are you happy with our usual terms of delivery and payment?

Brown: Yes, quite. As a matter of fact, I've come here to talk about the price I'd like to say that the volume of business in the building industry in our country has dropped considerably. This affected the prices of a number of building materials. In this situation it's quite natural to revise your prices for asbestos

Petrov: I'm afraid this is not sufficient reason for us to lower the price.

Brown: But I draw your attention to the fact that we wish to increase the purchases by a few thousand tons if you can offer us reduction of the price. We've been in business with you for a long time. Also we've doubled our purchases over the past two years. Therefore we would be grateful to you if in view of all this you will be able to reduce the price.

Petrov: All right. I think we can reduce it by 2%.

Brown: That's fine. Agreed.

12. Составьте рассказ на основе диалога, используя Present Simple, Present Perfect и Future Simple Tenses.

13. Раскроите скобки, употребляя нужное по смыслу время.

1. When you (to come) to see us? - I (to come) tomorrow if I (not to be) busy.

2. I (not to like) apples.

3. I (to ring) you up as soon as 1 (to come) home tomorrow.

4. I (to show) you my work if you (to want).

5. Pete certainly (to help) you with your English if you (to ask) him.

6. This little boy never (to see) a crocodile.

7. (To send) this cable, please.

8. Let's go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine) now.

9. Yesterday my mother (to help) me with my homework.

10.1 always (to get) up at 8 o'clock, but tomorrow I (to get) up a little later, because it (to be) Sunday.

11. What you (to read) now?

12. As soon as you (to see) your friend, tell him that I (to want) to see him.

13. Mike (to eat) ice-cream every day. Look, he (to eat) ice-cream now.

14. When I (to see) him in the morning, he (to eat) ice-cream, too.

15. He (to say) he (to eat) one ice-cream already by that time.

16. I think he (to fall) ill if he (to eat) so much ice-ream.

17. When I (to come) to the station yesterday, I (to understand) that my train already (to leave).

18. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday?

19. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it.

20. When the ship (to cross) the ocean, a great storm (to break) out.




1. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. My brother's manager is on business now.

2. There was a new contract on the President's table.

3. He can type this document instead of you.

4. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m.

5. I'm traveling to Scotland on Monday

6. She passed her exam yesterday.

7. Last night Tom slept very well.

8. He's already given up smoking.

9. We'll send our orders to you next month.

2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no.

1. I saw...boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them.

2. Do you want... milk in your tea?

3. Dinner was not ready, so she gave the children...sandwiches because they were

4. There is... ink in my pen. Give me your pen, please.

5. Is there...snow in the street -this morning?

6. "Mr. Smith,... clients are waiting for you."

3. Заполните пропуски словами much, many, few (a few), little (a little)

1. I never eat... bread with soup.

2. Why did you eat so... ice-cream?

3. She wrote us...letters from sanatorium. Only 3.

4....of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary.

5....in this book was too difficult for me. The text was very easy.

6. There are... teachers in our University, and... of them are women.

7. He had... pairs of socks.

8. The boy is ill and can eat... food.

9. My grandmother brought us...apples from her garden.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, исходя из данных ниже просьб.

Tom, wake up!

What is he doing? What has he done? Who has waken up?

What did he do?


Rick don't cross the street under the red light.

What isn't he doing?

What hasn't he done?

Who hasn't crossed the street under the red light?

What didn't he do?



5. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Past Simple или Present Perfect)

1. Look at this bird-house! Mike (to make) it himself He (to make) it last Sunday.

2. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it.

3. You (to see) Mary today?

4. When you (to see) Mary? I (to see) her last week.

5. Your mother (to promise) to take you to the theatre?

6. Look at my new dress! I (to make) it myself.

7. He is not at school today, he (to fall) ill. - When he (to fall) ill? - He (to fall) ill yesterday.

8. At last I (to do) all my homework now I shall go out.

9. The building of the house (to begin) early in April.

10. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing.

11. We already (to solve) the problem.

12. He (to come) a moment ago.

13. I never (to speak) to him.

14. He just (to finish) his work.

15. You (to make) any spelling mistakes m your dictation?

16. It (to be) very cold yesterday.



6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме

Petrov: Good afternoon, Mr Black. Here (to be) my card.

Black: Good afternoon, Mr Petrov Glad to see you.

Petrov: I (to come) to London on business and I (to be) happy I (to have) a chance to visit this exhibition.

Black: I (to hope) you (to find) it interesting.

Petov: It (to be) wonderful I (to impress) by the size and scope of the exhibition. It (to be) one of the largest exhibitions I ever (to visit).

Black: Yes, over 350 companies (to take) part in it.

Petrov: Mr Black, I just (to see) your pavilion. The Model K2 machine-tool (to attract) my attention. I must say your country (to make) much progress in the field of machine-tool industry.

Black: It (to be) a pleasure to hear that. It (to be) an up-to-date model. It (to introduce) into the market at the beginning of the year and since then it (to be) a great success. A lot of companies (to show) much interest in the model.

Petrov: You see, Mr Black, we'd like to place an order with your company for this model and we'd like to negotiate the price for the machines.

Black: Yes, of course. We (to be) glad to establish business relations with your company.

Petrov: When we (can, to meet) to discuss the matter in detail?

Black: What about Tuesday, 10 m the morning?

Petrov: All right. I (to be glad) to meet you on Tuesday Good-bye!

7. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо:

1. How many companies will take part... the exhibition?

2. I'd like to get... touch... your Sales Manager to negotiate some business matters.

3. The exhibition was held... the motto Peace... economic cooperation.

4. International fairs and exhibitions pave the way... the consolidation... peace... different countries.

5. The exhibition was very popular and every day the halls were crowded... visitors. The words which were written... the Visitors' Book showed that the visitors were impressed... the display

8. Составьте развернутый ответ на следующий вопрос:

Why do fairs and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of peace and friendship among nations?

9. Замените определительные придаточные предложения оборотом с причастием.

1 When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words.

2 Be careful when you are crossing the street.

3 When you are leaving the room, don't forget to switch off the light.

4 When you begin to work with the dictionary, don't forget my instructions.

5 When they were travelling in Central Africa, the explorers met many wild animals.

10. Поставьте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них

Ask the representative of a foreign firm:

1) Why he was interested in computers of Wilson & Co.

2) Why he asked us to send them our quotation.

3) Why our computers are in great demand, according to his opinion.

4) Why he asked to give him a large discount.

5) If the final price depends on the number of computers in his company as well.

6) If the time of delivery is acceptable for him.

7) If these computers meet all his requirements.

11. Переведите следующий диалог:

Somov: Let's get down to business. I expect you'll want to discuss our new contract.

Brown: That's right. Have you seen our latest price-list?

Somov: Yes, and there's one thing in it we can't agree to. That's 7% increase the price.

Brown: Well, you can try and se it from our point of view. Over the past two years metal prices have gone up. Besides because of the new labour contract, we had to increase wages. Therefore we had to increase the price of our machine-tools.

Somov: Yes, we've taken this into account and yet your prices seem to be very high. We've been in business with you for a long time and we hoped that you could offer us better terms.

Brown: I think if you can accept part of the consignment in the current year we shall be able to reduce the price by 3%.

Somov: That's fine, thank you.

Brown: Are you happy with the other terms and conditions?

Somov: Yes, quite.

Brown: Then I suppose we can start drawing up a contract.

12. Составьте рассказ на основе диалога, используя Present Simple, Present Perfect и Future Simple Tenses.

13. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужное по смыслу время.

1. You (to go) to the library tomorrow? - No, I already (to be) to the library this week. I (to be) there on Monday. As a rule, I (to go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I (not to go) there, because I (not to read) the book. I (to read) it now. I (to go) to the library on Saturday if I (to finish) the book by that time.

2. As soon as I (to receive) a letter, I shall go to Moscow.

3. Yesterday I (to put) five apples into the vase. Where they (to be) now? - I (to eat) them.

4. You ever (to be) to the Hermitage?

5. What Nick (to do) when you (to ring) him up yesterday? - He (to play) the piano.

6. He (to tell) me he already (to write) his composition.

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