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Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. People are united into labour-organizational groups to accomplish a certain purpose or objective that determines its composition

III. Отсутствие артикля | Swalloing the dictionary | Существительное в роли определения. Правило ряда. | Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | Translate the sentences from Russian into English. | PROMT Technology | Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений | Слова-заместители глаголов-сказуемых | Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | Science learning easier when students actively recall information |

Читайте также:
  1. A) English law
  2. A) Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the use of modal verbs.
  3. A) translate the illustrative examples into Russian;
  4. American English
  5. And write your own sentences with the same word-combinations,
  6. B) Compare the sentences and explain the difference.
  7. B) Translate the sentences into English paying attention to Complex Subject.

1. People are united into labour-organizational groups to accomplish a certain purpose or objective that determines its composition, structure and type of activities, interpersonal interaction and relations.

2. These facts can readily be put in a curriculum vitae to impress others.

3. HP, Cisco and IBM are gearing up to fight what has come to be called the “war for the data centre”.

4. The values of the society are influenced by various implementations of technology and new technology often raises new ethical questions.

5. The nature of connections in ecological communities cannot be explained by knowing the details of each species in isolation, because the emergent pattern is neither revealed nor predicted until the ecosystem is studied as an integrated whole.

6. Еhe Grand Duke Ivan IV was officially crowned the first Tsar of Russia in 1547.

7. Facts may be understood as that which makes a true sentence true. Facts may also be understood as those things to which a true sentence refers.

8. Public university systems are ruled over by government-run higher education boards.

9. The first railway across the Urals had been built by 1878 and linked Perm to Yekaterinburg via Chusovoy, Kushva and Nizhny Tagil.

10. The continuous and intensive economic development of the last centuries has affected the fauna, and wildlife is much diminished around all industrial centers.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-25; просмотров: 71 | Нарушение авторских прав

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