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EXERCISES. Ex. 1: 1. To set a clear goal means to start to act

ДВОЙНАЯ ПРИРОДА ИНФИНИТИВА | ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ВРЕМЕНИ И ВИДА, ВЫРАЖАЕМЫЕ ИНФИНИТИВОМ | ЗАЛОГОВЫЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ИНФИНИТИВА | Подлежащее | Часть составного глагольного сказуемого (А part of a compound verbal predicate) | Дополнение (Объект действия или состояния) | THE OBJECТIVE- WIТH- THE-INFINIТIVE CONSTRUCТION | Субъектный инфинитивный оборот | EXERCISES | Ex. 13 State the syntactic function of the infinitive. |

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Ex. 1: 1. To set a clear goal means to start to act. 2. To master foreign languages is not an easy task. / It isn’t an easy task to master a foreign language. 3. To work hard and efficiently is the condition of success. 4. To listen to music was her favourite occupation in the evening. 5. To write down the telephone number and to lose it is unforgivable. 6. To read a lot means to think a lot, to think a lot means to understand a lot, but to understand a lot doesn’t mean to know how to live. 7. It was impossible to believe him. 8. It's very difficult to understand what she means. 9. It’s easy to give advice, it’s difficult to follow it. 10. It’s pleasant to see you here again.

Ex. 2: 1. The children promised to behave well. 2. The children wanted to be taken to the circus. 3. Mother advised not to buy a cake but to bake it herself. 4. His friends invited him to come to their country house. 5. Don’t forget to pay the electricity bill. 6. I can’t explain to you how to do it. 7. I was offered to take part in the party. 8. I was surprised; I didn’t know what to do. 9. She would like to see her friends again. 10. She was sorry to have told the secret to her sister.

Ex. 3: 1. Her only request was to be given something to read. 2. Ally’s job was to collect tickets before the film began. 3. Her dream was to see Paris. 4. Our goal is to find a reasonable settlement for the conflict. 5. Her only duty was to check the firm’s e-mail. 6. To hear out means to believe. 7. To believe means to forgive. 8. To believe doesn’t mean to forget. 9. His intention was to tell everything immediately. 10. Her wish was to leave town as soon as possible.

Ex. 4: 1. His mother-in-law is difficult to please. 2. Sometimes her behaviour is difficult to understand. 3. She is pleasant to talk to. 4. This dish is easy to cook. 5. This poem is easy to learn. 6. He is impossible to persuade to change his mind. 7. This armchair is so comfortable to sit in. 8. This person is pleasant to spend time with. 9. This plant is difficult to grow in our climate. 10. She is so easy to dance with.

Ex. 5: 1. These are strawberries to eat and these are strawberries to make jam of. 2. He wasn’t the first to learn the news. 3. Who was the last to leave the classroom? 4. He is my friend but he didn’t find time to explain everything to me. 5. At last we found the proper place to set the tent. 6. Here is the bill to pay. 7. I have no intention to forgive his misbehavior. 8. And I have no desire to interfere into your relationship, but I’ll have to, there is nothing to be done about it. 9. We have something to discuss. 10. We have nothing to discuss and nothing more to expect, we must act.

Ex. 6: 1. They continued to walk holding hands. 2. It began to snow. 3. He continued to read (to deliver) the report. 4. The girl read the poem and suddenly started (began) to cry. 5. In the evening he used to sit on the porch. 6. Though we didn’t invite him, he would come every Saturday. 7. A strong wind began to blow from the North. 8. The builders continued to work at noon. 9. They ceased to talk about it many years ago. 10. The old man started to tell his story but very soon he stopped.

Ex. 7: 1. I can’t give you expensive presents on your birthday, but on these spring nights I can talk about my love. 2. I was so upset that I could hardly keep the tears back. 3. Would you like to wait for him in the garden? 4. His departure could upset the hostess. 5. I am going to leave immediately. 6. Aren’t you going to see me off? 7. He would like to be there together with everybody else, but he wasn’t invited. 8. She must have failed to come again? He looks so unhappy. 9. He may be telling about his adventures right now. 10. How could you have made this mistake again?

Ex. 8: 1. I’ll pick flowers to give a bunch of them to the girl I love. 2. To hear what they were talking about, he had to open the door a little. 3. Arthur came to the priest to confess. 4. The neighbor came twice a week to clean the room and cook some food. 5. They made a fire to get warm and dry their clothes. 6. I left home half an hour earlier to drop in at a store. 7. They decided to travel (in order) to see other countries. 8. You haven’t come here to quarrel, have you? 9. She left the room not to hear what they were going to say. 10. You’ll have to hurry not to miss the train.

Ex. 9: 1. The child was too weak to walk. 2. Even for the old collector the picture was too expensive to buy. 3. The chance is good enough not to miss it. 4. She woke up in the morning to understand that she was in love. 5. He is too stubborn to act cleverly. 6. She opened the door to see two boys shivering with cold. 7. I switched on the light to see an absolutely empty (bare) room. 8. The temperature was high enough to keep the boy at home. 9. I was too excited to think about food. 10. She is smart enough not to remind him about it.

Ex. 10: 1. He turned back as if to say something. 2. She sorted through the papers as if to find something. 3. The director took the microphone as if to make an announcement. 4. He put a finger to his lips as if to ask them to keep silent. 5. She stood up and buttoned her coat as if to leave. 6. She shrugged her shoulders as if to show that she knew nothing. 7. He waved his arm as if to stop us.

Ex. 11: 1. To tell the truth, I don’t believe him. 2. To speak frankly, your neighbor has caused my suspicions for a long time. 3. To begin with, he left the house twice at night. 4. He wears queer clothes, to say nothing of his behavior. 5. To judge by his appearance, he is a rather strange person. 6. But to speak frankly, I will tell you that I was surprised to see him running after the tram. 7. To tell the truth (to say honestly, to be quite truthful), you are not the only one who considers him suspicious. 8. Yes, he looks suspicious, to put it mildly. 9. To put it bluntly, he may be a runaway criminal. 10. To cut a long story short, we must inform the police.

Ex. 12: 1. What makes you think that we are acquainted? 2. Football is known to be the most popular game in the world. 3. I heard her leave the room and lock the door. 4. He is not likely (is unlikely) to get informed about this accident. 5. The Moscow University is known to have been founded about 300 years ago. 6. I saw her write something in her notebook. 7. Everyone considers S. Fyodorov to have been an outstanding physician. 8. She didn’t expect to see her rival. 9. Do you understand what made him turn down the business trip? 10. I would like you to tell us about your trip. 11. Would you like (Do you want) me to come earlier? 12. He was seen to enter the station, but nobody saw him board a train. 13. It was difficult for us to believe her story. 14. He turned out to be a good surgeon. 15. It’s always interesting for me to listen to his stories about his young age. 16. I trusted him but he turned out to be a rascal. 17. He is said to have got Oxford Prize. 18. The delegation is expected to arrive tomorrow morning. 19. The parents wanted their son to become a physician. 20. I hate him to come so late.

Ex. 13: 1. Object, 2. Attribute, 3. A part of a compound verbal modal predicate, 4. Complex object, 5. A part of a compound verbal modal predicate, 6. Adverbial modifier of result, 7. Object, 8. Subject, 9. Complex object, 10. Subject, 11. Attribute, 12. A part of a compound verbal aspect predicate, 13. Object, 14. Complex subject, 15. Subject, 16. Attribute, 17. Object, 18. Complex subject, 19. A part of a compound verbal modal predicate, 20. Adverbial modifier of purpose, 21. Adverbial modifier of result, 22. Adverbial modifier of purpose, 23. Complex object, 24. Parenthesis, 25. Complex subject, 26. A part of a compound verbal modal predicate.


Task 1: 1. -, 2. -, to, 3. to, 4. -, -, 5. to, 6. -, -, 7. -, 8. -, 9. -, 10. -, 11. to, 12. to, 13. -, 14. to, -, 15. to, -.

Task 2: 1. follow, 2. stay, 3. reconsider, 4. to wash, 5. cry, 6. to take, go, 7. to prove, 8. to listen, 9. suffer, 10. to secretly visit.

Task 3: 1. be, 2. have snowed, 3. have gone, 4. have called, 5. be writing, 6. To have told, 7. to be found, 8. to walk, 9. have bought, 10. have settled, 11. have had, 12. to have arrived, 13. have written, 14. to have written, 15. have coped, 16. tell, 17. have let, 18. be examined, 19. to be said, 20. have known.

Task 4: 1. b, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. c, 6. b, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. a, 11. b, 12. a, 13. a, 14. c, 15. b, 16. c, 17. a, 18. a, 19. c, 20. b.

Task 5: 1. He heard the front door slam. 2. She saw them jump into the boat. 3. I believe him to have done his best for the sake of his family. 4. I have never expected you to take so much interest in my work. 5. Mothers don’t like their children to be disagreeable. 6. Her friends knew that she expected them to help her with the work. 7. Nora ordered the policemen to find her dog. 8. John felt the air in the room to become too hot. 9. They happily declared the task to have been accomplished. 10. I want you to see the New Year in with us.

Task 6: 1. To our surprise the inspector turned out to be a young man. 2. “You seem to forget that I am your mother,” she said strictly. 3. She seemed to be indifferent to their requests. 4. The children seemed to be enjoying themselves. 5. We were supposed to fill the forms. 6. The weather is not likely to change soon. 7. They were seen to meet in the park. 8. They were not expected to agree to go with us. 9. John happened to come here at the wrong time. 10. Alice turned out not to want to deal with us.

Task 7: 1. This is a problem for us to solve. 2. This is the way for you to take. 3. We’ll arrange everything for you to feel comfortable. 4. It isn’t the topic for you to discuss with your friends. 5. The task isn’t too difficult for you to solve. 6. There is enough time for us to go for a walk. 7. We will wait for him to tell us the news. 8. These are the words for us to learn for tomorrow. 9. I’ve brought some ice cream for you to eat. 10. There is too much food at home for us to go shopping.

Task 8: 1. adverbial modifier of purpose; 2. subject; 3. predicative; 4. adverbial modifier of purpose; 5. adverbial modifier of result; 6. attribute; 7. object; 8. adverbial modifier of result; 9. part of a compound verbal modal predicate; 10. part of a compound verbal aspect predicate; 11. adverbial modifier of result; 12. adverbial modifier of comparison; 13. part of a compound verbal aspect predicate; 14. object; 15. part of a compound verbal modal predicate; 16. attribute; 17. object; 18. part of a compound verbal modal predicate; 19. adverbial modifier of result; 20. adverbial modifier of comparison.

Task 9:

1. Did anyone see him dive in or fall in? – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

2. He wasn’t eager for this young woman to move into his backyard. – For-to-Infinitive construction; object

3. Mr. Ex wants all hotel employees to leave the island. – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

4. There was no time for them to lose. – For-to-Infinitive construction; attribute;

5. That turned out to be poetic justice because he met an actress in Italy and married again. – Subjective Infinitive construction; complex subject;

6. She had prepared a basket lunch for us to eat on the south beach. – For-to-Infinitive construction; attribute;

7. I’d like to put Koko on a leash and have him look at the underside of the steps. – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

8. The unceasing thunder seemed to be coming from several directions. – Subjective Infinitive construction; complex subject;

9. He couldn’t think of any reason for Polly to stay in Oregon. – For-to-Infinitive construction; attribute;

10. I’ll be willing for you to tell me the whole story. – For-to-Infinitive construction; object;

11. First he let Koko wander about the porch. – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

12. It won’t be possible for you to use this cottage after the fire. – For-to-Infinitive construction; subject;

13. There was nobody for her to confide in. – For-to-Infinitive construction; attribute;

14. He appears to have no serious calling. – Subjective Infinitive construction; complex subject;

15. Do you happen to know what the lady likes? – Subjective Infinitive construction; complex subject;

16. Is your cat supposed to be scratching himself in the baby’s playpen? – Subjective Infinitive construction; complex subject;

17. Why don’t you stay here and let the animals have the cottage? – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

18. The report made the island sound hazardous to one’s health. – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

19. Do you let her get away with that? – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object;

20. He had listened sympathetically and allowed himself to be adopted as a godfather of sorts. – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction; complex object.


Герундий – это неличная форма глагола на –ing, которая произошла от отглагольного существительного, имеет 4 формы и употребляется в предложении в различных синтаксических функциях.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-25; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Task 4 Choose the proper form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets (20 баллов)| ДВОЙНАЯ ПРИРОДА ГЕРУНДИЯ

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