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Grammar focus

Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. | Decide upon the type of the predicates in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. | Define the type of the simple sentences. Decide whether they are two-member or one-member sentences. | Match the words with their definitions to use this vocabulary in your speech. | Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Change the form of the word if it is necessary. | Grammar focus | The State Anthem of Ukraine | Define the type of the predicates and translate the sentences into English. | Grammar focus |

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  7. CELTA Written Assignment 1: Focus on the Learner

14. Revise the subjunctive mood structures and define the type of the subordinate clauses in the sentences:

1. It is requested that the climatic conditions be studied as soon as possible.

2. It is possible that we might see a sharp decrease of production output.

3. It looks as if they had used it uncontrollably.

4. The suggestion is that they should get acquainted with the mode of life of the villagers.

5. The government insists that this program be realized on time.

6. She wishes that the cultural heritage would be studied.

7. It’s high time we studied the major necessities of the people.

8. They speak as if they had done it in compliance with the requirements.

9. The local authority acts so that people should be certain of their right choice.

10. It could become rather helpful if we started the consideration immediately.


15. Use the following modal verbs to finish the sentences in their appropriate forms:

Need to, needn’t, needn’t have to, to be likely, don’t need to, shall, ought to, must, to be able to, need, should have, to be supposed to, had better

1. You ….. taken it into account when you worked on the project.

2. Scientists ….. to develop new advanced technologies.

3. You ….. spent the immense sums of money on purchasing. We have already bought all the necessary equipment.

4. The bureau ….. concentrate their attention on minor problems. Some other organization will be engaged to study the major ones.

5. We ….. go into details now, we seem to have agreed on the general principles.

6. The deputies ….. to start work last week.

7. We ….. hardly point out that water is in shortage at the moment.

8. People ….. be warned about the soil displacement on this territory.

9. We ….. realize that our equipment is outdated, we ….. order the one that is in proposition.

10. ….. it ….. that these negative effects won’t damage the surroundings?

11. ….. we look at some other variants of this problem solution?

12. They ….. conclude an agreement on future cooperation in the sphere of engineering.


16. You are a deputy of the Rada, compose a list of the tasks which you think are of paramount importance for the country’s prosperity. Make complex sentences, use the table “Complex sentences” to present the tasks. Report to the class.

17. Using modal verbs expressing possibility, logical assumption, obligation, necessity, criticism, speak about the tasks of the government in reconstructing the country’s economy and raising the well-being of Ukrainian people.

18. Your party is running for election and you are going to be a future deputy to the Parliament. Use hypothetical possibilities with if (’second conditional’) to speak about your party slogan and your tasks. Recollect the prosodic features of the publicistic style. Use them to present your manifesto.


Election manifesto for the……………………………………………. Party

Our slogan…………………………………………………………………….

Tax: If we were elected, we would reduce taxes on ……….. and ………., which would mean that ……….. We would also increase taxes on ………. because it would stop people ………..

Spending: If we became the next government, we would spend more money on ………., which would mean that more people would ……….. We would reduce the amount of money spent on ………., because ………...

Education: If ………. became Prime Minister, he/she would ………..

Health: The ………. party’s main health policy would be ………..

Jobs and employment: If ………., unemployment would be reduced. In order to create more jobs, we would also ………..

The law: If ……….. was made illegal, ………..

Other policies: …………………………………………………………………….

?19. Translate into English.

1. За існуючих умов глобалізації економіки наука стає головним фактором структурної перебудови народного господарства.

2. Приєднання України до міжнародних інтеграційних процесів не можливе без урахування геополітичних реалій, які в значній мірі визначають сьогоднішній статус української економіки.

3. В Україні існують значні поклади залізної руди, кам’яного вугілля, марганцю, титану, фосфатів. Це дає поштовх до розвитку таких галузей промисловості як металургія, машинобудування, енергетика, авіація, сільське господарство та харчова промисловість.

4. Очевидно, що Україна могла б стати процвітаючою країною за умовu ефективного і повного використання земельних ресурсів, які вона має.

5. Ринкові процеси не були відповідно вивчені, що дало такі негативні наслідки як різке падіння виробництва, зниження рівня дослідницької діяльності.

6. Значні кошти витрачалися на придбання та закупівлю різних західних товарів, серед яких обладнання, яке не було сучасним й конкурентно-спроможним.

7. Україна має унікальні передумови для розвитку сучасної цивілізованої держави.

8. Глобальні природні зміни, руйнівний вплив людини на навколишнє середовище вимагають від людства поєднання всіх зусиль для того, щоб ліквідувати наслідки.

9. Вирішення проблем забруднення морів та річок, зниження кількості відходів, які попадають в водне середовище, розробка передових технологій очищення води та переробки відходів позбавить країну від негативного впливу на природу.


20. Look at the pictures of Ukraine. Choose one of them and think of the information which can be presented by you. Share it with your partner. The material learned in this Module can be helpful for you.





Self-study Box


? 1. Translate from English into Ukrainian and use the information to speak about a distant history of Ukraine.

The first written mention of any people, living in the territory of the present-day Ukraine, is found in Herodotus’ History (the ancient Greek Herodotus is often referred to as “the father of all historians”). He writes about the savage nomadic Scythians who managed to beat off the enormously big invading army of a Persian king (“the king of kings” as the Persian styled himself). Southern shores of the Crimea were colonized by the Greeks and later by the Romans. The fierce horse-riding nomads, roaming the plains of Ukraine, came into contact with the Greeks who had a great civilizing effect upon some of them.

Later in the first millennium A.D., Ukraine saw waves of the Goths, the Huns and later the Vikings sweeping across Ukraine, who were attracted by the beauty of the land, the grandeur of its rivers and forests. But by that time a considerable part of the present-day Ukraine was inhabited by the Slavic people, the progenitors of the modern Ukrainians.

Before we go on with our historical survey, we should mention a curious hypothesis that has been put forward by two prominent historians and linguists. They claim that the territory of the present-day Ukraine had been the centre where the core of all the Indo-European tribes had once lived; later these tribes migrated from this centre to many parts of Europe, to Asia Minor, to Persia and to India. Many scholars accept this theory as a profound in-sight into the earliest history of the Indo-Europeans (the Indo-Europeans is a great family of peoples and languages that include English, Italian, Ukrainian, Persian and Hindu, to name a few).


& 2. Read the text “Ukrainians and the Ukrainian language”. Write a short summary of the text (100 words).

The oldest recorded names used for the Ukrainians are Rusyny, Rusychi, and Rusy (from Rus’). In the 10th to 12th centuries those names applied only to the Slavic inhabitants of what is today the national and ethnic territory of Ukraine, but later a similar designation was adopted by the proto-Russian inhabitants of the north-eastern principalities of Kyivan Rus’. The modern name Ukraintsi (Ukrainians) is derived from Ukraina (Ukraine), a name first documented in 1187. Until the 19th century the Ukrainians, with few exceptions, lived on their aboriginal lands. In the last few decades of the 19th century Ukrainians under Russian rule began a massive emigration to the Asian regions of the empire, and their counterparts under Austro-Hungarian rule emigrated to the New World. Today approximately one-quarter of all Ukrainians in the world live outside of Ukraine.

Geographically, the Ukrainian language is classified with Russian and Belarusian as an East Slavic language. Actually, like Slovak, it occupies a central position: it borders on some West Slavic languages, and it once bordered on Bulgarian, a South Slavic language. It is the second most widely spoken language of the 12 surviving members of the Slavic group of the large Indo-European language family. Today Ukrainian borders on Russian in the east and north-east, on Belarusian in the north, and on Polish, Slovak, and two non-Slavic languages – Hungarian and Rumanian – in the west. Before the steppes of southern Ukraine were resettled by the Ukrainians, this was an area of contact with various Turkic languages, such as Crimean Tatar. Within its geographic boundaries the Ukrainian languages is represented basically by a set of dialects, some of which differ significantly from the others. Generally, however, dialectal divisions in Ukrainian are not as strong as they are, for example, in British English or in German.


& 3. Read the text “Ukrainian traditional folk beliefs, mythology and demonology”. Make notes (10-12 sentences) of the main facts presented in this text.

According to the earliest historical record of pre-Christian religious beliefs on Ukrainian territory (from 6th- century AD), the proto-Ukrainian tribes were monotheist. They believed in a god of lightning and thunder and sacrificed cattle and other animals to him. Through millennia of progressive development, a complex system of Ukrainian mythology, demonology, and folk beliefs developed that encompassed almost all events and objects of the external world, as they were seen to influence collective and individual destiny. The institution of Christianity did not completely destroy these traditional beliefs. Instead, mythological elements were combined with elements of Christianity, creating a “dual faith”. The “lower” mythology (that was older in origin than the pagan belief in “higher” gods), proved stable and survived until recent times.

Folk Beliefs – a fundamentally religious interpretation of the world that determines the conduct and the attitude of the common people towards the forces of nature and the events of ordinary life. These beliefs are passed on by tradition or spring from an animistic view of natural phenomena, spiritual life (the soul of the dead), and inanimate objects, or from such psychic experiences as illusions, hallucinations, and dreams. Ukrainian folk beliefs encompass almost all events and objects of the external world, which are held to have a determining influence on individual destiny. There is a rich body of beliefs connected with sun, moon, and stars. There are many different beliefs about atmospheric phenomena and about the actions of fire, water, earth, stones, plants, animals, and birds as well as man-made object.

Mythology – myths or stories dealing with the gods, demigods, and heroes. The earliest historical record of pre-Christian religious beliefs in Ukrainian territory belongs to the 6th-century Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea. According to him the Sclaveni and Antes were monotheist. They believed in a god of lightning and thunder and sacrificed cattle and animals to him. Mykhailo Hrushevsky and other scholars assumed it was Svaroh. These people also venerated rivers, water nymphs, and other spirits, offered sacrifices to them, and foretold the future from the offerings. Two periods are distinguished in the evolution of eastern Slavic mythology: an earlier one, marked by Svaroh’s supremacy, and a later one, dominated by Perun.

Demonology in Ukraine. With the institution of Christianity in Ukraine and the official proscription of paganism at the end of the 10th century, elements of the unified pagan religion disappeared rapidly, and the names of the “higher’ gods (Perun, Dazhboh, Veles, Stryboh, Khors, and others) were preserved only in literature. The ‘lower” mythology proved much more stable, however, and survived until recent times. This “lower” mythology, involving ancestral-clan images and an animistic world view that populates nature with spirits, was older in origin than the pagan belief in “higher” gods. The institution of Christianity did not completely destroy the belief in the “low” mythology. Instead, mythological elements were combined with elements of Christianity, creating a “dual faith”.

Magic – a set system of notions, rituals, and invocations that are believed to have a mysterious mystical power to influence physical phenomena or natural events. Magic played an important role in the life of Ukrainians, particularly the peasantry. Not a step could be taken without it. It was used widely in medicine: shamans used spells and charms, often combined with rational practices, employing medical plants or psychotherapy. Water, fire, and eggs were held in the highest esteem by Ukrainians sorcerers. Magic was also important part of calendar folk rituals tied to farming (sowing, harvesting, taking livestock to pasture) and family life (birth, wedding, and death).

?4. Translate into English.

Україна – держава центрально-східної Європи. Вона займає південний захід Східноєвропейської рівнини та частину Карпат і Кримських гір. Україна розташована в помірних широтах і має вихід до Чорного та Азовського морів. Геополітичне положення на межі західних і східних народів і культур значною мірою позначилось на історії та сучасному розвитку держави.

Рельєф України переважно рівнина. Рівнинний ландшафт України поділяється на три пояси – мішані ліси, лісостеп і степ.

Надра України багаті на різноманітні корисні копалини, серед яких вугілля, залізні руди, нафта і газ, каміння, солі тощо. Основною вугільною базою є Донбас. Нафта і природний газ зосереджені у Дніпропетровсько-Донецькому та Причорноморсько-Кримському регіонах.

За покладами нерудних корисних копалин Україна посідає провідне місце у Європі і світі. В Україні з давніх часів ведеться видобуток кам’яної і калійної солі. Природа України створила багату сировинну базу для металургійної, хімічної, порцелянової, фаянсової промисловості, виробництва кераміки та будівельних матеріалів. На території держави відкриті родовища коштовного і напівкоштовного каміння (берил, аметист, бурштин, яшма, гірський кришталь тощо). Велику цінність становлять мінеральні води України, джерела яких розташовуються у Миргороді, Сваляві, Трускавці та Феодосії.

Одним із природних багатств України є її земля, 2/3 якої становлять чорноземи. За оцінками спеціалістів, на території України зосереджено чверть світових чорноземів.

Україна – держава з розвиненою науковою та промисловою базою. Народногосподарський комплекс країни включає такі види промисловості як важке машинобудування, чорна та кольорова металургія, суднобудування, виробництво автобусів, легкових та вантажних автомобілів, сільськогосподарської техніки, тепловозів, верстатів, літаків, обладнання для електростанцій тощо. Україна є потужним виробником електроенергії.

Україна здобула статус незалежної держави і вступила в новий історичний період свого розвитку. За природними умовами вона є однією з багатих країн світу, що дає підстави з оптимізмом дивитися у майбутнє.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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