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The Report by M. Z. Zgurovsky, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. | Decide upon the type of the predicates in the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. | Define the type of the simple sentences. Decide whether they are two-member or one-member sentences. | Match the words with their definitions to use this vocabulary in your speech. | Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Change the form of the word if it is necessary. | Grammar focus | The State Anthem of Ukraine | Define the type of the predicates and translate the sentences into English. | Define the types of the subordinate clauses. |

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The main feature of the processes taking place in the today world is the global integration in economics, politics, in development of science and technology, environmental protection and social well-being. Ukraine being an independent state lives in the interconnected and interdependent world.

Under the existing conditions of globalization of economic life the industrialized countries in which science is the major factor in economic development ensure their progress by improving the existing technologies, techniques and methods and by consistent implementation of principally new scientific knowledge and technologies. International technological and scientific exchange, transfer of the intellectual potential are the characteristics of the present time.


Ukraine’s joining the European and world integration processes is impossible without taking into account the geopolitical realities that to a considerable extent determine the today’s status of the Ukrainian economy and the forecast of its further development. Ukraine is situated almost in the center of Europe, in the West it has the common border with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, in the South-West the borders are with Romania, Moldova; in the North and East - with Belarus and Russia. The territory of Ukraine, which occupies the area of more than 604 sq. km with the population of around 48 million people, is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. There are the Carpathian and the Crimean Mountains and the thick forests that encircle the vast steppes which are known as very fertile black earth (almost the richest lands of such type in the world). In Ukraine there are considerable deposits of iron ore, manganese, titanium, coal and phosphates. This fact has given an impetus to the growth of such branches of industry as metallurgy, machine-building, power engineering, mining industry, oil processing and chemical industry, aviation and space-craft industry, agricultural and food production.

The fifth part of the entire working population is engaged in agriculture, the fourth part of the production funds are concentrated here and almost 13 per cent of the gross added value of the country is produced here.


It is obvious that Ukraine could become a prosperous country only under the condition of efficient and complete utilization of the land and resources that are in its possession. But it cannot be done without close cooperation with the economically developed countries through implementation, first of all, of advanced technologies and managerial experience.

Therefore, the strategic objective of Ukraine is to become a part of the international scientific and technological flows, which will make possible modernization of the country’s production and ensure competitiveness of the major branches of industry.


The strategy of economic and social development of Ukraine foresees as the priority of the state policy, the structural reconstruction of the industry, development of the innovation model of economic growth, strengthening of Ukraine as a country with high technologies. The course aimed at the innovation development is based on the structural reconstruction of economy, technological updating of industry, wide application of achievements of science and engineering. The existing scientific and technological potential is still able to ensure economic progress of Ukraine.

It was presupposed by the fact that at the beginning of the market transformations Ukraine had considerable possibilities for development of its economy, in particular, in the scientific and technological fields. The available scientific and technological potential had many characteristics corresponding to those of highly developed countries. In some fields, such as material science, theoretical physics, mathematics, welding technology and biotechnology Ukraine is still among the leaders.


The process of market transformations, which had not been adequately studied from the point of view of the control theory and had not been methodically grounded, resulted in a sharp fall of the gross production output during the first nine years and reduction of high technology production as well as scientific and research activities.

At the beginning of that period the following slogans were most popular "The market will sort out all the problems of the new country", "The West will quickly accept us to their community as an equal member". Any western product and the way of life in general were taken as the paragon which was to be blindly followed. Everything produced in the country from the very beginning was considered second rate having no prospects and noncompetitive. Foreign trade was growing quickly and uncontrollably. The immense sums of money taken from the Ukrainian economy were spent for procurement and purchasing of various western products including industrial equipment that, naturally, could not be modern and competitive. As a result, the Ukrainian scientists, designers and engineers along with their inventions were out of demand. The chain that had united science and education with industry for many years was broken.


Ukraine has unique prerequisites for development of the modern civilized state. Its geographical position and climatic conditions are favorable. Ukraine has fertile soil. Out of 60.4 million hectares of its territory 41.8 million hectares, i.e. 69.3 per cent are agricultural arable lands. The agricultural production is one of the largest and most important sectors of economy. The availability of considerable mineral resources makes possible development of many branches of industry. The geopolitical situation of Ukraine, its natural conditions, and the available infrastructure dictate the necessity of planning and forecasting the development and implementation of new technologies at the national and regional levels. The statement of programs and development of many scientific and technical projects should be connected with the requirement of solving the strategic tasks of economic development of the country, meeting the demands of the market for scientific and technological products and the needs of the regions.


Thus, a number of problems Ukraine is facing today can be sorted out only on the basis of close international cooperation. In particular, the global natural changes, the ruining influence of the man on the environment demand that the mankind and its international institutions should unite their efforts in elimination of the consequences and prevention of regional and global catastrophes. First of all, Ukraine is concerned with such problems:

First, liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe. It requires a complex of scientific and technological measures for utilization of the sarcophagus, restoration of the ecology on most of the territory of the Eastern-European region (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Poland and other countries), putting out of operation the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant itself and utilization of nuclear fuel. Sorting out this problem has global significance and requires the efforts of the entire international community as well as involvement of the advanced technologies of the mankind.

Secondly, solving the problems of contamination of the Black Sea and Dnipro river basin. These problems worry not only the countries of the Black Sea region, but also the countries of Europe and Asia. What is required is a sharp decrease of waste discharge into such big rivers as the Danube, Dnipro, Don, Southern Bug, Dniester and others. Here should be added the production of oil and gas in the Black Sea shelf and some other factors that influence the Black Sea pollution. The chain of hydropower plants on the Dnipro has already caused changes in the climate of Ukraine, and violation of the balance in at least one of them may cause a regional catastrophe. This global problem is to be resolved by the international community with involvement of the most advanced modern technologies.

Third, solving the problem of flooding and soil displacements in the Carpathian Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Climate warming, unjustified felling of woods, deviations from the accepted technology in dike construction result in tragic consequences for the entire region.

One country of this region cannot solve this problem separately. The negative effects on the ecology of this region can be reduced only by the common efforts with application of the progressive technologies and finding principally new technological solutions, restoration of agricultural lands etc.


Ukraine, in its turn, having considerable scientific and technological potential can propose to the international community cooperation in the field of aviation and space technologies, resources and power-saving technologies(economically profitable heat power generating technologies), development of new substances and materials, materials with shape memory, bio-compatible materials (materials with controllable functional properties), protection of natural ecosystems and improvement of life conditions (technologies of drinking water purification, technologies of agricultural waste processing and utilization), and others.

While estimating the technology development forecast in Ukraine two aspects should be taken into consideration.

First, the necessity of development of collaboration with the European bodies and organizations, first of all, in implementation of the programs of the interstate, regional scale taking into account the experience and international influence of the UNIDO [the United Nations Industrial Development Organization]. The forms of such collaboration may be the coordination by the UNIDO of cooperation in implementation of these programs.

Important is also legislative and legal support on part of Ukraine of the international scientific and technological cooperation.

The second aspect of the problem is connected with the internal improvement of organization and financing of the scientific and technological sphere in Ukraine.


1. What features are characteristic of the world today?

2. What is necessary for the country to integrate into the global processes characteristic to the world today as a full-fledged member?

3. What determines the today status of Ukraine?

4. What can make Ukraine a prosperous country?

5. What is the strategic objective of Ukraine?

6. What factors presupposed the market transformations in Ukraine?

7. What problems did Ukraine face at the initial stages of the market transformations?

8. What are Ukraine’s prerequisites for development?

9. What natural changes can put obstacles for the country in her movement to a developed civilized state? What problems should Ukraine solve?

10. What are Ukraine’s possibilities on the way for future cooperation with other countries of the world?


3. Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English working in pairs. Use them in your own sentences:

1.global integration 10.contamination

2.social well-being 11.deviation

3. implementation 12.collaboration

4. to take into account 13.unjustified felling

5. to a considerable extent 14.wastes processing

6. power engineering 15.bio-compatible materials

7. utilization 16.power generating

8. joint efforts 17.power-saving technologies

9. a sharp decrease 18.consequences

4. Give English equivalent meaningful words and word combinations to the following Ukrainian ones. Work in pairs and decide upon the context in which they were used. Give examples:

глобальний, навколишнє середовище, соціальний добробут, головний фактор, забезпечувати, послідовний, впровадження, характерні риси, геополітичні реалії, давати поштовх, бути зайнятим/залученим, очевидно, процвітаючий, ефективне використання, тісне співробітництво, передумова, родюча земля, ліквідація наслідків, великі суми грошей, енергетика, закупівля, порушення балансу, передові технології, очищення води, законодавча та правова підтримка.


5. Match the synonyms:

1. to ensure a. reserves

2. implementation b. to be drawn into/involved

3. to take into account c. to consider

4. impetus d. to forecast

5. processing e. to secure

6. deposits f. more recent

7. to be engaged in g. to be evident

8. to be obvious h. introduction

9. utilization i. treatment

10.to foresee j. in compliance with

11.updating k. use/application

12.corresponding l. incentive


6. Complete the sentences filling in the vocabulary in the box.

globalization implementation forecast deposits competitiveness finding consequences second rate procurement prerequisite mankind prevention significance contamination slogan


1. Application of principally new technologies enhanced the company’s …

2. The …. of the company’s annual sales turned out to be correct.

3. The ….. should save no efforts to eliminate the consequences of global catastrophes.

4. Under the existing conditions of ….. of the economy, the geopolitical realities are of great importance.

5. Possessing considerable ….. of mineral resources Ukraine has all the possibilities to become a country with a highly developed industry.

6. ….. of peace policy is the major requirement for joining the European Union.

7. The so-called ….. “The market will sort out the problems” turned out to be mistaken.

8. …. of regional and global catastrophes is among the tasks of first importance.

9. ….. of lakes and rivers made water undrinkable.

10. The products which were purchased abroad proved to be …...

11. A reasonable proficiency in foreign languages is a ….. for his position.

12. The book assesses the ….. of the government policy in the period of economical reconstruction.

13. He was responsible for ….. of raw materials.

14. The chain of hydropower plants causes ….. in the climate of Ukraine.

15. Scientists are facing the problem of ….. principally new technological solutions.


7. Find the appropriate match for the words on the right to make phrases:

1. process a. construction

2. fertile b. support

3. consistent c. purification

4. structural d. of lands

5. technological e. science

6. material f. updating

7. legal g. of the global integration

8. gross production h. implementation

9. unique i. prerequisites

10.problems j. soil

11.nuclear k. reconstruction

12.dike l. fuel

13.water m.of contamination

14.restoration n. output


8. Choose the right word to complete the sentence.

1. More than half of the population of Ukraine is ……. in the sphere of servicing.

a) attracted b) engaged c) invited d) invested

2. Ukraine has rich ……. of iron ore.

a) sources b) belongings c) deposits d) possessions

3. We must consider the best ways of ……. of agricultural wastes.

a) utilization b) ensuring c) transformation d) organization

4. One of the main tasks was to advance ……. skills of the personnel.

a) powerful b) managerial c) working d) educational

5. A reasonable proficiency in English is a ……. for the course.

a) procurement b) prerequisite c) prescription d) consequence

6. The ……. of cars has grown up by 30 per cent this year.

a) reduction b) forecast c) output d) decrease

7. ……. of laws of nature can cause catastrophes.

a) destruction b) violation c) involvement d) resolution

8. Enterprises damaging the environment should be ……. of the operation.

a) put out b) put away c) put back d) put down

9. People were shocked by the ……. price increase.

a) unproductive b) eliminated c) unjustified d) reduced

10. The company is building a big trading centre in ……. with one of the leading construction firms.

a) communication b) notification c) collaboration d) collocation

11. That information is not in our ……..

a) operation b)possession c) occupation d) formation


9. Spelling checker. Complete the words with the missing letters:

fert-le, metall-rgy, pro-essing, effic-ent, -nsure, ade-uately, ar-ble, f-lling,

c-tastrop-es, d-ke, coll-boration, l-gal, -spect.


?10. Look through the text again. Complete the following sentences below without looking at the text. Compare your answers with your partner.

1. The main feature of the processes taking place today ……..

2. The geopolitical situation of Ukraine, its natural conditions ……..

3. Science is the major factor in economic development, it ensures ……..

4. Ukraine’s joining the European and the world integration processes is ……...

5. In Ukraine there are considerable deposits of ……..

6. Therefore, the strategic objective of Ukraine is ……...

7. The course aimed at the innovation development is based on ……..

8. In some basic fields, such as material science, theoretical physics Ukraine ……..

9. The process of market transformations which had not been adequately studied resulted in ……..

10. The immense sums were spent on ……..

11. First of all, Ukraine is concerned with such problems ……..

12. Sorting out this problem requires the efforts of the entire community and ……..

13. Ukraine having considerable scientific and technological potential ……..

14. Ukraine has unique prerequisites for ……..

15. Climatic warming results in ………

16. The chain of hydropower plants on the Dnipro has caused changers in ……..

17. Ukraine having considerable scientific ……. can propose ……. to the international community.


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