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B) Choose one of the underlined phrases and prepare a one minute report on it.

GRAMMAR FOCUS | Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them to speak about history of London. | B) Work in pairs to define whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). | Find the words on the British Parliament in the lines below. Transcribe five of them. | THE HOUSE OF COMMONS | THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT | A typical working day | Make use of the words and word-combinations given above to write down 10 sentences of your own. | Match the words from the box with their definitions below. | Британський Музей |

Читайте также:
  1. A .Choose the correct item.
  2. A report from ITOPF (International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation)
  3. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  4. A) time your reading. It is good if you can read it for four minutes (80 words per minute).
  5. AI EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION PHRASES................................................... 85
  6. Ann Johnson - A Confidential Report

?10. Write 10 questions about Piccadilly and Trafalgar Square. Exchange your questions with another pair. Answer the questions without looking at the article again.

11. Compare the photos of Trafalgar Square below. Talk to your partner for 2 minutes commenting on the differences between them.

Trafalgar Square, 1908.

Trafalgar Square from the National Gallery (looking south), 2003

?12. Translate the sentences into English:

Британський музей – найбільший та найбагатший музей світу. Його було засновано у 1758 році, тут зберігається одна з найбільших світових колекцій античних предметів. Єгипетські галереї утримують мумії людей та тварин. Деякі частини афінського Парфенону містяться в Грецькій секції.

Музей мадам Тассо – це експозиція сотень воскових фігур натурального розміру, які зображають відомих людей минулого та сучасного. Колекцію почала мадам Тассо, французький скульптор воскових моделей, у XVIII столітті. Тут ви можете зустрітись з Мерілін Монро, Ельтоном Джоном, Пікассо, королівською родиною, “Бітлз” та багатьма іншими письменниками, кінозірками, співаками, політиками, спортсменами.

13. a/ Work in pairs. Student A interviews B to write an essay on Piccadilly. Using the appropriate prompts given below, student B gives answers to A’s questions.

b/ Student B interviews A to write an essay on Westminster Abbey. Using the appropriate prompts given below, student A gives answers to B’s questions.

aisle grave precedent
amusement haunt properly
archer with his bow herald relics and mementos
choir historic landmarks seize
cloister illuminated signs shoeblack
consecrate intersection tailor
curve jurisdiction throes
French cannon pageant tribute
frequent poise vault

?c/ Write an essay on Piccadilly / Westminster Abbey (100 – 130 words).


& 1. Read the information below about Covent Garden; make sure you study the language of the texts to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

Covent Garden, a fascinating short walk away, was once pastureland belonging to the Abbey at Westminster. In the 17th century the Fourth Earl of Bedford summoned Inigo Jones and the continental style Piazza was born, complete with St.Paul’s Church and then a market which Hogarth portrayed in engravings. The area went downhill – Turkish baths and brothels thrived until, in the 19th century, Charles Fowler designed a smart new market. Fashionable Londoners now mingled with farmers, costermongers, and flower girls who inspired Pygmalion, which became the musical “My Fair Lady”.

Times change: the Flower Market is now London Transport Museum and the main buildings have been transformed into shops and restaurants in the years since the fresh produce moved to more spacious accomodation in Nine Elms, just South West of Vauxhall Bridge.

Covent Garden Opera House, home of the Royal Opera and Royal Ballet companies is actually the third theatre on the site, designed by E.M.Barry in 1858 and enlarged in the past decade. In early years moments of unintentional drama ranged from riots in 1763 when entry at half price after the third act was refused and in 1833 when the famous actor Edmunt Kean had a stroke during a performance of Othello. The present Opera House is noted for its lavish productions with the world’s finest performers.

2. Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them to speak about Covent Garden. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words:

1. pastureland 4. continental style 7. to summon 10. to go downhill
2. to portray in engravings 5. lavish productions 8. spacious accomodation 11. unintentional drama
3. brothels thrived 6. costermongers 9. to mingle with 12. fascinating


?3. Make use of the words and word-combinations given above to write down 10 sentences of your own.

?4. Write 8-10 questions about the text in pairs. Exchange your questions with another pair. Answer the questions without looking at the article again.



& 1. Read the text about Soho; make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

Soho, the home of strip-tease, the cinema industry and international haute cuisine, is on the edge of theatreland, rich in history and rich in cultural mix. The name Soho probably came from an ancient hunting cry – So-Ho – in its farmland days. Among the earliest residents of this increasingly cosmopolitan heart of London was Charles II’s illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth. By the 19th century it must have seemed a strange area, described by John Galsworthy in the Forsyte Saga as ‘Untidy, full of Greeks, Ismaelites, cats, Italians, tomatoes, restaurants, organs, coloured stuffs, queer names, people looking out of upper windows, it dwells remote from the British Body Politic’. Today there’s a complete China town and restaurants serve haute cuisine from scores of countries.

Berwick Street market provides the best displays of fresh fruit and vegetables, while clubs present a saucier frontage. Soho is for shopping, entertainments and browsing or dining day and night.


1.Where did the name "Soho" come from?

2.Who was among the earliest residents of this cosmopolitan heart of London?

3.How did John Galsworthy describe this place in the "Forsyte Saga"?

4.What does Berwick Street market provide?

2. Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them to speak about Soho. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words:

1. theatreland 4. queer 7. haute cuisine
2. cultural mix 5. the best displays 8. a saucier frontage
3. residents 6. scores of 9. to browse

?3. Make use of the words and word-combinations given above to write down 10 sentences of your own.


? 4. Write 5-6 questions about the text in pairs. Exchange your questions with another pair. Answer the questions without looking at the article again.


5. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian. Then transcribe them to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

haute cuisine; hunting cry; cosmopolitan heart of London; illegitimate son; saucier frontage; browse; pastureland; brothel; costermonger; lavish productions.


6. Translate into English:

позашлюбний син; він дуже далекий від політичного життя; у ресторанах пропонують страви з різних країн світу; колись Ковент Гарден був пасовищем; зафіксувати на гравюрах; район погіршився; з’явились турецькі бані та дома розпусти; вхід було заборонено.

7. a/ Fill in the missed prepositions:


The name … this famous cosmopolitan area … London probably comes … the old hunting cry … "Tally-Ho" or "So-Ho" when Soho fields were used … hunting. It's a very old call to scare the foxes … their cover … the 13 century. But its first use as a place name was founded … 1636.

Now it is a world known restaurant centre where Londoners and visitors can taste Russian, Italian, Greek, French, Swiss food, etc. It has long been a centre … foreign restaurants delicatessen and exotic food and kitchen and it is populated … several hundred thousand foreigners who try to give each restaurant the atmosphere … their native Land.

This is also the district … cinema-producers – all the biggest film-companies have offices … Soho; … theatres – The Lyric, The Apollo, The Globe (they are small theatres but always full); … small but very good and very modern bookshops.

It is the favourite place … literary people, writers, critics; …painters, artists, cinema-stars and thousands … men and women … the film world. The district, indeed, became international.

There are several reasons … that … 1685 thousands … French protestants came … England and settled here. Then, during the French Revolution … 1793 great numbers … French came here too, among them many artistic people. These two groups formed the foundation … the Soho population. Theatres were opened, the actors and musicians liked this "foreign place" … London. Mozart composed a symphony here when he was only 8 years old. The art exhibitions were organized there. Soho … today is remarkable … its people … very different types and different colour … skin and hair. They are gesticulating, speaking loudly, laughing. Not English style at all.


b/ Retell the text.

? 8. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Можливо, це назва Сохо походить від мисливського поклику "сохо".

2. Зараз у цьому районі розташован цілий китайський квартал, а у ресторанах пропонують страви різних країн світу.

3. Сохо – це місце цілодобових розваг.

4. Недалеко від Сохо знаходиться Ковент-Гарден, де у ХIХ столітті Чарльз Фаулер задумав будівництво нового фешенебельного ринку.

5. Оперний театр Ковент-Гарден, де виступають артисти Королівської опери та балету, є третім театром, збудованим на цьому місці.



& 1. Read the text about St. Paul’s Cathedral; make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

St. Paul’s Cathedral, the seat of the Bishop of London and the spiritual centre of the City, is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. He supervised its building from across the river, in a house from which he could watch his magnum opus arise on a prominent position at the top of Ludgate Hill. His mammoth achievement took 35 years to create beginning soon after the Fire of London in 1666 during which the older church – ravaged by the Parliamentary army in the 1650s – was finally destroyed.

The Cathedral, a fitting setting for the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1981, has the grandeur of scale with a nave 180 feet long and a height of 365 feet from the floor to the top of the cross. It also has artistic sensitivity, from Grinling Gibbons’ immaculate carvings to frescoes of scenes from the like of St. Paul painted by Sir James Thornhill on the inner dome.

The paintings can be seen from the Whispering Gallery 100 feet above floor level. St. Paul’s was the burial place of Wren, who died at the age of 91, having changed London’s skyline with some 50 exquisite churches. His tomb, one of the first in the Cathedral, is marked by a black marble slab in the crypt.

St.Paul’s is the resting place of Admiral Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington. While it has witnessed sombre funeral processions, the bell called Great Tom is generally only tolled for the deaths of members of the royal family, bishops of London, deans of St. Paul’s and the Lord Mayor of London, should he or she die in office.

The old churchyard is a public garden. Remnants of the medieval cloister are visible and a memorial marks the approximate site of St. Paul’s Cross, an open air pulpit where the Pope’s condemnation of Martin Luther was proclaimed in the Presence of Cardinal Wolsey. Near here some of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators were hanged, having failed to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

In more peaceful vein in Paternoster Square is Elizabeth Frink’s 1975 sculpture of a shepherd and sheep.

2. Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them to speak about St. Paul’s Cathedral.

1. spiritual 12. exquisite
2. supervise 13. marble slab
3. magnum opus 14. witness
4. mammoth 15. sombre funeral processions
5. ravage 16, toll for
6, a fitting setting 17. in office
7. grandeur of scale 18. medieval cloister
8. a nave 19. an open air pulpit
9. artistic sensitivity 20. condemnation of
10. immaculate carvings 21. conspirators
11. inner dome 22. to blow up

?3. Write 8-10 questions about the text in pairs. Exchange your questions with another pair. Answer the questions without looking at the article.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 126 | Нарушение авторских прав

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