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Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Complete the sentences with the prepositions below. | GRAMMAR FOCUS | Explain the meanings of the following words and word combinations in English and use them to speak about history of London. | B) Work in pairs to define whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). | Find the words on the British Parliament in the lines below. Transcribe five of them. | THE HOUSE OF COMMONS | THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT | A typical working day | Make use of the words and word-combinations given above to write down 10 sentences of your own. | THE TOWER OF LONDON |

Читайте также:
  1. A .Choose the correct item.
  2. A) The use of the Past Indefinite becomes obligatory with stative verbs.
  3. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  4. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  5. A. two past continuous verbs
  6. Active to passive with phrasal verbs PEG 302-6
  7. Adjectives and Adverbs

1. The group went to Buckingham Palace so that they … (learn) more about a mixture of old and new.

2. It looks as if the Queen … (leave) on ceremonial duties such as the State Opening of Parliament in early winter.

3. It’s high time that we … (see) the Royal Mews with the Queen's horses, their trappings, the breathtaking State Coach.

4. The suggestion is that we … (visit) its sumptuous apartments, containing generations of royal treasures.

5. It is possible that the Queen's Gallery … (house) changing exhibitions taken from the Royal Collections.

Westminster Abbey

& 1. Read the information below about Westminster Abbey and discuss the answers to the questions below with your partner. Make up the most suitable heading for each part of the text.


The wonders of Westminster Abbey owe much to a succession of kings and queens beginning with Edward the Confessor, a saintly man who came to the throne in 1040. Sadly the church he built on the site was consecrated on December 28, 1065 when he was too weak to attend. He died eight days later. The next year a new king, William the Conqueror was crowned there on Christmas Day setting a precedent which continues. Westminster Abbey has been the setting for every monarch’s coronation and, since 1308 they have used the Coronation Chair designed to hold the ancient Stone of Scone seized from the Scots in 1296. It was stolen by some Scots in 1950 but replaced the following year.


Henry III added a Lady Chapel in 1220 and began rebuilding the old Abbey – a process which lasted some 300 years to create most of the building we know today – though the West Towers were not finished until 1745.


The Abbey presents a pageant of noble, military, political and artistic history. It has the graves of kings and queens, of poets /Chaucer was the first to be buried, in 1400, in Poets’ Corner/, politicians and churchmen. Sir Winston Churchill is remembered with a marble slab placed near the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Elizabeth I is buried in the same vault as her half-sister, Mary, and is portrayed in a white marble effigy. She lies in the north aisle of the Henry VII chapel, under its spectacular vaulted roof. Among recent additions is the Royal Air Force Chapel with memorial window, while the founder is remembered in the Chapel of Edward the Confessor.


Westminster Abbey, under the jurisdiction of a Dean and Chapter, is subject only to the Sovereign. It has its own choir and choir school and adjoining the cloisters is Westminster School, founded by Queen Elizabeth I.


1. Who came to the throne in 1040?

2. When was the church consecrated?

3. Who was crowned in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1066?

4. In which way was the Coronation Chair designed?

5. When was the Chair stolen?

6. Who added a Lady Chapel in 1220 and began rebuilding the old Abbey?

7. What does the Abbey present?

8. Where is Elizabeth I buried?

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases to your partner then use them to speak about Westminster Abbey:

1. to owe 4. to set a precedent 7. half-sister
2. succession 5. pageant 8. vaulted roof
3. to be consecrated 6. a slab 9. cloister

?3. Make use of the words and word-combinations given above to write down sentences of your own.


4. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian. Then transcribe them to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

succession; be consecrated; set a precedent; seize; present a pageant of noble, military, political and artistic history; be remembered with a marble slab; vault; be potrayed in a white marble effigy; cloister.

5. Translate into English:

красоти Вестмінстерського абатства; сісти на престол; освячувати церкву; коронація Вільгельма Завойовника послужила прецендентом, який триває досі; поховати під одним склепінням; північний неф; імпозантний склепистий дах; яскрава картина дворянської, воєнної, політичної історії та мистецтва Англії.

? 6. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Вестмінстерське Абатство було збудовано Едуардом Сповідником у 1040 році.

2. Освячення церкви відбулося у 1065 році.

3. Вестмінстерське Абатство – місце коронації англійських монархів.

4. У 1220 році Генріх III збудував каплицю Божої Матері та почав перебудову старого Абатства, яка тривала 300 років.

5. У Вестмінстерському Абатстві знаходяться могили поетів, політичних та церковних діячів.


7. Match the years with the events:

Event Time
Edward the Confessor came to the throne in 1400
Westminster Abbey was consecrated in 1220
They have used the Coronation Chair in 1308
The ancient Stone of Scone was seized from the Scots on December 28, 1065
Henry III added a Lady Chapel in 1296
Chaucer was the first to be buried in Poet's Corner in 1040

8. Close the book and try to remember as many facts from the text as you can. Speak by turns with your partner.


& 1. Read the information below about Westminster Abbey and discuss the answers to the questions below with your partner.

Piccadilly Circus was formed in 1819 at the intersection of Piccadilly and the fashionable Regent Street, whose gracious curve was modernised with new facades 60 years ago. Here is the Cafe Royal, a haunt of literary figures and artists earlier this century. The Circus – a meeting point favoured by Londoners – has been the subject of numerous planning schemes and remains in the throes of change. Eros, the winged figure of an archer with his bow, is taking up a new position after restoration. The aluminium sculpture is properly titled the Shaftesbury Memorial, having been wrought by Sir Alfred Gilbert in 1892-3 as a tribute to the Earl of Shaftesbury, a Victorian Philanthropist.

In Trafalgar Square, Nelson stands atop his 145 foot high monument. The legendary admiral, victor of the Battle of Trafalgar 1805, and here poised on a classical column, is guarded by a quartet of lions modelled by Sir Edwin Landseer and cast by Marocchetti in 1867. Four bronze reliefs near the base are cast from French cannon captured at the naval battles they illustrate.

Trafalgar Square, with the National Gallery on the North Side and Whitehall to the South, is frequented as much by pigeons as by people. A Christmas tree is sent as a gift each year from Norway and on New Year's Eve crowds gather around the tree and the lions to herald in the New Year.

1. When was Piccadilly Circus formed?

2. What position is Eros taking up after restoration?

3. What is the height of the monument?

4. Who were the lions modelled by?

5. What do four reliefs illustrate?


2. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases to your partner then use them to speak about Picadilly and Trafalgar Square:

1. an intersection 4. to capture 7. throes of change
2. a curve 5. to be frequented 8. an archer
3. wrought 6. to poise on 9. a tribute

?3. Make use of the words and word-combinations given above to write down sentences of your own.


4. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian. Then transcribe them to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

intersection; gracious curve; remain in the throes of change; archer; stand atop; poise on a classical column; cast; naval battles; herald.

5. a/ Fill in the missed prepositions:

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Match the words from the box with their definitions below.| B) Choose one of the underlined phrases and prepare a one minute report on it.

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