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NOTES: tonight, tomorrow night, last night (not "yesterday night")
still (все еще, по-прежнему)

□ She is still sleeping. yet (пока еще, пока что)

□ Не is too young yet to get married. yet (еще не...)

□ He hasn't come yet. else (in questions)

□ Who else do you know?

□ Where else did you go yesterday? more (дополнительно) - with countable and uncountable nouns

□ Give me some more water. other (другой)

□ What other books did you buy? only (еще только)

□ It's only 10 o'clock.

□ He was with us only yesterday. as early as (так давно как)

□ It was known as early as 1935.

long, for a long time (в течение долгого времени)

□ Have you been here long?

□ I've been here for a long time. long ago, a long time ago (много времени тому назад)

□ It happened long ago.

not... long (с недавнего времени)

□ I haven't been sitting here long. not long ago (в недалеком прошлом)

□ This book came out not long ago. lately, recently (в последнее время)

□ Have you heard from him recently (lately)?


Ex. 5. (В, C) Translate into English paying attention to the meaning of the word "еще".

1. Я еще не готов. 2. Они еще не легли спать, они еще смотрят телевизор. 3. Я получила еще две открытки от Элис. 4. Что еще он вам рассказал? 5. Я хочу спросить об этом еще кого-нибудь. 6. Какие еще города вы видели в Англии? 7. Я получил эту телеграмму еще вчера. 8. Вы еще слишком малы, чтобы курить. 9. Я еще не дочитал эту книгу, но мне кажется, что она еще интереснее, чем та, которую вы мне дали. 10. Еще апрель, еще слишком рано открывать окна. 11. У нас есть еще несколько книг по истории Англии. 12. Еще рано, не все еще встали. 13. Кто еще звонил сегодня? 14. Что еще вы хотели мне сказать? 15. Я знал о их решении еще вчера. 16. Май в этом году еще холоднее, чем в прошлом. 17. Он еще не отвечал, он еще думает. 18. Какие еще сказки ты знаешь? 19. Ты ведь видел его еще утром, но ничего не сказал нам. 20. Где еще я могу найти такие цветы? 21. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, еще один журнал. 22. Их дом еще больше нашего. 23. Он еще пожалеет об этом. 24. Он еще спит. 25. Ты еще молод, ты можешь еще сделать это.

Ex. 6. (В, С) Translate into English paying attention to the meaning of the words "долго" and "давно".

I. Мы долго наблюдали за ними. 2. Я долго не мог забыть это. 3. Она долго молчала. 4. Вы будете долго работать сегодня? 5. Ты давно знаешь его? 6. Они долго у вас пробыли? 7. Он уже давно работает в этом банке. 8. Я здесь уже давно. 9. Он долго не мог понять этот рассказ. 10. Я давно не видел своих друзей.

II. Я давно потерял эту книгу. 12. Дождь давно перестал. 13. Мы вчера очень долго бродили по городу. 14. Вы давно живете в этом доме? 15. Мне пришлось долго ждать их. 16. Первые поселенцы ушли отсюда очень давно. 17. Он давно забыл свое обещание. 18. Она очень давно не играла на пианино. 19. Это случилось очень давно. 20. Дождь идет уже давно. 21. Он сказал мне, что они ушли давно. 22. Он сказал мне, что он видел ее давно. 23. Я очень давно ничего не слышал об этой семье. 24. Вы слишком долго работали вчера. 25. Мы довольно долго обсуждали этот вопрос. 26. Мы жили там очень давно. 27. Сегодня собрание продлится недолго. 28. Он недолго жил там. 29. Этот магазин открылся недавно. 30. Он здесь недавно работает. 31. Эти люди здесь недавно. 32. Это случилось недавно. 33. Эта встреча произошла недавно.

Ex. 7. (С) Translate into English.

1. Вы часто виделись с ним в последнее время? 2. Я последнее время редко хожу в кино. 3. Я за последнее время прочел очень много иностранных книг. 4. Она последнее время редко вспоминает об этом. 5. Это произошло недавно. 6. Я недавно встретил его в музее. 7. Он не создал ни одного нового фильма за последнее время. 8. Они последнее время редко заходят к нам. 9. Я недавно отремонтировал квартиру. 10. Он очень изменился за последнее время. 11. За последнее время многое изменилось в нашем городе. 12. Это изобретение было сделано недавно. 13. За последнее время она прислала мне три письма. 14. Он очень похудел за последнее время. 15. Они недавно побывали в Африке. 16. Этот разговор произошел недавно. 17. В последнее время мы не ходим туда. 18. Я в последнее время очень много работал над английским языком. 19. Я в последнее время не видел там ничего интересного. 20. Вы в последнее время покупали какие-нибудь книги? 21. В последнее время они не навещали нас. 22. Я не писал ей в последнее время. 23. Он начал заниматься музыкой совсем недавно. 24. Вы много играли в теннис в последнее время? 25. Я недавно просмотрел свой старый дневник. 26. В последнее время очень холодно. 27. Мы в последнее время много переводили с английского.


Adverbs of frequency: how often? The most common are: always (всегда), generally, usually, normally (обычно), frequently, often (часто), seldom, rarely (редко), sometimes (иногда).

Adverbs of frequency have three basic positions. As to the place of such adverbs see Appendix 4.


Adverbs of place and direction: here (здесь, сюда), there (там, туда), where (куда, где), somewhere, anywhere (где-нибудь, где-то, куда-нибудь), nowhere (нигде, никуда), elsewhere (где-нибудь, в другом месте), far away/far off (далеко), near (близко), inside (внутри), outside (снаружи, наружу), above (выше, наверху), below (ниже, внизу).

Somewhere is used in affirmative sentences:

□ I left my umbrella somewhere. Anywhere - in questions and negative sentences:

□ Are you going anywhere tomorrow?

□ I can't find my dictionaries anywhere. Nowhere is used in short answers:

□ Where did you go after supper? - Nowhere.

far (in questions and negative sentences)

□ Did you walk far?

□ They don't like to walk far. a long way (in affirmative sentences)

□ We walked a long way yesterday, far away (off) ("на большом расстоянии" - in questions and negative sentences)

□ Is the station far away (off)?

□ They don't live far away (off), a long way off (in affirmative sentences)


□ They live a long way off.



Слишком Так + далеко
Довольно Очень + далеко
too so

very rather

But! Far from



□ They walked too far.

a long way a long way off
□ The station is far from our house.

□ We walked so far that we got tired.

□ We walked rather a long way.

□ They live a very long way off.




Ex. 8. (В, C) Translate into English paying attention to the words in italic type.

1. Она никуда не ездила прошлым летом. 2. Я никуда не ходил вчера. 3. Куда ты пойдешь в субботу? - Никуда. 4. Куда вы ездили в отпуск? - Никуда. 5. Вы куда- нибудь пойдете сегодня вечером? - Если я не устану, я пойду куда-нибудь, но если я устану, я никуда не пойду. 6. Мы не пошли на озеро, потому что оно было очень далеко. 7. Я люблю гулять с собакой далеко, а мой друг не любит гулять далеко. 8. Вокзал далеко, вам придется поехать на автобусе. 9. Почтовое отделение далеко?

10. Эта школа далеко от центра города. 11. Нам надо выйти рано, потому что мы пойдем далеко. 12. Вы живете далеко? 13. Его дом очень далеко отсюда. 14. Они вернулись очень поздно, так как они ходили далеко. 15. Мы будем плавать каждый день перед завтраком, так как река недалеко. 16. Поезжайте туда автобусом, так как ближайшая станция метро довольно далеко. 17. Я редко хожу в театр, так как живу очень далеко от города. 18. Библиотека очень близко от нашего дома. 19. Новый магазин близко отсюда.


Adverbs of degree, measure and quantity, much (много), little (мало), very (очень), too (слишком), so (так), rather (довольно), enough (достаточно), quite (совсем), not at all (совсем не), hardly/scarcely (едва), nearly/almost (почти), somewhat (несколько, до некоторой степени), much/far/by far (намного, гораздо, значительно), etc.


much in questions and negative sentences

□ Has he read much? very (too, so, as) much/a lot/a great deal in affirmative sentences

□ He plays football too much.

□ He has done a lot today.

not much in negative sentences

□ He doesn't speak much about it. (Он мало говорит об этом)

very/too/so little in affirmative sentences

□ She eats very little.


□ You rest too little.

very to strengthen

adjectives: Martha is very ill.

adjective + noun: John is a very nice man. very much goes with

comparatives: She is very much better.

verbs: I like your painting very much.

We often use extremely, awfully, terribly, really, pretty for special emphasis of "very":

□ I'm extremely sleepy.

□ It's awfully/terribly expensive.


□ The girl is pretty smart.

Too + adjective /adverb

□ The tea is too hot, I can't drink it.

□ The bus runs too slowly.


Too changes its meaning according to position:

□ The coffee is too hot to drink, (слишком)

□ The croissant is freshly-made and the coffee is hot, too. (также)

We use too at the end of an affirmative sentence to mean "also":

□ Billy can already read and he can write, too. In the negative, we must use either in place of too:

□ Billy can't write yet and he can't read either.

We use also and as well like too (также) in affirmative sentences. We replace them by either in negative sentences.

As well goes at the end of a clause or sentence:

□ I bought this bag and I bought these shoes to go with it, as well. Also normally comes:

- after to be/have/can:

□ Susan is an engineer, but she is also a mother.

- after first auxiliary:

□ I should have collected the letters and I should also have posted them.

- before the main verb:

□ I play volleyball and I also play tennis.

hardly/scarcely + arty/ever

□ There were hardly/scarcely/any people in the street. (На улице почти не было людей.)

□ I hardly/scarcely/ever see him. (Я почти никогда не вижу его.)


□ It is nearly/almost/5 o'clock. (Сейчас почти 5 часов.)

□ I've nearly/almost/finished my work. (Я почти окончил свою работу.)

quite + adjective/adverb

□ The film is quite good.

□ The play is quite awful. fairly + adjective/adverb (less complimentary than quite)

It's quite good, (complimentary) It's fairly good, (less complimentary) rather (stronger than quite and fairly)

□ I am afraid Jane's health is rather poor.

□ Your words have been rather unpleasant.

□ The ice-cream is rather good.

Quite goes in front of "absolute" adjectives {dead, full, empty) and "strong" adjectives (amazing, wonderful) meaning " совершенно/абсолютно ":

□ The man is quite dead.

□ The bucket is quite full.

□ What's John's English like?

□ The book is quite wonderful.


Ex. 9. (A, B) Supply very, too or very much in these sentences. Two answers may be possible.

1. I hear they arej/ery_happy.

2. I can't go_ faster than I'm going.

3. Slow down. You're walking_________ fast for me.

4. She didn't think my answer was__________ clever.

5. I can't afford it. It's_________ expensive.

6. If you hope to win him for yourself, you are___________ mistaken.

7. Our firm is________ interested in this project.

8. I didn't enjoy the film_________.

9. Why didn't you come? We needed you__________.

10. I trusted you from the beginning.

11. He has been________ talked about recently.

12. He is____ handsome for his own good.

13. I don't like your idea_________.

14. My new car is________ faster than the old one.

15. We were_ early, but they were already waiting for us.

16. We were_ early, the museum wasn't open yet.

17. We have _______ missed you.

18. You have been working__________ much lately.

19. I've been_ alone lately.

20. He hasn't done_________ much work here.

Ex. 10. (A, B) Complete these responses using very, too, very much and too much.

1. How did you enjoy your stay in England? -1 enjoyed it very much.

2. So you didn't marry Steve in the end! - No, he is_______________ stupid.

3. Will you buy this dress? - No, it costs______________.

4. Is that lobster alive? - Yes, it's_____________ alive!

5. Was it heavy? - Yes,____________!

6. Are you glad? - Yes,_____________!

7. Did you spend a lot of time on it? - Yes,______________!

8. I don't like autumn here. - Neither do I. There's_______________ rain.

9. Why aren't you buying that coat? - It's____ short for me.

10. Their house is very big! - Yes, but not______________ big!

11. Are the children still awake? - Yes, they're______________ awake!

12. How is the business going? - Not______________ well, I'm afraid.

Ex. 11. (В, C) Use suitable adverbs in place of very.

1. This film is awfully dull.

2. I'm______ confused by the new regulations.

3. I'm______ disappointed in the work.

4. We are__ interested in your proposal.

5. That comedy wasn't_____________ funny.

6. I was____ awake all night.

7. I was___________ surprised by her answer.

8. That task is___________ difficult!

9. I'm__________ annoyed about this.

10. Your success has been____________ deserved.

11. She was___________ hurt by your words!

12. Your friend works___________ slowly.

13. I was__________ bored to play.

14. We were all___________ alarmed by your words.

15. I'm__________ sorry about this.

16. Your advice has been____________ helpful.

17. What you did was___________ dangerous.

18. You didn't wake me. I was____________ asleep.

19. It was__________ cold in the morning.

20. You think you're____________ clever.

21. He was__________ hurt in the accident.

22. This computer is_____________ fast.

23. They were___________ nice to me.

24. You must be___________ attentive and careful on that part of the road.

Ex. 12. (В, C) CONTEXT. Translate the words in brackets.

Justly Punished.

There were 1 (слишком много людей) on the bus for comfort and passengers were standing in the aisle. A young woman carrying a baby was 2 (очень благодарна) when an old man offered her his seat. The baby was 3 (крепко спал) and she could now rest him on her lap. She thanked the old man 4 (очень) and was just going to sit down when a rude young man sat in the empty seat. Everyone was 5 (ужасно смущен), and the young mother was £ (слишком удивлена) to say anything. All the passengers 7 (очень не одобряли) of the man's action. They were 8 (страшно сердиты) with him, but he paid no attention. 9 (гораздо позже), the rude man wanted to get off the bus and tried to push past the passengers. They all 10 (стали близко друг к другу) and wouldn't let him move. He was made to stay on the bus till it reached its terminus, a punishment he 11 (справедливо заслужил).

Ex. 13. (A, B) Use too in your sentences and say what meaning it has in each sentence.

1. You can't swim in this lake, (cold) - It's too cold.

2. Ladoga Lake is very deep and it is also cold. - And it's cold, too.

3. I invited Paul and I also invited Margaret.___________________________________________

4. We won't go to the wood, (far)____________________________________________________

5. We didn't stay in that hotel, (expensive)____________________________________________

6. We didn't stay in that hotel. It was rather old and also expensive.________________________

Ex. 14. (A, B) Add too or either.

1. I like opera and I like ballet too.

2. I know Jason and I know his sister,_________.

3. I don't smoke and I don't drink alcohol,___________.

4. He runs a restaurant and a hotel,__________.

5. I can't play the piano and I can't sing,__________.

6. Don't tell mother and don't tell Greg,___________.

7. I don't know and I don't care,__________.

8. He can do it and he can do it well,__________.

Ex. 15. (В, C) Write sentences to show how you interpret these statements.

1. Only I saw him there. I saw him there, but no one else did.

2. I only saw Polly there._______________________________________________

3. I read his novels only._______________________________________________

4. I've just understood his lecture.____________________________________

5. I understood just his lecture. ____________________________________

6. I understood his lecture - just!_________________________________________

Ex. 16. (В, C) Show where also goes in these sentences.

1. She can read and she can write. - She can read and she can also write.

2. I have had a rest and I've had a shower. _______________________________

3. She can knit and she can sew.________________________________________

4. He has brought a lot of books and he has brought some records. ____________

5. You should have phoned and you should have written._____________________

6. I have to write a letter and I have to do some exercises.____________________

7. I'd like a cup of coffee and I'd like some sandwiches, please.________________

8. He owns this hotel and he owns a chain of shops in the city. _______________

9. We sell our products in the home market but we export a lot. _______________

10. I won't let you watch TV now because the film is stupid and it's too late.

Ex. 17. (В, C) CONTEXT. Translate the words in brackets, paying special attention to the

italicized words.

A Safe Place.

My aunt Millie always said she had some jewels which she would leave to me, but when she died she didn't leave any money and she 1 (не оставила мне также и драгоценностей). 2 [даже моя мама) was surprised.

"I know she had some rings and 3 (а также замечательные бусы). 4 (Я видела их только однажды), but perhaps she sold them."

My mother and I looked 5 {везде, повсюду): we looked in the bedrooms, in the bathroom, in the attic, but we found nothing.

6 "(Милли была так осторожна) and was afraid of burglars," Mother said, "but I don't think she hid her jewels somewhere."

"Let's go home, and we'd better take all the food in the deep freeze." On Sunday, Mother said to me, "I'm going to cook this lovely goose which was in your aunt Millie's deep freeze.

7 (Я также подготовлю начинку) and you can stuff the goose."

Five minutes later I screamed with surprise: the goose was full of jewels and 8 (здесь были также золотые монеты).

Ex. 18. (В, С) Answer these questions in full with quite, and say whether quite means "less than" or "completely".

1. What was the plav like? (good) - The plav was quite good, (less than)

2. How was the trip? (amazing)____________________________________________________

3. What's Pam like? (wonderful)____________________________________________________

4. How was the film? (awful)_______________________________________________________

5. How was your holiday? (enjoy) __________________________________________________

6. How did you like his poem? (like)_________________________________________________

Ex. 19. (В, C) Add quite and rather to each sentence, where possible.

Say if they mean "inclined to (be)", "less than" or "completely".

I'm afraid Jane's health is quite /rather poor. ("completely"/"inclined to be")

Don't worry! Your son is_______________ all right!__________________________________

Your work has been________________ unsatisfactory.______________________________

I'm afraid an appointment tomorrow is______________ impossible._____________________

Last night's documentary was________________ interesting. _________________________

Ex. 20. (В, C) Add quite and fairly. Mark as "complimentary", "less complimentary" or "completely".

1. He draws quite/fairly \NeW. ("complimentary"/"less complimentary")

2. The party is_____________ spoilt.________________________________________________

3. I feel_______________ well._____________________________________________________

4. She's_______________ clever.__________________________________________________

5. I think the old man_______________ mad.__________________________________________

6. This is________________ incredible!_____________________________________________

Ex. 21. (В, C) Add much, any, far or a lot and give alternatives where possible.

1. I'm not much/anv good at solving riddles.

2. You're________ more beautiful than she.

3. This is_______ more expensive.

4. This is by_______ ^ the best way to do it.

5. I can't do it better.

6. These two recordings aren't__________ different.

7. I don't________ like horror films.

8. I_______ prefer swimming to running.

9. This machine isn't_________ used.

10. You look________ healthier than when I last saw you.

Ex. 22. (C) CONTEXT. Translate the words in brackets using any, many, much, rather, fairly,

quite, etc.

Can We Go Home, Please?

It was 1 (довольно поздно). The restaurant clock showed 1.30 a.m. The waiters were feeling 2 (очень усталыми) and were beginning to yawn. There was one 3 (довольно пожилая пара) left. They had clearly had 4 (довольно хорошо поели). Now they were looking at each other across the table and were 5 (совершенно не замечали) of the world around them. The waiters wanted to go home. One of them asked the couple if they wanted 6 (еше поесть или выпить). Не didn't get an answer. It clearly 7 (не было никакого смысла) asking questions! One of the waiters had 8 (довольно хорошую идею). He began stacking chairs upside-down onto the tables. The others joined in. Another waiter turned off the lights. In the end, the restaurant was 9 (совершенно темный). The chairs were stacked on the tables round the couple who just sat and sat and sat!

Ex. 23. (В, C) Translate into English.


1. Он мало спит. 2. Он мало отдыхает. 3. Она много путешествует. 4. Он много работает над английским языком? 5. Они мало работают. 6. Она много ест. 7. Он много читает.


1. Этот дом совсем старый. 2. Он совсем не старый. 3. Это пальто совсем новое. 4. Его шляпа не совсем новая. 5. Наш дом совсем готов. 6. Моя работа не совсем готова. 7. Мы совсем не готовы. 8. Уже совсем светло. 9. Сегодня не совсем тепло. 10. Сегодня совсем не холодно. 11. Я вполне понимаю вас. 12. Я не совсем понимаю вас. 13. Я совсем не понимаю вас. 14. Я совсем не устал. 15. Его новый роман совсем неинтересный.


1. В его работе почти нет ошибок. 2. В этой книге почти нет иллюстраций. 3. В этой библиотеке почти нет английских книг. 4. Они почти ничего не рассказывали нам об этом. 5. Он почти никогда не читает книги. 6. Почти никто не знает об этом. 7. На небе почти нет облаков. 8. В поезде почти не было пассажиров. 9. У нас почти не осталось хлеба. 10. В бутылке почти нет молока. 11. Мы почти ничего не видели, так было темно. 12. Я почти ни с кем не разговаривал вчера. 13. Он почти ничего не писал по этому вопросу. 14. Его почти никогда нет дома по вечерам. 15. Мы почти никогда не ездим туда теперь. 16. Он в последнее время почти не получал писем от своего брата. 17. Я так устал, что почти ничего не мог съесть. 18. В этом городе почти нет зелени.


Viewpoint adverbs: obviously/evidently (очевидно), probably (вероятно), possibly (возможно), indeed (действительно), certainly (конечно, несомненно), perhaps, may be (может быть), apparently (по-видимому), decisively (решительно), undoubtedly (несомненно), practically (практически, фактически), naturally (естественно, разумеется), fortunately (к счастью), unfortunately (к несчастью), mainly/chiefly/mostly (главным образом), etc.

□ Perhaps he'll be here at 9 o'clock tomorrow.

□ I was indeed very glad to hear the news.

□ He will probably finish his work tonight.

□ He evidently worked hard.

□ Unfortunately, he came to the station too late and missed the train.

□ Naturally, he got very angry with them.

We may express our "viewpoint" in speech or in writing using adverbs like these:

- (= I'm sure): clearly, definitely, honestly, naturally, obviously, really, strictly speaking;

- (= I'm going to be brief): anyhow, briefly, in brief, in effect, in a few words, in short;

- (= I'm expressing my opinion): as far as I'm concerned, frankly, in my opinion, I think.


Ex. 24. (В, C) Match the columns A and B.


а. I am making a generalisation 1. I was agreeable
Ь. the reason for this was 2. between ourselves
с. I don't want you to repeat this 3. after all
d. I was pleased to learn 4. naturally
е. as was to be expected 5. as a general rule
f. I am sure 6. certainly
9- the important thing is this 7. frankly
/?. I'm being honest 8. at any rate
/. I'm expressing my opinion 9. in my view


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