Читайте также: |
1. I enjoyed his company greatly. It was just_______________.
2. This firm produced a lot in recent years. This firm has been very__________ in recent years.
3. Many years have passed but I recognized the place at once. It is______________________.
4. I don't know where you find all that energy. You're tremendously_______________________.
5. I found the book easy and pleasant to read. It's__________________.
6. I don't know how to describe the colour of the sky. It's almost red, sort of________________.
7. I've never met anyone who boasts as he does. He's extremely___________________.
8. What level of radiation can be permitted? How much radiation is__________________.
9. I'm attracted by this man. I find him very___________________.
Ex. 5. (B) Complete the following sentences with the adjectives made by adding the right suffixes to the italicized nouns.
Model: The play was full of humour. The audience laughed at the humorous situations.
1. The child obeys his parents. He is an_______ child. 2. The Sun was shining brightly. It was
a________ day. 3. Everybody respected the man. He is a_____________ man. 4. Bob hardly
escaped the danger. The situation was very____________. 5. Olaf hoped to earn fame for his
book. Did he hope to become____________? 6. He sleeps on a bench in the park because he
has no home. He is_________. 7. The flood in India was a disaster. It was very____________.
8. The soldier was given a medal for his courage. He was________________.
Ex. 6. (B) Supply the right adjective forms. The first sentence has been done for you.
1. The coast line is not regular in shape. It is quite irregular.
2. This arrangement isn't strictly legal. Some people would regard it as____________________.
3. It is not possible. Don't ask me to do the_________________.
4. Such a situation is barely imaginable. It's quite________________.
5. Bob's not very capable. He's_____________ of making sound decisions.
6. I doubt she is literate. She can't read or write. She is an______________ person.
7. This scheme isn't very practical. In fact, it's quite________________.
8. I can't trust him. He is not always honest. He is said to be____________________.
Ex. 7. (B) Rewrite the following sentences using compound adjectives.
1. The car costs twenty thousand dollars. It is a twentv-thousand-dollar car.
2. The woman is seventy years old. She's___________________.
3. The trip lasted two days. It was________________________.
4. The farm is eighty hectares. It's__________________________.
5. The baby is three months old. It is a______________.
6. The parcel weighs two kilos. It's____________________________.
7. The jar contains three litres. It's___________________________.
8. I live not far from the University. It takes me 10 minutes to walk there. It is_____________
9. The fence is twenty miles. It's____________________________.
10. The road is seventy kilometres. It's_________________________.
Ex. 8. (B) Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective made by adding suffixes "-ed", "-ful", "-ent" ("-ant"), "-able" to the noun or to the verb.
Model: 1. I need paper with lines for it. О Could you get me some lined paper, please?
2. He helped them. He was very helpful.
3. Children depend on their parents. О They are dependent on their parents.
4. I'm going to wash my new dress. I hope it's washable.
a) 1. Mrs Bosch had stripes on her skirt. She was wearing a_____________ blouse to match.
2. This blouse has short sleeves, but I prefer a long________________ one. 3. Give me all the
details, I need a_________ description. 4. There were crowds of people in the streets. The
streets were________. 5. She was in a hurry, that's why we had a__________ talk.
b) 1. I doubt if he was right. His story is very_________________ 2. She always cheers other
people up. She is such a___________ person herself. 3. Ann is such a beauty. She resembles
her____ mother.
c) 1. This show differs from all the other shows I've seen this year. It's so___________________.
2. Mr Bogart has a lot of confidence in all he says and does. He is such a___________________
person. 3. She likes independence. She is so____________________.
d) 1. My friend enjoys driving, he found it an_________ experience. 2. You can rely on Peter,
he is such a____________ person. 3. I wish I could agree with you, but it's difficult to be
Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together:
□ There was a beautiful large round wooden table in the kitchen. Adjectives like new/large/round/wooden are fact adjectives. They give us objective information about age, size, colour, etc. Adjectives like nice/beautiful are opinion adjectives. They tell us what someone thinks of something.
opinion | fact | noun |
nice | sunny | day |
delicious | hot | soup |
an intelligent | young | man |
beautiful | large round wooden | table |
How big? | о | How old? | О | What colour? | О | Where from? | О | What is it made of? |
a tall big a small a large |
young |
О |NOUN man eyes bag armchair song |
blue black |
plastic |
old an old |
French Russian |
1. Materials (nouns) behave like adjectives when we use them to form compound nouns:
□ a shirt (noun) made of cotton (noun) a cotton shirt.
2. We can have three-word compound nouns. "Material" comes before " purpose " or "use":
□ a clock made of plastic used in the kitchen a plastic kitchen clock. Adjectives go in front of nouns.
We cannot separate a compound noun by an adjective:
□ a good plastic kitchen clock. (Not "a plastic good kitchen clock").
Ex. 1. (A, B) Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.
Example: a modern house (attractive) - an attractive modern house
1. 3l young girl (pretty)___________________________________________________________
2. a handsome man (young)______________________________________________________
3. a kitchen cupboard (oak)_______________________________________________________
4. brown bag (leather)____________________________________________________________
5. an American film (old)__________________________________________________________
6. big eyes (blue)_______________________________________________________________
7. a cold day (rainy)_____________________________________________________________
8. a hot bath (nice)______________________________________________________________
9. an old coat (worn)_____________________________________________________________
10. a red car (old/little)_____________________________________________________________
11. a gold watch (small/antique) ____________________________________________________
12. a little village (old/lovely)________________________________________________________
13. long eye-lashes (black/thick)____________________________________________________
14. an old mansion (stone/English)__________________________________________________
Ex. 2. (A, B) Make two-word and three-word nouns.
1. a dress made of silk - a silk dress.
2. railings made of iron _________________________________________________________.
3. a table used in the kitchen ______ _____________________________________________.
4. a table made of plastic/used in the kitchen_______________________________________.
Ex. 3. (В, C) You're looking for items you want to buy. Begin each sentence with: I'm looking for....
Model: polished - beautiful - wadrobe - oak - antique - French.
I'm looking for a beautiful antique polished French oak wardrobe. 1. sports car - well-maintained - second-hand - with a low mileage
2. leather - Italian - a pair of - shoes - black - which I can use for work
3. cottage - stone-built - small - old - country
4. cotton - shorts - summer - white - for my holiday
Ex. 4. Translate into English.
1. Хлопчатобумажная рубашка; 2. Маленькая черная металлическая коробка; 3. Уродливое зеленое платье; 4. Красивые светлые длинные волосы; 5. Интересное старое французское полотно (картина); 6. Необычные золотые серьги ручной работы; 7. Незабываемое двухдневное путешествие на лодке; 8. Дорогой старый круглый дубовый стул ручной работы.
After be/look/feel/seem/smell/taste/sound we use adjectives:
□ Do you feel tired? The dinner smells good.
□ Tom sounded angry. Your friend seems nice.
After other verbs we use adverbs (badly/well/carefully) (see "Adverbs"):
□ Drive carefully. Susan plays tennis well.
□ John behaved badly last night.
(= seem) + adjective □ Tom looked sad when I saw him. (at) + adverb □ Tom looked at me sadly.
(taste, feel, smell)
Ex. 5. (A, B) Supply adjectives or adverbs in the following sentences.
1. The child's skin feels____________.
Everything went___________. (smooth/smoothly).
2. You cook___________.
Your cooking is___________. (good/well)
3. The water smells___________.
The film ended___________. (bad/badly)
4. She looked___________.
He answered___________. (nice/nicely)
Ex. 6. (B) Translate the words in brackets.
1. What beautiful flowers. They (хорошо пахнут) too.
2. Jack read his new story to me. It (звучало интересно). I hope the editor will like it.
NB! |
3. I can't eat it. It (ужасно на вкус) and too much salt.
4. I wasn't very well yesterday but today I (чувствую себя прекрасно).
5. Have you been out in the rain? You (выглядишь промокшим).
6. Ann (казалась расстроенной) yesterday. Do you know what had happened?
Ex. 7. (B) Translate the sentences.
1. Он зло посмотрел на меня, когда я прервал (interrupt) его.
2. Пожалуйста, закрывай дверь тихо, ребенок спит.
3. Ты можешь быть хоть минутку спокойным? Я так устала. Посиди спокойно (quiet).
4. Том прекрасно себя ведет и хорошо готовит.
5. Мне это не нравится, все это дело выглядит небезопасным (safe).
6. Все волнения были позади. Он прибыл живым и здоровым.
7. Поторопись! Ты такой медлительный.
8. Суп вкусный (прекрасный на вкус).
9. Веди машину осторожно. Кажется, дорога очень скользкая (slippery).
10. Она была печальна; она печально смотрела на меня.
We use the comparative when comparing one person or thing with another. We use the superlative when comparing one person or thing with more than one.
One-syllable and some two- syllable words ending in -y, - er, - ow, -le | hot large narrow simple | ... + -er | ... + -est | |
hotter larger narrower simpler | hottest largest narrowest simplest | |||
Two or more syllable words | beautiful interesting | more +... | most +... | |
more beautiful more interesting | the most beautiful the most interesting | |||
Irregular forms | good | better | the best | |
bad | worse | the worst | ||
old | older | the oldest | ||
elder | the eldest | |||
far | farther | the farthest | ||
further | the furthest |
1. Adjectives like hot (big, fat, sad, wet) double the consonant: hot - hotter - the hottest.
2. Adjectives like nice (fine, large, late, safe) add -r, -st:
nice - nicer - the nicest.
3. With adjectives like busy we use -i in place of -y:
busy - busier - the busiest.
Some two-syllable adjectives like happy (clever, common, narrow, pleasant, guiet, simple, stupid) have two comparative or superlative forms:
- either with -er/est:
□ She's cleverer than you. She's the cleverest person I know.
- or with more/the most:
□ She's more clever than you. She's the most clever person I know.
1. Further and farther refer to distance:
□ London is five miles further/farther. Further (Not "farther") can mean "in addition":
□ There is no further information.
2. We use elder/eldest before a noun only with reference to people in a family:
□ my elder brother/son, the eldest child, he's the eldest (but not "He is elder than me.")
We use older/oldest for people and things:
□ He is older than I am. This book is older.
3. Lesser is formed from less but is not a true comparative. We cannot use than after it. Lesser means "not so great" and we use it in fixed phrases like: the lesser of two evils.
4. Latest/last:
□ I bought the latest (i.e. most recent) edition of today's paper.
□ I bought the last (i.e. final) edition of today's paper.
5. The comparative and superlative of little is smaller/smallest:
□ a small/little boy, a smaller/the smallest boy.
6. English in the near future is Russian в ближайшем будущем.
Ex. 1. (A) Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives:
polite, happy, glad, complete, grey, honourable, shy, dry, just, free, recent, merry, uncomfortable, joyful, hot, thin, accurate, narrow, real, sweet, right, wicked, yellow, cosy, merciful, bad, fat, cheap, big, clumsy, stupid, far, miserable, narrow, virtuous, simple, regular, expensive, low, deep, sad, significant, bitter, intimate, lazy, old, serious, tiny, clever, little, considerate, good, much, dark, beautiful, dear, fit.
Ex. 2. (A) Give the comparative and superlative of the following compound adjectives:
well-known, fine-looking, short-sighted, good-natured, wide-spread, kind-hearted, old- fashioned, light-minded, well-read, high-pitched, strong-willed, much-travelled, narrow-minded.
Ex. 3. (А, В) Use the adjective in the comparative and superlative degree.
1. His poems are popular, (his novels) His poems are more popular than his novels.
2. My room's cold, (the kitchen)____________________________________________________
3. My garden is nice, (school garden)_______________________________________________
4. Your hair is dark, (your brother's hair)_____________________________________________
Ex. 4. (A, B) Give both comparative or superlative forms where possible.
1. His brother is talented.
(than he) - His brother is more talented than he.
(person I have ever met) - His brother is the most talented person I have ever met.
2. His work was careless.
(than mine)__________________________________________________________________
(in the class)_________________________________________________________________
3. Basketball is popular.
(than tennis)_________________________________________________________________
(in the USA)__________________________________________________________________
4. This watch is expensive.
(than that one) _______________________________________________________________
(in the shop)__________________________________________________________
5. Tuesday is convenient for me.
(than Friday) _________________________________________________________________
(of all week-days)_________________________________________________________
Ex. 5. (A, B) Choose the right forms in these sentences. In some cases both forms are right.
1. Is the station much (further/farther)?
2. You'll find the explanation (further/farther) on.
3. Your record is (worse/worst) than mine.
4. It's the (less/lesser) of two evils.
5. She always wears the (last/latest) fashion.
6. We have no (further/farther) information.
7. Nick skates (good/well).
8. His (latest/last) words were: "The end."
9. She is the (oldest/eldest) member of our family.
10. My flat is (littler/smaller) than yours.
11. I've got (less/lesser) patience than you.
12. He is much (older/elder) than his wife.
13. This is the (more/most) beautiful picture I've ever seen.
14. His English is (best/better) than mine.
15. She is (better/best) now.
16. It's the (furthest/farthest) point west.
17. It's the (oldest/eldest) building in the city.
18. He's my (older/elder) brother.
19. I'm not hurt in the (least/less)!
20. It is the (more/most) I can do for you.
as... as~l in positive sentences and in questions
так(ой) же... как □ I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could.
□ There is plenty of food, so eat as much as you like.
twice as... as three times as... as
в два/три раза больше □ Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.
□ Their house is three times as big as ours.
□ This grade is twice as expensive.
□ He is twice as old.
half as much/many half the size half my age half the weight
в два раза меньше в два раза меньше в два раза моложе в два раза легче
□ The room is half the size...
□ He is half my age.
□ My trunk is half the weight of yours.
Not so/as...as
не такой... как
□ The Dniper is much longer than the Thames.
□ This book is far more interesting than that one.
□ Your room is a great deal better than mine.
□ He is not so (as) tall as his father. |
□ Could you speak a bit (little) more slowly?
the most (самый)
□ This is the most interesting book. ajnostf крайне, весьма)
□ This is a most interesting book.
□ These are most interesting books. (большинство, большая часть)
□ Most young people are fond of sports.
![]() |
□ Most of my friends live in Moscow.
the more... the better
чем... тем
We use the... the (with two comparatives) to say that one thing depends on the other.
□ What time shall we leave? The sooner the better.
□ What size box do you want? The bigger the better.
than as |
□ The warmer the weather the better I feel.
the same... as
такой же... как □ Ann gets the same salary as mine.
□ Tom is the same age as George.
□ You are taller than me (I am). me/him/her/them/us □ They have more money than us (we have).
□ I can run as fast as him (as he can).
Ex. 6. (A) Translate the quotation.
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubts,
as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair.
Ex. 7. (A) Make up sentences according to the model, using "as... as" and the words given below.
Model: This book, the other one, interesting. This book is as interesting as the other one. 1. Jane, Ann, charming. 2. He, I, tall. 3. Michael, his brother, strong. 4. Our car, their car, good. 5. This report, your report, interesting. 6. Her new hat, her skirt, becoming. 7. Your job, his, essential. 8. The sitting room, the dinning room, large. 9. The ice-cream, the cake, delicious. 10. His stories, his jokes, funny.
Ex. 8. (A, B) Complete the sentences using "as... as".
Examples: The weather is still unpleasant today but yesterday it was worse. The weather isn't as bad as it was yesterday. I still smoke but I used to smoke a lot more. I don't smoke as much as I used to.
Ex. 9. (A) Make up negative sentences according to the model.
Model: My mother, my father, tall. My mother is not so tall as my father. 1. The bus, the train, fast. 2. My flat, her flat, big. 3. His voice, Caruso's, brilliant. 4. The pond, the river, deep. 5. Your typing, hers, fast. 6. This lecture, that lecture, interesting. 7. This hat, that hat, beautiful. 8. His article, her article, long.
Ex. 10. (B) Use a bit/a little/much/a lot/far before comparatives.
Example: You're driving too fast. Can you drive a bit more slowly? (a bit/slowly)
1. His songs are____________________ than his operas, (much/famous)
2. It is___________________ in February than in March, (a bit/windy)
3. I found the museum____________________ than I had expected, (far/interesting)
4. I am___________________ today than I was yesterday, (a lot/tired)
5. I prefer this armchair. It's_________________ the other one. (much/comfortable)
6. This flat is too small for me. I need something_________________. (much/big)
Ex. 11. (В) Translate the words in brackets.
1. This is_______ (самая интересная книга) I have ever read on this subject.
2. Swimming is________ (крайне популярный) summer sport.
3. Shakespeare is________ (самый выдающийся) English poet and playwright of all the ages.
4. Coal is______ (крайне важный) natural resource.
5. He is__________ (весьма умный) man.
Ex. 12. (A, B) Make sentences with "the same as".
Example: (your hair/the same colour/mine) Your hair is the same colour as mine.
1. (this suit/the same size/that one)_________________________________________________
2. (I arrived here/the same time/you) _______________________________________________
3. (we rented/the same house/your parents)__________________________________________
Ex. 13. (B) Translate the words in brackets.
1. This jacket is too small. I need (больший размер).
2. He's not so keen on his studies. He's (больше интересуется) in sports and music.
3. You'll find your way around the town (легче) if you have a map.
4. You're making too much noise. Can you be (немного потише)?
5. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was (более заполненным) than usual.
6. You're late. I expected you to be here (раньше).
7. You hardly ever write to me. Why don't you write (немного чаще)?
8. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be (гораздо дороже).
9. It's a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived (поближе).
Ex. 14. (B) Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in brackets (+ than).
Example: My toothache is more painful than it was yesterday, (painful)
1. You look______________ you were last year. Have you lost weight? (thin)
2. You won't believe it but he is________________ his sister, (talkative)
3. I usually buy vegetables at the market. It's much_________________. (cheap)
4. The problem is not so complicated. It's______________________ you think, (simple)
5. She looks like her mother but I think she is even_________________. (beautiful)
6. Health and happiness are____________________ money, (important)
7. I prefer this armchair. It is_______________. (comfortable)
8. I like the countryside. It's___________ and_________ living in a town, (healthy/peaceful)
Ex. 15. (В, C) Use the required form of the adjective in the following sentences.
1. The sound grew (faint) and (faint). 2. He's a far (intelligent) person than my brother. 3. She was the (practical) of the family. 4. He thought how much (advanced) and broad- minded the (young) generation was. 5.1 wanted to ask you both what you thought of my (late) film if you saw it. 6. The first edition of the dictionary is (good), the new one is still (good). 7. He turned out to be (angry) than I had expected. 8. Today I'm no (wise) than yesterday. 9. The (much) we go into the matter, the (complex) it becomes. 10. Jack is the (clever) of the three brothers. 11. They are (good) people, far (good) than you.
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