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4. При выходе из магазина вас спросили, есть ли там апельсины.

5. Сосед интересуется, из чего сделан ваш сервант. "По-моему, это красное дерево."

6. Расхваливая костюм, вы замечаете: "Непохоже, что это хлопок, можно подумать, что это шерсть."

7. На просьбу купить мороженое вы отвечаете: "Здесь не продают мороженое."

8. Проходя мимо киоска, вы спрашиваете: "Хочешь, я тебе куплю мороженое?"

9. "У тебя все лицо в яйце, иди умойся."

10. На завтрак я ем вареное яйцо и чашку кофе.

11. Вы выпьете черный кофе? Да, и без сахара.

Ex. 2. (С) Insert articles or "some" where necessary (articles with nouns of material). A

1. "We shan't have________ fish," Robin said. 2. "___________ fish is very fresh," the waiter

assured us. 3. He bought________ cold beef, and________ ham, and_______ French bread and

butter, and came back with his pockets pretty heavily laden. 4. There were two bottles of

_____ wine,______ plate of_______ oranges with_______ powdered sugar. 5. Dinner began in

_____ silence. In silence________ soup was finished. It was________ excellent soup. And________

fish was brought. Nobody took it and__________ fish was taken away. Then the maid brought

_____ champagne. 6. She made_________ coffee. 7._______ coffee without________ bread could

never honestly serve as supper. 8.________ rest of us had finished eating, but Dave had cut

himself another slice of_______ cheese. 9. You've caught cold; I saw you shivering, and you

must have______ gruel to drive it out. 10. She did not answer, but her face was hard and

pale as______ stone.


I. She hurried in again and found________ water almost boiled away. 2.________ blood is thicker

than_____ water. 3. Rosa tasted_______ wine. It was harsh but refreshing. 4. You drank________

wine with breakfast, dinner, and supper, and fifty people always drank it with you. 5. She

looked with______ eager, hungry eyes at________ bread and_______ meat and_______ beer that

____ landlady brought her. 6. She had________ brown shining hair which hung down on either

side of her face. 7._______ coffee was better than Dinny had hoped and very hot. 8. Without

giving her______ opportunity to protest any more, he went to__________ telephone and ordered

_____ coffee and several sandwiches. 9. Barber went to_____________ bar and ordered_________

coffee, then changed it to________ brandy because_______ coffee wasn't enough after_________

talk like that. 10. Her face was yellow in colour and her skin resembled________________ leather.

II. The maid brought in________ pears,_______ cold chicken,________ tongue,_______ cheese.

12. My heart felt as heavy as_______ lead. 13. I'm going to cut________ grass in______ garden.

It is_____ hard work but it has to be done.

Ex. 3. (С) Put in "a/an", "the" or "-".

The Luncheon.

"I never eat anything for luncheon," she said. "___________ little fish, perhaps. I wonder if they

have_____ salmon. And unless they have________ caviar. I never mind_______ caviar."

For myself I chose______ cheapest dish on_______ menu and that was_______ mutton chop.

"I think you are unwise to eat_______ meat," she said.

Then came the question of_______ drink.

"I never drink anything for luncheon, except_________ white wine. My doctor won't let me drink

anything but______ champagne. And what are you going to drink?"

"_____ water."

She ate______ caviar and_______ salmon. She talked gaily of________ art, literature and________


Ex. 4. (В, C) Translate into English.

1. Вода в реке очень холодная. 2. Вода необходима для жизни. 3. Принеси мне воды, пожалуйста. 4. Снег был глубокий. 5. Очень трудно ходить по глубокому снегу. 6. Чай горячий. 7. Я люблю чай. 8. Положи сахар в чай. 9. Купи лимон к чаю. 10. Лимон полезен. 11. Нарежь лимон. 12. Сок вкусный. 13. Я предпочитаю апельсиновый сок. 14. Сок, которым я тебя угощу, сделала моя мама. 15. Я попросил купить хлеба и масла. 16. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока. 17. Молоко необходимо детям. 18. Положите масла в суп. 19. Поставьте масло на стол. 20. Я не пью молоко, я пью чай или кофе. 21. Вчера я купил очень хороший чай и кофе. 22. Кофе я пошлю матери. Она любит кофе. 23. Где масло? Оно на столе. 24. Есть нефть или газ в этом районе? 25. Официант принес мне мясо и овощи. Я съел овощи, но не стал есть мясо. 26. Обычно я пью кипяченое молоко. Но молоко, которое дает наша корова, не надо кипятить.

Ex. 5. (В, С) Dictation-translation.

1. Погода была такой теплой, что мы решили поплавать.

2. Какая замечательная сегодня погода.

3. Какие новости?

4. Ты слышал новость?

5. Я ему одолжил пять фунтов на прошлой неделе. Ты думаешь, он отдаст мне деньги?

,6. Джеймс попросил воды и жадно (thirstily) ее выпил.

7. Я знаю, что работа, которую я выполнил, это хорошая работа, лучшая в моей жизни.

8. Совет, который он получил от своих друзей, был - отказаться от работы.

9. Они покупают новую мебель.

10. Отец начал резать горячее мясо.

11. Она учила детей работать с бумагой и ножницами. 12 Земля была покрыта свежим снегом.

13. Кофе подали с настоящими сливками.



Geographical Names NO ARTICLE The Definite Article THE NOTES
1. Continents, countries, cities/ towns, villages a) as a rule Africa, Asia France, London b) when modified by a prepositional attribute Latin America, Central Asia Petrovka But the village of Petrovka When having a particularizing attribute. □ The Philadelphia he was born in... □ Gone is the Moscow of the merchants and aristocrats. □ In his book W.Scott described the England of the Middle Ages. the word groups are always used with the: the United States the Soviet Union the United Kingdom of Great Britain the Netherlands the Hague the Crimea the Caucasus
2. Oceans, rivers, seas channels/ canals deserts   the Pacific the Black Sea the Neva, the Sahara the (English) Channel the Suez Canal  
3. Lakes Lake Baikal Lake Ontario the Baikal the Ontario  
4. Mountains ♦ peaks: Elbrus Everest ♦ mountain chains: the Urals the Alps  
5. Islands ♦ a single island: Madagascar Corfu Sicily ♦ island groups: the Bermudas the British Isles the Bahamas  
6. Regions North America Latin America Central Asia the Middle East the Far East the north of England the south of France BUT: western Canada southern Spain
7. Four cardinal points of the compass   the South, the North, the West, the East BUT: from East to West from North to South



Names of NO ARTICLE The Definite Article The Indefinite
Persons THE Article A/AN
1. Names ol a) as a rule no article a) with a name in a) one member of
Persons is used   the plural to indicate a family:
  □ There was a letter the whole familv: □ 1 have often
  from Susan inviting □ He is very different wondered if Tim was
  me to a party.   from the rest of really a Burton.
  b) modified by attributes the Kents. b) when names of
  old, young, little, b) with the name persons become
  dear, poor, honest modified by countable nouns
  □ Young Jolyon was a particularizing indicating typical
  standing by the piano. attribute: features of
  □... she is a widow □ Is he the Sheldon a well-known name:
  of poor George... who is a writer? □ Why, you are quite
      □ She was no more a Monte Cristo.
      the Julia of □ She felt like
      the first years of an Alice in
      their marriage. Wonderland. c) names of persons when meaning "a certain...": □ 1 heard it from a (certain) Mr. Jagger.
2. Nouns of a) followed by a proper a) If other people's  
relationship name: uncle Jolyon aunt Polly   relations are meant: □ The son was as clever as the  
  b) not followed by father.  
  a proper name and b) Mind the expressions:  
  used only by   □ Lomonosovwas  
  the members of the son of  
  the family:   a fisherman.  
  □ She went into   □ Becky was  
  the hall: "Is Mother the daughter of  
  back?"   an artist.  
3. Nouns academician   Nouns denoting  
denoting professor   profession followed  
ranks, doctor   by a proper name:  
titles, count Brown □ The painter  
profession lord Warhol  
followed by colonel   left many fine  
a proper Mr/Mrs   pictures.  



Names of Places, Buildings, Public Organizations, etc. The Definite Article THE NO ARTICLE
♦ Historical events □ the French Revolution  
♦ Public/Political Organizations □ the Senate, the Houses of □ NATO*, Parliament,
  Parliament, the United Nations, Congress
  the Government  
♦ Public/historical buildings, □ the Bank of England, □ Westminster Abbey,
Churches the Winter Palace, the Tower St. Paul's Cathedral,
  of London Buckingham Palace
♦ Documents □ the Constitution  
♦ Parties □ the Labour Party, the Tory  
♦ Names of newspapres and □ the Times, the Washington □ (foreign) Pravda,
periodicals Post Der Spiegel
♦ Businesses and Chains   □ General Motors, Sony,
of Shops   Shell
♦ Ships, Trains, Spacecrafts □ the Orient Express, the Titanic □ Apollo, Challenger
♦ Theatres, Cinemas □ the Globe, the Bolshoy, □ Her Majesty's
  the Odeon, the Arbat  
♦ Museums □ the British Museum,  
  the Hermitage, the Tate Gallery  
♦ Parks   □ Hyde Park, St. James's
♦ Schools, colleges,. □ the University of London** □ Carnegy College,
Universities   London University
    Manchester Grammar
♦ Restaurants □ the Cage Royal □ Leoni's
♦ Hotels □ the Hilton □ Brown's
♦ Stations and Airports   □ Heathrow, Sheremetyevo
♦The names of counties,   □ Yourkshire, Texas,
states, streets   Oxford, High Street


* If an abbreviation is pronounced as a word, there is no article. (OPEC [эи'рек]) ** "The" is used when the two nouns have "of" in between.


Ex. 1. (В, C) Supply "the" or "-".

1. I haven't the least idea how many rooms there are in_________ Ritz (hotel).

2. What's your address? - I live in________ Montague Road, number 27.

3. I could never afford to stay at hotes like________ Brown's or_______ Hilton.

4. You can't visit______ London without seeing_______ Buckingham Palace.

5. We had an early dinner at_______ Leoni's and then went to play at________ Globe theatre.

6. Go down______ Oxford Street till you come to________ Oxford Circus, then turn right.

7. Do you know the song about_______ London Bridge?

8. Look at the percentage of lawyers in________ Senate.

9. Two famous works of art are recently acquired by_________ Tate Gallery,______ London.

10. He spoke about the role of_______ Labour Party during the election period.

11. And eventually______ Queen Elizabeth was put to sea.

12. The Kings and Queens of England were crowned and buried in________ Westminster Abbey.

13. There is an interesting article in________ Times.

14. He never read______ Pravda.

15. He attended______ Congress only nine times.

16. Governmental offices line_______ Whitehall, and on the right is________ Downing street.

Ex. 2. (В, C) Insert articles where necessary.

1. When you are in______ sky, you see only snow in - Arctic or - Greenland. You have

glimpses of______ Andes or______ Pacific.

2. Riviera in______ Caucasus is the most popular place in summer.

3. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

4. ____ Elbrus is the highest peak in________ Europe.

5. Hague, a city in_______ Netherlands near_______ North Sea, is the seat of the Dutch


6. The home ownership rate in________ South East of_______ England is higher than in_______


7. Suez Canal was blocked.

8. ____ Sahara is the greatest desert in________ North Africa, extending from________ Atlantic

Ocean to______ Nile.

9. ____ Philippines is an archipelago which consists of thousands of islands.

10.____ West Indies is a chain of islands between________ North and_______ South America.

11. The surface of______ Mediterranean is never so blue as that of_________ Adriatic.

Ex. 3. (C) Insert articles where necessary. I

1. "Queen Mary" was launched by________ Queen Mary in 1938.

2. There was a little sentimentality about________ Forsytes.

3. He is the nearest we have to_______ English Leonardo da Vinci.

4. He has the humour of_______ Chekhov.

5. To feel more comfortable you should have taken_________ Pullman.

6. He predicted the victory of________ Mrs Thatcher in the 1979 election.

7. I know very little about him as you do - he is_________ Mr Tarantino.

8. One of the correspondents handed McCartney the paper and asked, "Are you_____________

McCartney who wrote this?"

9. "I'll run to______ Mother", he said in_______ loud whisper.

1. Willowbys left town as soon as they were married.

2. This wasn't______ Beatrice she knew.

3. father and___________ daughter appeared at last.

4. ____ professor Keitel is______ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate


5. This Pat wasn't like_______ Pat of his memories.

6. Ifyouare______ Napoleon, you'll play______ gameof______ power, ifyou're______ Leonardo

you'll play for______ knowledge.

7. Elsie said she would ring up_______ Doctor Hitchcock.

8. poor Edward muttered something, but what it was nobody knew.

9. ____ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia sadly was_________ only person to whom Becky could

attach herself.

10. I am_____ Mr Keaton to whom you were to come.


Ex. 4. (В, C) Translate into English.

1. Кордильеры находятся в Северной Америке.

2. Берега Рейна очень живописны.

3. Эльбрус - очень красивая гора.

4. Они купили дом в Марлоу, который выходил окнами на Темзу.

5. Средиземное море находится между Европой, Азией и Африкой.

6. Венеция расположена на берегу Адриатического моря.

7. Ливингстон погиб в Центральной Африке.

8. Они любили гулять в Гайд-парке.

9. Она показывала мне фотографию замечательной долины в Баварии. Ex. 5. (С) Translate into English.

1. Вас ждет какой-то Медников.

2. Она вышла замуж за Кормана, с которым нас познакомили у Кэмеронов.

3. Константиновы поселились здесь два года назад.

4. Она была Клэптон, и, как все Клэптоны, очень умна.

5. Крылова называли русским Лафонтеном.

6. Москва наших дней - это не Москва XIX века.

7. И.В. Мичурин родился в 1855 г. в деревне Долгое, недалеко от Козлова. Мичурины всегда были садовниками.

8. Крым и Кавказ расположены на берегу Черного моря.

9. Вам нравится эта картина? Это Шемякин.

10. Про какого Толстого вы говорите? - Про Толстого, который написал роман "Петр Первый".



The Nouns As a rule, usually NO ARTICLE When modified by a particularizing attribute, situation: THE When modified by a descriptive attribute: A In Set Expressions
1. The names of months and days May, Monday May is a spring month. I met her on Monday. We'll always remember the May of 1945. She came on the Friday when David was born. A cold May is a usual thing in St.-Petersburg.  
2. The names of seasons summer, winter I like winter. It was summer when we first came here. It happened in the spring of 1930. It was a beautiful spring. But: no article early/late spring winter  
3. Nouns: day, night, morning, evening, aftemoon Day is meant for work, night for sleep. It was evening. He'll never forget the day when he met her. The night was warm and beautiful. I spent a sleepless night. But: no article early/late morning afternoon - by day/night; - at night, at dawn/ daybreak/ sunrise/sunset/ noon/night; - from morning till night; - in the morning (evening,afternoon)
4. The names of lanauaaes French, German, English She knows French well. The English of America differs from the English of Great Britain, the English language   What is the English for...
5. The names of meals lunch, dinner, tea Did you have dinner? Lunch is ready. The dinner we had today was very good. The lunch was a success. After a heavy breakfast we started for... to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, tea, coffee)




The Nouns When the nouns lose the concrete meaning and express the purpose for which they serve: NO ARTICLE When the nouns denote concrete objects the articles are used in accordance to the general rules
School/college university to be at school/college/university to go to school/college/university to leave school/college □ After 1 left school 1 went to university, (as a student) □ Why aren't the children at school today? (as pupils) to go to the school (the building is meant) to leave the school (to leave the building) □ Mr Kelly went to the school to meet his daughter's teacher. □ Excuse me, where is the university, please?
Church in church/at church □ Mrs Kelly goes to church on Sundays (for a religious service). □ The church was built in the 17th century. □ There is a church in the village.
Prison/jail to be in prison to be sent to prison/jail to be put in prison □ Ken's brother is in prison for robbery. □ Fred robbed a bank but he was caught and sent to prison. □ Ken went to the prison to visit his brother. □ They lived near a prison.
Bed to go to bed to be in bed to stay in bed □ It's time to go to bed. □ Is Tom still in bed? □ Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed. □ There is a table, 6 chairs, a bed and a cupboard in the room.
Work to go to work to be a t work to start work □ Why isn't Ann at work today? □ I like the work I'm doing now. □ A new work of modern art □ The works of Shakespeare (products of the intellect or imagination)
Home to go home no preposition to come home to be at home to stay at home/to feel at home □ Will you be at home tonight? □ Let's go home. Institution or place: an orphans home, a nursing home, a maternity home. Place where an animal or a plant is native: the home of the tiger.


Town with prepositions: to/in town □ You can't go to town tomorrow. □ What are you going to do in town? □ He spent 20 years in town, he is not used to country life (as opposed to the country). □ I want to go to the town I was born in. □ Would you rather live in a town or in the country? □ The whole town was talking about it.
Hospital to go to hospital to be in hospital □ Jack had an accident. He had to go to hospital. He is still in hospital now. □ When Ann was ill we went to the hospital to visit her. (as visitors, we mean a particular hospital).



Ex. 1. (В, С) Insert articles where necessary.

Names of Seasons.

1._____ day had been fine and warm; but at___________ coming on of________ night,_______ air

grew cool. 2. All_______ nature was very calm and beautiful. 3. You see,___________ winter was

_____ very bad time for me, and I really had no money at all to buy________________ bread with.

4.______ summer drew to_________ end, and________ early autumn. 5. It was__________ lovely

evening in______ spring time of________ year. 6. It was pretty late in_________ autumn of_______

year. 7.______ declining sun looked brightly upon_________ little Wiltshire village. 8. There was

going to be______ election soon, we all knew: this was________ spring of 1955. 9. It was_______

cold fall and______ wind came down from_______ mountains.

Bed, School, Prison, Town.

1. Maycomb was______ old town. 2. Dolores said nothing at all on_________ way to______ town.

3. Before that she had taught history in_________ girls' school. 4.________ school was not_______

particularly good one. 5. I never knew__________ lawyer yet who didn't threaten to put me in

____ prison sooner or later. 6. In all probability he was already in_____________ town. 7. Among

other public buildings in_______ certain town... there is one anciently common to most towns,

great or small..._______ workhouse. 8._______ hospital where Amy worked was in the East

End. 9. They went to____________ church every Sunday morning. 10. He told with____________

perfect truth... how he had in time been released from__________ prison. 11. You take your man

home, Mrs Douglas, and get him to_________ bed before eleven. 12. I'm going to be out of

____ town for few days. 13. Unless we can give________ rector______ bed, he had nowhere to

lay his head this night. 14. Who could be in________ prison______ quarter of______ century, and

be prosperous!

Ex. 2. (В, C) Translate the sentences. I

1. Для лета это был очень теплый вечер. 2. Казалось, что осень в этом году наступит раньше. 3. Была ранняя весна, день был чудесный, и у нас было хорошее настроение.

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