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The peace process

Active Vocabulary | Render into English. | Read and translate the articles with the help of the Active Vocabulary list. | Active Vocabulary | Уже состоялись | C. TO MAKE FIRST OFFICIAL TRIP TO IRAN SINCE 1979 | Translate the sentences into English with the help of the Active Vocabulary you have learned. | DELEGATES, OPPOSITE NUMBERS AND SHERPAS | COMPROMISE AND DEADLOCK | STRAINED RELATIONS |

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  1. A (Statistical Process Control (SPC), moderate)
  2. A Peaceful Faith, A Fanatic Few
  3. A Process of Communication
  4. A. A Data Processing Department
  5. Academia in the process of globalization. Its intercultural nature
  6. B (Process capability, moderate)
  7. B (Statistical Process Control (SPC), difficult)

arbitrator A dispute may be resolved more easily

arbitrate with the help of someone not directly in-

volved in it.

mediator A mediator or arbitrator is someone from a

mediate third party who helps opposing parties set-

tle their differences and reach an agree­
ment by mediating or arbitrating in the
reconciliation dispute. This process is reconciliation.

envoy An envoy is a representative sent by one

of the parties, or a mediator sent by a third

shuttle diplomacy party, who travels specially in order to take part in negotiations.

90 ___________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

peace conference Shuttle diplomacy involves a mediator vis-
peace process iting and re-visiting a number of places in
peace settlement a short period to mediate between the par-
peace talks ties involved.

Where negotiations are in many stages,
convention and progress is at times very slow, com-

mentators talk about the peace process.

Discussions between parties trying to reach a peace settlement are referred to as peace talks or a peace conference.

A conference involving many parties may be referred to as a convention, and so may the agreement reached at such a confe­rence.

India says Kashmir is an internal Indian problem which doesn't require mediation by anyone else.

They have chosen their words with great care to describe America's role in the Middle East peacemaking effort. Not " arbitrator ", which would mean dictating an outcome; not " mediator ", which would imply it could suggest a solution.

The four pillars of her government, she said, would be na­tional reconciliation, economic regeneration, social justice and the consolidation of democracy. But the first task, she said, was to end the war. •

Mr Primakor, who arrived in Bagdad on Saturday from Cairo, was to leave today for Riyadh on the next leg of his exer­cise in shuttle diplomacy.

The United Nations Secretary General's personal envoy, Mr. Alvaro de Soto, will mediate between the two sides in an at­tempt to settle El Salvador's ten-year conflict.

§ 7. Supplementary Reader

He had asked Switzerland to help organise a peace confer­ence to negotiate a settlement to the Afghan conflict.

The African state of Liberia says it will not continue peace talks, describing them as a waste of time.

Mr. Boucher says that the absence of a peace process con­tributes to the spiralling violence in the region.

The agreement is scheduled to be formally signed at a peace convention on September 14th once remaining differences have been resolved.

A draft resolution also proposes a meeting of parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention on protecting civilians in time of war.

Peace partners. Find the following expressions in the table and use them to complete the extracts.

1. efforts to reach peace (two expressions)

2. someone who tries to mediate a peace agreement

3. economic benefit of having reached a peace agreement

4. popular protest against a war

5. peace agreement

6. recognition of peace efforts


movement   treaty
Move peace dividend
prize   initiatives

a A spokesman for the Nobel committee said Suu Kyi, 47, is one of the foremost examples of civilian courage

in Asia. Today's news found the peace _________

winner in exactly the same place she has been for the past two years: under house arrest in Burma's capital, Rangoon.

92 ______ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

b Afghan guerrilla groups based in Pakistan and Iran have

rejected the presidents latest peace______.They want

nothing short of his removal from power.

с Camp David in 1978 was the high point of Mr Carter's presidency. He badgered and cajoled Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar Sadat of Egypt into a peace

________. Twelve years on, he feels he has unfinished

business in the region. Now he's a freelance peace

d German doubts about the fighter plane project make its whole future uncertain. In many countries now there's

talk of a "peace________ " — money to be saved on

defence being diverted to other uses.

e The battle zone, which borders Iraq and Turkey, is popu­lated mostly by Moslem Armenians and is claimed by

Armenia. Previous peace ________ have failed and

ceasefire declarations have been ignored as each side ac­cuses the other of genocide, massacres and atrocities.

f Word of the demonstration has been spreading for weeks, and the result could be one of the largest anti-war rallies

since Vietnam. While the peace________ mobilized,

those who support military action are also taking their message to the streets.

§ 7. Supplementary Reader











6. Counterpart across the ne­gotiating table with the same number? (8)

7. Good agreement for head­line writers? (4)

8. Victim of war or disaster (8)

9. See I down


11. Shuttle diplomacy is one form of this (9)

12. Nepalese negotiator? (6)


14. What peace talks try to end (9)

15. What to make to break the deadlock? (11)

16. Countries with few friends are isolated (14)


1 and 9 across Unintended de­struction (10, 6)

2. What off and on fighting is


3. These can lead to war if they escalate (8)

4. War participants (12)

5. One of 4 down on the same side (4)

10. Tired of war (5)

13. Talking place you can't buy things at (4)

14. Agreement: general, but it may not be enough (5)

15. The one that followed WW2 was low temperature (4)

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