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Translate the sentences into English with the help of the Active Vocabulary you have learned.

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Читайте также:
  2. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  3. A Dictionary of the English language
  4. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  5. A TEACher of ENGLish
  6. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  7. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.

1. Западные дипломаты оценили этот договор как зна­чительный прорыв в решении конфликта в Косово.

2. Официальные лица в правительстве Заира отвергли какую-либо возможность проведения мирных переговоров с повстанцами в Южной Африке.

§ 6. Revision

3. В четверг Э. Б. подтвердил, что Израиль придет к со­глашению с Сирией и выведет войска из Ливана к июлю 2000 года.

4. После того, как участники переговоров с албанской стороны потребовали двухнедельный перерыв в перегово­рах, новый раунд переговоров был намечен на 15 марта.

5. Главы государств Китая и России заявили, что они хотят установить более тесные экономические и политиче­ские связи, но не добиваются восстановления официального союза 1950-х годов.

6. Вчера Хорватия и Югославия подписали соглашение о взаимном признании, тем самым официально положив конец пятилетней вражде, которая возникла между ними после отделения Хорватии.

7. По заявлению международного представителя в Бос­нии К. В., численность возглавляемого НАТО миротворче­ского контингента в Боснии должна остаться на сущест­вующем уровне в течение всего следующего года.

8. Глава Палестинской Автономии выразил надежду, что новый израильско-палестинский договор будет добро­совестно претворяться в жизнь и даст новый толчок разви­тию мирного процесса на Ближнем Востоке.

9. Переговоры между представителями обеих сторон зашли в тупик, поскольку участникам переговоров не уда­лось достичь компромисса по основным вопросам.

§ 7. Supplementary Reader Extracts from "Key words in the media" by BillMascull



hold talks round of talks

discussions negotiations

talks about talks talking shop

When governments or other bodies wish to reach agreements, they hold or have talks, discussions or negotiations. A meeting or a series of related meetings of this kind is a round of talks.

Where preparation is needed before the main talks, for example to decide on the meeting place and the participants, they may first hold talks about talks.

An official organisation where representa­tives meet regularly to give speeches and exchange opinions, but which has no real power, is a talking shop.

Agriculture ministers of the European Community are to hold a new round of talks on Friday aimed at reaching agree­ment on proposals to reduce subsidies to farmers.

He said they had held what he termed very interesting dis­cussions on arms control.

Guatemalan guerrillas and leaders of the country's nine larg­est parties are holding negotiations near Madrid to try to end Guatemala's long-running civil war.

Japanese diplomats described today's meeting as talks about talks. Japan is seeking no more than to agree the date, venue and

§ 7. Supplemental^ Reader

level for formal talks on opening diplomatic relations with North Korea.

Governments, especially in the West, which used to dismiss the United Nations as a mere talking shop, now see the possi­bilities for the body to act more as a world policeman.

Talks combinations. Use the verbs in the box to complete the extracts.


attend   break off
resume talks walk out of
convene   suspend

1. A Brazilian delegation flies to Washington today,

Wednesday, to__________ talks with the International

Monetary Fund which broke down without agreement last week.

2. It wants to cut interest rates as soon as it has successfully talks on cutting the budget deficit.

3. Mr Alatas has made it clear that he would not_______

talks unless he was convinced of the commitment of all the parties concerned.

4. Mr Hameed is to travel to the northern Jaffna peninsula in an

attempt to meet the Tigers, who refused to______ talks

arranged on Thursday in the cast of the island.

5. The latest attempt at negotiation broke down on Friday after one of the Mohawk factions talks with the Que­bec government.

6. Two of the world's largest tire makers. Germany's Conti­nental and Italy's Pirelli, have decided not to merge. The

two companies say they have____________ talks after

15 months.

7. Yesterday Nelson Mandela said the ANC would
________ talks with the government about a new constitu­
tion if a set of demands were not met by May 9th.

72 _________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

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