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Active Vocabulary

Peace Talks to Proceed | Active Vocabulary | CHINA (ПРОВЕДЕТ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ ПО ВОПРОСАМ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) WITH JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA | Развитие навыков письменного перевода | Active Vocabulary | Перевод с листа с английского языка | Active Vocabulary | Render into English. | Read and translate the articles with the help of the Active Vocabulary list. | Active Vocabulary |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Active nete2009 ≈ 39897
  2. Academic Vocabulary
  3. Active and passive grammatical minima
  4. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  5. Active Directory Users and Computers
  6. Active Listening
  7. Active or passive.

1. to sever ties

порвать отношения


2. to cut formal ties

прервать официальные отношения


3. to improve strained relations улучшить напряженные

to open an embassy

отношения открыть посольство


4. to normalize relations to expire to cool

нормализовать отношения истекать (о сроке) охладеть

5. standoff противостояние, конфликт
to restore diplomatic relations восстановить дипломатиче­
ские отношения

fruitless talks безрезультатные переговоры

6. rapprochement in relations сближение
opposite number = counterpart
peace-keeping миротворческая


7. to approve an accord on sth одобрить договор о ч.-л.
to sour relations ухудшить отношения

8. to thaw теплеть (об отношениях)

и. a thaw in relations оттепель в отношениях

30 __________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

снять эмбарго ввести эмбарго союз быть союзником, вступать в союз с к.-л. признать независимость отделение отделиться

9. to lift an embargo ant. to impose an embargo

10.alliance v. to ally with smb

1 l.to recognize the independence n. recognition secession to secede syn. to break away

2. Find the English for the following word combinations
used in the articles of this section (the number of the arti­
cle is given in brackets):

исключать возможность проведения переговоров (1), начать переговоры (2), заложить основу для ч.-л. (2), вра­ждовать из-за территории (3), заявлять претензии на (3), лицо, занимающее такой же пост (3), заместитель минист­ра (4), представить проект договора (4), распад Советского Союза (4), вторгаться (5), взять в плен (6), участвовать в ч.-л. (6), излагать условия договора (7), планироваться, намечаться (7), представитель МИД Великобритании (8), поднимать вопрос о ч.-л. (8), заморозить продовольствен­ную помощь (9), охваченная голодом страна (9), стремить­ся, добиваться (10), дружеская атмосфера (10), решить спор (10), двусторонние отношения (10), получить незави­симость (11), призвать к.-л. сделать ч.-л. (11).

3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the under­
lined words.

1. The two leaders have held several meeting recently to try to end the deadlock over the region that poisoned their relations since the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

§ 3. Conflicts

2. His trip had been scheduled for January, but was moved forward after President N. M. announced Wednesday that South Africa would sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan by the end of next year in favour of full diplomatic relations with Beijing.

3. Indonesia and Australia are taking steps to ease bilateral tensions, a move that should help reduce chances of a serious armed conflict in East Timor and hasten the entry of United Na­tions peacekeepers. UN and Australian officials said Wednes­day.

4. America is opposing plans by the European Union to grant diplomatic recognition to Serbia because it says that the Belgrade regime has not yet done enough to merit such treatment.

5. The Macedonian government has not yet received the res­toration of diplomatic relations it expected, but instead an "out­line agreement" which is being seen in Skopje, the Macedonian capital, as a delaying tactic.

6. The fact remains that lifting what remains of the em­bargo, allowing the Argentine navy in particular to re-establish traditional pre-war links with its British counterpart is the next major Argentinean objective.

7. Mrs. A.'s intervention at Rambouillet will be seen as lending US weight to so far fruitless mediation by European ministers.

8. A deadline set by the big-powers Contact Group for Yugoslavia to make progress toward a settlement with the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo or face sanctions expires two days later.

9. The French Prime Minister, L. J., and President A. B. of Algeria said relations, strained by Algeria's civil war, were mending.

10. In another sign of a step-by-step thaw in US-Iranian rela­tions, Secretary of State M. A. has softened the US warning against Americans traveling to the Islamic republic, a senior. American official said.

11. Dozens of African mercenaries hired by Papua New Guinea to put down an island rebellion headed home Friday,

32 Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

leaving behind them a nation in turmoil and a stand-off between the army and the government.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words in the necessary
form from the list given below.

To invade, a joint statement, ambassadors, violence, to re­store full diplomatic relations, to be scheduled, to vote for inde­pendence, to break ties, rule, to withdraw, a break.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав

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