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Active Vocabulary

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  1. A. Active nete2009 ≈ 39897
  2. Academic Vocabulary
  3. Active and passive grammatical minima
  4. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  5. Active Directory Users and Computers
  6. Active Listening
  7. Active or passive.

1. to hold talks проводить переговоры

round of talks раунд переговоров

counterpart. коллега, лицо, занимающее такой

же пост

Английский язык.. Общественно-политический перевод


Foreign secretary stalemate

2. envoy

to pull out of talks



to resolve differences

n. resolution

an agreement/agreement

3. to attend talks
preliminary talks

. rival fruitful talks announcement

4. to cancel talks discussions

5. joint declaration signatory

the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (the OSCE)

6. intermediary

to arrange a visit

to restart talks

to suspend talks

to set an agenda for a visit

министр иностранных дел мертвая точка, безвыходное положение


выйти из переговоров

участник переговоров


разрешить разногласия

соглашение, договор / договоренность

участвовать в переговорах предварительные переговоры соперник, противник плодотворные переговоры заявление

отменить переговоры переговоры

совместная декларация сторона, подписавшая какой-либо документ



договориться о визите возобновить переговоры приостановить переговоры определить повестку дня

§ 1. Talks


7. to iron out differences to hold a regular summit

8. bilateral (unilateral,
multilateral) talks
site of talks/
venue for talks
direct talks


9. to resume talks

10. high-level talks to agree on sth agreement on sth

устранять противоречия провести очередную встречу на высшем уровне

двусторонние (односторонние, многосторонние) переговоры место проведения переговоров

прямые переговоры вопрос, проблема

возобновить переговоры

переговоры на высшем уровне договориться о чем-либо договоренность о чем-либо

11.to accelerate talks,

to pick up the pace of talks ускорить переговоры

framework agreement рамочное соглашение

deadline крайний срок

12.to seek (sought, sought) to remove obstacles to reduce tensions. to maintain peace

добиваться, стремиться устранить препятствия уменьшить напряженность поддерживать мир

2. Find the English equivalents of the following word com­binations in the articles of this section (the number of the article is given in brackets).

Движение Неприсоединения (1), вывод войск (2), откла­дывать, задерживать (2,11), неудача (4), распростране­ние (4), искать убежище (4), развивать, способствовать рос­ту (5), хартия, устав (5), меры по укреплению доверия (5),

Н)__________ Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

придерживаться принципов (5), заместитель кого-либо (6), государственные деятели (6), представитель, пресс-сек­ретарь (8), расширять отношения (8), помощник (11).

3. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the under­
lined words.

1. Secretary of State M. A. will meet with Israeli and Syrian counterparts at a UN session in New York and take written statements outlining their starting positions for talks. The news­paper said A. will keep the statements unpublished until talks conclude.

2. Taiwan's foreign minister, J. C, will go to South Africa within a week for emergency talks. Mr. С said Friday that he would meet with senior officials "in hopes that bilateral ties can remain unchanged".

3. The official reception was polite but cool, with members of the Cabinet ruling out any question of the European Union dispatching its own Middle East envoy, as M Chirac had earlier advocated.

4. The atmosphere was "comprehensive and relaxed", ac­cording to an Israeli official. But gloom surfaced when it emerged that, while talks were cordial, nothing had been de­cided.

5. Palestinian and Israeli negotiators met yesterday to set an agenda for talks on further implementation of the Oslo peace accords, including the long-delayed withdrawal from the West Bank town of Hebron.

6. In a week that saw the first high-level contact in years be­tween Armenia and Azerbaijan, leaders of both countries said they were eager to resolve an ethnic conflict threatening to ig­nite the Caucasus.

7. The Catholics would seek support from the Prime Minis­ter B. A. of Ireland, while Protestants look to Mr. BlaiF to argue for them.

§1. Talks

8. President C.'s Mideast envoy failed to resolve an unex­pected dispute between Israel and the Palestinians over what was to have been a routine troop pullback from the West Bank of the Jordan River.

9. The Palestinians have said they would not resume talks until Israel stopped work on the Jewish neighborhood.

10. J. Z. and B. Y., meeting in an amiable atmosphere for their third summit in 20 months, settled a decades-old border dispute and supervised signing of agreements in trade and pro­tection of rare manchurian tigers.

ll.W. C, the US defence secretary, said yesterday that the US had ironed out differences with Germany's center-left gov­ernment over NATO's nuclear strategy.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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