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Peace Talks to Proceed

CHINA (ПРОВЕДЕТ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ ПО ВОПРОСАМ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) WITH JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA | Развитие навыков письменного перевода | Active Vocabulary | Письменный перевод с русского языка | Active Vocabulary | TO (ВЫВЕСТИ) BORDER UNITS | Перевод с листа с английского языка | Active Vocabulary | Render into English. | Read and translate the articles with the help of the Active Vocabulary list. |

Читайте также:
  1. A Peaceful Faith, A Fanatic Few
  2. Article 207. Evasion of repatriation of foreign currency proceeds
  3. B. The right to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and the right to information
  4. Beatrice only wanted peace and quiet.
  5. Beatrice only wanted peace and quiet.
  6. Business Talks
  7. Civil Proceedings in the United Kingdom

Английский язык


Функциональный и оперативный уровни


ACT злзтд

УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923 0-72


А. Г. Анисимова — к. филол. н., доц. каф. английского языкознания МГУ им. М. В. Ломоно­сова;

Г. М. Зиборова — доц. каф. английского языка № 1 МГИМО

Подписано в печать 01.06.05. Формат 84x108/32. Усл. печ. л. 5,04. Тираж 3000 экз. Заказ № 5590.

Осетрова, Е.Е. 0-72 Английский язык. Учебное пособие по общественно-полити­ческому переводу: функциональный и оперативный уровни / Е.Е. Осетрова. — М: ACT: Восток-Запад, 2005. — 93, [3] с.

ISBN 5-17-032054-Х (ООО «Издательство ACT») ISBN 5-478-00145-7 (ООО «Восток-Запад»)

Настоящее пособие является базовым учебником для студентов фа­культетов международных отношений, приступающих к изучению ас­пекта «общественно-политический перевод».

Цель пособия — формирование и развитие навыков письменного пе­ревода с английского и с русского языков, а также перевода с листа с английского языка, на материале статей из англо-американской прес­сы, отражающих актуальные проблемы современных международных отношений.

Пособие содержит аппарат упражнений, направленных на введение и закрепление базовой общественно-политической лексики по теме «Di­plomacy and war».

УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923

© Е. Е. Осетрова, 2005 © «Восток - Запад», 2005


§ 1. Письменный перевод с английского языка

Лексическая тема: Talks......................................... 4

§ 2. Развитие навыков письменного перевода
с английского языка
Лексическая тема: Compromise and Deadlock..... 15

§ 3.Развитие навыков письменного перевода
с английского языка. Письменный перевод
с русского языка
Лексическая тема: Conflicts.................................. 25

§ 4. Развитие навыков письменного перевода
с английского языка и с русского языка.
Перевод с листа с английского языка
Лексическая тема: Hostilities................................ 37

§ 5 Развитие навыков перевода с листа
с английского языка
Лексическая тема The Peace Process................... 48

§ 6. Revision................................................................. 61

§ 7. Supplementary Reader.

Extracts from "Key words in the media"

by Bill Mascull......................................................... 70

§ 1. Письменный перевод с английского языка Лексическая тема: TALKS

1. Translate the articles with the help of the Active Vocabu­lary list.

Peace Talks to Proceed

New Delhi, India (Reuters) — India and Pakistan will hold peace talks next week in New Delhi despite the political crisis threatening Prime Minister D. G., Foreign Minister I. K. G. said Friday.

G. said he would meet his Pakistani counterpart, G. A. K., during and after a meeting of foreign ministers of the Non-aligned Movement, set for April 7 to 8.

Foreign secretaries of the two countries held four days of talks that broke a three-year stalemate and ended on a positive note last Monday when they agreed to hold a subsequent round in Islamabad.

2. A leading american envoy pulled out of the talks on the
long-delayed Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank city of
Hebron last night.

D. R., the American Middle East peace negotiator, said he was-returning to Washington and would return only if the Is­raelis and the Palestinians needed his services.

His departure was seen as US pressure on both sides to re­solve their differences and seal the agreement so that Israeli troops can start leaving the last Palestinian city they still occupy by next month's American presidential elections.

3. Seoul, South Korea. Eager for more outside assistance in
the face of famine, North Korea said Friday it will attend pre­
liminary peace talks in New York.

§ 1. Talks

North Korea has never before agreed to peace talks directly in­volving rival South Korea, which it calls a U.S. puppet. And Fri­day's announcement was a measure of its desperate need for aid.

The North's agreement came after South Korea and the United States promised S16 million in food aid and Seoul held out the carrot of much more help if the talks are fruitful.

4. Seoul. South Korea on Thursday shrugged off as a tempo­
rary setback a decision by North Korea to cancel talks with the
United States on missile proliferation.

The South said it was still preparing for four-nation peace talks designed to end a state of war on the Korean peninsula and expected the North to attend those discussions in New York in mid-September.

Pyongyang pulled out on Wednesday from the missile talks with Washington, demanding the return of two of its top diplo­mats who sought refuge in the United States.

5. Asian Security Talks. Almaty, Kazakhstan (AFP) — Of­
ficials from 16 Asian and Middle Eastern countries were gather­
ing in the Kazakh capital Monday for a week of talks on estab­
lishing a body to boost security across the region.

Diplomats and officials were due to agree upon a joint decla­ration that would serve as a charter for an embryonic Asian se­curity body, the Conference on Collaboration and Confidence Measures in Asia.

The joint declaration is expected to define the principles to which signatories must adhere. But unlike the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the question of human rights will not be included in the charter, one Kazakh official said.

6. China, Taiwan Visit. Beijing (AP) — Taiwanese and
Chinese intermediaries worked Monday on arranging a visit to
the island by Beijing's top negotiator in an effort to restart talks
suspended since 1995.

Taiwan presented two possible dates for China's W. D. to visit this fall, said J. J., deputy secretary general of Taiwan's

Английский язык. Общественно-политический перевод

Straits Exchange Foundation, which handles contacts with China. Beijing will decide on the dates later, J.'s Chinese coun­terpart, L. Y., told reporters.

China also plans to hold a forum in late August on relations between Beijing and Taiwan, L. said. Senior Taiwanese states­men responsible for Chinese contacts and scholars will be in­vited, L. said.

The two sides did not set an agenda for W.'s visit to Taiwan to meet his counterpart, К. С But L. said there would be no re­strictions on the topics to be discussed.

7. The chancellor, H. K, hopes to iron out some of the dif­ferences between the two countries when he meets President J.C. in Perigueux in the Dordogne today and again in Paris on Tuesday. The two leaders are due to hold their regular Franco-German summit in Nuremberg on December 9.

8. Seoul. North and South Korea on Tuesday edged closer to holding their first bilateral talks since 1994 after Seoul said it would accept Beijing as the venue for talks.

"It has not been finalized but the talks will most likely be held on Saturday in Beijing", said P. W. H., spokesman for the South Korean Foreign Ministry. He said Seoul would accept Pyongyang's request to set Beijing as the venue.

On Saturday, Pyongyang suggested that direct talks between the two Koreas be held April 11 in Beijing to discuss fertilizer aid and other issues.

South Korea had responded that it would prefer that the talks be held on the Korean Peninsula, but the North reaffirmed Bei­jing as its preferred site.

President K. D. J. of South Korea has made it clear since the start of his term that inter-Korean relations would be expanded. He said business and political issues between the two Korean would be kept separate.

9. Israel's foreign Minister D. L. said Tuesday his country
was ready to resume direct peace talks with Syria "at any time,
at any level".

§ 1. Talks

"We hope that very soon the first step with Syria will come", L. told reporters at an airport in Amman after talks with Jorda­nian leaders.

"We leave it open to the Syrian side at which level, at which hierarchy, at which time" talks would be resumed, he said.

10. Korea Talks: The United States and North Korea ended high-level talks in Geneva without an agreement on in­spection of Pyongyang's suspected construction of an under­ground nuclear facility. Kim Kye Gwan, the leader of North Korea's delegation, said that the two sides agreed on the ne­cessity of resolving questions about the suspected nuclear fa­cility at Kumchangri. But he said differences remain on what should be done.

11. Israel and the Palestinians agreed to accelerate peace talks, but a senior aide to Israeli Prime Minister B. warned that the sides may still miss a Feb. 13 deadine for an outline of a fi­nal peace treaty. Cabinet Minister H. R. cautioned that despite the decision to pick up the pace of talks, made in a pre-dawn meeting between B. and Palestinian leader A., the framework agreement may be delayed up to two months.

12. Officials seeking a permanent peace for the divided Korean peninsula said they have removed the last obstacles to fullblown talks. Delegates from the U.S., China, North Ko­rea and South Korea said Saturday that two working groups will be formed to discuss ways to reduce tensions between the neighbors and to establish mechanisms for maintaining peace.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 69 | Нарушение авторских прав

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