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Whether many power resources are necessary for us?

The quantity of reactors, which construction is suspended or annulled in 1971-1998. ([42], tab. 19). | How various states concern to NPP. | Whether can be the nuclear power plant a basis of power of the country? | Reasonable question: whether construction of the nuclear power plant releases Belarus from power or fuel dependence on countries of suppliers? | The attitude of the population of Belarus to construction of NPP. | Whether we know all about possibilities of power? | Economy – the cheapest way of maintenance of energy needs. | Power from water. | Power of the Sun | Installed capacity of wind turbines in other countries of the world, MW |

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Really in Belarus, demand for fuel and energy resources in the present moment is satisfied with own stores only on 15 - 18 %. However, these values are far from a limit of our possibilities. Many countries of the world are found in the same position, but it at all does not embarrass creation of rather decent living conditions for their population. In the majority, these states not only do without atomic energy, but also manage to achieve rather high industrial, economic and living level. In what is the cause of it?

First, it is necessary to refuse from out-of-date submissions that growth of consumption of fuel and the electric power per capita is a basis for raise of a living level of the population. The living level in our country for today is well known to all of you. Whether it is connected to a level of consumption of power resources? It is interesting to compare energy consumption in Belarus and such countries, as Austria and Denmark, which have no NPPs too. In these countries production per one inhabitant is in 7,4 times higher, than in Belarus and consumption of fuel resources is lower on 23 percents. In addition, it is obtained, that for us on production of a unit of production it is spent in 9 times more energy resources. About what energy crisis in Belarus it is possible to talk, if the large part of used power is simply thrown out? So what for are new power capacities necessary, especially atomic?!

To us obstinately wish to inspire thought that we are disastrously poor with own power resources, and it appears, that at rational use (for example as in Austria and Denmark) even that we have, would suffice (without importing from abroad) all our energy needs. Therefore, we should not decide a problem of expansion of production and power consumption today, our problem consists in reasonable utilization of that we have.

Especially high parameters in lowering power consumption of a commercial production in Western Europe and other advanced countries are achieved after the first petroleum crisis of 1973-1974. For times past since then in such countries as Germany, the Great Britain, France, Italy, energy consumptions on production of a unit of production are reduced almost twice. It is already equal to a gain of national income almost on 20 %. In addition, in fact all these countries are advanced countries of the world, they even in former times did not squander power thoughtlessly. However, it appears, and they still have reserves in lowering power inputs on production. What then to speak about our economy representing a sample of thoughtless and extreme non-rational expending of power resources?

However, the situation with economies of power resources in Japan is most indicative. Acute limitation of own resources has forced Japan to go on the most reasonable way – extreme economies of power. In addition, in it surprising results are achieved. So, for the last 30 years at snowballing of an industry consumption power by an industry practically remained at an invariable level [93]. In Japan, exclusively close attention is paid to production of energy saving products and to development energy saving technology. It is necessary to repeat very important conclusion once again: growth of production not necessarily demands growth of energy consumption.

Japan tries to glance in the far future. There already today hybrid cars on combustion cells are intensively developed. These devices as against internal combustion engines applied now will immediately transform power of fuel to electrical power, without a stage of combustion of it. They will work on hydrogen, and, therefore, in an atmosphere will be thrown out only water vapour (without any harmful gases). It is expected, that efficiency of such motor vehicles will be three times higher, than at today’s cars. The conclusion formulated in work [103] is interesting in this connection: “To 2040, the population of the Earth will reach 9 billion person, the quantity of cars on roads will increase in three times (2 billion!) and all these cars can use the same cumulative quantity of power, as now”. The approach typical for Japan also consists in: to develop technique and an industry without growth energy consumption that is at the expense of raise of productivity of energy resources.

Belarus (Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries) undoubtedly should reconsider the approach to ensuring the energy demands. It is expedient to conduct all economic policy from items of efficient, rational and targeted utilization of power. Moreover, for this purpose in Belarus there are literally unrestricted possibilities. It is enough to remind, that energy consumption on production of unit of produce for us today at least is in 4-8 times higher than power consumption of produce in the European states, let alone Japan. This a huge power reserve for development of our economy!

It is necessary to understand only, that development of the fuel and energy complex should not be end in itself. Energy resources should be used extreme rational. Only in this case it is possible to achieve maximal satisfaction of requirements of the person at minimum, extreme economical expending of power resources granted to us by he Nature.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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