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Whether can be the nuclear power plant a basis of power of the country?

PRESENTER: the Core of submarines cannot be processed on “Mayak”, because there it is a turn of foreign dung. Dung, which we import to Russia to the detriment of ourselves. | PRESENTER: And at a loss to itself, to the Russian Federation? | Kofi A. Annan, UN Secretary General (Chernobyl: a continuing catastrophe. United Nations. New York and Geneva, 2000). | Not catastrophe, not accident, and simply a fire? | Whether have grown wiser IAEA and WHO for three years? (To the Report of the United Nations “20 years after”). | Conclusion: the statistics should be competent and honest, otherwise it become the weapon of great lie. | Touching care” of people | Security of the NPP by nuclear fuel | Not development, but reducing of programs. | The quantity of reactors, which construction is suspended or annulled in 1971-1998. ([42], tab. 19). |

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Thinking about the future of Belarus, atomic lobbyists obstinately convince us that only the abundance of the electric power can bring happiness to each of us. Whether it is so in reality? In the entire civilized world have understood, that not quantity of the power, per person, defines the welfare, but what this power gives to the person. In fact, not the electric power itself is necessary for us, but that product (heating, light, various services, comfortable conditions, transport, provisions, etc.), which we daily consume (or would like to consume). In addition, all this can be affected very much different. It is possible to receive, for example, heat, incinerating firewood, peat or coal in boiler-house with an efficiency of 10-20 percents. Thus of 80-90 percents of all power concluded in fuel will take off in a literal sense in the pipe. In addition, it is possible to incinerate the same fuel with the help of so-called gas plants with the efficiency of 85-95 percents. It is possible to light, for example, rooms by ordinary filament lamps with efficiency of no more than 10-20 percents, and it is possible to use modern fluorescent lamps with efficiency more than 50-80 percents. And so on.

Very characteristic moment: than the country is more rich and the better people live in it), then more reasonably and more economically they use energy storage. And we proceed to burn, to light up, to grind, to saw, to drive, not thinking about, how much energy we throw without any benefit. May be that is why we are poor, because we squander the fortune? Therefore, what we should do: shall “incinerate” everything what we have further, or shall study to protect our fortune? We are sure that the answer can be only one: to protect, protect and once again to protect! This is most important. Already only, it is capable to rescue us, and all Humankind, from abuse of the richest possibilities, which the Nature granted to us.

However, it is also only “one of“, but not a unique reasonable way of solving of our power problems. However, we have taken a great interest and nearly forgot about the main theme of this book. However, at the end of the book we shall talk a little about these very interesting things.

When atomic lobbyists repeat, that there is no alternative to atomic energy, at once there is a question – why do they demand any alternative to something without what the Humankind lived in past and without what the majority of the population of the Earth already successfully lives today? It was necessary to ask the question, what for such “alternative” of normal human life, as atomic energy is necessary for us?

For now we shall remind, that not the increase of power consumption per capita defines welfare of a society, but rational, economical utilization of all kinds of energy at production of a gross domestic product (GDP). The backlog of energy saving is big enough in our Republic. On assessments of many experts, it compounds up to 40 percents from total amount of used power (this almost half of all power senselessly takes off for a pipe!). Only under official estimations, all for nothing thrown out fuel compounds 12 million tons of equivalent fuel annually. These values are affirmed by the Government and are presented in many official state programs. According to these programs now the Republic of Belarus is behind on realization of the indicated reserves from the advanced states in 5-8 times. Construction of the nuclear power plant in Belarus not only will not improve, but also even will more aggravate this position.

Belarus has the own power capacities, equal to 7,3 million kW, which today are used only on 50%. Belarus covers 15-18 % of the requirements with the own fuel and energy resources. The other fuel - a natural gas is imported from Russia. Safety reserves of gas with allowance for only already had proven territory estimates at 60-80 years.

Experience of the advanced countries shows, that wide implementation of energy efficient technologies and utilization of small energy and renewable energy sources allow to decide completely the power problems on the near future without construction of new power plants.

In an event of construction of the nuclear power plant in Belarus, there will be same problems, which now have the states, engaging nuclear power plants (storage of radioactive wastes, acquiring of fuel, reversion with the spent fuel, etc.). Besides now the question on reimbursement of possible damage to the sufferer of nuclear accident of the boarder states is put more concrete. By development of atomic projects for Belarus, it is necessary to take into account an item of expenses that is creation of the conforming funds.

In addition, that is the most important; cost of electrical power produced by the nuclear power plant is much higher, than the electric power produced by modern non-nuclear sources. Financing of this expensive object, which, furthermore, already with its birth will cause raise by the state of the price for 1 kW/per hour for the population and other consumers of the electric power, will unambiguously result in economic and social shocks.

Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on October 1998, on the session of the Committee on Sustainable Economy has considered “Conditions and policy in energy sphere” [51] and the problem of “natural gas utilization for the electric power production” [52]. It is meaningful to result some fragments from published materials of the Committee (the secretariat notes).

First of all, from [51] given data follows, that at a total magnification of power consumption in the world in 1997 on one percent in comparison with 1996, the consumption of “atomic energy” has not increased, but also has reduced on one percent.

The characteristic forecast of development of energy of Russia [52] contains the following moment: “On assessments, for the term of 2005-2010 reduction of only nuclear power plants capacity will make more than 3,8 million kW”. It is equal to decommission of four units on 1000 MW.

Let’s remember about forecasts of IAEA. Alas, fortunately, IAEA forecasts are carried out, as they say, “quite the contrary”.

It is explained [52] by “the more active position of public in measures on environmental control, availability of the constant problems connected to safety and removal of radioactive waste of nuclear power plants, and also result of improvement of technological and economic characteristics of constructions and increase of efficiency of exploitation of gas turbines”. Thus, “obscure perspectives of development of atomic energy» are pointed out.

One more characteristic statement [52]: “Uncertainty and even abandoning of public from utilization of nuclear power plants, and also demand of their additional safety, have considerably complicated process of licensing. Time of commissioning and capital fix costs have increased, and construction of the nuclear power plant in many events turned into rather complex financial problem”.

In the indicated works, it is concluded: “the Sustainable energy assumes utilization of the natural gas”.

In addition, one moment that is more essential: disturbing (very much demonstrative and demagogical!) that all gas arrives to us from Russia looks, to put it mildly, unconvincing. If to speak, who risks from it first - it is Russia as the large part of gas export goes through our territory. In addition, while it so, our country will have gas. As on data [40] given in work “Russia has the world’s largest potential of energy resources: 45,0 % of world reserves of gas, 13 % of petroleum and 23 % of coal “.

By the way about coal: its perspectives are still far from being outspent. In work [52] one more important direction of expansion of possibilities of utilization of gas in energy – gasification of coalfield is marked. Gasification of coal in its coalfields was offered by Mendeleev. Thus, it is possible to receive gas directly from under ground, ready to use, for example, in the steam-gaseous installations, which already today have rather high efficiency. According to the forecast: “Power units of combined cycle of production of the electric power from previously gasified coal will win the big part of the market, using large stores of coal”. Here both coals of Russia, and Poland can provide for the far future both their own energy demands and requirements of Belarus.

It is not necessary to discount stores of combustible slates available in our country, peat and coal. At their reasonable utilization, the significant part of those energy demands which today are covered with imported power supplies can be compensated.

Today practically all over the world atomic programs are folded, in many countries they are already minimized. Canada, one of supposed suppliers of reactors to Belarus, refuses from utilization of the reactors. In Germany, the legible tendency was scheduled to release country from atomic energy. In Russia on which today our atomic lobbyists attempt to be reoriented, serious reduction of “atomic capacity“ was scheduled. In addition, not temporary trend is well-defined tendency.

So, what is going on in Belarus? On the Conference “Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant: a reality and illusions”, on 23.10 97 in Minsk, one of most staunch defender of atomic energy in Belarus has burst in tirade: “we experts in this sphere, do you want to make us jobless?”. Whether in this phrase principal cause of so active actions of our atomic lobbyists consists in? Similar, not “power safety” of Belarus and not welfare of its people disturb these personalities. They want to solve personal problems! We are happy, that in Belarus works on building on keen kinds of weapons were not led: biological weapons, binary poisonous substances, psychotropic weapons, hydrogen and neutron charges and other “charms” of modern civilization. Suddenly and these experts have required to themselves the right “to work” in the same directions!

Thus, talks about necessity of “strengthening of energy of Belarus by NPPs” appear in fact false and are directed on everything, but not for the good for our country and its people.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 42 | Нарушение авторских прав

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How various states concern to NPP.| Reasonable question: whether construction of the nuclear power plant releases Belarus from power or fuel dependence on countries of suppliers?

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