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Travelling by car

At the Customs | At the Customs | Topical Phrases | НАДПИСИ И ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ | A Trip by Air | Travelling by Train | ПРОСЬБЫ К ГОРНИЧНОЙ | At the Restaurant | Means of Conveyance (засоби пересування) | НАДПИСИ И ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Allurement of travelling
  2. Comment on the following essay. State what you think about travelling.
  3. Make notes about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by different means of transport. Then write a text similar to the one above, giving your own opinion.
  4. No 19. Speak about different ways of travelling. Compare their advantages and disadvantages. Explain your choice.
  5. Read a text abridged from the article by Peter Sheridan. While reading decide what kind of travelling the text is about.
  6. Text 3. travelling
  7. TEXT C. Travelling by air.

- car

- lorry

- truck

- car ferry

- taxi

- battery

- seat-belt

- engine

- petrol / gas

- can of oil

- water

- brakes

- windscreen – вітрове скло

- wipers – скло очищувач

- horn

- headlights- фари
tyre- шини

- spare wheel - запасне колесо

- steering wheel -рульове колесо

- rear-view mirror - дзеркало заднього виду

- radiator- радіатор
car door


- Can you drive a car?

- Let us take (go for) a drive.

- You are a good driver.

- Want a lift? Step in (get in). – Вас підвезти? Сідайте

- Where will you set down? – Де вас висадити?

- When we drove into the vil­lage...

- How many kilometres have we made?

- Petrol filling station. –заправна станція

- "No Parking" (Parking for­bidden).

- Where can I park the car?

- The parking place is over there, just round the corner.

- The road is perfectly smooth and straight.

- There are no bends. – поворотів немає

- At what speed are we driving?

- We are driving at 80 kilo­metres an hour.

- Look out! There are some children on the pavement. – Увага! На дорозі діти.


- У меня международные водительские права. I have an international driver’s license.

- Включена ли в страховку …? Does the insurance policy cover…?

--компенсация жертвам в случае аварии --personal liability

--компенсация за повреждение имущества --property damage

--компенсация за ремонт автомобиля --collision

в случае столкновения

- Все документы в порядке? - Are the papers in order?

- Куда ведёт эта дорога? - Where does this road lead?

- Есть ли дорожные указатели? - Are there road signs?

- Покажите мне это на карте. - Show it to me on this road map.

- Можно избежать большого движения? - Can I avoid heavy traffic?

- Как называется следующий город? - What’s the next town called?

- Мне ехать прямо? - Shall I drive straight ahead?

- Где мне повернуть? - Where must I turn?

- Налево? - Left?

- Направо? - Right?

- Я правильно еду? - Am I on the right road?

- Где ближайшая бензоколонка? - Where is the nearest gas station?

- Полный бак, пожалуйста! - Fill it up, please.

- 8 галлонов, пожалуйста! - 8 gallons, please.

- Проверьте, пожалуйста, масло и воду. - Please check the oil and water.

- Помойте машину. - Wash the car.

- Моя машина сломалась. - My car has broken down.

- Вы можете мне помочь? - Can you help me?

- Сколько вам потребуется на это времени? - How long will it take?

- Сколько я вам должен? - How much do I owe you?

Where is the parking lot, please?

Where can I park my car?

Can I park my car here?

Where can I rent a ca r?

I would like to rent a ca r for.... days / weeks.

The car costs £30 a day to rent, but you get unlimited mileage (= no charge for the miles travelled)

A car breakdown

I had a breakdown (= my car stopped working) in the middle of the road

A garage is a place where cars are repaired.

The car's still at the garage getting fixed.
Where can I find a garage to repair my car?


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