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Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.

B Add one of the suffixes to the following words. You will have to change some of the words a little. | Write a letter to your friend abroad giving the main reasons of your entering the School of Economics of Kharkiv National University. | Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. | Do the crossword. | Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. | Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. | Combine these pairs of sentences in the two ways shown in the example. | IV. Write a summary (about 250 words) using the underlined words in the text. | Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. | Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. |

Читайте также:
  1. A brief survey of control statements.
  2. A Decide which of these statements are true (T) or false (F).
  3. A False Spring
  4. A new book predicts that climate change is likely to be abrupt and cataclysmic—and that these sudden shifts could cripple national economies.
  5. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  6. A) Try to answer these questions.
  7. A. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1 страница

a) () Labour is the work that an employer performs at a negotiated rate.

b) () The expenses of a business are part of its surplus.

c) () Because businesses may not always be successful, there is always some risk involved in financing them.

d) () Employers and employees share the risk in financing new enterprises.

e) () The capital which people provide to help new businesses arise from previous economic activities.

f) () Socialist economies also have policies of saving surpluses.

g) () A nation’s capital in economic terms is the city where the government is situated.


3. Answer the questions:

a) What differs the term ‘labour’ from the term ‘profit’?

b) At what point does an employer obtain his surplus?

c) What do most businesses need?

d) Why is there always an element of risk in providing capital?

e) How does the past finance the future?

f) When can we say that ‘the risk has been justified’?

g) What forms of capital do economists distinguish?


4. Look through the text again and give Ukrainian/Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations:

At a negotiated rate, as a result, the necessary expense, to share the surplus, to provide the capital, to start business, a successful business, to bear the risk, an accumulation, previous business activities, deliberate policy, to plough back, state funds of money, a part of the nation’s capital.

5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

Виконувати, накопичувати, продуктивна праця, вимагати, приміщення, обладнання, елемент ризику, виправдовувати ризик, інвестиційний капітал, частина прибутку, попередній надлишок, фінансувати майбутнє, заощадження, створити капітал, фактор виробництва, майно, акція, в умовах держави.

6. Match a verb from column A with a noun/nouns from column B. Then make a sentence for each word partnership:


1. to render a) a business
2. to obtain b) capital
3. to start c) risks
4. to provide d) services
5. to bear e) work
6. to possess f) surplus
7. to perform g) assets


7. Work in pairs. Spot mistakes in the following sentences and correct them:

a) To bear risk doesn’t mean the same as to carry risk.

b) Both employers and employees share profits.

c) The business of raising capital is always easy.

d) Self-employed people are usually not interested in making profits.

e) The term ‘entrepreneur’ is French. It means one who produces machinery.

f) It is not necessary to have people who will control and coordinate the various factors of production.

g) Successful businessmen always spend the accumulation of previous surpluses for accommodation, machinery and other items that the business needs.

8. Finish the following sentences from memory:

a) Profit is the surplus …

b) The employer obtains his surplus after …

c) Most businesses need capital in order to …

d) The employees of the business do not bear the risk but the employers...

e) The business is successful if …

f) The capital is …

g) The policy of saving surpluses may be …

h) In both capitalist and socialist systems some part of profit is …

i) In terms of the state capital is …

9. Translate into English:

1. До появи грошей у людей не було єдиного засобу обміну.

2. Робітники отримують за свій труд деяку суму грошей, тобто фіксовану заробітну плату. Розмір фіксованої зарплати залежить від кваліфікації, посади та інших чинників.

3. Прибирання ділянки, що закріплена за нашим університетом, не є працею в суворо економічному сенсі, тому що студенти не отримують платню за цю роботу.

4. В комуністичну епоху людська праця проголошувалася найвищою цінністю.

5. Національна робоча сила складається з людей, які здатні працювати та не досягли пенсійного віку.

6. За законом України депутати не повинні займатися приватним бізнесом.

7. Прибуток–це винагорода за добре сплановану фінансову політику.

8. Якщо бізнес процвітає, бізнесмен отримує великий прибуток. Але частину цього прибутку він віддає працівникам.

9. Гроші мають особливі якості. По-перше, гроші виступають як засіб обігу, по-друге, як міра вартості.

10. Гроші виступають у процесі розвитку обміну як показник вартості товару.

10. Extend the idea:

a) Money is an economic standard.

b) Profit is the reward of productive work and deliberate policy.

c) The past finances the future.


1. You choose a team to start a business. What features are you going to test to pick up your future employees?

2. What initial capital do you need to start a new business? What are you going to start with?


Work as a group. Walk around the class and ask the other students the following questions. When you find someone who answers ‘yes’ and proves that, write his or her name on the right. Try to find a different student for each question.

Find someone who... Name
knows the definition of ‘profit’  
hates to be self-employed  
is aware of the responsibility for not paying the correct amount of taxes  
knows the difference between socialist and capitalist economic systems  


English Ukrainian Russian
Accommodation (n.) приміщення помещение
To be accumulated бути накопиченим быть накопленным
Assets (n.) майно; фонди имущество; фонды
At a negotiated rate за домовленістю по договоренности
To be aware of бути інформованим быть осведомленным
To bear the risk ризикувати рисковать
Deliberate (adj.) добре обміркований хорошо обдуманный
Expenses (n.) витрати расходы, издержки
In general terms загально в общих чертах
In terms of the state в умовах держави в условиях государства
To judge оцінювати оценивать, судить
Justified risk виправданий ризик оправданный риск
Labour force робоча сила рабочая сила
Means of exchange засіб обміну средство обмена
Means of measuring засіб вимірювання средство измерения
Measure (n.) міра мера
Output (n.) продукція продукция
To plough back перетворювати на капітал превращать в капитал
Policy of saving surpluses політика заощадження политика сбережения
Previous (adj.) попередній предыдущий
Profit (n.) прибуток прибыль
To render (v.) надавати оказывать
Return on investment прибуток на інвестований капітал прибыль на инвестированный капитал
Reward (n.) винагорода вознаграждение
Self-employed зайнятий власним бізнесом занятый собственным бизнесом
To share (v.) ділити делить
Share (n) акція, цінний папір акция, ценная бумага
State funds of money Державні грошові фонди Гос. Денежные фонды
Surplus (n.) надлишок излишек
Working population працездатне населення работоспособное население


Markets and monopolies



1. Work with a partner. What types of markets do you know? How do they differ?

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Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.| A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.

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