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Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.

Think of the most popular jobs in the XX century and compare your answers. | Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. | B Invent your own compound nouns | Divide into two groups and make up the lists of the sciences you know. | B Use these new words to complete the sentences below. | B Add one of the suffixes to the following words. You will have to change some of the words a little. | Write a letter to your friend abroad giving the main reasons of your entering the School of Economics of Kharkiv National University. | Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why. | Do the crossword. | IV. Write a summary (about 250 words) using the underlined words in the text. |

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  1. A brief survey of control statements.
  2. A Decide which of these statements are true (T) or false (F).
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  4. A new book predicts that climate change is likely to be abrupt and cataclysmic—and that these sudden shifts could cripple national economies.
  5. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  6. A) Try to answer these questions.
  7. A. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1 страница

a) () The USA is not completely capitalist.

b) () It is easy to classify economic systems.

c) () The United States finds it necessary to control national economic conditions to a certain extent.

d) () The interest of the under-developed countries in long-term planning is inevitable.

e) () India makes a clear distinction between the two sectors of its economy.

f) () The nationalized industries in Britain are in the private sector of the economy.

g) () Giants like ICI and BP are not publicly owned.

h) () The British government controls the economy through the NEDC.

i) () Planning ahead in a mixed economy is not particularly difficult.

3. Look through the text again and give Ukrainian/Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations:

To be completely socialist, to tend towards something, to classify exactly, political changes, to affect something in an unexpected way, to regulate national economic conditions, National Economic Development Council, a small family business, dedicated, a public sector of the economy, authority, to guide, British economic life, to set up an official planning body, employers’ federations.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

Слаборозвинуті країни, різні національні економічні системи, влада, стихійне лихо, планувати наперед, встановлювати цілі виробництва, приватне підприємництво, компанії-гіганти, члени уряду, бути зацікавленим, довгострокове планування, з одного боку, з іншого боку, приватний сектор економіки, змішана економіка, націоналізована промисловість, керувати економічною політикою, видатні економісти, представник, профспілка.

5. Cross out an odd word:

a) government / authority / administration / enterprise

b) guide / set up / direct / conduct

c) socialist / mixed / eminent / capitalist

d) cattle / steel / iron / coal

e) member / representative / body / industrialist

f) plan / concern / affect / influence


6. Complete the following sentences with words or word combinations from the text:

a) It is difficult to … most economic systems.

b) The under-developed countries are interested in … and …

c) The … is responsible for the economy.

d) The majority of British industries is in the … sector.

e) The British government … an official body.

f) In socialist countries … and … are reduced to a minimum.

g) Economic systems with public and private sectors are neither … nor…

h) Goods like coal and iron are among the most important … industries in any economy.

7. Match an adjective from column A with a noun from column B:


1. private a) economy
2. under-developed b) company
3. mixed c) sector
4. nationalized d) industrialists
5. giant e) disaster
6. official f) industries
7. natural g) body
8. eminent h) countries

8. Match a verb from column A with a noun/nouns from column B. Then make a sentence for each word partnership:


1. to set up a) economic conditions
2. to tend towards b) control
3. to regulate c) the general plan
4. to make d) a target
5. to be interested in e) capitalism
6. to guide f) economic policy
7. to affect g) a distinction


9. Work in pairs. Spot mistakes in the following sentences and correct them:

a) The nationalized industries are in the private sector of British economic life.

b) Essential services like transport, education and medicine are in the private sector of many socialist economies.

c) The coal and steel industries are among the activities controlled by small family businesses.

d) The under-developed countries of the world are not interested in long-term planning.

e) Britain today is entirely capitalist.

f) The National Economic Development Council consists of employees only.

g) The government can easily plan ahead in a mixed economy.


10. Supply the missing articles where necessary:

a) … food production and … distribution are perhaps … most basic activities in any economy.

b) Some countries make … distinction between … public sector and … private sector of … economy.

c) … central authority with … complete power decides what goods and services to produce.

d) If … person can do what he wishes with his property on … one hand, and he obeys … law on … other hand, then … economists say he is economically free.

e) … nationalized industries include … various types of transport, steel-production and coal-mining.

f) My friend is … leading economist. He works for … BP.

11. Supply the missing prepositions where necessary:

a) The Chinese government set … an official body to control the distribution of goods all over the country.

b) The majority of national economic systems tends … socialism or capitalism.

c) Both employers and employees of our company are interested … AGM.

d) Heavy industries are usually among the activities guided … the government.

e) The message includes … much important information.

f) Transport and education employ a large part … the national work force.

g) We can make up the general plan together … the leading economists of the company.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 92 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Say whether these statements true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.| Combine these pairs of sentences in the two ways shown in the example.

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