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Chronic Otitis Media

Syn. medicine, remedy, drug, pharmacy, physic | Ant. contraindication for | Medical name Common name | Eyes; neck; foot; tongue; head and shoulders; heart; hand; mouth | Body language | Forms of Rhinitis. |

Читайте также:
  3. Boyd, danah, & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210–230.
  4. Broadcast Media
  5. Broadcasting media
  6. By American comedian George Burns


Chronic otitis media is a long-standing infection of the среднее ear.

Chronic otitis media is caused by a постоянный hole (perforation) in the барабанная перепонка or a noncancerous новообразование of white skinlike material (холестеатома).

People may have a perforation without ever getting any symptoms, but sometimes хроническая бактериальная инфекция develops.

Chronic otitis media may вспыхивать after an infection of the nose and throat, such as the обычная простуда or after water enters the middle ear while купание or плавание. Usually, flare-ups приводить к a painless выделение of pus, which may be malodorous, from the ear. Постоянные flare-ups may result in the formation of pro­truding growths called полипы, which extend from the middle ear через the perforation and into the наружный слуховой проход. Persistent infection can разрушать parts of the косточки —the small bones in the middle ear that соединяют the eardrum to the внутреннее ear and conduct звуки from the outer ear to the inner ear—causing conductive потеря слуха. Other serious осложнения include воспаление of the inner ear, facial паралич, and мозг infections. Some people with chronic otitis media развиваться cholesteatomas in the middle ear. Cholesteatomas, which destroy кость, greatly увеличивать the likelihood of other serious complications. A doctor диагностирует chronic otitis media when seeing гной or skinlike material накапливающиеся in a hole or in a pocket in the eardrum that often дренировать.


When chronic otitis media flares up, a doctor thoroughly вычищает the ear canal and middle ear with suction and сухие ватные wipes, then prescribes a раствор of acetic acid with hydrocorti-sone or antibiotic ушные капли. Water must be kept out of the ear when a perforation присутствует.

Usually, the eardrum can be восстанавливается in a procedure called восстановление барабанной перепонки. If the ossicle цепочка has been disrupted, it may be repaired одновременно. Cholesteatomas must be удаляется хирургическим путем. If a cholesteatoma is not removed, тяжелые complications can develop.


VI. Give Russian equivalents to the following word – combinations:

perforation of eardrum

hearing loss

swollen eustachian tubes

red and bulging eardrum

to perform a myringotomy

to heal on its own

a fluid buildup = fluid accumulation

repeated bouts

to help fluid drain

to clean with suction

popping or cracking sound

VII. Listen to the text “Serous Otitis Media” and retell it in Russian:

VIII. Render from Russian into English: “Omum”


Отит – это воспаление уха. Различают наружный, средний отит и воспаление внутреннего уха.

Наружный отит возникает в результате проникновения микроорганизмов в кожу наружного слухового прохода. Расчесы, ожоги, укусы насекомых, манипуляции пальцами или острыми предметами в ухе и т.д. способствуют развитию отита. Зуд является частым признаком наружного отита. Сильная боль отмечается редко. Слух страдает мало. Лечение назначает врач. Некоторые процедуры больной может делать сам. Необходим хороший гигиенический уход: тщательное удаление гноя, промывание дезинфицирующим раствором, смазывание кремом с антисептиком. Наружный отит может повторяться, если больной расчесывает кожу при зуде.

Средний отит бывает острым и хроническим. Острая форма встречается часто, особенно у детей. Протекает тяжело, с сильной болью в ухе, высокой температурой. Возможно развитие осложнений в мозговых оболочках и мозгу. Острый средний отит вызывается возбудителями инфекционных заболеваний, которые поражают верхние дыхательные пути (грипп, острые респираторные заболевания, корь, скарлатина). Воспалительный процесс из носоглотки по евстахиевым трубам переходит в барабанную полость. Сформировавшийся гной иногда прорывается через барабанную перепонку и выделяется из наружного слухового прохода. Лечение назначает врач. Компрессы уменьшают боль и способствуют рассасыванию воспалительного очага в барабанной полости. Компресс накладывают вокруг ушной раковины и меняют каждые 4 часа. Если сильные боли в ухе продолжаются, то врач проводит прокол барабанной перепонки, чтобы выпустить гной и уменьшить давление в полости. Отверстие затягивается быстро и не нарушает слух.

Если лечение начать вовремя, острое воспаление среднего уха обычно заканчивается полным выздоравливанием и восстановлением слуха. В некоторых случаях болезнь может перейти в хроническую форму.

*рассасывание = resolution, resorption


Part 5

Vital signs

I. Read and translate the text:

Vital signs are measures of various physiological statistics often taken by health professionals in order to assess the most basic body functions. Vital signs are an essential part of a case presentation.

There are four vital signs which are standard in most medical settings: body temperature; pulse rate (or heart rate); blood pressure; respiratory rate.

The equipment needed is a thermometer, a sphygmomanometer, and a watch.

Though a pulse can often be taken by hand, a stethoscope may be required for a patient with a very weak pulse.

While various additional signs have been proposed, none have been officially universally adopted due to the expense in obtaining equipment required to diagnose and the difficulty in training entry-level professionals. However, body mass index (ratio of height to weight) has been introduced in recent years as an additional vital sign that is easy to measure and indicative of disease risk.

The phrase "fifth vital sign" usually refers to pain, as perceived by the patient on a Pain scale of 0–10. For example, the Veterans Administration made this their policy in 1999. However, some doctors have noted that pain is actually a subjective symptom, not an objective sign, and therefore object to this classification.

Other sources include pulse oximetry as their fifth sign.

Some sources consider pupil size, equality, and reactivity to light to be a vital sign as well.

There is no standard "sixth vital sign", and the use is much more informal and discipline-dependent than with the above, but some proposals (excluding the fifth sign candidates above) include: urinary continence; end-tidal CO2; emotional distress; spirometry; glucose; functional Status; intracranial pressure; skin signs (color)

Children and infants have respiratory and heart rates that are faster than those of adults as shown in the following table:


Age Normal heart rate (beats per minute) Normal respiratory rate (breaths per minute)
Newborn 100-160 30-50
0-5 months 90-190 25-40
6-12 months 80-140 20-30
1-3 years 80-130 20-30
3-5 years 80-120 20-30
6-10 years 70-110 15-30
11-14 years 60-105 12-20
14+ years 60-100 12-20


II. Make the sentences complete:

1. The alternative names of pulse are … 2. The pulse is … 3. The pulse is measured at the … 4. In these areas, an artery passes … 5. to measure the pulse, it is necessary … 6. To determine the resting heart rate, a person … 7. For resting heart rate, newborn infants have … 8. Children 1 to 10 years have … 9. Children over 10 and adults including seniors have … 10. Consistently high resting heart rate is called … 11. Resting heart rate below the normal values is called… 12. A pulse that is hard to feel may indicate … 13. These blockages are common in people with… 14. Those patients whose heart rate is above 70 beats per minute have …     a) back of knees, groin, neck, wrist, temple, top or inner side of the foot b) must have been resting for at least 10 minutes c) 60 – 100 beats per minute d) significantly higher incidence of heart attacks, hospital admissions and the need for surgery e) tachycardia f) to place index and middle finger over the given area and press firmly with flat fingers g) heart rate or heart beat h) 100 – 160 beats per minute i) diabetes or atherosclerosis from high cholesterol j) the number of heartbeats per minute k) blockages in the artery l) 70 – 120 beats per minute at rest m) close to the skin n) bradycardia


III. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions:

during; at; by; in; against; of; to; among; for; with; out; over


… rest, the average adult human heart beats … about 70 bpm …males and 75 bpm …females. This rate varies …different people, and can be significantly lower … individuals who participate … endurance athletics. Heart rate is determined … measuring one's pulse using a variety … methods. These can special devices, or merely pressing one's fingers … an artery. It is generally accepted that listening … heart beats using a stethoscope (auscultation), is a more accurate method …measuring the heart rate.

Maximum heart rate is the highest number … time the heart can contract … one minute, or the heart rate that a person could achieve … maximal physical exertion.


IV. Fill in the gaps with proper words from the right column:

The respiratory rate (respiration rate or ventilation rate) is the number of … a living being, such as a …, takes within a certain … … (frequently given in breaths … …). The human … is usually measured when a person … … and simply involves … the number of breaths by counting how many times the chest …. Respiration rates may increase with …, illness, and with other medical conditions. When … respiration, it is important … whether a person has any … …. … respiratory rate reported in a … … at rest is usually given as 12 breaths per minute but … do vary between sources, e.g., 12–20 to 16–18 breaths per minute. Respiratory … … is the volume of air which can be … … … from a person's lungs in one minute. The value of respiratory rate as an indicator of potential … … has been investigated but findings suggest it is of … …. a. healthy adult b. respiration rate c. respiratory dysfunction d. respirations e. to note f. minute volume g. counting h. limited value i. per minute j. checking k. average l. difficulty breathing m. human n. inhaled or exhaled o. amount of time p. at rest q. rises r. fever

V. Listen to the text:’’ Normal Human Body Temperature’’

VI. Render from Russian into English:

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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