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Medical name Common name

Syn. medicine, remedy, drug, pharmacy, physic | Body language | Forms of Rhinitis. | Belching, bloating and flatulence. | Chronic Otitis Media |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Read the text and explain carefully whether you still share the common myths about the modern male.
  2. Biomedical Science Personal Statement
  3. Chapter Three On Horsell Common
  4. Characterize the major political parties in the UK (Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats). The position of these parties in the House of Commons today.
  6. Common Brand Values
  7. Common connective words
alopecia arteriosclerosis bursitis Candida cerebral palsy cerebral infarction/ bleeding dyspepsia eructation erythema pernio flatulence haemorrhoids halitosis herpes simplex herpes zoster hordeolum infectious mononucleosis myocardial infarction oedema poliomyelitis pyrosis rubella rubeola; morbilli tendonitis urticaria varicella verrucae baldness   German measles polio thrush warts heart attack heat spots/nettle rash cold sore swelling (to be) spastic belching glandular fever heartburn baldncss chickenpox hardening of the arteries measles bad breath indigestion housemaid's knee piles shingles tennis elbow stroke chilblains stye wind  

(“Test Your Professional English Medical” by Alison Pohl, Penguin English Guides)


b)Say in one English word:

1. Острые гнойные воспаления железы хряща века или сальной железы века.

2. Внезапные непроизвольные выделения из желудка в полость рта газов.

3. Избыточное накопление жидкости в тканях организма.

4. Болезнь, обусловленная патологическими изменениями сосудов прямой кишки.

5. Доброкачественное новообразование кожи.

6. Внезапное распространенное высыпание зудящих волдырей аллергической природы.

7. «Простуда» на губах.


c) Guess what disease is defined. Use the words in the box.

1. The expulsion of gas or air from the stomach through the mouth.

2. A sensation of abdominal distention.

3. A vascular reaction with the localized edema caused by dilatation and increase of the capillaries.

4. Absence of hair from areas where it normally grows.

5. An inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes that is caused by herpes viruses and characterized by collections of small blisters.

6. Dusky red itchy swellings that develop on the extremities in cold weather.

7. A common yeast infection of moist areas of the body, especially in the mouth, skin folds, and the vagina.

8. A fluid-filled swelling of the bursa in front of the kneecap often resulting from frequent kneeling.

9. A painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of the elbow, caused by overuse of the forearm muscles.

10. A localized purulent inflammation of the one or more sebaceous glands of the eyelids.


thrush; flatulence; chilblains; alopecia; hordeolum; herpes simplex; belching; tennis elbow; urticaria; housemaid’s knee



d) Rearrange the sentences in correct order.



1. Individual swellings appear rapidly and resolve spontaneously within hours.

2. Chronic urticaria is not an allergic condition and may persist for years.

3. Urticaria can be prevented by taking antihistamines regularly.

4. Acute urticaria is common and represents an immediate response to such allergens as seafood or strawberries.

5. Urticaria (nettle rash, hives) is an itchy rash resulting from the release of histamine by mast cells.


e) Substitute English words for Russian ones:


Heartburn is discomfort for боль usually жгучая in character, that is felt behind the грудина and often appears подниматься from the abdomen towards or into the горло. It may be сопровождаться by the appearance of acid or bitter жидкость in the mouth and вызываться by *regurgitation of желудок contents into the пищевод or by oesophagitis.

* regurgitation [ri΄gə:dʒitei∫n].


f) Rearrange the words to make a sentence.


1. inflammation, gland, stye, base, is, of, acute, an, at, the, eyelids, of, an, a.

2. by, this, infection, is, bacterial, condition, caused.

3. becomes, and, the, tender, gland, hard.

4. cyst, at, develops, centre, a, its, pus-filled.

5. treated, in, stye, water, by, warm, is, bathing.

6. involves, sometimes, removal, the, treatment, eyelash, the, affected.

g ) Read and translate into Russian:

1. to treat shingles

2. moderately severe thrush

3. to experience eractation periodically

4. acute pain due to chiblains

5. to be followed by heartburn

6. afficted with celebral palsy

7. to soothe piles

8. the relapse of herpes zoster

9. to be completely exhausted by indigestion

10. halitosis caused by infective conditions of the nose and throat

11. to examine verrucae on the patient’s back

12. androgenetic alopecia associated with the advanced age

13. to aggravate urticaria

14. adverse reaction to the medicine for flatulence

15. stye induced by bacterial infection

16. recurrent cold sores


XXI. Read what collocation is:

A collocation is a grouping of words which “naturally” go together through common usage. Unlike idioms, their meaning can usually be understood from the individual words. In order to speak natural English, you need to be familiar with collocations. If you do not choose the right collocation, you will probably be understood but you will not sound natural.

This list will help you with most common collocations of Medical English, give their Russian equivalents:

1. to measure blood pressure

2. to take temperature

3. to feel the pulse

4. to perform an operation

5. to record case history (to fill in case history)

6. to make a diagnosis

7. to feel bad (well)

8. to make the laboratory analysis

9. to give an injection

10. to put on a sick-leave

11. to give (to render) first aid

12. to prescribe (to administer) a proper treatment

13. to make red (white) blood cell count

14. to call in a doctor

15. to take a remedy 3 times a day before (after) meal

16. to follow (a diet, a bed regimen, doctor’s instructions

17. to strip to the waist

18. to take an electrocardiogram

19. to apply cups (mustard plasters)

20. to undergo a procedure

21. to see (to receive) a patient at the polyclinic

22. to examine a patient

23. to stay in bed

24. to catch a (bad) cold

25. to keep a thermometer in one’s armpit


Fill in the gaps using the proper words:

1. When does a ward nurse usually … patient’s temperature at the hospital?

2. Can senior students … a patient’s blood analysis.

3. In the reception ward the doctor on duty … the patient’s pulse and … his (her) blood pressure.

4. At the moment she is helping a staff nurse … injections.

5. The attending doctor says that you should … a teaspoonful of this mixture 2 times a day.

6. If you … bad you may ring up 03 number and … an ambulance doctor.

7. During the attack of severe cardiac pain it is necessary … an electrocardiogram.

8. It is doctor’s duty … first aid to a person on the spot, without delay.

9. Practical training of medical student helps them learn how to examine a patient, … a correct diagnosis and … a proper treatment.

10. … an operation on the open heart cardio-surgeons may use different methods.

11. When a doctor gives a patient a written permission to be absent from his (her) work because of illness we say that a doctor … the patient on a sick-leave.


Render from Russian into English:

1. Разденьтесь до пояса, пожалуйста. Я хочу прослушать ваши лёгкие.

2. Вы должны соблюдать строгий постельный режим, если не хотите
получить осложнения.

3. После физикального осмотра вам необходимо пройти эту процедуру.

4. Я хочу измерить вашу температуру. Держите, пожалуйста, градусник
под мышкой.

5. Я боюсь, у вас высокая температура. Дайте мне вашу руку, я прощупаю

6. Если вы сильно простудились, вы должны лежать в постели несколько

7. Врач попросил лаборанта подсчитать количество красных клеток в
единице объёма периферической крови, чтобы исключить

8. Студенты-медики старших курсов помогают участковым врачам вести
приём больных в поликлиниках во время вспышек острых
респираторных заболеваний.

9. При бронхиолите рекомендуют ставить банки или горчичники, делать
спиртовые компрессы на грудную клетку.

XXII. Translate the sentences incorporating “to follow”, “follow-up”, “following”. Mind the difference in their meaning:

1. All patients included in the study were followed-up through their medical records from the date of diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis to the development of any of the above-described side effects or until death or their last medical contact.

2. Following this study no infant in the group experienced sudden death within the first year of life.

3. This infant had prolonged apnea and bradycardia followed by hypoxia.

4. Results of our study demonstrate that carbohydrate malabsorption is common following the ingestion of several fruit juices in both children with chronic nonspecific diarrhea and those without.

5. Additional data were obtained from 29 individuals who were highly motivated to follow the program and willing to provide blood samples for 18 months of follow-up to assess changes in total cholesterol values following completion of the program.

6. It follows that gallstones as a cause of pancreatitis require investigation.

7. Although the number of asymptomatic patients was small and the time of follow-up short the trend was favourable for the patients given D-penicillamine.

8. A long-term follow-up should be carried out in case of glandular odontogenic cyst.

9. The brain stem suffers irrevocable damage following head injury or intracranial haemorrage.

10. The aim of this article is to emphasize the importance of follow-up examination.

11. Found in all body tissues, enzymes frequently appear in the serum following cellular injury.


XXIII. Sometimes parts of the human body are used in idiomatic expressions or in figurative speech or to create new words. Here are some examples of how body vocabulary can be used:

A). Compound adjectives

Warm-hearted means kind, considerate. Can you match the correct words from the first two columns, and then match the compound adjective with its definition from column three?

1 2 3

tight- minded mean (with money)

two- sighted bossy

narrow- skinned good at planning

thick- headed conceited, stubborn

high- fisted hypocritical

pig- faced insensitive

far-handed prejudiced, not accepting

new ideas

(“Understanding English”, Practice in modern English usage by Nick Mclver)


B). Mix and match:

1. not generous with money

2. changing what you say according narrow - minded

to who you are talking to, in a

way that is insincere and unpleasant high - handed

3. unwilling to accept or understand tight - fisted

new or different ideas or customs

4. not easily offended by other pig - headed

people's criticism or insults

5. determined to do things the way two - faced

you want and refusing to change your

mind, even when there are good reasons to do so. far - sighted

6. able to realize what will happen in thick - skinned

future and make wise decisions

7. using your authority in an unreasonable way


C). Read and translate the sentences with compound adjectives:

1. He came out an affair as a two-faced hypocrite

2. He is a thick - skinned insurance salesman.

3. Stop being so pig-headed and admit that you were wrong!

4. A far - sighted economic policy yields good results.

5. Their high-handed and insensitive management decisions will lead to collapse.

6. She is unhappy with her husband, a tight- fisted old skinflint ([skinflint-скряга)

7. I am annoyed by her narrow - mindedness. She is unwilling to accept or understand

new or different idea.



XXIV. Revise the endings of the adjectives “-less”, “-ish”, “-ful”:

a. suffix “-less” means:

1. without smth

e.g. childless couple = who have no children

it`s quite harmless = will not harm you

he was hatless = wore no hat

endless complaints = that never end

2. never doing smth

e.g. a tireless helper = who never gets doing smth

3. unable to be treated in a particular way

e.g. on countless occasions = too many to be counted

Render from English into Russian:

Lawless, endless, nameless, restless, useless, aimless, tactless, priceless, countless, homeless, childless, airless, waterless, windless, hopeless, thoughtless, meaningless.


Render from Russian into English:

Безногий, безрукий, бескровный, беззубый, беспалый, безвкусный, безмозглый, бездушный (бессердечный), безвредный, безжизненный (бездыханный), безликий, беззвучный, бесцветный, бессонный, бесшумный, бесформенный.


Translate into English:

1. Бессонная ночь измотала пациента

2. Медсестра двигалась бесшумно вдоль тёмного коридора отделения.

3. Пища в столовой безвкусная.

4. Его бездумный поступок удивил весь персонал больницы.

5. Бессмысленно спрашивать её о её болезни. Она ничего не хочет объяснять.

6. Погода была безветренной и солнечной, и выздоравливающие гуляли в парке.

7. Его бестактные замечания смутили всех.

8. Бесконечное обсуждение одной и той же проблемы наскучило мне.

9. Жизнь пациента бесценна.

10. Эта бездетная семья жила рядом (по соседству).

11. Она – очень беспокойный пациент.


to embarrass [im΄bærəs] – смущать

deed, act, action – поступок


b. suffix “ -ish”:

1. typical of smth, like smth

e.g. foolish behaviour = typical of a fool

Don’t be so childish! = Don’t behave in a way unsuitable to an adult!

2. to some degree, rather …, quite…

e.g. youngish = not very young, but not old either.



Read and translate into Russian:

Tallish, snobbish, reddish, selfish, sweetish, yellowish, womanish, thinnish, thickish, longish, fattish, sluggish, slavish, purplish, nightmarish, oldish, brownish, stoutish, feverish


c. suffix “ -ful”

-ful (in adjectives) = 1. Full of smth.

e.g. an eventful day

2. having the quality of smth.; causing smth.

e.g. restful colours

Is it painful?


Read and translate into Russian:

Helpful, harmful, useful, hopeful, beautiful, thankful, forgetful, powerful, wonderful, careful, masterful, peaceful, meaningful, merciful, joyful, doubtful, fruitful


XXVI. Revise the Participles:

Translate from English into Russian, paying attention to the function of the Participle as an attribute:

The students, attending the lecture; the excited parents; the surprising data; increased temperature; increasing attention; joined efforts; the nurse, carrying out doctor's instructions; the academic term, lasting 4 months; the completed experiment; specialists, treating people; gained experience; surgeons, performing an operation; required measures; a cured disease; text, containing interesting facts; achieved results; marked success; group-mate, living in the hostel; the dying patient; the coming meeting; the fixed date of the operation; producing complications; followed by aggravation.


Translate from Russian into English:

-расширенные кровеносные сосуды;

-расположенный внутри грудной клетки;

-разделенный перегородкой;

-заключенный в перикард;

-две соединенные части;

-названный малым кругом кровообращения;

-отделенный митральным клапаном;

-сокращенные артерии;

-кровь принесенная к легким;

-измененное состояние больного;

-проведенная операция;

-трансплантированные мышцы;

-восстановленное здоровье;

-сформированный пучками мышечных волокон;

-определенный экспериментами (опытами) на животных;

-введенный в практику;

-обнаруженный на верхушке сердца;

-взволнованный пациент;

-рожденный в срок;


State the function of the Participle II:

1. If undetected mild hearing loss may give rise to psychological, medical and educational problems.

2. We want to purchase the medical equipment produced by your plant.

3. His leg is broken and he must be transported on a stretcher.

4. When asked about his plans he replied that he would be away for about three months.

5. All windows of the hospital were lighted.

6. A thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature.

7. Have you ever been administered arteriography?

8. The recommendation, if carried out, will save many patient`s lives.

9. The researchers in a report published say they have discovered a technique to reduce the number of deaths.

10. Neurotic depression treated with supportive psychotherapy has an excellent prognosis.

11. When tested as a treatment for this disease, the remedy produces bad side-effects.

12. There is a substance in the blood called prothrombin.

13. The patient examined complained of an unbearable headache.

XXVII. Render from Russian into English:


Поликлиника - лечебно-профилактическое учреждение, оказывающее врачебную медпомощь приходящим больным и на дому, а также выполняющее профилактические мероприятия и диспансеризацию населения. Поликлиника отличается от амбулатории большим количеством врачей, а, следовательно, имеет большие возможности в оказании специализированной медпомощи. В поликлинике начинают и заканчивают лечение большинство обращающихся за медпомощью.

В нашей стране существует районно-территориальная система медицинского обслуживания. В зависимости от контингента обслуживаемого населения, поликлиники делятся на городские (для взрослых и подростков), городские детские, центральные районные, поликлиники для работающих на водном транспорте, на железнодорожном транспорте, студенческие.

Во всех поликлиниках прием ведут врачи-специалисты: терапевт, хирург, акушер-гинеколог, отоларинголог, офтальмолог, невропатолог, кардиолог, а также стоматолог. В крупных поликлиниках, кроме того, больные могут получить специализированную помощь в урологии, эндокринологии, гематологии, гастроэнтерологии, пульмонологии, психоневрологии, аллергологии и т.д. Как правило, в поликлиниках имеются лечебно-диагностические и вспомогательные кабинеты (отделения): подростковый, инфекционных болезней, рентгенологический, физиотерапевтический и др., а также лаборатории.

Поликлиника кроме амбулаторного лечения и лечения больных на дому, проводит необходимые противоэпидемические мероприятия, выявляет лиц, нуждающихся в стационарном лечении, и направляет их на госпитализацию.


water transport – водный транспорт

subsidiary – вспомогательный



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