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Ant. contraindication for

Eyes; neck; foot; tongue; head and shoulders; heart; hand; mouth | Body language | Forms of Rhinitis. | Belching, bloating and flatulence. | Chronic Otitis Media |

43. to inflame [in΄fleim] – воспалять(ся)

44. to complicate [΄kɔmplikeit] – осложнять

45. to palliate [΄pælieit] – временно облегчать (болезнь),

временно помогать, лечить паллиативными средствами

46. hospital – больница

municipal [mju΄nisipl] hospital – городская больница

rural [΄ruərəl] hospital – сельская больница

general [΄dʒenrəl] hospital – общесоматическая больница

47. to spread to, to radiate to – распространяться, «отдавать» в

48. to recur, to relapse [ri΄læps], to recrudesce [ֽri:kru:΄des] – снова заболеть, рецидивировать

recurrence = relapse = recrudescence [ֽri:kru:΄desns] - рецидив

49. to aggravate [΄ægrəveit] – обострять, усиливать,

syn. to exacerbate [eks΄æsə:beit]

50. to relieve [ri΄li:v] – облегчать, успокаивать

to soothe [su:ð] – уменьшать боль

51. to exhaust [ig΄zɔ:st] – истощать (человека, силы), изнурять


II. Read and translate into Russian sentences incorporating the words from the active vocabulary:

1. This medicine should soothe your sore throat.

2. Emesis is an ejection through the mouth of the gastric contents.

3. I want to check your ears to see if there is any wax.

4. Inclination to vomit usually preceding emesis is called nausea.

5. A vial of morphine was found by the police officer at the scene of crime.

6. It is rather painful for a patient to void urine in case of cystitis.

7. An attack of pneumonia in a patient would be strong contraindication against the use of a general anaesthetic.

8. Relapse is a return of disease symptoms after recovery has apparently been achieved.

9. Congenital malformations include all disorders present al birth whether they are inherited.

10. Medication is a substance administered by mouth, applied to the body, or introduced into the body for the purpose of treatment.

11. She is still a convalescent.

12. The virus may be acquired from maternal blood during parturition.

13.The surgeon was completely exhausted after that delicate operation.

III. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

soothing lotions: a convalescent nursing home: indications for operation: neglected disease: lo prescribe a pain­killer: an attack of bloody vomit: vulnerable population: to be afflicted with acute respiratory disease: to exhaust one's patience: vital signs: moderately severe pain: to evaluate the patient's condition: to be prone to infections: concomitant signs: palliative treatment: advanced age: rural medicine.



IV.Discriminate the following words:

1. course [kɔ:s] – курс, течение

2. case [keis] – 1. случай болезни, дело

2. больной человек, пациент

3. набор инструментов, ящик, коробка

3. cause [kɔ:z] – причина

to cause [kɔ:z] – вызывать, причинять


Read and translate the following word-combinations incorporating “course”, “case”, “cause”, consult medical dictionary if necessary:

Borderline case; neglected case; priority case; missed case; selected case; terminal case; ambulant case; in the course of time; the most commonly identified cause of death; in about 10% of cases; to be a sporadic cause of exacerbation; one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity in patients with renal failure; to influence the course of the disease; a single case of classic rheumatoid arthritis; even in cases of pituitary tumors; to cause a variety of effects; the long-term course of the disease; to reveal the cause; to cause enormous human suffering; in any case; a prolonged course of antibiotics; to classify (to summarize, to identify, to note, to take into account) the cases; to follow the course of treatment; bizarre [bi΄za:] course; stormy course; time course of drug.

V.Render from Russian into English:

· вызывать невыносимую боль

· изменить курс лечения

· причина обострения

· в большинстве случаев

· проходить курс реабилитации

· причина неблагоприятной реакции

· осложненное течение болезни

· история болезни

· быть вызванным передозировкой лекарства

· курс соответствующего лечения

· в неотложном случае

· причинять страдание

· соблюдать курс лечения стрептомицином

· легкий (тяжелый) случай (форма)

· причина недомогания и утомления

· запущенный случай (заболевания)

· вызвать обильное кровотечение

· течение послеоперационного периода

VI. Supply the most characteristic words to be used with nouns:

attending; bloody; sudden; vital; physical; advanced; adverse; rural


signs; disease; hospital; doctor; vomit; examination; onset; reaction


VII. Choose the appropriate word. Translate the sentences:

1. (acquired/congenital) malformation includes all disorders present at birth whether they are inherited or caused by an environmental factor.

2. An attack of pneumonia in a patient would be a strong (contraindication/indication) against the use of a general anaesthetic.

3. The abrupt worsening of symptoms or recurrence of disease is called (aggravation/relief).

4. Perforation of an abdominal organ in case of peritonitis produces sudden (mild/severe) abdominal pain.


VIII. Choose the verbs to be used with the nouns:

to follow; to void; to cause; to aggravate; to congest; to radiate; to soothe; to exhaust; to complain of


the lungs; the patient; death; regimen; urine; sore throat; the condition; to the lower back; acute pain; nose


IX. Mix and match:

1. An accumulation of blood within an organ which is the result of back pressure within its veins 2. A disease or condition arising during the course of or as a consequence of another disease 3. The body’s response to injury, which may be acute or chronic 4. A return of disease symptoms after recovery had apparently been achieved 5. Medical treatment that gives temporary relief from symptoms of such diseases as cancer, but does not actually cure the disease 6. A written direction from a registered medical practitioner to a pharmacist for preparing and dispensing a drug 7. The reflex action of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth a) relapse   b) complication   c) prescription   d) inflammation   e) emesis   f) congestion   g) palliation


X.Mind the difference in usage of the following words “pain”, “ache”, “hurt”, “sore”:


Achen боль. The noun ache is generally used in compound nouns, such as: headache, toothache, heartache, earache, stomachache, backache, e.g. I had a terrible toothache all night.

Pain – The English for «боль» in all other cases is pain, e.g. He fell on a slippery road and when he tried to get up he felt a sharp pain in his leg (arm, side, back etc.)

Achev болеть, ныть (of a continuous, dull pain).

e.g. My tooth is aching again. I have to go to the dentist.

e.g. My back has been aching the whole day. I must have been sitting in a draft (сквозняк).

Hurt – The Russian “болеть” may also be rendered in English by the verb to hurt which implies pain caused by contact with a sore spot, either internal or external.

e.g. I cut my finger a week ago and it still hurts (when I try to use it).

I had a tooth pulled out a few days ago but the gum still hurts when I chew.

My eyes ache all the time; I probably need stronger glasses.

Sore – The English for “у меня болит горло” is: I have a sore throat.

e.g. I have a sore throat when I swallow.

(“Common difficulties for students of English.” R.N. Razumovskaya)


Translate the following using “to ache”, “to hurt”, “to be sore”, “ache”, “pain”:

1. У меня всю ночь болело ухо.

2. После экскурсии у него болели ноги, так как он был на ногах весь день.

3. Больной пожаловался на боль в правом боку.

4. Врач спросил, болит ли у меня когда-нибудь живот после еды.

5. Я сильно ушиб колено вчера, и оно ещё болит (ноет).

6. Когда я хожу, колено болит, а когда лежу спокойно, оно не болит.

7. Не ешь мороженого, если у тебя болит горло.

8. Если я долго читаю, у меня начинают болеть глаза. Наверное, мне нужно носить очки.

9. Когда зубной врач дотронулся до моего больного зуба, боль была невыносима.

10. Когда у меня болит голова, я обычно принимаю таблетку и пью горячий чай.

11. У меня так болит спина, что я ничего не могу надеть. Я слишком долго лежала на солнце вчера и сильно обгорела.

(“Common difficulties for students of English.” R.N. Razumovskaya)


XI. A. Please, find in the dictionary the meanings of the words describing “Pain”:

· gnawing [΄nɔ:iŋ] pain

· burning [΄bən:iŋ] pain

· stabbing [΄stæbiŋ] pain

· aching [΄eikiŋ] pain

· throbbing [΄θrɔbiŋ] pain

· sharp [∫a:p] pain

· recurrent [ri΄kΛrənt] pain

· violent [΄vaiələnt] pain

· steady [΄stedi] pain

· cramping [΄kræmpiŋ] pain

· dull pain [d ^ l]

· excruciating [iks΄kru:∫ieitiŋ] pain

· tingling [`tinglin] pain

· unbearable [Λn΄beərəbl] pain


Read and translate the following sentences incorporating words describing pain:


1. Excruciating pain unrelieved by opioids indicates vascular lesion, e.g. bowel infaction or rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

2. In the classical type of migraine, headache is unilateral and throbbing incharacter.

3. Malignant chest wall pain due to lung cancer or rib metastases is typically dull,

aching, or gnawing in nature.

4. Unlike ischaemic pain, neuropathic pain is not usually confined to the foot, and is often associated with burning and tingling sensation.

5. Pleuritis pain is typically sharp, stabbing and always intensified by inspiration or coughing.

6. More severe attacks of cystitis are often associated with the painful passage of blood in the urine, which is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

7. A toothache is severe and continuous and results in gnawing or throbbing pain, or sharp or shooting pains are common symptoms of an abscessed tooth.

8. Patients often use terms such as thumping, pounding, fluttering, jumping, racing and skipping to describe palpitation.



B. Choose at least three common conditions and make a note of how patients would describe pain in English:


C. Study the table “Description of pain”



Patient's description of pain Explanation  
aching / an ache a general pain, often in muscles and joints  
boring like a drill
burning with heat
colicky an intermittent pain which varies in intensity, comes and goes in waves
crampy/cramp an involuntary spasmodic muscle contraction
crushing a feeling ofpressure
dull a background pain, opposite of sharp
gnawing biting
gripping a feeling of tightness
scalding like boiling water
sharp acute
stabbing like a knife
stinging sharp, burning, like an insect sting
throbbing with a pulse or beat


D.Complete the sentences. Look at the table above and fill in the gaps:

1 Gastric ulcers are associated with a …..1….. …..2….. pain.

2 Cystitis causes ……1….. …..2…… pain on passing urine.

3 Patients with a peptic ulcer may say they have a ……1….. …..2…… pain.

4 Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) may be described as......1......or......2.......

5 Migraine is often described as a........................ pain.

6 People with osteoarthritis often complain of a deep....................centred in the joint.

7 Kidney stone pain is sudden, severe and......................

8 Angina is usually described as a …..1…… or heavy or.......2........ pain.


(Professional English in Use, Medicine, Cambridge; pp 103, 144)


XII.Read and translate one-rooted words:

· to inflame, inflamed, inflammable, inflammatory, inflammation

· to complicate, complicated, complicating, complication

· to palliate, palliative, palliation

· to exhaust, exhausted, exhausting, exhaustion, exhaustible, exhaustive

· to follow, followed by, following, follow-up, to follow-up

· to convalesce, convalescence, convalescent

· to relieve, relieved, relieving, relief

· to aggravate, aggravated, aggravating, aggravation

· vulnerable, vulnerably, vulnerability

· to palpate, palpation, palpable, impalpable, palpably


XIII. Match the antonyms:

remission, on exertion, to precede, favourable, to fall ill, constipation, severe, inmate, to do harm, healthy, congenital, to improve, to rise, to appear, indication

adverse, diarrhea, out-patient, aggravation, to fall, sick, at rest, to benefit, to follow, to disappear, to recover, acquired, to drop, exacerbation, mild, to become worse, contraindication


XIV. What do the following adjectives describe? Complete the sentences below. Choose from the following.

anxious barking bitter confused creamy
double faint foul hawking husky light nauseating
numb offensive pinkish pounding salty slimy sour
stiff stinky sweet tense throbbing tingling
transparent unclear weak wheezing woozy


1. My sight is _ blurry _, _______, _______,__________

2. I feel _______, _______, ________,___________

3. My headache is ________, ________, __________,__________

4. My leg feels ________, ________, __________,___________

5. His cough sounds ________, __________, ________, _________.

6. Food tastes ________, ________, _________, __________.

7. The discharge smells ________, ________, _________, _________.

8. The discharge is ________, ________, ________, _________.

(“Test Your Professional English Medical.” by Alison Pohl, Penguin English Guides)


XV. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

o to feel faint with hunger

o a double dose

o to lead to wheezing

o barking cough

o offensive smell

o to be in a confused state

o husky voice

o throbbing pain

o stinky purulent discharge

o transparent cornea

o marked blurring of vision


XVI. Render from Russian into English:

Ø вязкий, слизистый

Ø тревожный

Ø кислый

Ø вонючий, отвратительный

Ø отхаркивающий, откашливающий

Ø слабый, легкий

Ø свистящий, хрипящий

Ø онемевший


XVII. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. There is a stinky smell of cats in here.

2. Neurapraxia results in tingling, numbness and weakness.

3. People with high scores in neuroticism are anxious and intense and more prone to develop neurosis.

4. The main symptoms of oesophagitis are heartburn, regurgitation of bitter fluid, and sometimes difficulty in swallowing.

5. In case of osteoarthritis the joints are painful and stiff with restricted movement.

6. Paraesthesiae is spontaneously occurring abnormal tingling sensations, sometimes described as “ pins and needles ”.

7. He felt faint from lack of food.

8. When person’s voice is difficult to hear and breathy, as if the throat were dry, we say that it is husky.

9. My heart pounded with excitement.

10. The air in this room is foul; open the window.


XVIII. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box:

stink; woozy; foul; transparent; faint; stiff; husky; numb; hawk; tingling


1. I gulped down some water to take the ….. taste out of my mouth.

2. “I have a sore throat” – the patient said in a …… whisper.

3. She fell down in a dead ….. at the autopsy.

4. When used informally, to … means to cough up phlegm.

5. Hydrogen sulfide has a ….. of rotten eggs.

6. The anesthetic had made his whole face go ……..

7. A nervous ……. ran down her spine.

8. If a part of your body is …… and your muscles hurt, it is very difficult to move.

9. You may feel ….. that is weak and unsteady after an attack of the grippe.

10. The word opposite to “opaque” is ……..


XIX.Match the words close in meaning (mind that there may be more than one synonym):

advanced, to treat, severe, unfavourable, attack, disease, to cause, to auscultate, to examine, to recover, pain, to involve, doctor, to respond, developed, attending doctor, remedy, to spread to, to aggravate, to relieve, to be ill, check-up, to recur


vulnerable, onset, to listen to, ache, to manage, illness, to convalesce, physician, to radiate, physic, neglected, malady, to impair, bad, GP, to produce, to affect, adverse, to evaluate, to react, to exacerbate, episode, internist, ward doctor, physical examination acquired, to be afflicted, to induce, to disturb, to assess, doctor in charge, to soothe, to bring about, drug, to relapse, easily hurt


XX. Learn more new medical terms.

a) Match the common name for a disease with its medical equivalent.

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