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XVIII. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

The Political System of the United States of America | IV. Discuss the following points. | VIII. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right. | XI. Answer these questions, giving your reasons. | II. Read and translate the text. | XVI. Some verbs are not used in progressive forms. Choose the correct tense (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Present Continuous). | I. New words and word combinations | IX. Read and translate. It is interesting to know. | XV. Turn the following into Past Perfect Continuous. Add other words indicating a past moment as in the model. | II. Read the dialogue in pairs and dramatize it. Pay attention to the intonation. |

Читайте также:
  1. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  2. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  3. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  4. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  5. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  6. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  7. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.

1. Somebody told the cadets to wait outside. 2. She promised him this judicial magazine. 3. Police arrested a robber 2 days ago. 4. They will certainly forgive you. 5. Cadets frequently make this mistake. 6. They still deny woman the right to vote in some countries. 7. The court gave him a life sentence.

XIX. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1. We told her to be quick. 2. She will look after the little girl well. 3. What questions did the examiner set? 4. They will take her to hospital tomorrow. 5. Didn't the investigator tell you to be in the police station by six o'clock? 6. They turned my offer down. 7. This is a good idea, but one cannot carry it out in practice. 8. They will complet the building next month. 9. The Cargo Officer found the missing packages. 10. The detectives use special means, methods and forms of crime investigation.

XX. Translate into English.

1.Читальний зал провітрюється чотири рази на день. 3. Ця фабрика була збудована десять років тому. 4. Підручники продаватимуться завтра. 5. Коли було видано цю книжку? 6. Їй дали українсько- англійський словник. 7. Йому запропонували квиток на концерт. 8. Вам заплатять за цю роботу завтра. 9. Їм наказали залишити зал. 10. Солдатам було наказано переправитися через річку. 11. Її попросили заспівати цю пісню ще раз. 12. Мене запитали, чи ми підемо до театру. 13. Якщо мене запитають, я їм все розкажу. 14. Це питання зараз обговорюється на зборах. 15. Коли я зайшов до залу, це питання обговорювалося. 16. Його слухали дуже уважно. 17. Місто було зруйновано, перш ніж ми прибули туди. 18. Учитель сказав, що наші диктанти вже перевірені. 19. За дітьми доглянуть. 20. Про цю подію багато говорять.

Text В

I. New words and combination of words.

network – мережа, зв’язок

framework – структура, рамки, межі

trafficking – торгівля людьми

CTD(Counter-Trafficking Department) – Департамент боротьби зі злочинами, пов’язаними з торгівлею людьми

NGO (Non-governmental organization) - НУО (неурядова організація)

MoI (Ministry of Interior) - МВС (Міністерство внутрішніх справ)

MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - МЗС (Міністерство закордонних справ)

MID (Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Interior)-

ГСУ (Головне слідче управління Міністерства внутрішніх справ)

SSU (Security Service of Ukraine)- СБУ (Служба безпеки України)

PSA (Public Service Announcement) - СР (Соціальна реклама)

counter- trafficking - протидія торгівлі людьми, боротьба з

торгівлею людьми

II. Read the text. Pay special attention to the words and phrases in bold.


A networking process is one of the main aspects of any project. Each network uses an individual framework. Usually, a network group consists of counter- trafficking and law enforcement experts and representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament, and a number of InternationalOrganizations (IOs) and NGOs. The network group meets four times a year in order to discuss the project and research findings, exchange relevant information and provide recommendations for counter- strategies addressing the problem.

The network group starts preparatory activities. During the meetings the participants exchange information about the project and provide their opinions on the information gathering tools for the framework. Meetings focus on the presentation and discussions of the preliminary findings and observations of the project’s research component. The findings indicate a variety of answers. The network group recommends development of common legislative tools. Participants of the meetings decide to establish a multi- agency coordination group to address the problem of trafficking. The structure of the coordination group is very important. The coordination group consists of several departments. The network group manages the networking process at this stage; it controls the mechanisms of cooperation between the partner organizations.

The participants discuss the recommendations of the network group and present their conclusions.


III. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of activities does the network group start?

2. What do the meetings focus on?

3. What problems do the participants of the meetings discuss?

4. What kind of networking activities do you know?

5. What helps you establish networking relations with your partners or partner organizations?

6. Do you personally represent any network groups?

IV. Your organization is participating in a project within a counter- trafficking framework. You will need to collect as much information as possible about your partner organizations in different countries and their contact details. You will also need to arrange a network group meeting.


Make a telephone call to your colleague to talk about a network group meeting for the upcoming project.

A: You want to do the following during the phone call:

1) Note down when and where the network group meeting will take place.

2) Suggest that these people attend the meeting:

Irina Pavlovskaya, telephone number (095) 249 08 16;

Bozena Lenat, telephone number (361) 108 08 57.

They are country representatives for Russia and Slovenia. Their participation is crucial for establishing the future network.

B: You want to do the following during the phone call:

1) Tell your colleague when and where the network group is meeting.

Details are as follows:

Location: Commercial Institute

19 Langdon Street


Date/time: Friday, 29th August, at 13.00

2) Note down the names and phone numbers of two people you need to invite to the meeting.


Write an enquiry to the Interpol asking for contact details of one of your prospective partners.

V.Which of the following are good ways of dealing with conflict in a negotiation? Discuss with a partner.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав

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I. New words and word combinations| II. Read and translate the text. Pay special attention to the words and phrases.

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