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XI. Answer these questions, giving your reasons.

Kinds of Cases | III. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions | VII. Insert Participle I or Participle II of the verbs in brackets. | State Structure of Ukraine | X. Make up five sentences from each table. | The Political System of the United Kingdom | VI. Translate into Ukrainian. | X. Make up five sentences from each table. | The Political System of the United States of America | IV. Discuss the following points. |

Читайте также:
  1. A Decide which of these statements are true (T) or false (F).
  3. A new book predicts that climate change is likely to be abrupt and cataclysmic—and that these sudden shifts could cripple national economies.
  4. A) Look at this extract from a TV guide and the photo and answer the questions.
  5. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  6. A) Try to answer these questions.
  7. A. Read the extract below and answer the questions.

1. A man says “ I’ve lived in London for ten years. ”Is he living there when he says this? 2. Somebody says “ I’ve been married to Arnold for six years, and I was married to Bella for nine years.” Which one he or she still married to? 3. A woman says “ I worked for this company for eight years.” Does she still worked for the company? 4. You are in England. A friend says “How long are you here for? “Does the person want to know when your visit started, or when it will end? How would he or she express the other meaning? 5. He says “I spent three years in the army.” Is he still in the army?

XII. Finished or unfinished time?

1. After I got home recently / lately; 2. ever / since I had lunch; 3. this afternoon / five years ago; 4. for the last two days / for the last year 5. always / this month; 6. in 1945 / up to now; 7. never / today; 8. a day before yesterday / when I was six.

XIII. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Слідчий розкрив злочин по ухиленню від сплати податків та передав справу до суду місяць тому.2. Правоохоронні органи зупинили зловживання посадовими особами в сфері трудового законодавства.3. Сенатори відхилили законопроект про економічну допомогу країнам на території яких є ядерна зброя.4. Минулого четверга суд не прийняв до уваги свідчення третьої сторони.

XIV. Make up five sentences from each table.

I do not learn German.
He does not go to school on Sunday.
She (doesn’t) play hockey in summer.
We (don’t) like this film.
You   read that newspaper.
They   work here.
Had I learned the poem   by Monday?  
He decorated the building   by that time?  
She washed the dishes by the time you came?
We moved there    
You seen her    
They prepared the report  


I said   that if I had finished school.  
He thought   He built the plant.  
She wrote   She bought a tape recorder.  
We asked We left Far East.  
You   You won the game.  
They   They solved the problem.

Unite 6

Text A. Law - making in Great Britain.

Text B. Law - making Process in the USA.


Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Text А.

I. New words and word combinations

to introduce a bill – винести на розгляд законопроект

to amend – вносити поправки

to consider- розглядати

to alter- змінювати

to examine in detail – ретельно розглядати

to pass a bill- прийняти законопроект

to curtail – скорочувати, обмежувати

reigning monarch – правлячий монарх

royal assent – королівська санкція

purely- чистий, без домішок

merely- майже

consent- згода

persistent- наполегливий

popular- актуальний

Statute Law – писаний закон

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав

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VIII. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right.| II. Read and translate the text.

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