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I. New words and word combinations

X. Make up five sentences from each table. | The Political System of the United States of America | IV. Discuss the following points. | VIII. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right. | XI. Answer these questions, giving your reasons. | II. Read and translate the text. | XVI. Some verbs are not used in progressive forms. Choose the correct tense (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Present Continuous). | I. New words and word combinations | IX. Read and translate. It is interesting to know. | XV. Turn the following into Past Perfect Continuous. Add other words indicating a past moment as in the model. |

Читайте также:
  2. A syntactic word-group is a combination of words forming one part of the sentence.
  3. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  4. A) Complete the gaps with the words from the box.
  5. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  6. A) Pronunciation drill. Pronounce the words, then look at the given map and fill in the table below.
  7. A) time your reading. It is good if you can read it for four minutes (80 words per minute).

to distinguish – розрізняти, встановити

fingerprint identificftion - ідентифікація відбитків пальців

palmprint identification - ідентифікація відбитків долоні

process of comparing - процес порівняння

skin ridge impressions - папілярні візерунки

impressions - відбиток

friction – тертя, дотик

to be identical - бути однаковим

immediately - негайно

individualization - індивідуалізація

to occur - траплятися

printer’s ink roll - чорнильний ролик для зняття відбитків

digital - цифровий

latent print - сховані відбитки

surface - поверхня

powder – пудра, порошок

to be receptive - бути сприйнятливим

perspiration - потіння, піт

to undergo,(underwent, undergone) - випробовувати, проходити, переносити

pliability of the skin - еластичність шкіри

slippage – картка (з відбитком)

to be duplicated - бути аналогічним, запасним

to achive – досягнути

II. Read and translate the text.


Some animals and fishes have their own unique prints.

According to one study, even with an electron microscope, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between the fingerprints of an animal and a human.

Fingerprint identification (sometimes referred to as dactyloscopy or palmprint identification is the process of comparing questioned and known friction skin ridge impressions from fingers or palms to determine if the impressions are from the same finger or palm. The flexibility of friction ridge skin means that no two finger or palm prints are ever exactly alike (never identical in every detail), even two impressions recorded immediately after each other. Fingerprint identification (also referred to as individualization) occurs when an expert (or an expert computer system operating under threshold scoring rules) determines that two friction ridge impressions originated from the same finger or palm (or toe, sole) to the exclusion of all others.

A known print is the intentional recording of the friction ridges, usually with black printer's ink rolled across a contrasting white background, typically a white card. Friction ridges can also be recorded digitally using a technique called Live- Scan. A latent print is the chance reproduction of the friction ridges deposited on the surface of an item. Latent prints are often fragmentary and may require chemical methods, powder, or alternative light sources in order to be visualized.

When friction ridges come in contact with a surface that is receptive to a print, material on the ridges, such as perspiration, oil, grease, ink, etc. can be transferred to the item. The factors which affect friction ridge impressions are numerous, thereby requiring examiners to undergo extensive and objective study in order to be trained to competency. Pliability of the skin, deposition pressure, slippage, the matrix, the surface, and the development medium are just some of the various factors which can cause a latent print to appear differently from the known recording of the same friction ridges. Indeed, the conditions of friction ridge deposition are unique and never duplicated. This is another reason why extensive and objective study is necessary for examiners to achieve competency.

Print Types

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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II. Read the dialogue in pairs and dramatize it. Pay attention to the intonation.| XVIII. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

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