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II. Read the dialogue in pairs and dramatize it. Pay attention to the intonation.

VI. Translate into Ukrainian. | X. Make up five sentences from each table. | The Political System of the United States of America | IV. Discuss the following points. | VIII. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right. | XI. Answer these questions, giving your reasons. | II. Read and translate the text. | XVI. Some verbs are not used in progressive forms. Choose the correct tense (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Present Continuous). | I. New words and word combinations | IX. Read and translate. It is interesting to know. |

Читайте также:
  1. A Listen to the dialogue. Match the columns to form the dialogue.
  2. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  3. Act a dialogue between Soapy and the umbrella owner in the cigar store.
  4. Act a dialogue between Sue and Johnsy.
  5. Act out the dialogue.
  6. Analyse the verbal means used by the author, paying special attention to figurative language.
  7. Assignment 15. Translate into English paying attention to the underlined words and phrases.

Mr. Brown was stopped by the police because he was driving too fast on a London road.

POLICE: Please, pull into the side of the road… You have violated the traffic rules. Give me your driver’s license.
DRIVER: Here it is.
POLICE: Why didn't you stop when we first signalled?
DRIVER: Did you signal more than once, then?
POLICE: What do you think? Of course we did. Only you didn't see us because you were speeding. That's why.
DRIVER: Was I? I'm sorry about that. What's the speed limit on this road?
POLICE: Don't you know? The speed limit is 60 kph on this street.
DRIVER: Was I doing more than that, then?
POLICE: What do you think? Of course you were. You were doing more than 100 kph.
DRIVER: Was I? I'm sorry about that.
POLICE: I'm afraid I shall have to charge you with an offence under the Road Traffic Act and I’m going to take your driver’s license.
DRIVER: Will I have to pay a fine? Will I have my licence endorsed? I haven’t any endorsements till now.
POLICE: That's for the Court to decide. You can get your driver’s license in the police- station of the State Autoinspection at the following address: Walton street, 126. And now I must draw up a statement of the offence.


III. Translate into English:

1. Швидкість обмежена до... км на годину. 2. Посвідчення на право управління автомобілем. 3. Проколи в талоні. 4. Правила дорожнього руху.

IV. Make up sentences of your own, using the following terms and expressions:

to violate the (traffic) rules;

the speed limit;

a driver’s license;

the State Autoinspection.

V. The Magistrate questions Mr Brown at Court. He asks him:

1. What his name/address is;

2. If he is the owner of a vehicle, registration number NLD 953S;

3. If he was driving at 80 kph on the night of 9 April 19… down Lyndale Avenue;

4. Whether he has anything to say in his own defence.

VI. Translate into English, using Complex Object:

1. Я хочу, щоб ти мені допоміг. 2. Ми хочемо, щоб він приїхав до нас. 3. Я терпіти не можу, коли ти запізнюєшся. 4. Він хотів би, щоб ти не говорив цього. 5. Я думаю, що вони зараз у Києві. 6. Не вважайте його злочинцем. 7. Всі сподівались, що потяг прийде вчасно. 8. Поліція припускала, що вони винні. 9. Він уявляв її більш серйозною. 10. Ніхто не чекав, що цю роботу закінчать вчасно.

VII. Translate into English, using Complex Object:

1. Не примушуйте її плакати.2. Дозволь мені дати тобі пораду.3. Вчитель дозволив учням піти додому.4. Я хочу примусити їх виконати обіцянку.5. Офіцер наказав, щоб солдати почистили зброю.6. Менеджер порадив, щоб я взяв кредит.7. Ми не дозволяємо, щоб складали ці речі.8. Я чув, як ви дали йому добру пораду.9. Він спостерігав, як вона говорила з незнайомцем.10. Вона відчула, як змінився його настрій.

VIII. Transform the following simple sentences into one, using Objective Infinitive Complex:

1. The animal’s behavior became dangerous. They felt it. 2. The weather changed. We observe it. 3. Tom saw his friend. He crossed the street. 4.The wind blew off his head. I saw it. 5. He called my name. I heard it. 6. The boy jumped into the river. She watched him. 7. Her voice trembled. He felt it. 8. He began to laugh. I heard it. 9. They approached the house. 10. The telephone rang. The old man didn’t hear it.

IX. Translate into Ukrainian, pay attention to Subjective Infinitive Complex:

1. What am I expected to answer? 2. They aren’t supposed to take part in this conference. 3. The new invention is considered to be applied in some days. 4. He was believed to be preparing a report. 5. This student is believed to know four foreign languages. 6. Children were supposed to have stayed in the country house. 7. He is considered to have finished his scientific researches. 8. She is said to be a very kind woman.

X. Transform the following sentences, using Complex Subject:

1. It seemed she was working hard. 2. They are very happy. It seems so. 3. It didn’t seem that the question had been solved. 4. It turned out that the translation of this text was uneasy. 5. It appeared that we have lost the way in the darkness. 6. It happened that she was stopped by the police. 7. It seems that they are looking for something. 8. It turned out that my watch was wrong.

XI. Translate into English, using Subjective Infinitive Complex:

1. Підозрюють, що він вчинив злочин. 2. Відомо,що він був найпопулярнішим письменником свого часу. 3. Виявилось, що він змінив свою адресу. 4. Здається, це питання зараз обговорюють. 5. Безперечно, вона не змінить своєї думки. 6. Можливо, він ніколи не повернеться назад. 7. Здається, ця людина завжди у доброму гуморі. 8. Повідомляють, що погода протягом доби не зміниться.

XII. Transform Subjective Infinitive Complex instead Objective Infinitive Complex:

1. We heard her sing a Russian folk song. 2. I saw him put his coat on. 3. They heard the clock strike nine. 4. We saw the rider disappear in the distance. 5. We saw the plane take off. 6. They expected him to return in a fortnight. 7. We know her to be a talented actress. 8. Everybody considered him to be a great man. 9. Everybody supposed him to be a foreigner. 10. I expect the telegram to be sent tomorrow.

XIII. Make up sentences of your own with the following expressions, using the Subjective and the Objective Infinitive Complexes:

to prove guilt; to prove innocence;

to get a university degree (in law); to be memorised;

to become a lawyer; to practice as a lawyer;

to set rules (for); to be sure of smb.’s guilt;

to take care of smb./smth.; to pay damages.

Text C

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав

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XV. Turn the following into Past Perfect Continuous. Add other words indicating a past moment as in the model.| I. New words and word combinations

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