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Exercise 6. Approve or disapprove the following statements.

TYPES OF TUMOURS | Exercise 4. Give adjectives to the following nouns. Translate into Ukrainian. | Exercise 4. Read the definitions and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. | Exercise 8. Answer the following questions. | Exercise 15. Translate into English paying attention to the Participles. | Exercise 10. Open the brackets | B) Complex Object (Objective Infinitive Construction) | Solving the clinical problem | CARDIO-VASCULAR DRUGS | Exercise 8. Choose one or more words from list B to modify the verbs from list A so as to make sense. Translate the word combinations into Ukrainian. |

Читайте также:
  1. A brief survey of control statements.
  2. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  3. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  4. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  5. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  6. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  7. A) Read the following text.

1. Injuries are far too common for some people.

2. At some point in most of our lives, we will receive a wound.

3. Whether major or minor, any injury that tears flesh is not only painful, but dangerous.

4. The simplest puncture can breed tetanus, and a small cut can turn septic with infection.

5. Knowing the basics of what types of wounds are more serious than others can help you treat them.

6. As mentioned above, any wound can be serious, no matter how small, if ignored.

7. In the case of punctures, a thorough cleansing and an update on your tetanus shot is a must.

8. Deep cuts, where blood is pumping with each heartbeat, need not an immediate call to 911.

9. Burns that are charred or where underlying tissues are exposed also need immediate medical attention.

10. In the case of any serious wound, seek professional medical treatment immediately.


Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Відомо, що рана – це пошкодження шкіри, слизової оболонки чи глибокої тканини, що супроводжується болем та кровотечею і має вигляд зяючого отвору.

2. Рани бувають: вогнепальні, різані, рубані, колоті, вдарені, рвані, вкушені, розміжчені.

3. Вогнепальні рани виникають внаслідок кульового або осколкового поранення. Вони бувають: наскрізні, якщо є вхідні і вихідні ранові отвори; сліпі, якщо куля або осколок застряє у тканині тіла та дотичні, якщо куля або осколок пошкоджує шкіру і м’які тканини тіла, але не застряє в них.

4. Різані і колоті рани мають невелику зону пошкоджень, рівні краї, стінки ран зберігають життєздатність, дуже кровоточать, менше піддаються інфікуванню.

5. Колоті проникаючі рани при невеликій зоні пошкодження шкіри чи слизової оболонки можуть мати значну глибину і бути дуже небезпечними через пошкодження внутрішніх органів і занесення до них інфекції.

6. Рубані рани бувають різної глибини, з удареними місцями і розміжченими м’якими тканинами тіла.

7. Вкушені рани завжди інфіковані слиною.

8. Рани можуть бути поверхневими або проникаючими в порожнину черепа, грудну клітку, черевну порожнину. Проникаючі рани найнебезпечніші.

Exercise 11. Explain the following term in English in 5 sentences:

Closed wound, contusion, hematoma.



Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and translate the new words:

Insufficient [insʌ'fi:ʃiənt], throughout [Өru:̀aut], severe [si’vi:ə], lack of smth [‘læk], frightening [‘fraitniɳ], shallow [‘ʃæləu], clammy [‘klæmi], to stare [‘stɛə], anxiety [əɳg’zaiəti], agitation [,æʤi’teiʃn], bluish [blu:iʃ], dehydration [dihai’dreiʃn], consciousness [‘konʃəsnis].

Exercise 2. Learn the following words:

A lack of – брак чогось

Frightening – лякаючий, жахливий

Shallow – неглибокий, поверховий

Clammy – липкий; холодний та вологий на дотик

Fainting – непритомність

To stare – витріщатися

Agitation – хвилювання

Unresponsiveness - несприйнятність

Irreversible – незворотній

To mediate – бути проміжною ланкою

Exercise 3. Find the corresponding equivalents:

1. a life-threatening medical condition 2. to complain of thirst 3. blood flow to vital organs 4. the ABCs 5. prompt treatment 6. an emergency department 7. blood transfusions 8. to respond well to medical treatment 9. the underlying cause 10. a mortality rate 1. переливання крові 2. відділенні невідкладної допомоги 3. раннє лікування 4. першопричина 5. скаржитися на спрагу 6. смертність 7. стан, що загрожує життю 8. повітряні шляхи, дихання, кровообіг 9. добре реагувати на лікування 10. потік крові до життєвих органів

Exercise 4. Match the following terms with their definitions:

  1. Agitation
  1. Fainting
  1. Confusion
  1. Shallow breathing
  1. Clammy skin
1. Appearance of a blue or purple coloration of the skin or mucous membranes of the skin surface being low on oxygen. 2. A temporary loss of consciousness. You lose muscle control and may fall down. 3. Emotional state of excitement or restlessness 4. Breathing with abnormally low tidal volume. 5. the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something

Exercise 5. Translate the word-combinations into your native language:

Insufficient blood flow, immediate treatment, a traumatic or frightening emotional event, shallow breathing, confusion or unresponsiveness, bluish lips and fingernails, intra-abdominal infections, allergy to insect stings, congestive heart failure, spinal cord injury, to identify the underlying cause, a poor prognosis, in minor cases, prompt treatment, damage to a person's vital organs.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

Shock is a life-threatening medical condition as a result of insufficient blood flow throughout the body. Shock often accompanies severe injury or illness. Medical shock is a medical emergency and can lead to other conditions such as lack of oxygen in the body's tissues (hypoxia), heart attack (cardiac arrest) or organ damage. It requires immediate treatment as symptoms can worsen rapidly.

Medical shock is different than emotional or psychological shock that can occur following a traumatic or frightening emotional event.

The main symptom of shock is low blood pressure. Other symptoms include rapid, shallow breathing; cold, clammy skin; rapid, weak pulse; dizziness, fainting, or weakness.

Depending on the type of shock the following symptoms may also be observed: eyes appear to stare, anxiety or agitation, seizures, confusion or unresponsiveness, low or no urine output, bluish lips and fingernails, sweating, chest pain.

There are several types of shock:

Septic shock results from bacteria multiplying in the blood and releasing toxins. Common causes of this are pneumonia, intra-abdominal infections (such as a ruptured appendix) and meningitis.

Anaphylactic shock is a type of severe hypersensitivity or allergic reaction. Causes include allergy to insect stings, medicines or foods (nuts, berries, seafood), etc.

Cardiogenic shock happens when the heart is damaged and unable to supply sufficient blood to the body. This can be the end result of a heart attack or congestive heart failure.

Hypovolemic shock is caused by severe blood and fluid loss, such as from traumatic injury, which makes the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body.

Neurogenic shock (spinal cord trauma) is caused by spinal cord injury, usually as a result of a traumatic accident or injury.

Treatment for shock depends on the cause. Tests will determine the cause and severity. Usually IV fluids are administered in addition to medications that raise blood pressure.

Septic shock is treated with antibiotics and fluids. Septic shock is a serious condition with a mortality rate of 24%-50%. The sooner the infection is treated and fluids are administered, the greater the chances of success.

Anaphylactic shock is treated with diphenhydramine (Benadryl), epinephrine (an "Epi-pen"), and steroid medications (solu-medrol).

Cardiogenic shock is treated by identifying and treating the underlying cause. Cardiogenic shock has a poor prognosis, with only 1/3 of patients surviving. Because this type of shock results from injury or dysfunction of the heart it is often difficult to treat and overcome.

Hypovolemic shock is treated with fluids (saline) in minor cases, and blood transfusions in severe cases. Hypovolemic shock and anaphylactic shock respond well to medical treatment if initiated early.

Neurogenic shock is the most difficult to treat as spinal cord damage is often irreversible. Immobilization, anti-inflammatories such as steroids and surgery are the main treatments. Spinal shock also has a very poor prognosis because the spinal cord mediates for so many important bodily functions. There are currently very few effective treatments but medical research is making advances in the treatment of spinal injuries.

Shock prevention includes learning ways to prevent heart disease, injuries, dehydration and other causes of shock.

Medical shock is a medical emergency. If you suspect shock after an injury, even if the person seems stable get him to an emergency department immediately. Prompt treatment can save a person's life. The sooner shock is treated, the better. When treated quickly there is less risk of damage to a person's vital organs.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. What is shock?

2. What can medical shock lead to?

3. What is the main symptom of shock?

4. What other symptoms of shock can you name?

5. How many types of shock are there?

6. What does septic shock result from?

7. What is hypovolemic shock caused by?

8. What is a common treatment for shock?

9. Which two types of shock do not respond well to medical therapy? Why?

10. Which two types of shock respond well to medical therapy?

Exercise 8. Give the English equivalents:

Недостатній потік крові по тілу, супроводжувати важкі травми, брак кисню в тканинах тіла, швидко погіршуватися, поверхове дихання, спостерігати симптоми, синюшність губ та кінчиків пальців, відбуватися внаслідок, виділяти токсин, розрив апендикса, сильна чутливість, значна втрата рідини, підвищити кров’яний тиск, виявити першопричину, несприятливий прогноз, незначний та тяжкий випадки, підозрювати шоковий стан після травми, швидке лікування, пошкодження життєвоважливих органів людини.

Exercise 9. State whether the following statements true or false:

1. Shock often accompanies severe headache and migraine.

2. Medical shock is different than emotional or psychological shock that can occur following a birthday party event.

3. The main symptom of shock is low blood pressure.

4. Anaphylactic shock is a type of severe hypersensitivity or allergic reaction.

5. Hypovolemic shock is caused by severe weight loss.

6. Septic shock is treated with antibiotics and fluids.

7. Hypovolemic shock and anaphylactic shock do not respond to medical treatment if initiated early.

8. Neurogenicshock is the most difficult to treat as bone marrow damage is often irreversible.

9. There are currently very few effective treatments but medical research is making advances in space aircrafts.

10. Prompt treatment can save a person's life.

Exercise 10. Translate into English the words in the bold type:

1. Shock often супроводжує важкі травми or illness.

2. Other symptoms include швидке, поверхове дихання; cold, clammy skin; rapid, weak pulse.

3. Depending on the type of shock the following symptoms також можуть спостерігатися: eyes appear to stare, біль в грудній клітині, хвилювання, bluish lips and fingernails, confusion or unresponsiveness, мала кількість виділення сечі, пітливість, судоми.

4. Septic shock results from bacteria що розмножуються в крові and releasing toxins.

5. Hypovolemic shock is caused by severe blood and fluid loss, such as from traumatic injury, що робить серце неспроможнім накачувати кров по тілу.

6. Cardiogenic shock has несприятливий прогноз with only 1/3 of patients surviving.

7. Hypovolemic shock and anaphylactic shock добре реагують to medical treatment якщо розпочато на ранніх стадіях.

8. Spinal shock also has a very poor prognosis because спинний мозок є проміжною ланкою багатьох важливих функцій тіла.

9. Профілактика шоку includes learning ways to prevent heart disease, травми, зневоднення та інші причини шоку.

10. If you підозрюєте shock after an injury, even if the person seems stable get him to відділення невідкладної допомоги immediately.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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TYPES OF WOUNDS| B). Make up 5 questions to the text in a written form.

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