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Continuous Tenses. (active Voice, Affirmative form)

Читайте также:
  3. Find in the text the example of different Future Tenses, translate them into your language and explain the difference.
  5. Future Continuous
  6. Grammar: Active Tenses – Revision

(Active Voice, Affirmative Form)

to be + Participle I (Ving)

Present Past Future
I am I I shall be
He He He
She is She was She
It + Ving It + Ving It will be+ Ving
You You You
We are We were They
They They We shall be


I am examining a patient. – Я оглядаю хворого. My fellow-student is preparing for credit test in Anatomy at present. – Зараз мій однокурсник готується до заліку з анатомії. He was reading an article at 7 o'clock yesterday. – Він читав статтю вчора о 7 годині. They were carrying out very important experiment from 2 till 5 o'clock. – Вони проводили дуже важливий експеримент з 2 до 5. The surgeon will be operating on this patient at 11 o'clock tomorrow. – Хірург буде оперувати цього пацієнта завтра об 11 годині.


Ex. 8. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. Now some prominent scientists of Ukraine are working at the medical faculty of Kyiv University. 2. When Teresa was reading the abstract, William was preparing his lessons. 3. WHO is protecting mother and child health. 4. Knowledge of illness and the ability to treat it were growing rapidly. 5. The bone' structure will be changing rapidly. 6. The student will be learning the functions of the skeletal system from 5 till 6 o'clock tomorrow. 7. The red marrow in the limbs is replacing with yellow marrow.


Ex. 9. Turn the following sentences into Past and Future Continuous Tenses:

1. The physician is listening to the patient's heart and lungs. 2. The scientist is carrying out his experiment on bone growth. 3. The blood calcium is decreasing and the secretion of parathyroid hormone is increasing. 4. The surgeon is saving the patient's life. 5. The lecturer is demonstrating new film "The major functions of the vertebral column".

Ex. 10. Find the sentences containing Continuous Tenses. Read and translate them:

1. A strain is a stretching and tearing of muscle or tendon fibers. 2. He is splinting a victim. 3. Dislocations are caused by falls, sports injuries, motor-vehicle accidents, and underlying diseases. 4. They are applying a cold pack to a closed fracture. 5. At present the doctor is checking radial pulse on fractured extremity. 6. Strains are often caused by lifting something too heavy.


Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Зараз хірург проводить серйозну операцію на променевій кістці. 2. Медсестра ставила гірчичники цьому пацієнту вчора о 5 годині вечора. 3. Завтра з 11 до 12 травматолог буде оглядати вашу ногу. 4. У цей час він закінчує свій дослід. 5. Наші студенти зараз допомагають терапевту оглядати пацієнтів. 6. Подивіться, студенти нашої групи зараз читають додаткову літературу з цього предмету (on this subject).


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