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Vocabulary and Grammar. Task 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.

Читайте также:
  1. Active vocabulary
  4. Essential vocabulary
  6. Ex. 11. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.
  7. Ex. 15. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.

Task 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers (to stop) a drug smuggling attempt when they (to seize) more than 100 pounds of marijuana concealed in a vehicle attempting to enter the country. CBP officers (to screen) travelers at about 5:30 p.m. when they (to become) suspicious of a Pontiac Grand AM (to drive) by a 22-year-old man from Mexico. Using high-tech scanning tools, CBP officers (to search) the man’s vehicle and (to discover) that both bumpers and doors (to load) with packages of drugs. CBP officers (to detain) the vehicle and the marijuana. The man (to turn over) to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further investigation and prosecution.


Task 11. a)Match left and right and translate the text. Pay attention to the highlighted link-words. Think about the title for the text.

1.Transport costs depend primarily B a) are much costlier to use than a bus or train.
2.Reduced costs are generally achieved   b) on distance and on the amount of goods or the number of people being carried.
3.Savings are also realized   c) not lower costs but greater speed, convenience, or comfort.
4.For many movements of passengers and goods, however, the primary aim is   d) the actual movement of goods or people between terminals.
5.Such convenient modes as the private automobile or a taxicab, for example,   e) through the use of transportation modes that permit larger volumes or numbers to be moved.
6.The cost of transportation includes both   f) terminal costs and line-haul costs.
7.Terminal costs include   g) by using the capacity of a particular mode or vehicle.
8.Line-haul costs are those incurred in   h) assembling and distributing of passengers and goods and loading them onto/unloading from the vehicle.


Task 12. a) Read and translate the text.

Role of Intelligence

Reliable intelligence information is the key stone of successful law enforcement. Organized crime gangs have become highly sophisticated in protecting their operations, thus requiring a great effort on the part of law enforcement to uncover the clandestine activities.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Office of Intelligence was created to assist in the collection, analysis and distribution of drug intelligence on national and international levels. Selected foreign offices have intelligence units that supply narcotics intelligence information both domestically and internationally. Besides, DEA has established the El Paso Intelligent Center (EPIC) which provides comprehensive intelligence support, particularly in the areas of air and vessel interdiction to appropriate agencies. EPIC is staffed by representatives from DEA, U.S. Customs, U.S. Coast Guard, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Generally, the information that identifies individuals and gives the insight into organizations and their activities is the foundation upon which investigations are built.


b) Make up 5 questions of all types;


Task 13. a) Study the information in the table.

word meaning
SECURITY the things or people that protect sb/sth
SAFETY freedom from danger or harm
PROTECTION things that keep sb/sth from damage or crime

b) Choose the right verb.

1. For your own __________, please, do not smoke inside the plane.

2. The trial was held under tight __________.

3. The ___________ forces opened fire, killing two terrorists.

4. Lower speed limits are part of a new road __________ campaign.

5. There are strict __________ checks on everyone entering this zone.

6. CITES aims at providing __________ for threatened animals and plants.

7. The thief was caught on a __________ camera.

8. The new contract will give you more __________ at your job.

9. The travelers got to their destination under the __________ of a few soldiers.


Task 14. a) Insert prepositions, if necessary.

_____ the 1700s high duties _____ imported goods led _____ organized smuggling. This became a major problem as such luxuries as spirits, tobacco and tea were _____ great demand. Smugglers did their best to protect the goods _____ which they made large profits.

Customs officers were often outnumbered, poorly armed and unable to prevent _____ illicit operations. _____ September 1717 the Collector at Weymouth wrote that the smugglers “ride _____ companies _____ armed men, twenty to forty _____ number and are very dangerous _____ the officers especially _____ the night time”.

_____ many areas smugglers worked _____ gangs often centered _____ one family or a village. Sometimes whole families were involved _____ smuggling, including women and children. _____ the day many ____ the men worked _____ farm laborers or fishermen but smuggling provided extra income. They could earn as much _____ one night smuggling as they could _____ a week fishing or farming. Fishermen were also good _____ sailing and knew _____ all the shallows _____ the coastline.


b) Compare methods of smuggling nowadays and in the past.


Task 15. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Для какой цели создаются зоны свободной торговли?

2. Какие нарушения рассматриваются таможней?

3. Груз был задержан, так как документы были оформлены неправильно.

4. Завтра на встрече будут обсуждаться условия платежей.

5. Нам предложили пройти в зал досмотра.

6. Эти цифры в товарной накладной были изменены.

7. Расходы при хранении товаров на СВХ (склад временного хранения) оплачиваются импортером.

8. Эти собаки специально подготовлены для работы среди пассажиров.

9. В отношении этих товаров предоставляется освобождение от уплаты ввозных пошлин.



Task 16. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

The marking of goods is very important because an unmarked consignment may be mislaid at some stage and become practically untraceable. At the same time, marking should not reveal any excess information about the contents of the goods in order to avoid the risk of theft.

There are three principal types of marking on export packages:

a) the consignee’s marks, including the name of place of destination which serve as address on an envelope;

b) any official mark required by authorities of the country of export or import (the name of the country of origin of the goods, weight, dimensions);

c) special directions or warnings, i.e. instructions regarding manner of handling, loading, lifting and various warnings both for the owner’s and the carrier’s benefit.


b) Match left and right.

1. Handle with care   a) Осторожно – стекло!
2. Glass – with care A b) Хранить в прохладном месте!
3. Acid – with care   c) Держать вдали от нагревательных приборов
4. Fragile   d) Верхняя часть
5. To be kept cool   e) Осторожно!
6. Keep dry   f) Не складывать на палубе
7. Do not drop   g) Осторожно, кислота!
8. This side up   h) Осторожно, хрупкий груз!
9. Stow away from heat   j) Не бросать!
10. Do not stow on deck   k) Беречь от влаги


c) Think about the types of goods for which these markings could be used.



Task 18. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Транспортным прокурором направлено в суд уголовное дело в отношении бывшего инспектора отдела специальных таможенных процедур таможенного поста «Волошино».

Установлено, что преступления совершались по следующей схеме: в Россию ввозили автомобили иностранного производства по удостоверениям временного ввоза транспортного средства с последующим их, так называемым, «закрытием» в связи с вывозом, однако на самом деле автомобили оставались на территории РФ. После оформления фиктивного вывоза инспектором проводилось оформление карточки номерного агрегата на ввозимые детали кузова или двигателя автомобилей. На основании выданной инспектором карточки автомобили ставились на учёт в подразделениях МРЭО ГИБДД с выдачей нового ПТС с отметкой «замена двигателя и кузова».

Таким образом, производилась легализация контрабандно ввезённых автомобилей иностранного производства с уклонением от уплаты таможенных пошлин. Сумма не поступивших в бюджет государства платежей составила более 3 миллионов рублей.


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