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Ex. 11. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.

Читайте также:
  1. Active vocabulary
  4. Essential vocabulary
  6. Ex. 15. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Dosage; overdosage; to dose; correct dose; side effect; harmful effect; unwanted effect; healthcare professionals; to indicate; indications; contraindications; to prescribe; prescription; nonprescription medicine; action; interaction; breast milk; breast feeding; safely; safety; safe; newborn child; unborn child.

Ex. 13. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Properly; bought; capsule, lozenge; syrup; suppository; powder; dosage; gel; expiration; pharmacist; receive; substance; allergic; unusual; moisture; pregnancy.

Ex. 14. Read the following text:


The chemist's shop is one of the medical institutions. All medicines are ordered or bought at a chemist's shop. The state large chemist's shops as a rule have two departments. They are the hand department and prescription one. The medicines are kept in drug cabinets. It is important to store all medicines properly, because heat or moisture may cause the medicine to break down. At the chemist's shop we can buy tablets (lozenges), capsules, ointments, drops, syrups, suppositories, powders, topical solutions, creams, gels, and drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections.

If you use an over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine, follow the directions on the label. Every medicine has instruction for using where the indications, contraindications, dosage, side effects, expiration date and others are indicated.

Before a patient leaves the chemist's shop with a medicine, the pharmacist must be certain that he/she has the right medication, correct dose, and directions for use. The pharmacist also has to provide information about how the drug works and side effects and ensure that there are no contraindications to the medicine and no harmful drug-drug, drug-food, or drug-disease interactions. The pharmacist is usually the last healthcare professional to have contact with patients before they receive their medicines. He/She is the final step in a system of checks and balances designed to ensure that medicines are used safely and effectively. So, before you use any medicine, the pharmacist and the doctor have to know:

- if you have ever had an allergic or unusual reaction to any medicine, food, or other substances;

- if you are on a low-salt, low-sugar, or any other special diet;

- if you are pregnant or if you plan to become pregnant. Certain medicines may cause birth defects or other problems in the unborn child. The use of any medicine during pregnancy must be carefully considered;

- if you are breast feeding. Some medicines may pass into the breast milk and cause unwanted effects in the baby;

- if you have any medical problems;

- if you are now taking or have taken any medicines in the past few weeks. Don’t forget over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicines such as aspirin, laxatives, and antacids.


Ex. 15. Translate into English:

Зберігати медикаменти відповідним чином; рецептурний відділ; безрецептурний відділ; спричиняти небажаний ефект; мати алергію до медикаментів; внутрішньовенна ін’єкція; внутрішньом’язова ін’єкція; ефективно застосувати медикаменти; вказувати відповідне дозування; побічний ефект; медпрацівники; розчин для місцевого застосування; забезпечити відповідною інформацією.

Ex. 16. Arrange the words with opposite meaning into the pairs:

Harmful, indication, artificial feeding, final, correct, born, state-owned, breast feeding, incorrect, harmless, unborn, contraindication, private, primary.

Ex. 17. Translate the text “Chemist’s Shop” into Ukrainian.

Ex. 18. Complete the following sentences with the given words:

1. Doctors write a _ for medicine which chemists or pharmacists make up. (a) certification; b) prescription; c) receipt; d) recipe). 2. A chemist always puts a _ on a bottle of medicine. (a) label; b) receipt; c) program; d) ticket). 3. All medicines should be _ out of reach of children. (a) stored; b) taken; c) kept; d) held). 4. It’s time to take another _ of medicine. (a) cup; b) dose; c) drink; d) spoon). 5. The medicine he takes can only _ the pain. (a) heal; b) remedy; c) relieve; d) solve). 6. The medicine was so _ that he could restore his health within a few days. (a) effective; b) efficient; c) influential; d) proficient).

Ex. 19. Divide the following forms of drugs into the three groups ( 1. taken by mouth; 2. injected into the body; 3. applied to the body surface):

Capsules; cream; lotion; lozenge; pill; powder; tablet; vaccines; ointment.


Ex. 20. Answer the following questions:

1. How many departments are there in the state chemist’s shop? What are they? 2. Why are medicines kept in drug cabinets? 3. What forms of medicine can you name? 4. What should you pay a special attention to if you use an over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine? 5. Prove that the pharmacist is a rather responsible healthcare professional. 6. Are there any relations between the diet and the intake of a certain drug?


Ex. 21. Fill in blanks with the prepositions:

1. All medicines we need are ordered or bought _ a chemist's shop. 2. Certain medicines may cause birth defects or other problems _ the unborn child. 3. If you use an over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicine, follow the directions _ the label. 4. The pharmacist is primarily responsible _ accurately filling prescriptions. 5. The pharmacist also has to provide information _ how the drug works and side effects.


Ex. 22. Choose the English equivalents to the Ukrainian ones. Make up the dialogue using the terms and expressions given in the table:

1. pharmacy on duty 2. prescription 1.Передозування цих ліків викликає несприятливий ефект.
3. to write out the prescription 2. Зберігайте ці ліки в прохолодному місці.
4. Take this drug three times a day. 3. Чи ви добре переносите новокаїн?
5. This mixture is for the cough. 4. Необхідна доза вказана в рецепті.
6. These tablets are for the headache. 7. Don't take drugs without a doctor's advice. 5. Приймайте ці ліки по чайній (столовій) ложці до (після) їжі.
8. The overdosage of this drug is causing an 6. Рецепт
side effect. 7. Ця мікстура від кашлю.
9. Are you sensitive to novocain? 8. Ці пігулки від головного болю.
10. This drug reduces blood pressure (relieves toothache, clears the nose). 9. Чергова аптека 10. Запивайте ці ліки молоком.
11. The dose to be taken is indicated in the prescription. 11. Виписувати рецепт 12. Ці ліки знижують кров’яний тиск
12. Keep the drug in a cool place. (знімають зубний біль, зменшують нежить).
13. Take this drug a teaspoonful (tablespoonful) before (after) meals. 14. Take these tablets one every three hours. 13. Приймайте ці ліки тричі на день. 14. Не приймайте ліки без призначення лікаря. 15. Приймайте ці пігулки по одній кожні три
15. Take the drug with milk. години.


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