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Participial constructions

PARTICIPLE I AS AN ADVERBIAL MODIFIER | The use of Participle I in the function of an adverbial modifier | Group 1. Verbs of sense perception | To want to like | PARTICIPLE I AS PART OF A COMPOUND VERBAL PREDICATE | PARTICIPLE I AS PARENTHESIS | PARTICIPLE II AS ATTRIBUTE | PARTICIPLE II AS AN ADVERBIAL MODIFIER | To make to have to get to leave | Suggested answers |

Читайте также:
  1. Constructions with the Participle
  2. Inf. constructions
  3. Infinitive Constructions

Both Participle I and Participle II can be used in participial constructions. These constructions may be of two kinds:

1. The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction, e.g.

· The novel having been read, Jane put it down. = Когда роман был прочитан, Джейн отложила его в сторону. / Коли роман був прочитаний, Джейн відклала його убік.

· Joe having left the room to ring for a taxi as arranged, Mary sat down again to wait for him. = Когда Джо вышел из комнаты, чтобы вызвать такси, как и было договорено, Мэри снова села, чтобы подождать его. / Коли Джо вийшов з кімнати, щоб викликати таксі, як і було домовлено, Мэри знову сіла, щоб почекати його.

· The lamp having been lit, the mother started to read her son’s letter. = Когда лампа была включена, мать начала читать письмо от сына. / Коли лампа була включена, матір почала читати лист від сина.

· The door and the window of the vacant room being open, we looked in. = Поскольку (Так как) дверь и окно пустой комнаты были открыты, мы заглянули в нее. / Оскільки (Тому що) двері й вікно порожньої кімнати були відкриті, ми заглянули в неї.

· Andrew was sitting in one of the armchairs, his eyes closed. = Эндрю сидел в одном из кресел c закрытыми глазами. / Ендрю сидів в одному із крісел c закритими очами.

· We began to talk, but my attention distracted by my surroundings, I took small notice of him. = Мы начали разговаривать, но поскольку мое внимание было отвлечено тем, что меня окружало, я не придал ему большого значения. / Ми почали розмовляти, але оскільки моя увага була відвернена тим, що мене оточувало, я не додав йому великого значення.


2. The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction

This construction is always introduced by the preposition ‘with’, e.g.

· Andrew went into the house with his heart beating fast. = Эндрю вошел в дом; его сердце учащенно билось. / Ендрю ввійшов у дім; його серце прискорено билося.

· I won’t speak with him staring at me like that. = Я не буду говорить с ним, когда он так смотрит на меня. / Я не буду говорити з ним, коли він так дивиться на мене.

· It is unhealthy to sleep with all the windows shut. = Спать с закрытыми окнами – плохо для здоровья. / Спати із закритими вікнами - погано для здоров'я.

· Bella was speaking to me with her eyes fixed on the door, waiting for someone to come. = Белла разговаривала со мной, но ее глаза были прикованы к двери; она ожидала, что кто-то войдет. / Белла розмовляла із мною, але її очі були прикуті до дверей; вона очікувала, що хтось увійде.

TASK 34. Translate the sentences below into your mother tongue, paying special attention to participial constructions.

1. The work being finished, the two girls brushed their dresses and went out of the shop.

2. Ice having thus been broken, the two former rivals grew still more affectionate.

3. The preparations completed, we started off.

4. Jim was sitting on the sofa, his legs crossed.

5. She was smoking now, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

6. The officer sat with his long fine hands lying on the table perfectly still.

7. Sheila went on reading, with her eyes fixed on the pages of the book.

8. It being pretty late we took the candles and went upstairs.

9. Weather permitting we shall start tomorrow.

10. Breakfast finished, Hugh went back to his butterflies and bugs.

11. Mathew went home alone, his heart full of strange emotions.

12. The hunter stood up and went towards the forest, all his dogs following him.

13. He was a gentleman, but he was passionate, the cup once sipped, would he be consent to put it down?

14. The next day I observed you – myself unseen – for half an hour.

15. The kitchen being clean and tidy, Mrs. Fowls heavily sat on the chair and wiped her swollen hands.

TASK 35. Paraphrase the sentences given below so that to use either of the participial structures. Follow the example.


a) The necessary sum of money was saved up; now they could buy the cottage they wanted. = The necessary sum of money having been saved up, they could buy the cottage they wanted.

b) The girl sat still; her eyes were fixed on the fire. = The girl sat still with her eyes fixed on the fire.

1. The sun had set; we could not continue our way.

2. The room was dark, we couldn't see anything.

3. There was nobody at home; I had dinner alone.

4. The room at the hotel had been booked beforehand; we had no reason to worry.

5. The secretary had fallen ill; I couldn't get my paper typed in time.

6. It was late and the children were sent to bed.

7. The telephone was out of order, I had to go out.

8. The TV set was repaired; the old man could watch TV programmes all day long.

9. Her daughter sat motionless by the fire; her hands were crossed on her knees.

10. He could sit so for hours; his book was closed and lying beside him.

11. They went down the stairs; Alice was lingering behind a little.

12. The boy stood silent; his head was bent.

13. He was running along the street; his raincoat was thrown over his left arm.

14. David began to answer his lesson; Miss Murdstone was watching him closely.

15. The child lay on the bed; his eyes were shut and his face was flushed and sweating.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-12; просмотров: 175 | Нарушение авторских прав

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