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Global network the Internet. Definition of the Internet

Читайте также:
  1. Building Global Cooperation
  2. Changing Definitions of Security
  3. Definition of Netwar
  4. Definitions
  5. Ex.3. Find the matches between the gadgets and their definitions
  6. Exercise 6. Match the terms with the definitions.

Written by: Mendibai M.

Checked:Zhanabekova S.

Topic: Global network

Global network the Internet. Definition of the Internet


Internet - a worldwide computer network information, which is a combination of many regional computer networks and computers that communicate with each other information via the public telecommunications (telephone dedicated analog and digital lines, optical communication channels and radio channels, including satellite links).


The Internet is a peer to peer network, ie All computers on the network essentially equal, and any computer can be connected to any computer. Any computer connected to the network can offer their services to any other. But the internet - it's not just links. The nodes of this global connection with computers that contain a variety of information resources and offer a variety of information and communication services.


The information in the Internet is stored on servers. Servers have their addresses and managed by specialized programs. They allow you to send messages and files, search databases and perform other tasks.


Exchange of information between web servers running on high-speed communication channels. Individual users to access Internet resources is usually done through the provider or corporate network.


Provider - provider of network services - the person or organization providing services for connecting to computer networks. As a provider performs some organization that has a modem pool to communicate with clients and exit into a worldwide network.


There are also machines that are directly connected to the global network. They are called host - computer (host - the host). Host - is any computer that is a permanent part of the Internet, ie connected to Internet - Protocol with another host, which in turn is connected to others, and so on.


Virtually all Internet services are built on the principle of client- server.


The transmission of information in the Internet is provided by the fact that every computer on the network has a unique address (IP- address), and network protocols provide interaction between different types of computers running different operating systems.


All computers participating in the transfer of the data communication protocol used single TCP / IP, which consists of two different protocols define different aspects of data transmission networks:

1. Protocol TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - is the management of data transmission. This protocol " breaks " the transmitted information into packets and correct errors in the information package of the recipient;

2. Protocol IP (Internet Protocol) - this interconnection. He is responsible for addressing and allows the packets pass through multiple networks on the way to your destination.


The transmission of information on the TCP / IP protocol is as follows: TCP protocol divides the information into packets and numbers them, and then the IP protocol transmits the packet to the destination, where with the help of TCP packets received is checked for completeness (if all packets received) upon delivery of all packages TCP protocol lays out the packages in the correct order, and combines them into a single unit.


Any computer connected to the Internet has two unique addresses: the digital IP- address and the symbolic domain address. Assigning addresses to computers follows the pattern of organization " Network Information Center" addresses issues of owners of local networks, and they distribute these addresses on your own. IP-address is 4 bytes: 1st and 2nd bytes determine the network address, the third byte - subnet address, and the fourth byte - address of the computer on the subnet. IP- address written as four numbers ranging from 0 to 255, separated by periods (for example:, wherein the network address 145.37 5 -; subnet, 150 - the address computer in the subnet). Domain address (English domain - region), in contrast to IP addresses, is a symbolic and easier to remember a man. Example: computer.group.big.by, domain computer - the real name of the computer that owns the IP- address, domain group - the name of the group that gave the name to this computer, the domain of big - name of a larger group that gave the name of the domain group, and by - domain space. During a data domain address are converted into IP- address.


Thus, the Internet - a global computer system, wherein:

- Logically interconnected globally unique address space (each computer connected to the network has a unique address);

- Is capable of supporting communication (exchange of information);

- Provides the high-level services (Services), for example, WWW, e-mail, newsgroup, online conversations, and others.


Concept and types of services


Servers are called nodes of the network, designed to serve customer needs - software agents that extract information or betray it to the network and operating under the direct control of users. Clients provide information in a clear and user-friendly format, while servers perform service functions for the storage, distribution, information management and delivery of its customers' request. Every type of service to Internet servers provide relevant and can be used with the appropriate customers.


The most suitable for the classification of Internet services is the division of services for interactive, direct and deferred reading. These groups bring together services for a large number of features. Services that are classified as deferred reading, the most common, the most versatile and least demanding of computer resources and links. This includes, for example, e-mail.


Services direct appeal characterized by the fact that the information is returned immediately upon request. However, the recipient of the information is not required an immediate response. Services that require an immediate response to the received information, that is, the information obtained is, in fact, a query related to online services.


Currently on the Internet there are quite a number of services that provide the work with the full range of resources. The best known of them are:


DNS service

Services DNS, or Domain Name System, which provides the opportunity to address the use of network nodes mnemonic names instead of numeric addresses. DNS - a distributed computer system for obtaining information about domains. Most often used to get the IP- address on behalf of the host (computer or device), information on mail routing protocols for serving nodes in the domain.



E-mail (E-mail) - is designed to send information to a particular user WAN. Each user must have an electronic mailbox - this is the folder on the server, which stores incoming and outgoing person. In addition, a modern e-mail allows you to: send a message to multiple subscribers to send messages to other addresses turn on the answering machine - all incoming mail will be automatically sent a reply to create rules to perform certain actions with the same type of messages (for example, delete promotional messages coming from specific address), etc. By e-mail message can be added to the app - any other file. For many companies, email is not just a post office, and the foundation of all business processes. Many software applications have built-in email support. E-mail - one of the most common Internet services. Through e-mail distribution lists work.


mailing Lists

Mailing Lists (maillists) - a simple but at the same time very useful service internet. It is practically the only service that does not have its own protocol and client software and works exclusively through email.

The idea of ​​a mailing list is that there is some e-mail address, which is in fact a general location of many people - subscribers to this mailing list. You send an email to this address, such as the address u-l11n@jet.msk.su (this mailing list dedicated to the discussion of the problems of localization class operating system UNIX), and your message will get all the people who are subscribed to this mailing list.


Usenet news network

Teleconference, or newsgroups (Usenet), providing the possibility of collectively messaging service Internet too. If e-mail sends messages on the principle of " one - one ", the network news transfer messages " from one - a lot." Usenet - a worldwide debate club. It consists of a series of conferences ("newsgroups"), the names of which are hierarchically organized according to the topics discussed. Messages ("articles" or "messages") are sent to the users of these conferences by special software. After sending the message sent to the news server and become available for other users to read.


You can send a message and view the responses to it, which will appear in the future. Since one and the same material is reading a lot of people, then reviews are beginning to pile up. All messages on the same topic form a stream ("thread") [ in Russian language in the same sense is used, and the word 'theme' ], so that although the responses may have been written at different times and to mix with other reports, they still form an integral discussion. You can subscribe to any conference, view message headers in it using a news reader, to sort messages by subject, to make it easier to follow the discussion, add your posts with comments and questions. To read and send messages using newsreaders, such as built- in browser of Netscape Navigator - Netscape News and Internet News from Microsoft, supplied with the latest versions of Internet Explorer.


FTP service

Service FTP - file system archives, providing storage and file transfer types. Another widely used Internet service. The FTP service provides remote access to the server file system. Access to files in file archives, a huge amount of information on the Internet. The FTP server can be configured in such a way that you can connect to it, not only under his own name and password, but also under a fictitious name anonymous - anonymous. Then you become available only a certain set of files on the server - a public file server.


IRC services

Service IRC - Internet Relay Chat, a text designed to support real-time communication.

In the Internet there are thousands of places on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC), which is implemented by an interactive dialogue. Any user can connect to that server and start chatting with one of the users of that server or to participate in a collective " meeting." Sending messages is inside the server. The easiest way of communication - conversation (chat). This exchange of messages entered from the keyboard. If the computers are equipped with the interlocutors sound card, a microphone and loudspeakers, you can exchange voice messages. However, the " live" conversation at the same time is only possible between two interlocutors. In order to see each other, that is, to share video images to a computer must be connected to the camcorder. For interactive communication requires special software (for example, the program NetMeeting, which is part of the operating system Windows).


infrastructure services

The above is an example of FTP service Internet infrastructure that is service -based software tools, usually supplied as part of the operating system.


Service Telnet - is designed to control remote computers in terminal mode. It is also used as a means of access to remote information services, the work that takes place in a text terminal. Telnet is used as part of the Internet information service when the user when connecting hits the shell, but once in a specialized program that provides access to information resources.


So you can work with the catalogs of some libraries, the server serving the information system CTN, you can gain access to the terminal navigator WWW (text or graphics).


Hypermedia system WWW

World Wide Web (WWW, W3, «The World Wide Web ") - hypertext (hypermedia) system designed to integrate a variety of network resources into a single information space. This is a distributed system that provides access to the interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet.


World Wide Web form hundreds of millions of Web servers. Most of the resources of the web based on the technology of hypertext. Hypertext documents that are placed on the World Wide Web, called Web pages. Several web pages with a common theme, design, and linked references and usually located on the same Web server, called the website. To download and view web pages with special programs - browsers (born browser).


The World Wide Web has caused a revolution in information technology and the explosion in the development of the Internet. Often, talking about the Internet, keep in mind it is the World Wide Web, it is important to understand that this is not the same thing.


The above services are standard. This means that the principles of client and server software, as well as the interaction protocols are formulated in the form of international standards. Therefore, software developers with practical implementations must withstand the general technical requirements.

Along with standard and non-standard services exist, which represent the original design of a particular company. As an example, the various systems such as Instant Messenger (IM clients unique - ICQ, AOl, Demos on-line, etc.), the system of internet telephony, radio broadcasts, and video, etc. An important feature of such systems is lack of international standards, which may cause technical conflict with other similar services.


The main stages of creation and development of the Internet


The predecessor of the modern Internet was a network APRANET U.S. Department of Defense. Network design was entrusted to the University of California at Los Angeles, Stanford Research Center, University of Utah and the University of California at Santa Barbara. The computer network was named ARPANET (born Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), and in 1969, the project brought together a network of the top four research institutions. All work funded by the Ministry of Defense. Then the ARPANET began to actively grow and develop, it began to be used by scientists from different fields of science.


Within five years, the Internet has reached an audience of over 50 million users. On January 22, 2010 direct Internet access was the crew of the International Space Station.


The first server ARPANET was installed September 2, 1969 at the University of California (Los Angeles). Computer Honeywell DP- 516 had 24 KB of RAM.


October 29, 1969 at 21:00 between the first two nodes of the network ARPANET, located at a distance of 640 km - the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) - held a session. Charley Kline (Charley Kline) attempted to perform a remote connection from Los Angeles to a computer at Stanford. The successful transmission of each character of his colleague Bill Duvall (Bill Duvall) from Stanford confirmed by phone. For the first time managed to send all three characters «LOG», after which the network has ceased to function. LOG should have been the word LOGIN (login command). In working condition system has returned to the 22:30 and the next attempt was successful.


By 1971, developed the first program for sending e- mail to the network. This program immediately became very popular.

In 1973, the network was connected via a transatlantic telephone cable first foreign organizations from the UK and Norway, the network has become international.


In 1970 the network was mainly used for sending e-mail, then there were the first mailing lists, newsgroups and bulletin boards. However, while the network is not able to easily interact with other networks built on other technical standards.


By the end of the 1970s began to develop rapidly data transfer protocols that have been standardized in 1982-1983. An active role in the development and standardization of network protocols played Jon Postel.


January 1, 1983 the ARPANET switched from NCP protocol to TCP / IP, which is still used for integrating (or, as they say, " layering ") networks. It was in 1983 the term "Internet" was fixed for the network ARPANET.


In 1984, a system was developed domain names (English Domain Name System, DNS). And in 1984, at the ARPANET has a serious contender: U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) established an extensive network of inter-university NSFNet (born National Science Foundation Network), which was made up of smaller networks (including the then known on Usenet and Bitnet) and had much greater bandwidth than the ARPANET. This network connected for the year about 10 thousand computers, the name of the "Internet " began to move seamlessly NSFNet.


In 1988, a protocol was developed Internet Relay Chat (IRC), so that the web has become possible to communicate in real time (chat).


In 1989, in Europe, in the walls of the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) was born the concept of the World Wide Web. She suggested the famous British scientist Tim Berners -Lee, who is also a period of two years has developed a protocol HTTP, and HTML language identifiers URI.


Co-author Tim Berners -Lee on the wording of the goals and objectives of the project World Wide Web at CERN, the Belgian researcher Robert Cailliau, later explained his understanding of the origins of this project:


In 1990, the ARPANET ceased to exist, completely losing the competition NSFNet. In the same year it was recorded the first connection to the Internet via a telephone line (so-called. " Dial-up ", Eng. Dialup access).


In 1991, the World Wide Web became widely available on the Internet, and in 1993 came the famous web browser NCSA Mosaic. The World Wide Web is gaining popularity.


In 1995 NSFNet returned to the role of a research network, routing all traffic to the Internet is now engaged in network providers, not supercomputers of the National Science Foundation. Also in 1995, the World Wide Web has become a major supplier of information on the Internet, overtaking traffic file transfer protocol FTP. Was formed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We can say that the World Wide Web has transformed the Internet and created by its modern appearance. Since 1996, the World Wide Web almost completely substitute the term " Internet".


In the 1990s, the Internet combines most of the then existing networks (although some, like FidoNet, have remained distinct.) Combining looked attractive due to the lack of unified leadership, as well as through open technical standards for the Internet, making the network independent of the business and specific companies.


By 1997, the Internet, there were already about 10 million computers, there were more than one million domain names. The Internet has become a very popular means to share information.


On January 22, 2010 direct Internet access was the crew of the International Space Station.


Web 1.0 and Web 2.0


Internet boom usually attributed to the steady growth of the commercial Internet companies associated with the advent of the World Wide Web, which began with the first release of the web browser Mosaic in 1993 and lasted all of 90.

Small (by historical standards) the period of existence of the service WWW showed its relevance to the increasing number of users. More and more companies shifted to an Internet business with a great deal of advertising, but not Internet services. In the period from 1995 to 2001 there was a re-evaluation of Internet technologies. The dot-com bubble - kulmiatsiya which occurred March 10, 2000 led to a wave of bankruptcy and the loss of confidence in the securities of high-tech firms connected with the provision of services via the Internet. The subsequent rise in 2002 led to the emergence of high-tech Internet companies, the rapid development of Internet services.

Currently on the Internet there are quite a number of services that provide the work with the full range of resources. The best known of them are:


DNS service

Services DNS, or Domain Name System, which provides the opportunity to address the use of network nodes mnemonic names instead of numeric addresses. DNS - a distributed computer system for obtaining information about domains. Most often used to get the IP- address on behalf of the host (computer or device), information on mail routing protocols for serving nodes in the domain.



E-mail (E-mail) - is designed to send information to a particular user WAN. Each user must have an electronic mailbox - this is the folder on the server, which stores incoming and outgoing person. In addition, a modern e-mail allows you to: send a message to multiple subscribers to send messages to other addresses turn on the answering machine - all incoming mail will be automatically sent a reply to create rules to perform certain actions with the same type of messages (for example, delete promotional messages coming from specific address), etc. By e-mail message can be added to the app - any other file. For many companies, email is not just a post office, and the foundation of all business processes. Many software applications have built-in email support. E-mail - one of the most common Internet services. Through e-mail distribution lists work.


mailing Lists

Mailing Lists (maillists) - a simple but at the same time very useful service internet. It is practically the only service that does not have its own protocol and client software and works exclusively through email.

The idea of ​​a mailing list is that there is some e-mail address, which is in fact a general location of many people - subscribers to this mailing list. You send an email to this address, such as the address u-l11n@jet.msk.su (this mailing list dedicated to the discussion of the problems of localization class operating system UNIX), and your message will get all the people who are subscribed to this mailing list.


Usenet news network

Teleconference, or newsgroups (Usenet), providing the possibility of collectively messaging service Internet too. If e-mail sends messages on the principle of " one - one ", the network news transfer messages " from one - a lot." Usenet - a worldwide debate club. It consists of a series of conferences ("newsgroups"), the names of which are hierarchically organized according to the topics discussed. Messages ("articles" or "messages") are sent to the users of these conferences by special software. After sending the message sent to the news server and become available for other users to read.


You can send a message and view the responses to it, which will appear in the future. Since one and the same material is reading a lot of people, then reviews are beginning to pile up. All messages on the same topic form a stream ("thread") [ in Russian language in the same sense is used, and the word 'theme' ], so that although the responses may have been written at different times and to mix with other reports, they still form an integral discussion. You can subscribe to any conference, view message headers in it using a news reader, to sort messages by subject, to make it easier to follow the discussion, add your posts with comments and questions. To read and send messages using newsreaders, such as built- in browser of Netscape Navigator - Netscape News and Internet News from Microsoft, supplied with the latest versions of Internet Explorer.


FTP service

Service FTP - file system archives, providing storage and file transfer types. Another widely used Internet service. The FTP service provides remote access to the server file system. Access to files in file archives, a huge amount of information on the Internet. The FTP server can be configured in such a way that you can connect to it, not only under his own name and password, but also under a fictitious name anonymous - anonymous. Then you become available only a certain set of files on the server - a public file server.


IRC services

Service IRC - Internet Relay Chat, a text designed to support real-time communication.

In the Internet there are thousands of places on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC), which is implemented by an interactive dialogue. Any user can connect to that server and start chatting with one of the users of that server or to participate in a collective " meeting." Sending messages is inside the server. The easiest way of communication - conversation (chat). This exchange of messages entered from the keyboard. If the computers are equipped with the interlocutors sound card, a microphone and loudspeakers, you can exchange voice messages. However, the " live" conversation at the same time is only possible between two interlocutors. In order to see each other, that is, to share video images to a computer must be connected to the camcorder. For interactive communication requires special software (for example, the program NetMeeting, which is part of the operating system Windows).


infrastructure services

The above is an example of FTP service Internet infrastructure that is service -based software tools, usually supplied as part of the operating system.


Service Telnet - is designed to control remote computers in terminal mode. It is also used as a means of access to remote information services, the work that takes place in a text terminal. Telnet is used as part of the Internet information service when the user when connecting hits the shell, but once in a specialized program that provides access to information resources.


So you can work with the catalogs of some libraries, the server serving the information system CTN, you can gain access to the terminal navigator WWW.


Hypermedia system WWW

World Wide Web (WWW, W3, «The World Wide Web ") - hypertext (hypermedia) system designed to integrate a variety of network resources into a single information space. This is a distributed system that provides access to the interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet.


World Wide Web form hundreds of millions of Web servers. Most of the resources of the web based on the technology of hypertext. Hypertext documents that are placed on the World Wide Web, called Web pages. Several web pages with a common theme, design, and linked references and usually located on the same Web server, called the website. To download and view web pages with special programs - browsers (born browser).


The World Wide Web has caused a revolution in information technology and the explosion in the development of the Internet. Often, talking about the Internet, keep in mind it is the World Wide Web, it is important to understand that this is not the same thing.


The above services are standard. This means that the principles of client and server software, as well as the interaction protocols are formulated in the form of international standards. Therefore, software developers with practical implementations must withstand the general technical requirements.

Along with standard and non-standard services exist, which represent the original design of a particular company. As an example, the various systems such as Instant Messenger (IM clients unique - ICQ, AOl, Demos on-line, etc.), the system of internet telephony, radio broadcasts, and video, etc. An important feature of such systems is lack of international standards, which may cause technical conflict with other similar services.


The main stages of creation and development of the Internet


The predecessor of the modern Internet was a network APRANET U.S. Department of Defense. Network design was entrusted to the University of California at Los Angeles, Stanford Research Center, University of Utah and the University of California at Santa Barbara. The computer network was named ARPANET (born Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), and in 1969, the project brought together a network of the top four research institutions. All work funded by the Ministry of Defense. Then the ARPANET began to actively grow and develop, it began to be used by scientists from different fields of science.


Within five years, the Internet has reached an audience of over 50 million users. On January 22, 2010 direct Internet access was the crew of the International Space Station.


The first server ARPANET was installed September 2, 1969 at the University of California (Los Angeles). Computer Honeywell DP- 516 had 24 KB of RAM.


October 29, 1969 at 21:00 between the first two nodes of the network ARPANET, located at a distance of 640 km - the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) - held a session. Charley Kline (Charley Kline) attempted to perform a remote connection from Los Angeles to a computer at Stanford. The successful transmission of each character of his colleague Bill Duvall (Bill Duvall) from Stanford confirmed by phone. For the first time managed to send all three characters «LOG», after which the network has ceased to function. LOG should have been the word LOGIN (login command). In working condition system has returned to the 22:30 and the next attempt was successful.


By 1971, developed the first program for sending e- mail to the network. This program immediately became very popular.

In 1973, the network was connected via a transatlantic telephone cable first foreign organizations from the UK and Norway, the network has become international.


In 1970 the network was mainly used for sending e-mail, then there were the first mailing lists, newsgroups and bulletin boards. However, while the network is not able to easily interact with other networks built on other technical standards.


By the end of the 1970s began to develop rapidly data transfer protocols that have been standardized in 1982-1983. An active role in the development and standardization of network protocols played Jon Postel.


January 1, 1983 the ARPANET switched from NCP protocol to TCP / IP, which is still used for integrating (or, as they say, " layering ") networks. It was in 1983 the term "Internet" was fixed for the network ARPANET.


In 1984, a system was developed domain names (English Domain Name System, DNS). And in 1984, at the ARPANET has a serious contender: U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) established an extensive network of inter-university NSFNet (born National Science Foundation Network), which was made up of smaller networks (including the then known on Usenet and Bitnet) and had much greater bandwidth than the ARPANET. This network connected for the year about 10 thousand computers, the name of the "Internet " began to move seamlessly NSFNet.


In 1988, a protocol was developed Internet Relay Chat (IRC), so that the web has become possible to communicate in real time (chat).


In 1989, in Europe, in the walls of the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) was born the concept of the World Wide Web. She suggested the famous British scientist Tim Berners -Lee, who is also a period of two years has developed a protocol HTTP, and HTML language identifiers URI.


Co-author Tim Berners -Lee on the wording of the goals and objectives of the project World Wide Web at CERN, the Belgian researcher Robert Cailliau, later explained his understanding of the origins of this project:


In 1990, the ARPANET ceased to exist, completely losing the competition NSFNet. In the same year it was recorded the first connection to the Internet via a telephone line (so-called. " Dial-up ", Eng. Dialup access).


In 1991, the World Wide Web became widely available on the Internet, and in 1993 came the famous web browser NCSA Mosaic. The World Wide Web is gaining popularity.


In 1995 NSFNet returned to the role of a research network, routing all traffic to the Internet is now engaged in network providers, not supercomputers of the National Science Foundation. Also in 1995, the World Wide Web has become a major supplier of information on the Internet, overtaking traffic file transfer protocol FTP. Was formed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We can say that the World Wide Web has transformed the Internet and created by its modern appearance. Since 1996, the World Wide Web almost completely substitute the term " Internet".


In the 1990s, the Internet combines most of the then existing networks (although some, like FidoNet, have remained distinct.) Combining looked attractive due to the lack of unified leadership, as well as through open technical standards for the Internet, making the network independent of the business and specific companies.


By 1997, the Internet, there were already about 10 million computers, there were more than one million domain names. The Internet has become a very popular means to share information.


On January 22, 2010 direct Internet access was the crew of the International Space Station.


Web 1.0 and Web 2.0


Internet boom usually attributed to the steady growth of the commercial Internet companies associated with the advent of the World Wide Web, which began with the first release of the web browser Mosaic in 1993 and lasted all of 90.

Small (by historical standards) the period of existence of the service WWW showed its relevance to the increasing number of users. More and more companies shifted to an Internet business with a great deal of advertising, but not Internet services. In the period from 1995 to 2001 there was a re-evaluation of Internet technologies. The dot-com bubble - kulmiatsiya which occurred March 10, 2000 led to a wave of bankruptcy and the loss of confidence in the securities of high-tech firms connected with the provision of services via the Internet. The subsequent rise in 2002 led to the emergence of high-tech Internet companies, the rapid development of Internet services. It was a good incentive for the development of web-oriented concepts and technologies that enhance the user experience. The mass adoption and use of these decisions - the cause qualitative changes in the World Wide Web, a kind of change " version» Web. At the moment, analysts distinguish Internet web 1.0, web 2.0 online resources, and already has the concept of web 3.0 services (it is worth noting that the division is conditional and often criticized)..


Web 1.0

Retronimom Web 1.0 is a concept that refers to the status of the WWW and any style of website design that is used before the advent of the term Web 2.0. Web 1.0, or as it is called "classic media web browsing," is a static sites. This kind of web library, which does little for many, where the comparison sites are the type of technology used. A typical example of web 1.0 sites are composed of a set of related static web- pages containing information that is created and modified only by the developer site. In the period from 1998 to impart interactivity sites are massively used guestbooks and forums (although these features have been available in the past). Such sites are sometimes called web 1.5, emphasizing the possibility of communication between users, the availability of profiles and the formation of online communities. However, you still can not create or edit content - it is the prerogative of administrators sayta.1


There were no advanced chat rooms, mostly used IRC and ICQ, but more - e-mail. Normal own sites created few, many low-quality sites created on free hosting.


Created versions of sites for different character sets and browsers, depending on the software users. Were not readily available domain registration and payment of normal paid hosting, which was in a small number of people. There were no blogs veboservisov and Wiki projects.


The main characteristics of Web 1.0: fixed structure sites, Static information, time-consuming process of updating and creating new resources, a one-way security, centralized maintenance of websites, a small number of users.

The concept of Web 1.0 - is a general term describing the state of the World Wide Web for the first decade of its existence. For the 90 -ies of XX century were characterized by low computer literacy of users, slow connection types and a limited number of Internet services. Web sites that period was characterized by the following main features:

- Static content web pages, content developers to create and maintain a website;

- Framing and / or tabular layout;

- Poor quality of the markup (often content was presented in the form of plain text, taken from the Usenet newsgroups, and similar sources, and the prisoner in the tag <pre>);

- Increased use of non-standard tags that are supported only in a particular browser;

- The use of physical or embedded styles, rarely embedded and, moreover, linked style sheets;

- An indication of the information about the recommended versions of the browser and screen resolution under which the design of the site is displayed correctly;

- Guest books, forums or chat rooms - as instruments of feedback and give interactivity;

- The use of graphics and text widgets (weather, the dollar, etc.) to aggregate information.


In the first decade of the Interent network, or Web 1.0, has been developed very foundation of the Internet, which has allowed to give access to huge amounts of information to a wide range of network users.


Conditional end of an era «Web 1.0» dates back to 2001, when there was a collapse of the Internet stock. Actually, the existing sites have not gone away, but the newly created sites are more and more different from the typical " one Web - nolnyh."


Web 2.0

Web 2.0 - a set of web technologies, focused on user participation in the creation of Web site content.

The emergence of Web 2.0 names usually associated with article by Tim O'Reilly «What Is Web 2.0» on September 30, 2005 [1]. In this article, Tim O'Reilly linked the emergence of a large number of sites, united by some common principles with the general trend of development of the Internet community, and this phenomenon is called Web 2.0, as opposed to the "old» Web 1.0. Despite the fact that the meaning of this term is still the subject of much controversy, those researchers who recognize the existence of Web 2.0, identify several key aspects of the phenomenon.


The first who used the phrase Web 2.0, it became publisher O'Reilly Media, specializing in information technology. It happened in 2004. A little later, the head of the publishing house O'Reilly Timothy part of the principles formulated Web 2.0. Since then, the scope of Web 2.0 has expanded, displacing the traditional web-based applications, known as Web 1.0.


Feature of Web 2.0. is:

- Involvement of " collective intelligence " for the site;

- The interaction between sites using web services;

- Updating your Web page without reloading;

- Aggregation and syndication of information;

- Integration of different services to get the new functionality;

- Design with the use of style layout and a focus on usability.


The main elements of Web 2.0:

Web Services (Web Services) - are network applications available over HTTP, as the interaction protocols using XML-based data formats (RPC, SOAP or REST). As a result, the software can use web services instead of exercising the required functionality (for instance, to check the entered email address in the form.) Tools for working with HTTP and XML are in any modern language, so Web services are platform-independent.


AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) - an approach to building user interfaces, web applications, in which a web page is not reloaded asynchronously loads the desired user data. The use of Ajax has become the most popular after Google began to actively use it to create their sites, such as Gmail and Google Maps. Ajax is often considered synonymous with Web 2.0, which is absolutely not the case. Web 2.0 is not tied to any one technology or set of technologies, with the same success in 1999 the possibility of asynchronous page updates are provided Flash 4.


Web syndication - the simultaneous distribution of information, including audio and video to different pages or web- sites, usually using either RSS or Atom. The principle is to spread the headlines and links to them (for example, recent reports forums, etc.). Initially, this technology was used on the news resources and blogs, but gradually expanded the scope of application.


Mash-up (literal translation - " mix ") - a service that is completely or partially used as sources of information, other services, providing users with new functionality for the job. As a result of such a service may also become a new source of information for other Web mash-up services. Thus, a network of interdependent services integrated with each other. For example, the website of the transport company can use the maps on Google Maps to track the location of cargo.


Label (tag) - keywords that describe the object in question, or as belonging to a certain category. It's kind of tags that are assigned to the object to determine its place among other facilities.


Socialization - use developments that allow you to create communities of users. The concept of socialization of the site you can also include the possibility of individual site settings and the establishment of protected area (personal files, images, videos, blogs) for the user so that the user could feel its uniqueness. Encourage, support and confidence of the " hive mind ". In the formation of community is very important competitive element, or Karma Karma, which allow the community self-regulate and put additional users their presence on the site.


Design. The concept of Web 2.0 is also reflected in the design. Preferred are the roundness, the simulation of convex surfaces, simulated reflections on the glossy plastic style of modern hi-end devices (eg, iPods). In general, the perception of appearance to the eye seems to be more enjoyable. Drawings of such sites is a greater volume than using austere design. Part of this trend is associated with coincided the release of new versions of operating systems using the above ideas. However, the monotony of such sites and expressly recently considered a graphic image of a classic design Web 2.0, outdated and not creative. This is particularly reflected in the current trend of creating informative sites, where the main role is played by the simplicity, elegance, graphic quality and usability. The design can not be prevented, but Web 2.0 instills them.


Disadvantages of Web 2.0

If you are using Web 2.0 technologies, you become a tenant of the service and / or storage space in a third-party company. The resulting dependence of this forms a number of disadvantages of new services:

- The dependence of sites of third-party solutions, the dependence of the quality of service on the quality of the work of many other companies;

- Poor fitness of the current infrastructure to perform complex computational tasks in the browser;

- The vulnerability of sensitive data stored on third-party servers to intruders (known cases of theft of personal data of users of mass hacking accounts blogs).


Now we are at the end of the second decade in the Web 2.0 were developed by a variety of user interfaces that allow users to manage the content already Interent network and communicate with each other.


Web 3.0

Web 3.0 - a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of the information provided by the World Wide Web. Web 3.0 in the first place implies a different approach to the treatment of information by the user community. Also, the term Web 3.0 is often referred to as the concept of the Semantic Web (Semantic Web). The Semantic Web (Semantic Web) - «part of the global concept of development of the Internet, the purpose of which is the realization of the possibility of machining the information available on the World Wide Web. The main focus is on the concept of the metadata that uniquely characterize the properties and content of the resources of the World Wide Web, instead of the currently used textual analysis of documents " (Wikipedia). That is - it's kind of a network over a network that contains metadata about the resources of the World Wide Web and the existing parallel with them.


An alternative theory of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 - the concept of the development of Internet technology, formulated Netscape.com head Jason Calacanis (born Jason Calacanis) in continuation of the concept of Web 2.0 Tim O'Reilly. Its essence is that Web 2.0 is the only technology platform and Web 3.0 will allow based on it forces professionals to create high-quality content and services.

The definition was published in his personal blog Calacanis [2 ] March 10, 2007. Calacanis said that Web 2.0 allows you to quickly and at virtually no cost to use a significant amount of powerful Internet-based services with high utility value, the choice of which can be done by adjusting the interest to the user data (behavioral factors).

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 109 | Нарушение авторских прав

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