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Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the hi phoneme to orthography.

Читайте также:
  1. Answer these questions
  2. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  4. B). Open the brackets. c). Put questions to the underlined words.
  5. Can you answer these general knowledge questions about work?
  6. Chemical pulps, in relation to various yields.
  7. Comparative Chart of Vowel Phonemes in Canadian English, General American and RP

did, lid, gladly, Freely, lynx, courage, village, washes, rouges, boxes, worries, copies, loaded, fountain, biscuit, Friday, sieve, let­tuce, forehead, forfeit, coffee


*S. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian.

bed, said, help, tell, yet, head, tennis, weather, member, letter, dressed, setter, helping, anyway, envied, pleasure, friendly, dressing, desolate, separate, hesitate, myself, remember, endeavour, hotel, instead, forget, eleven

*6. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the /e/ phoneme to orthography.

red, get, ten, seven, head, dead, ate, the Thames, burial *7. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian,

glad, bad, plan, can, swam, blank, drank, act, sat, fancy, gladly, shallow, added, anxious, badly, traffic, happen, Daddy, sadness, began, exactly, imagine, vocabulary, programme, sandwiches, manu­factures, balcony, sacrifice

*8. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the' se/ pho­neme to orthography.

carry, ample, have, salmon, plaid, champagne, absolutely, ab­stract, ambition

*9. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian.

are, bar, far, car, arm, ask, card, past, farm, half, part, large, France, grass, dark, guard, park, start, smart, last, hard, mask, danc­ing, basking, laughing, rather, hardly, harbour, answer, artist, fath­er, basket, classes, articles, archangel, departure, enlarge, at last

*10. Tranicribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the /ct/ pho­neme to orthography.

mast, answer, last, tar, part, laugh, Berkley, Hertford, heart *11. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them Into Russian.

on, nod, was, rod, want, gone, job, hot, long, song, bother, bon­net, doctor, model, hostel, honest, nodded, body, offer, Holland, rocky, solid, cannot, occupy, cottages, prosperous, geometry, follow­ing, holiday, wasn't, seen off

*12. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the Ivl pho­neme to orthography.

■ hot, sorry, foreign, quality, almanac, sausage, knowledge, yacht

*13. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian.

more, draw, all, call, bore, thought, horse, talk, sort, bought, George, shore, always, forward, water, walking, morning, before, also, exports, importance, awfully, audience, orchestra, altogether, of course, forty-four

*H. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the Ы pho­neme to orthography.

port, fort, floor, door, course, court, four, pour, roar, war, broad, bought, wrath, cause, fall, yawn, paw, thaw

*15. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian.

good, room, would, cook, foot, took, put, soot, shook, looked, bushes, manufactures, wooden, couldn't, wouldn't, woodland, restful, woman, put out, put on, good-bye, naturally, recapitulate, carefully

*16. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the /a/ pho­neme to orthography.

put, push, pull, worsted, wolf, look, stood, took, could, should, courier 17. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian.

flue, zoo, too, who, two, use, you, few, true, food, soon, school youth, move, rule, huge, knew, usually, absolutely, pneutnona, mov­ing, avenue, humour, beautiful, review, ruined, suicide, value, reg­ular, pupils, human, assumed, constitution

*18. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the /u:/ pho­neme to orthography.

blue, rude, rule, June, cool, tomb, group, wound, bruise, brew,

als^ribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the /a:/ pho­
neme to orthography.,. uliow
tune, humour, use, cue, Tuesday, suit, neuter, few, beauty, Hughes

20. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into Russian.

one, run, fun, shut, bus, much, ton, young, come other rammer, brother, mother/another, currents, chuckle, wor^«ndwd ™ш£ money, funny, lovely, country, compass, must, just, trouble, wonuex ful, wonderland, instructor, introduction, meaning *21. Transcribe these words. Use them to explain the relation of the U! pho-

neme to orthography.

must, unjust, judge, humbug, does, front, among, money, couple, rough, tough

*22. Transcribe these words. Read and translate them into y were, heard, word, workers thirty ^J^S her, years, Burlow, girls, birds, work, turkey, cu worse, Sherlock, certainly, worth, dirt, perfect *23. Transcribe these words. Read them. Use them to explain the relation

the hil phoneme to orthography. stir, myrtle, kernel, heard, worker, turner, nurse, fur *24. Transcribe these words. Read>nd;tramlate them into *ussia".

d again, along, about, across, obey, ^J^'Ä^
Piccadilly, confess, perhaps, suppose, condition, p
to pleasef to stop, the song, to do, to fish, the giris,.P
ably, finally, wonderland, woodland, decorate, gli
ehester, desolate, recognize, traveller, balcony „„stressed

25. Give examples to prove that the sound Ы U the core of the unstressed vocal ism in Modern English.

Control Task

Transcribe and read the passages.1 Underline the vowels, which relate to the founds /i, i, e, ж, а, т>,а,и,1г, л, з:,_ e/. Give their articulatory charac­teristics.

No. 1 /i:/

1. People seem to like it. 2. They help by sweeping and cleaning the rooms. 3. That doesn't mean sleeping and eating in tents. 4. The hotel at the seaside will cost you at least thirty pounds a week.

No. 2 /i/

I. "What is it?" I asked him. 2. He looked a sick and miserable boy. 3. He left different medicines with instructions for giving them. 4. The medicine w 1 bring down the fever.

No. 3 /el

1. It took him ten minutes to get to Kensington Gardens. 2. There's a special burial ground for dogs there. 3. You forget about Ken­sington Gardens, you could spend a couple of hours there. 4. They drive on the left side of the road instead of the right.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 92 | Нарушение авторских прав

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