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Museum of Ukrainian Art

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  7. I. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

I want to tell you about my last visit to the Museum of Ukrainian Art in Kyiv. It is one of the richest museums, a treasure-house of the finest works of outstanding Ukrainian artists of the19th and the beginning of the 20th century.

The Kyiv State Museum of Ukrainian Art was opened in 1936. Its numerous galleries contain one of the richest collections of fine arts from the 15th century. This collection arranged in 21 halls. I was deeply impressed by numerous works of classical painter and famous Ukrainian artists such as Shevchenko, Murashko, Vasilkovskyi and Pymonenko which are on display there. The oldest exhibit displayed in the museum is the wooden relief of ‘St George with Scene from His Life’ produced in the 13th century. Visitors can see many icons of the 16th-18th centuries. In another hall we can find the largest collection of Ukrainian portrait art and folk art. To my mind, the portraits of Cossack commanders are extremely effective.

An extensive art collection of the 19th century includes the works of Shevchenko, Sternberg, Sokolov and other famous painters.

The museum has several rooms with a large number of paintings made by contemporary painters, such as Melikov, Yablonska and others.

Each year the Museum of Ukrainian Art is visited by foreign visitors and numerous delegations from many cities and villages of our country. I think people should visit museum like this, because art plays an important role in upbringing our emotions, tastes and feelings it enriches our inner world and cultivates love for people and nature.

2Learn the new words.


the richest museums- найбагатші музеї,
a treasure-house- скарбниця,
the finest works –найкращі роботи,
outstanding artists – видатні художники,
numerous galleries- численні галереї,
the richest collections- найбагатші колекції,
fine arts – образотворче мистецтво,
arrange- розташовуватися,
deeply impressed –глибоко вражений,
display- показ,

exhibit – експонат,
wooden relief - дерев'яний рельєф,

folk art-народне мистецтво,

Cossack commanders- козачі командири,

extremely effective –надзвичайно ефективний,

An extensive art collection – велика колекція витворів мистецтва

contemporary painters- сучасні художники



icons- ікони




Read the text and choose the correct item from (a) to (c) to complete each sentence (1-6).

Harvester. Mykola Pymortenko

It was the visit to... a) Kyiv Museum of Russian Art b) National Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art c) National Art Museum of Ukraine Its galleries contain the collections from the... a) 18th century b) 15th century c) 16th century This collection is arranged in... a) 20 halls b) 23 halls c) 21 halls The oldest exhibit displayed in the museum is... a) the icon of St Virgin b) the wooden relief of St George c) the portrait of unknown Cossack The works of Shevchenko and Stenberg are presented in the collection of the... a) 19th century b) 18th century c) 20th century Melikov and Yablonska are representatives of... a) old-fashioned painters b) contemporary painters c) classical painters




4 Answer the questions to the text

1 What is one of the richest museums, a treasure-house of the finest works of outstanding Ukrainian artists of the19th and the beginning of the 20th century?
2When was The Kyiv State Museum of Ukrainian Art opened?
3What was the author deeply impressed by?
4 What is the oldest exhibit displayed in the museum?
5 What can visitors see in the Museum of Ukrainian Art?
6What can we find in another hall?
7Whose works includes an extensive art collection?
8What is extremely effective?
9Whom is the Museum of Ukrainian Art visited by?
10Why should people visit museum like this?


5 Complete the text with the following words:

masterpiece, contains, exhibits, piece, collection, paintings, icons.


Museum of Art was founded in 1919 on the basis of the private... of Kyiv archeologist Bohdan Khanenko. The Green Cabinet features the collection of Medieval Art, the Golden Cabinet... objects of Rococo epoch and in the Red Cabinet you can find... of Renaissance period. There are 17,000... in the museum funds. Among the exhibits are the paintings of Bellini, Hals, Reynolds, Rubens, the... ‘Infant Margaret’ by Velazquez and unique Byzantine/Sinai...

M of the 6th-7th centuries written by wax paint. Interesting exhibits are presented at the Department of Oriental Art:... of Coptic fabric with the picture of horseman (5th-6th centuries), ritual Chinese bell (1st century BC), excellent Chinese paintings on the scrolls (15th-20th centuries) and Japanese paintings.
Medieval Art – мистецтво Середньовіччя,
Renaissance period- епоха відродження
wax paint - воскова фарба,
Oriental Art – східне мистецтво,
Coptic fabric- коптська тканина,
paintings on the scrolls- картини на свитках.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 997 | Нарушение авторских прав

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