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Exercise 20. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of Gerunds.

Читайте также:
  1. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  2. Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.
  3. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words and phrases given in exercise 9. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  4. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given in exercise 12. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  5. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given in exercise 15. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  6. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words given in exercise 23. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.
  7. Compose your own sentences with each English equivalent of the words or phrases given in exercise 22. Compare your variants with the sentences of your partner.

1. We assisted the nurse in bandaging the patients.

2. Before starting to examine the patient the doctor put on his white gown.

3. Writing case history took him much time.

4. In this case the doctor cannot make a diagnosis without palpating the abdomen.

5. They use different methods of examining the patients.

6. Your rapid recovery depends on properly following the administered treatment.

7. No physician can make a proper diagnosis without examining a patient.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)


Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: Тривалість життя Сприйнятливість Отримувати Погіршення стану Передчасна смерть Втома Впливали Вражати здоров’я справлятися зі стресом звичка Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What are basic materials for the body growth? 2. What can lead to serious diseases of human organism? 3. What can help us look and feel better? 4. What factors affect our health? 5. Why is it necessary to handle stress reasonably? Поясніть наступний термін: Healthy life style  


Healthy Food Здорова їжа


Text: Food

Grammar: Revision


Exercise 1. Learn the new words:

1. beneficial [beni'fi∫(ə)l] вигідний, корисний
2. break down [breik daun] розбиватися
3. carbohydrate [ka:bə'haidreit] вуглевод
4. combustion [kəm'bΛst∫(ə)n] окислення, горіння
5. complicate [ 'kבmplikeit] ускладнювати
6. composition [kəmpב'zi∫(ə)n] склад
7. digest [dai'dƷest] перетравлювати (їжу)
8. enable [i'neibl] давати змогу
9. essential [i'sen∫əl] необхідний, головний
10. fat [fæt] жир
11. fuel [fj:uəl] паливо
12. foodstuff ['fu:dstΛf] продукти харчування
13. maintain [mein'tein] підтримувати,зберігати
14. matter [mætə] речовина
15. repair [ri'pεə] відновлювати
16. starch [sta:t∫] крохмаль
17. wear out [wεə aut] зношуватися


Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following words:

Building, activity, produce, energy, constantly, salt, regulator, nature, absorb, diet, fruit, vegetable

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word combinations:

Activity: increasedactivity, mental activity, electrical activity, illegal activity, to stimulate activity

Repair: to repair easily, to try to repair, emergency repair, structural repair, vital repair, to make repair

Substance: harmful substance, poisonous substance, natural substance, pure substance, soluable substance, medicinal substance, to contain substance

Tissue: living tissue, human tissue, diseased tissue, brain tissue, connective tissue, surrounding tissue

Matter: complicated matter, living matter, sensitive matter, personal matter, important matter, legal matter, urgent matter

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: VITAMINS | WH-questions (revision) | Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary | Exercise 6. Read and translate the text. | Exercise 15. Translate to English. | Hygiene and Prevention | Types of Prophylaxis | HEALTHY LIFESTYLE | Special Diets |
<== предыдущая страница | следующая страница ==>
Exercise 17. Make adjectives from the nouns in brackets.| Table of Foodstuffs, showing their Uses.

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