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Large amounts may be generated in the primary and secondary treatment stages.

Читайте также:
  1. Chemistry of Chlorine Dioxide Treatment
  2. Chlorine are much smaller, and produce pulp in amounts between 1000 and several
  3. Consult the TEXTS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING and learn about the advent of municipal water treatment (Text 48). Be ready to discuss the information you have read.
  4. Effect of Pretreatments and Additives
  5. Effect of Sodium Borohydride after Treatment
  6. Efficiency and Selectivity of Ozone Treatment
  7. Fiber length below 0.2 mm, indicating the presence of large amounts of fines derived


The amounts of sludge become smaller with anaerobic treatment conditions.

Because aerobic sludge can be difficult to dewater, primary sludge (with fibers) or

Bark is frequently added to improve results. The amount of inorganic material in

Sludge may be rather high; a few ppm of transition metals in the wood and bark

will translate, together with the lime mud and other waste, into over 40 kg adt–1 of

solid waste [2]. It should be noted that this value is the sum of all waste, consisting

Of dewatered wastewater treatment sludge, wood and other ash and wood waste.

Lime mud and green liquor clarification dregs can be disposed of in landfills.

However, they must be washed very well to avoid the emission of H2S during

Mud drying, and to avoid the leaching of caustic soda residual. Sludge with a high

Content of combustible material may be dried and incinerated.



Hopefully, this short summary on the environmental impact of pulp production

Has highlighted the point that there is no simple solution to all negative impacts.

The close interrelation of the different process steps makes it almost impossible to

Avoid one problem without raising or increasing the size of another one. To name

a few examples: An effluent-free mill will need to dispose of more solid waste and

Consequently may require more fossil fuel or more energy in general. Very tight

Water loops might require more chemical for more frequent cleaning steps, or the

Application of poorly biodegradable chelants. They might at the same time

Increase pollution by causing a higher demand for a chemical to achieve identical

Results. Pulping to very low kappa number for less bleaching chemical demand

And effluent load might result in a lower yield, and so require more wood. It can

In addition negatively affect fiber strength, which in turn triggers a higher

demand for strong reinforcement fiber. Taken together, all of these “pros” and

“cons” can result in a negative ecobalance for the positive intention.

Slogans such as effluent-free, chlorine-free or closed loop must be placed into

Perspective and analyzed very carefully for their total impact. Unfortunately, the

Tendency to simplify a complicated matter, and the desire to impress with achievements,

Have caused misleading impressions about the feasibility and impact of

Loop closure. On occasion, frequent loop opening is described as the use of kidneys,

And the yield on wood as a parameter to be neglected. One study which aims

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 121 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Требования к обслуживанию пассажиров в пути следования | Требования к мусоросборникам | Пример - Уважаемые пассажиры, в связи с отклонением от графика движения, время стоянки поезда будет ограничено (увеличено). | Herbert Sixta 1 страница | Herbert Sixta 2 страница | Herbert Sixta 3 страница | Herbert Sixta 4 страница | Herbert Sixta 5 страница | Herbert Sixta 6 страница | Emissions to the Aquatic Environment |
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The receiving waters.| To bring together all parameters into a realistic perspective is the Ecocyclic pulp

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