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To bring together all parameters into a realistic perspective is the Ecocyclic pulp

Читайте также:
  1. Combined parameters Unit Value
  2. Friends Together
  3. Influence of Parameters on the Properties of Groundwood
  4. Parameters Units First stage Second stage
  5. Parameters Units Low-alkali High-alkali
  6. Parameters Viscose products Cellulose acetate High-viscosity ether
  7. Pulp Yield as a Function of Process Parameters

mill project [15]. It demonstrates the potential for improvements and aims to set

Priorities. An increasing knowledge of the processes will doubtless generate the

Potential to balance the different interests of the conservation and the intelligent

Use of resources, with a minimum impact on the environment at best fiber quality,

To name only three parameters.

Environmental Aspects of Pulp Production


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York, 1983.

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Control, Reference document on best

Available techniques in the pulp and

Paper industry, European Commission,

Sevilla, Spain, December, 2001.

3 Draft main report: Development of new

Environmental emission guide lines for

Any new bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp

mill in Tasmania, Vols. 1–3. Resource

Planning and Development Commission,

Hobart, Tasmania, 2004


W. Sandermann, Die Kulturgeschichte des

Papiers. Springer-Verlag, 1988.

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Tappi J., 1971; 54(6): 962–967.

H. Klein, J.P. Franzreb, Delignifizierende

Bleiche von Sulfitzellstoffen mit Wasserstoffperoxid.

Eucepa Tagung, Helsinki,

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H. Solbach, Erfahrungen mit der Abwaserbehandlung

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D.W. Reeve, G. Rowlandson,

W.H. Rapson, The effluent-free

Bleached kraft pulp mill. Pulp Paper

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D.W. Reeve, The effluent-free bleached

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Fifteen years of development. Pulp Paper

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K. Kringstad, K. Lindstrom, Spent

Liquors from pulp bleaching. Environ.

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H.U. Suss, Die peroxidgestutzte Sauerstoffdelignifizierung

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Papier, 1986; 40(4): 150–153;

H.U. Suss, N. Nimmerfroh, W. Eul,

J. Meier, Approaches to minimize the

Formation of AOX in Kraft pulp bleaching.

Papier, 1990; 44(7): 339–348.

C.H. Mobius, Abwasser der Papier- und

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F. de Souza, M.-C Kolar, K.P. Kringstad,

S.E. Swanson, C. Rappe, B. Glas, Influence

Of chlorine ratio and oxygen

Bleaching on the formation of PCDFs

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N. Nimmerfroh, H.U. Suess,

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A. Geisenheiner, The German approach

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And implementation. Pulp Paper

Canada, 1995; 96(12): T414–T420.

14 www.aet.org/reports/markets/trends90–


Kretsloppsanpassad massafabrik,

Ecocyclic pulp mill, Final report KAM 1,

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Large amounts may be generated in the primary and secondary treatment stages.| English version.

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